Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 360: Isn’t it enough to have me? Yuan Cha! Soul devouring!

Time flies, and half a day has passed.

On the eighth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, Lu Tiandu sat quietly not far from Yin Yue, looking at the motionless Yin Yue.

At this moment, Yinyue, who had been motionless for more than three days, suddenly opened her eyes, a look of confusion flashed past, and she stared at Lu Tiandu not far away without saying a word.

"Silver Moon?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the faintly changed beauty in front of him and asked softly.

"Hmph, aren't you looking forward to practicing double cultivation with me? Why, you don't recognize me anymore?"

The silver moon in front of her suddenly looked at Lu Tiandu coldly, and said coldly with a condescending look.

"Longmeng? How is this possible?"

Lu Tiandu had a look of surprise on his face, with a hint of disbelief. Looking at Yin Yue, whose expression remained unchanged in front of him, Lu Tiandu's expression suddenly turned cold and he said coldly:

"I don't know what happened, but even if Yin Yue's soul is suppressed by you, don't be happy too early. I have a way to suppress you and let Yin Yue's soul take over..."

After saying this, Lu Tian knew that nothing could be done now and he had to escape from the hall.

The eighth floor is equipped with the Nine-Nine Demon-Slaying Formation and the Nine-True Demon-Suppressing Formation. Once the ancient demon clone comes out, it will be attacked by the formation here. Lu Tiandu will naturally not be able to release the ancient demon clone here to suppress it at this moment. Longmeng.

Although he was very powerful in the Nascent Soul stage, facing Long Meng who had already vaguely achieved the cultivation of God Transformation, it was naturally impossible to suppress a God Transformation cultivator.

The best battlefield is naturally the spiritual space transformed by the Black Wind Flag or other places.

Just when Lu Tiandu was about to use Wind and Thunder to escape from this place, Yinyue in front of him suddenly burst out laughing, with a charming look, his eyes were looking at Lu Tiandu affectionately, without any intention of taking action.

"Silver Moon? It's you!"

Lu Tiandu paused for a moment, looked at the beauty who suddenly became familiar with an expression of extreme surprise and said.

"What? My little master doesn't know your little secretary?"

Silver Moon Lotus moved lightly, twisting her graceful waist and walked towards Lu Tiandu, showing a half-smiling look.

"Humph, your master is not a little one at all! I believe you should have a deep understanding of this!"

Lu Tiandu felt the mark of the spirit beast between him and the four-eyed spirit fox, and said with an annoyed smile, "What happened before? How could this Longmeng suddenly take the dominant position?"

Looking at the beautiful woman who had walked up to him, although her temperament seemed to have changed a bit, Lu Tiandu already held the beautiful woman's little hand with a familiar look, showing doubts.


After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yinyue seemed to think of something, her pretty face suddenly turned red, she spat secretly, and rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu coquettishly, "You are a little man who has lived for hundreds of years, and I am alive." Compared to a woman who is tens of thousands of years old, isn't she still young?

With this charming smile, she continued:

"Master, aren't you confident in the baby you gave me? Hehe..."

"It turns out it was my little secretary who deceived his master. Humph, he deserves a beating!"

Lu Tiandu suddenly understood what was going on. While relieved, he raised his hand and slapped the little secretary's butt several times.


Yinyue let out a sweet cry, her beautiful eyes were slightly moister, and she leaned into Lu Tiandu's arms, her soft arms tightly wrapped around Lu Tiandu's waist, and she became silent.

"What? Does it hurt?"

Seeing Yin Yue who was suddenly silent, Lu Tiandu also hugged Yin Yue's slender waist, rubbed the beauty's buttocks with one hand, and said with a smile:

"I'll rub it for you!"

"Master, can I give you a beating every day from now on?"

Yinyue's delicate body, which was leaning in Lu Tiandu's arms, softened a bit, and she suddenly spoke.

"Huh? Since when did you have this hobby? Why didn't I know?"

Lu Tiandu had a teasing look on his lips, hugged Yinyue's waist tightly, and said with a smile.


Yin Yue in her arms didn't even raise her head, but her pretty face became more and more rosy. She hummed softly and fell silent again.

Lu Tiandu hugged the beauty in his arms tightly and said nothing.

In fact, through this brief interaction, it was obvious that Yin Yue was somewhat different, and based on the familiarity between the two, how could Lu Tiandu not feel that Yin Yue seemed to have something on his mind after the soul fusion.

But if Yinyue didn't say anything, Lu Tiandu wouldn't be able to ask further questions. He could only give her a warm embrace and let her know that she still had someone to rely on!

After a moment, Yinyue, who had been leaning silently in Lu Tiandu's arms, tightly hugged Lu Tiandu's waist, sighed quietly, and said:

"Master, you are the only one I have from now on!"

