Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 362 Whoever moves will die! Next time, let’s have a drink and chat with my senior brother!

"Blood Demon Pearl!"

Although Yin Yue next to Lu Tiandu moved extremely quickly, Lu Tiandu could still clearly see the traces of the silver light flying away.

The silver light instantly broke through the protective demonic energy around Gan Lao Mo's real body, and shot directly between Gan Lao Mo's eyebrows. In an instant, Gan Lao Mo's head exploded, and a blood-red bead the size of a fist appeared strangely.

This bead is as bright red as blood, flashing with a strange red light. As the silver light breaks through, a nauseating smell of blood spreads. It should be the biggest trump card of Gan Lao Mo in the original plot besides the Five Sons of Concentric Demon. Blood Demon Pearl.

The Blood Demon Pearl is famous in the magic world. It contains the Nascent Soul within it, which is almost equivalent to a second body. It is a treasure that few demons have ever cultivated.

I heard that in order to refine this bead, you not only need to collect the essence and blood of hundreds of different spiritual beasts, but also need to practice certain special magic skills in order to refine the bead and make it handy.

Moreover, the specific method of refining this bead is said to have been missing for a long time. But I didn't expect that it would fall into the hands of Yin Luo Sect and let the old devil refine it long ago.

This bead can resist any monk of the same level and buy some time for Old Demon Qian. Unfortunately, it met Yin Yue, a spiritual transformation monk who was still a little depressed.

Until the silver light shot by Yin Yue, who raised her hand with murderous intentions, shattered the Blood Demon Bead, the Qian Lao Demon Nascent Soul hidden in the Blood Demon Bead had not yet reacted.

After the silver light shattered the Blood Demon Pearl, it didn't stop. With a flash of silver light, Gan Lao Mo's black Nascent Soul was instantly cut in half.

A scream suddenly stopped, and Gan Lao Mo died instantly!

It was only then that the extremely fast silver light circled and revealed its figure, which turned out to be a strange silver blade.

This strange silver blade is half a foot long and somewhat curved, like half of a sharp and unusually sharp crescent blade. But if you take a closer look, you will find that this thing looks like a sharp nail on a wolf's claw.

This should be the flying knife magic weapon "Sirius Diamond" made by Yinyue using the true body of Sirius.

Its sharpness and speed are truly amazing.

Seeing the silver strange blade circling and about to slash at the Five Sons of Concentric Demon, Lu Tiandu hurriedly said:

"and many more!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yin Guang paused and did not stop the Five Sons of Concentric Demons from shooting towards Yin Yue.

At the same time, as Yinyue killed Gan Lao Mo with one move, the Five Sons of Tongxin Demon, who had been cultivated by Gan Lao Mo with his essence and blood, instantly went into riot and naturally would not rush towards Lu Tiandu and the others at this moment.

Five huge white-skeletal figures flashed and instantly turned into five gray-white mist, rushing towards the broken Nascent Soul and headless body of the old demon.

In the blink of an eye, the five sons and the demons counterattacked and swallowed up everything left by the old demon Qian.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

A series of cruel and strange laughter came from the mouths of the five demons. Seeing that the five demons were about to fly away randomly, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, flicked his sleeves, and a huge colorful sleeve instantly covered the five huge groups of gray-white mist.

The five demons seemed to feel some kind of intimidation, and five rays of gray energy rushed towards the middle, and instantly turned into a huge white skeleton.

The five demons merged together, instantly possessing the late Nascent Soul cultivation level. When they opened their mouths and spat out, streaks of gray filthy evil energy were about to taint the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map.

Lu Tiandu flicked his left hand, and several rays of golden lightning struck the huge white skeleton in a flash.

As soon as the evil-proofing thunder fell on the five demons who had merged together, the "crackling" golden electric wires instantly wandered on the white skeleton frame. The demon, who was still menacing just a moment ago, was struck by the evil-proofing thunder that restrained the evil spirit, and screamed in agony. With a sound, the huge frame froze instantly.

At this moment, the colorful sleeves on the demon's head were covered, and there was no trace of the Five Sons of Tongxin Demon in an instant.

Lu Tiandu took back the wind and thunder prison map, and then looked at the less than twenty Nascent Soul cultivators who had just left the formation and came in from the outside.

These Nascent Soul cultivators were busy breaking the formation a moment ago, and were removed from the formation in the blink of an eye. Before they could react, the leader of the group to break the formation, Gan Laomo, the only late Nascent Soul cultivator, was instantly knocked out by the silver The sight of Guang killing him with one move suddenly made everyone feel cold all over.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Tiandu's move of taking away such powerful demons as Wuzi Tongxinmo also surprised everyone.

It was not until this moment that the Nascent Soul monks in the field realized that not far from them were Lu Tiandu, the Bai sisters from Xiaoji Palace, and another stunning woman in silver robes.

