Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 361 It should be wonderful for three people to practice together, right? Kill them casually!

The eighth floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, the spiritual space formed by the black wind flag.

At this time, an hour had passed since Yin Yue launched the soul-devouring secret technique. In the dark and unclear space, Lu Tiandu sat cross-legged in a corner and waited quietly for Yin Yue to finally escape.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the sky, and explosions came one after another. Lu Tian raised his head and saw that the dense sealing talismans of various colors all over the huge Silver Moon Sirius exploded one by one, and all the Turned into powder.

And the Great Zhoutian Star Chain, which is a magic-suppressing treasure from the spiritual world that wraps around Silver Moon Sirius, has now been swallowed by Silver Moon and has taken control of its true body, and the remaining true demonic energy in the body has also been absorbed. If you seal them all, they will naturally not have any effect.


A loud and cheerful wolf howl suddenly sounded in the space here.

At this moment, the thousands of palm-sized bronze mirrors suspended around Silver Moon Sirius followed Silver Moon's sonic attack, and bursts of "clicking" and "clicking" sounds sounded, and this huge sealing formation instantly transformed into Rotten copper and scrap iron.

In this way, in addition to the layers of water wave-like restrictions formed by the black wind flag, all three restrictions that trapped Silver Moon have been broken.

At this moment, in the void, layers of restrictions surged toward the huge wolf body like waves. A cold snort suddenly came from the huge wolf head. In Lu Tiandu's surprised eyes, Silver Moon raised a huge wolf claw and pressed it down gently.

With a "rumbling" sound, the void trembled, and a silver wolf claw that was a hundred feet in size suddenly appeared in this space.

The wolf claws patted somewhere gently, and with a "click" sound, the dark and unknown space suddenly burst open, and countless black whirlwinds raged.

Just as Yin Yue broke through the sealed space in the Black Wind Flag, Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves and used the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map to put away the four-eyed spirit fox Yin Yue beside him.

At the same time, his whole body also shone with colorful rays of light. As a result, before these black whirlwinds could hit him, his eyes suddenly lit up and he appeared in a place full of exotic flowers and plants.

The pure aura of this place came to my nostrils, and with a sweep of my consciousness, the gorgeous palace hundreds of feet wide in the distance and the eighty-one altars around it came into view.

This place is the place of recovery created by the ancient monks on the eighth floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower for Longmeng. It can also be said to be the real space on the eighth floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower.

At the same time, a thousand feet away from the land and sky, a huge black triangular flag that was a hundred feet high suddenly trembled violently and was about to turn into a stream of light and fly away.

As a result, a graceful figure in silver palace clothes appeared near the huge black flag at some point. A slender jade hand suddenly stretched out from the silver-sleeved robe and patted the flagpole gently.


The flagpole suddenly shook, and streams of black light flashed by. In the blink of an eye, the giant flag turned into a small black flag about a foot long, which was held by this jade hand.

This beautiful silhouette in silver palace attire took one step forward and appeared beside Lu Tiandu in an instant. A peerless beauty in palace attire appeared, it was Yin Yue who had just transformed into her true body.

Seeing the stunning beauty in front of him who was very similar to the previous Spirit Fox Silver Moon, but whose temperament was completely different, and who brought him a strong attraction, Lu Tian reached out and hugged her, with a big and fragrant baby in his arms. beauty.

"Should I call you Silver Moon or Linglong?"

Smelling the beauty's intoxicating fragrance, Lu Tiandu leaned towards Yinyue's snow-white and slender neck and murmured, "I didn't expect that your true body would be so attractive to me. I really want to eat you now." Woolen cloth!"

"Hehe, although Linglong is my real name, I still like the master to call me Yinyue!"

Feeling her master's hot lips on her neck, Yinyue suddenly smiled.

Her true form is the Silver Moon Sirius in the wolf clan. The name Silver Moon can also be said to be the name of the clan. Most people do not have the habit of using their clan name as their own name. However, for more than a hundred years, Lu Tian She is used to calling everyone Yin Yue, but she still likes Lu Tian to call her Yin Yue’s little secretary!