"What? I'm not enough?"

Lu Tiandu put one hand on Yin Yue's back, stroked Yin Yue's hair with the other, and said softly:

"Don't worry, your man will always stand behind you, and you will always have a chest to rely on!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yinyue's mouth showed a sweet smile, her beautiful eyes shone, and she suddenly raised her head. With Lu Tiandu's surprised expression, she kissed Lu Tiandu's lips passionately...

I don't know how long it took, but Yin Yue, who was panting and with a pretty rosy face, leaned in Lu Tiandu's arms and talked about her conjecture after merging Long Meng's soul.

These conjectures are naturally about why she, the eldest princess of the Silver Moon Sirius Clan, has not received any rescue from the Silver Moon Sirius Clan in the spiritual world for tens of thousands of years.

After all, her grandfather was the only Mahayana monk among the demon clan in the spiritual world.

If others are left behind in the lower world, they may have to rely on themselves. But after all, she has a different status, so why does she suffer such cold treatment?

As for her identity as Tiankui Wolf King and Wolf Concubine, she didn't even mention it. After all, the culprit of all this is Wolf King Tiankui.

After the soul fusion, the result of Yin Yue's guess was not very good, and she was even a little disappointed. Only when she was with her man, Lu Tiandu, did she reveal her true feelings.

Lu Tiandu had already expected this.

He had previously guessed the reason why the three types of Silver Moon had been trapped in the lower world for tens of thousands of years without any rescue.

And the one he tends to most is naturally the third one.

To put it bluntly, Yinyue was abandoned by Ao Xiao.

It is impossible for Ao Xiao, the old wolf king, not to know that Linglong's true body was suddenly sent to the lower world by the reverse star board, and what happened after the lower world is as long as there are still living monks from the spiritual world returning, or the three elders Kunwu and other human beings transform into two races. When a divine monk ascends to the spiritual world, he cannot hide it from Ao Xiao, who is a Mahayana practitioner.

However, Ao Xiao has not done anything about this. It is obvious that the value of Linglong trapped in the human world is already very low, and it is not worth spending a lot of money to rescue.

Whether it was Linglong's delay in advancing to the Void Refining after the soul split, or the interests of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan in order to stabilize the Wolf Clan's only integrated monk Tiankui Wolf King, or other reasons, Ao Xiao had to deal with the people trapped in the lower realm. Linglong's experience was indifferent.

As for why in the original plot Linglong used the reverse astrolabe mark in her body to reconnect with the spirit world, open a small reverse spirit channel and return to the spirit world and was taken seriously, this is just because after encountering this disaster, Yin Yue, whose two souls merged into one, suddenly Awakening the top-level seven-star moon body of the Silver Moon Sirius Clan, he has the potential to advance to the Mahayana.

In this way, Yin Yue not only regained her former noble status, but in order to quell Yin Yue's dissatisfaction, Ao Xiao also prepared to kill the Wolf King Tiankui. However, because the evil catastrophe was just around the corner, every combined monk from the human and demon clans was extremely important. , the plan to kill Tian Kui was placed after the Demon Tribulation.

As a result, Tiankui did not survive the evil calamity, so the matter naturally dropped.

"I've wronged you."

Lu Tiandu kissed Yin Yue's smooth forehead and caressed Yin Yue's jade back, as if to soothe the dissatisfaction and grievances in her heart. He said in a gentle voice:

"Everything has passed. Now that you are about to be reborn, let's forget these things for the time being. When I arrive in the spirit world in the future, I will kill Tiankui for you and make him pay for the mistakes he made back then..."

Lu Tiandu looked solemn as he spoke. Looking at Yinyue in his arms, he seemed to be about to say something. He continued:

"Don't worry, I have my own plan and I won't do anything stupid. And when I get your true body back later, I have a surprise for you!"


Yinyue naturally felt extremely sweet after hearing Lu Tiandu's words. She had felt before that she had found someone she could rely on in this life, and now she felt more and more that she had made the right choice.

"Yinyue, you must have heard of Qixialian, right? Your true body has been trapped in the Land of Absolute Spirits for tens of thousands of years, and most of the essence in your body has long been lost. After regaining your true body, I'm afraid it will still cost a lot of money. It takes a few years to restore your own essence, but with this Qixialian, it can save you most of the effort..."

Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that the master would have such a magical object in his hands."

Yinyue had a look of wonder on her face, "In this case, I would like to thank my master very much."

Naturally, I have heard of the Qixia Lotus Silver Moon. It only takes one more color every ten thousand years and takes 70,000 years to mature. There are only nine pieces of a mature Qixia Lotus, and each piece is of astonishing value.

The most well-known effect of this spiritual object among monks in the spiritual world is that if a monk in the transformation stage of the spiritual transformation stage can take one piece of mature Qixialian, it can elevate him to a small realm without causing any trouble.