Feeling her master's hot hands roaming on her delicate body, Yinyue's pretty face turned red, she let out a cry, her eyes turned clear, and she involuntarily tilted her head and kissed Lu Tiandu skillfully.

A moment later, Yinyue, whose clothes were slightly disheveled and with an emotional look on her face, leaned in Lu Tiandu's arms, caressed Lu Tiandu's cheek with a jade hand, and said with a sweet smile:

"I didn't expect that this time it would be a blessing in disguise that I would awaken the top physique of the Silver Moon Sirius Clan, the 'Seven-Star Moon Body', giving me the potential to advance to the Mahayana. According to some of my memories, it was not possible before I advanced to the Fusion. It’s so destructive, but I can no longer serve you, my master, with my real body!”

Speaking of this, Yinyue also showed a look of regret.

Needless to say, the joy and excitement in her heart at the moment when she was freed from the prison of tens of thousands of years, and there was also the unexpected joy of awakening her special physique. She only wanted to share this joy and excitement with Lu Tiandu.

It's a pity that she can't be happy with her master at this moment, and she feels a little disappointed.

Of course, there is also some influence of the strong attraction brought about by the two people's special physiques, and Yinyue naturally knows this situation.

"What's this?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, gently stroked Yinyue's silver hair, and said with a smile:

"It's too late for me to be happy that you have the potential to advance to the Mahayana! This also shows that your experiences over the past tens of thousands of years have not been in vain. How could your master ruin your path just for this little desire?"

Seeing the moved expression on Yinyue's face in his arms, Lu Tiandu leaned close to Yinyue's ear again and whispered:

"Besides, don't you still have your spirit fox clone? Hehe, I'm really looking forward to the future dual cultivation with Yinyue, your real body and your clone? You think it would be nice for the three of us to practice together, right?"

"Bad guy!"

After listening to Lu Tiandu's whispers, Yinyue suddenly remembered some scenes of Lu Tiandu and his other confidants when they were practicing together. Reflecting on herself, her face suddenly turned red, with a look of tenderness and anger, and she leaned against Lu Tiandu. Feeling ashamed in my arms.

"Huh? Don't you like your master's naughty look?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, looked at the incomparably charming beauty, and kissed her again.

I don't know how long it took before the red-faced Yinyue hid in Lu Tiandu's arms and whispered.

"Master, please refine this space spirit treasure and use it for self-defense!"

Yinyue suddenly remembered something, stretched out her hand, and found a small black flag in her hand.

"No, I don't lack this treasure either. This thing has been with your true body for tens of thousands of years, and it can be regarded as a souvenir. You don't have any treasures now, so just keep it for self-defense!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head and did not take the treasure.

"Hehe, Master, since you have said that this thing has been with me for tens of thousands of years, when I go to the spirit world in the future, let it stay with you!"

Yinyue chuckled softly, "There are very few spiritual treasures in the human world here. Master, if you keep them with you, I will feel more at ease. When I return to the spiritual world in the future, I will not be short of any spiritual treasures."

"That's fine!"

Seeing Yinyue's expectant look, Lu Tiandu also put away the treasure.

In fact, when he uses a large number of original objects to pile up the Wind and Thunder Prison Map and the Five Elements Xuanzhen Sword into a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure in the future, the two natal treasures will be used together.

As for this human world, with the ancient demon's clone, he has already suppressed everything. One more spiritual treasure and one less spiritual treasure will not be of much use.

When he arrived in the spirit world, he had several spirit treasure refining methods in his hand. If he could refine all of them into spirit treasures, there would be no shortage of treasures at all.

However, this was Yinyue's intention, and Lu Tiandu naturally accepted it calmly.

"Master, my true body and soul have been planted with the reverse star chart mark. As long as the reverse star chart mark is activated, the special magic circle set up for me by the elders of the spiritual world tribe will immediately activate the power of the reverse star chart body. , forcibly opened a small counter-spiritual passage to take me back to the spirit world, but how will the master ascend to the spirit world in the future? Unfortunately, this passage can only allow me to pass through, but cannot bring others with me..."

Yinyue hesitated for a moment and finally expressed her worries.