As for other functions such as replenishing essence, making flesh from white bones, replenishing the body, etc., they will be discounted compared to this great effect.

However, for Yinyue, a monk who was once at the peak of becoming a god, the effect of this item on replenishing the monk's lost essence is what she needs most.

Now she has suffered a lot of damage both in her soul and her body. As for her soul, the two souls are now one, and the soul of the four-eyed fox that she had previously assimilated using the method of returning souls to one body has made up for it slightly. If she can swallow the soul of Yuan Cha, Not only can his soul be restored to its peak, but it is also estimated to grow a lot.

If she takes another divine item like Qixialian, there is no doubt that she will return to her peak. "If you have this magical object, the master may be able to cultivate to the late stage of divine transformation and ascend to the spiritual world."

Yinyue suddenly remembered the great effect of Qixialian on Lu Tiandu, and was pleasantly surprised.

"Yes. So you don't have to worry about me not being able to ascend to the spirit world."

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "Maybe when I get to the spirit world, I can catch up with your cultivation level quickly, Yin Yue!"

"Hehe, I guess it won't be difficult with your talents, Master."

Yinyue also smiled sweetly, and suddenly her eyes flickered, and she asked quietly:

"Master, do you really want to practice dual cultivation with Longmeng?"

"Huh? You're kidding."

Lu Tiandu smiled awkwardly. It was obvious that Yin Yue knew about the message he had teased Long Meng before, "This Long Meng looks arrogant and domineering. For the sake of your smooth soul fusion for Yin Yue, I will naturally take the time to hit her." …”

"Is it?"

Yinyue looked at Lu Tiandu with a half-smiling look, "But although I have merged with Longmeng, I can also separate her. If you are interested, master, I can't let her out and let her feel you, master." Very good..."


After hearing Yin Yue's words, Lu Tiandu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Doesn’t this mean that in a double cultivation, you can enjoy two kinds of beauty?

Secretary Yin Yue, you are so good at playing, right?

Lu Tian was extremely looking forward to it when he thought of Longmeng's extremely arrogant and joyful posture beneath him!

"Hehe, it all depends on your performance, Master!"

When Yinyue saw her master's lustful appearance, she immediately became concerned.

"Eh? So, Yin Yue, you are dissatisfied with your master's performance?"


After the two of them joked and joked for a while, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"It's getting late, let's go, we're going to meet Yuan Cha right now."

Amid Yin Yue's sweet laughter, the two of them returned to the seventh-level teleportation array together.

As soon as the black teleportation array was activated, the two figures on the teleportation array disappeared in the aura.

The two people suddenly appeared in the same magic circle. The surroundings were dim and dim, flashing with dim lights, and the huge wolf body sealed in the air also came into their eyes extremely conspicuously.

At this moment, Yuan Cha's split soul, which had been awakened by Yin Yue and Long Meng's soul, also woke up due to their arrival.

The huge black wolf head suddenly opened its eyes, and two cold gazes immediately fell on Yin Yue.

"Is it you? Longmeng? You actually got a physical body, and your soul seems to have become stronger inexplicably..."

Yuan Cha's slightly confused voice suddenly came from the black wolf's head.

"Yes, I got some opportunities, and now my soul has recovered a lot. Yuan Cha, let us make the final decision here today!"

Yinyue also stared coldly at the black wolf head, but she hid the secret that her two souls were now one.

"Hmph, the outcome has not been determined for tens of thousands of years. It seems that you are quite sure this time!"

Yuan Cha's eyes flickered, he glanced at Lu Tiandu, the Yuan Ying monk next to him, and asked:

"What? You brought a helper from the late Nascent Soul stage this time? Why don't you introduce him?"

"I've met Senior Yuan Cha in Xialu Tiandu."

Lu Tiandu chuckled and responded proactively.

"What a young human boy, I didn't expect that you are not only powerful in spiritual consciousness and incomparably powerful, but also have an extraordinary physical body. It is such a pity that such a person can only be trapped in the human world and turn into a pile of bones!"

Yuan Cha looked at Lu Tiandu carefully, then suddenly looked regretful and said, "It's a pity."

Just when Lu Tian was about to say something, Yuan Cha's voice suddenly came to his ears:

"Boy, why did I detect the aura of pure demonic energy in you? Have you practiced any other demonic skills that you are unable to achieve?"

"Senior is very knowledgeable. I have practiced several magic arts and secret techniques."

Lu Tiandu was impressed by Yuan Cha's amazing sensing power. He didn't know whether it was the aura of the clone or the residual aura of the demonic energy he had entered not long ago that was detected by Yuan Cha. He took the opportunity to admit that he wanted to see Yuan Cha. What evil intentions are hidden behind it?

"Boy, do you want to ascend to the upper world?"

Yuan Cha suddenly asked.

"Senior, do you need to say more about this? Which monk in the human world doesn't want to ascend?"

Lu Tiandu said with a candid look.

"To tell you the truth, I am a split soul of the Saint Ancestor of the Demon Realm. Do you know what kind of existence the Saint Ancestor of the Demon Realm is? A Mahayana monk! The top existence in the world. If you help me next, I will defeat him later. With this person by your side, I can help you gain demonic energy, modify your demonic skills, become a god-transformation monk, and even take you to ascend to the demon world, what do you think?"


Yinyue looked at the two people who suddenly stopped talking, and naturally knew that Yuan Cha must be promising conditions to win over her master. She chuckled, looking like she didn't know, and remained silent.

After a moment, Yinyue suddenly said:

"Okay, without further ado, Yuan Cha, let us make the final decision!"

After Yinyue said this, she found a clean place, sat cross-legged, and placed several restrictions casually, as if to guard against Lu Tiandu.

"Okay, boy, do you understand everything I said?"

At this moment, the exchange between Yuan Cha and Lu Tiandu came to an end. Hearing Lu Tiandu's affirmative response, Yuan Cha also sneered, and the black wolf head closed his eyes, seeming to be making preparations.

"It's a pity that no matter how many calculations you make, you can't avoid the fate of being devoured in the end."

From the conversation with Yuan Cha, Lu Tiandu also understood part of Yuan Cha's back-up plan, but he believed that this was definitely not all of Yuan Cha's arrangements.

After all, no one can reveal all their plans to a new acquaintance, even if the new acquaintance wants great things from them.

But Lu Tiandu also roughly understood Yuan Cha's counterattack methods from these arrangements, and these counterattack methods were naturally in vain under the various arrangements of Yinyue and Lu Tiandu, who now had two souls united into one.

At this moment, Yinyue seemed to be well prepared, and a small silver wolf shadow suddenly flew out from between her eyebrows. In a flash, the shadow had already submerged into the huge wolf body.

After a moment, the huge wolf body of more than a hundred feet suddenly emitted a dazzling silver light, and the black brilliance of the large chain of stars surrounding the wolf body flowed, and suddenly became thicker. At the same time, a layer of light suddenly ignited on the surface of the thick chain. Milky white flames come.

"Pure Yang White Bone Fire? It seems that Yuan Cha has been forced into a desperate situation!"

Seeing that the milky white flame was about to burn the wolf's body, Lu Tiandu naturally wouldn't let this happen. At this time, Yuan Cha's urgent voice suddenly came to his ears, "If we don't take action yet, when will we wait?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and his figure flickered, appearing in mid-air. Suddenly he reached out and turned over, and a small black cauldron appeared in his hand. It was the Xutian Cauldron that had not been used since the sacrifice.

Gently throwing the small cauldron above his head, as Lu Tiandu fired several rays of light, the Xutian Cauldron suddenly became several feet in size. Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand and pointed, the cover of the Xutian Cauldron suddenly opened a hole, and a green color poured out of the cauldron. The rays of light suddenly shone towards the huge wolf body.

In the blink of an eye, the huge wolf body was enveloped in the green glow, and it could no longer move at all.

"What? Lingbao? Good boy, how dare you betray me?"

Feeling the sudden confinement, Yuan Cha's sharp and furious voice suddenly came from this space.

"Hmph, are you, a demon-world saint ancestor's split soul, awesome? Since you think you are awesome, just in time, let my woman devour you and make her a success!"

Lu Tiandu sneered, and when he raised his head, a huge golden thunder pillar also struck the black wolf's head with a bang.

Being struck by Lu Tiandu's evil-proofing divine thunder, the demonic energy on the black wolf's head immediately dispersed, and Yuan Cha also let out a shrill scream.

Before she could use all her cards at the moment, she was fooled by Lu Tiandu's two moves.

Unexpectedly, this human boy was not only not a helper, but also the God of Death.

Seeing that Yuan Cha was injured, a silver wolf head phantom suddenly appeared on the silver wolf head. The wolf head phantom opened its mouth and sucked in, and a black light and shadow was pulled out from the black wolf head.

It seems that Silver Moon has taken the opportunity to activate the secret skill "Soul Devouring".

Although Yuan Cha's soul was pulled out, he naturally refused to admit defeat. He changed into various grimaces, all of them ferocious and ferocious, still biting the silver wolf shadow.

Suddenly, an icy cold snort came from the silver wolf's head, and the silver wolf's head suddenly doubled in size, swallowing the black light and shadow in one mouthful. The phantom of the wolf head shrank again and submerged into the silver wolf head.

"It's done!"

Seeing the black wolf head with dull eyes and suddenly becoming motionless, Lu Tiandu knew that something big had happened. (End of chapter)

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