Although she knew that Lu Tiandu had a magical object like Qixialian in his hands, this object could only be taken once to raise a small level. Even so, with the current limitations of heaven and earth, Lu Tiandu still might not be able to cultivate to the point of becoming a god. Later, he ascended to the spiritual world.

Before Lu Tian could say anything, Yinyue frowned and continued:

"However, in my memory, there are also secret techniques for monks in the spiritual world to arrange large formations to open up counter-spiritual passages. However, there are too many top-grade spiritual stones needed to arrange such a large formation. It is impossible to find so many top-grade spiritual stones in the human world today. ...Fortunately, Master, you still have Sister Ruyin by your side. Perhaps through Sister Ruyin's talent, this formation can be simplified, and maybe it can be of some use..." "In my memory, there is also a way to sneak into the spirit world through space nodes. , but this method is too dangerous. In addition to the World Transformation Pearl, I don’t have any other methods to refine the world-breaking treasures. This method can only be used as a last resort... But Master, your body is extremely powerful, and there is this piece. Space Spiritual Treasure Black Wind Flag, as long as you are well prepared, you may still be able to use this method to reach the spirit world in the future..."

Yinyue looked chattering. She hadn't returned to the spirit world yet, but she was more and more concerned about how Lu Tiandu would reach the spirit world in the future.

And according to Yinyue, she is not very confident in the method of simplifying the counter-spiritual formation to open a temporary channel. Perhaps she believes that only through certain stable space nodes can her man reach the spirit world.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu also understood why Yin Yue insisted that he accept the Black Wind Flag. This space spiritual treasure is still very useful in resisting dangers such as space storms encountered after entering a space node.

Lu Tiandu felt very happy to be cared about by his own woman. He smiled around the silver moon and said:

"My Yinyue still cares about me the most!"

After saying that, he kissed Yin Yue's pretty face a few more times, causing Yin Yue to relax her brows and laugh playfully.

“Actually, you don’t have to go to such great lengths!”

Facing Yinyue's concerned eyes, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"Believe in your man, I have a way to cultivate to the late stage of divine transformation and ascend independently. And I also have a back-up plan, I might as well tell you about it..."

Then Lu Tiandu talked about the true spirit Luohu Youluo.

Among Lu Tiandu's confidants, Nangong Ping was the only one who knew that Lu Tiandu and the real spirit Luohu had signed a true spirit natal contract, and Yin Yue was the second person to know about it.

Sure enough, after hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yinyue opened her mouth in surprise and didn't close it for a long time, as if she was getting to know Lu Tiandu all over again.

"What? Are you surprised?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the stunned Yin Yue and smiled.

"I didn't expect that Master, you would have such an opportunity, it's really unbelievable!"

Looking carefully at the lifelike white mark of the lion's head and dragon's body on Lu Tiandu's arm again, Yinyue's tone was full of surprises.

It can be said that Nangong Ping was very excited when she learned about this, but she was born in the human world. Although she knew from Lu Tiandu's introduction that the true spirit was extremely powerful, she could not confirm how powerful the true spirit was.

But Yin Yue's background and experience are completely different.

The two races of human beings and demons in the spirit world combined cannot attract a true spirit to protect them, which shows how poor these two races are.

As a result, Lu Tiandu, a young monk in the human world, was taken the initiative to conclude a contract with a powerful true spirit that had mastered the magical power of space. If she had not known that her man would not lie to her, Yinyue would not have believed that this would happen around her.

Listening to Yin Yue's eyes shining as she rambled on about how powerful the true spirit in the spirit world was, how the divine dragon could see its head but not its tail, how it was treated politely, etc., Lu Tiandu also pretended to be listening and cooperated from time to time. The look of surprise on the ground seemed to make Yin Yue extremely satisfied.

"Well, from what my Yiyue said, I'm really lucky!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, "In a few years, I will summon Youluo to come over and get to know you!"

"Okay, I also want to meet the legendary true spirit!"

Silver Moon's eyes were full of color, and she was really impressed by the mystery of her man.

Of course, if he knew that Lu Tiandu had two and a half Xuantian Treasures in his hands, he would probably not be surprised.

As for the Yaochi Pagoda where she lived before, she thought it was just a magical treasure obtained by Lu Tiandu due to good luck.

Now that she knew the existence of the true spirit Rahu from Lu Tiandu, Yinyue naturally no longer worried about how her man could reach the spirit world and meet her.

The two of them whispered again, and then Lu Tiandu said:

"Let's go out, let's get rid of these monks who came in, and let's stay in seclusion here for a while!"


Silver Moon nodded meekly, knowing that her time in the human world was short.

After she recovers her cultivation level, she will return to the spiritual world as soon as possible to make a breakthrough. In this way, when Lu Tiandu arrives in the spirit world in the future, she will also be able to provide many conveniences to the ascended Lu Tiandu.

They still have a long time in the future, so they don't need to care too much about this short separation.

Lu Tiandu also found several high-end storage bags and spirit beast bags for Yin Yue to use. The cloned four-eyed spirit fox was also given his own spirit beast bag by Yin Yue.

The two of them left the Demon Suppressing Tower. At this moment, Lu Tiandu had mastered the restrictions on Kunwu Mountain. Naturally, the restrictions along the way could no longer limit their speed. In just a moment, the two of them reached the top of the mountain leading to the various palaces. White Jade Plaza.

"Lu Lang!"

The two of them had just stepped down the steps when the figures of Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin suddenly appeared behind a jade stele on a certain stone staircase. The two women looked at Lu Tiandu with surprise on their faces.

"Who is this fairy?"

At this moment, the Bai sisters naturally discovered the existence of Yin Yue. Looking at Yin Yue's unparalleled grace and perfect jade face, they unconsciously felt a little ashamed.

"Yao Yi, Meng Xin, come here, I've met your sister Yinyue!"

Lu Tiandu was not surprised at all and took the three girls to introduce each other.

Yinyue naturally saw that these two women were beauties that Lu Tiandu had not yet taken advantage of, and she also showed a friendly smile and started talking.

As for the Bai sisters, they naturally guessed that a talented person like Lu Tiandu would probably have too few confidantes. But since they got along with Lu Tiandu, their hearts have been filled with Lu Tiandu's figure unknowingly, and they can only sigh quietly.

However, Lu Tiandu had left a message before that he had gone to the Demon Suppressing Tower, so that they did not have to worry. Could the sudden appearance of Silver Moon be related to the Demon Suppressing Tower? The Bai sisters secretly guessed.

The four of them communicated for a while, and Lu Tiandu also remembered the three people from the Ye family who had been taken into the magic weapon before. He said a few words through the sound transmission, flicked his sleeves, and as soon as the three figures appeared, they were instantly driven by Lu Tiandu. A piece of restraint caught him and sent him out of Kunwu Mountain.

At this moment, the formations that Lu Tiandu had secretly arranged before were completely revealed, and bursts of roaring sounds continued to be heard in the light curtain.

His consciousness scanned the remaining formation traces on the square, and Lu Tiandu naturally knew that these were traces of the seven-star crape myrtle formation and the strange insects in the formation that the Ye family had previously arranged.

Now there was only one formation left that Lu Tiandu had arranged. As Lu Tiandu took out a jade plate and started to drive it, within a moment, the formation automatically stopped running.

At this moment, an angry voice suddenly came from the formation:

"Hmph, you dare to use a large formation to ambush me all the way. I want you to die today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, five streams of gray-white energy suddenly appeared in the square and shot toward Lu Tiandu and the others.

In the gray mist, five skinny humanoid skeletons, two feet tall, emerged from the demonic aura. They are all tall in stature, their bones are as crystal clear as jade, and their whole bodies exude a hint of cold air.

As soon as the five skeletons appeared and flew away, they each opened their mouths and sprayed out a stream of green flames like phosphorus fire to cover the four people.

"court death!"

As a result, before the green flames could shoot out, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the Silver Moon Phoenix beside Lu Tiandu. He raised his hand and a ray of silver light shot out instantly. There was a "click" sound, as if something was shattered instantly. Then a scream suddenly stopped.

Gan Laomo, the extremely arrogant late-stage Nascent Soul monk, died instantly! (End of chapter)

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