"Old Demon Lu? Why is it him?"

"Where are the Ye family monks? Why did this old demon Lu appear in Kunwu Mountain?"

"Is it Old Demon Lu who set up the big formation before?"

"Did this silver-robed woman kill the old demon Qian with one blow?"

At this moment, everyone present, including Hua Tianqi from the Poison Saint Sect, Mrs. Mu from the Huaxian Sect, the delicate woman, and other Nascent Soul monks in southern Xinjiang, all had frightened faces, thinking of the incident in Jinjing caused by Lu Tiandu a few years ago. After the tragedy, everyone secretly took a deep breath.

The actions of Yinyue beside Lu Tiandu, who killed a great monk with one move, also surprised these people.

They instantly remembered the mysterious blood-robed man who was rumored to have appeared with Lu Tiandu back then. However, it was really terrifying to kill three great monks and several Nascent Soul monks in a few breaths.

Lu Tiandu scanned the faces of these Nascent Soul cultivators one by one. Unexpectedly, he discovered the two people, Dayan Shenjun and Han Li, who were hiding their whereabouts. He did not point out anything. He looked at everyone and said calmly:

"Everyone, this Kunwu Mountain is now my private cave, and I have no intention of inviting others to be my guests. You have no grudges with me, and I am too lazy to kill people to silence you. Don't resist, I am I will activate the restriction and send you out."

"Of course, if someone doesn't want to go out, then stay forever!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the faces of those who rushed in excitedly to hunt for treasure suddenly turned ugly, and some even moved their lips slightly, as if they were communicating with their companions.

They came in and broke through several large formations, losing two of their comrades in the process. Unexpectedly, these formations seemed to be specially arranged by Lu Tiandu to stop them.

And now Lu Tiandu is so domineering and wants to take over this ancient fairy mountain. Doesn't this mean that all the treasures here will be obtained by this person?

Even if they join forces, they may not be a match for Lu Tiandu and others. Isn't Lu Tiandu afraid that people from the ten major sects will cause trouble to him after the news spreads?

However, when they think of the illustrious name of Old Demon Lu and the indiscernible silver-robed woman beside him, most people don't dare to say anything even though their faces are ugly and they feel unhappy.

At this moment, Hua Tianqi looked at the other four junior brothers and secretly shook his head. Although he knew that this trip was not destined for the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, compared to the extremely arrogant but dead Qian Lao Mo, he was able to save his life, which can be said to be a blessing.

When everyone was silent, Mrs. Mu, the leader of Huaxian Sect, suddenly spoke:

"I have transformed into an immortal sect xylophone. Since Fellow Daoist Lu now controls the seals and restrictions of Kunwu Mountain, he must be very familiar with Kunwu Mountain. Could it be that fellow Daoist Lu is also a descendant of the three elders of Kunwu?"

"That's not true."

Lu Tiandu shook his head, "I also know a thing or two about the origins of your Huanxian Sect, but now Kunwu Mountain has been re-strengthened by me. No matter what your origins are, I now have the final say here."

After a pause, Lu Tiandu continued:

"I know you want to ask about the two heavenly treasures here. Yes, they are also in my hands. I am not afraid that you will know. If you have the courage, you can take them back from me."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's straightforward and confident words, Mrs. Mu smiled bitterly, her heart sank, and she asked again:

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Lu has ever met Senior Xiang before?" The biggest reliance of their Immortal Transformation Sect is their affection for Xiang Zhili, the Immortal Transformation monk. Now that Lu and Tian are in control of Kunwu Mountain, how can they go forward? Where is Xiang Lao of the mountain?

"Senior Brother Xiang? Haha, he is still trapped in a place. We will let him go later. Don't think that moving out a god-forming monk will make me afraid. To be blunt, I will let him go now. These two spiritual treasures are placed in front of all the god-transformation monks in Jin Dynasty, and no one dares to touch my things under my nose. Whoever touches them will die!"

Hearing Lu Tiandu's indifferent words, the other people who didn't know the truth looked at each other, but their hearts were filled with turmoil.

Transformation monk!

What is the background of Lu Tiandu? What strength?

He didn't even pay attention to the cultivator of the Transformation of God?

Are you going to kill the rumored old monster who transforms into a god at every turn?

And what is the background of this Immortal Transformation Sect? Why does it sound like it's related to Kunwu Sanlao? And there is a god-transformation monk named Xiang behind him?

Is there really a god-transformation monk trapped here?

Many questions suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

And when Mrs. Mu heard that Lu Tiandu and Xiang Zhili were treating each other as brothers, she never paid attention to the digital god-forming monks of the Jin Dynasty. She glanced at the silver-robed woman with no discernible shade, and secretly Sighing, knowing that this time it would be in vain, he remained silent with a blank face.

"Okay, no more talking nonsense, let's see the guests off!"

Lu Tiandu twirled his fingers, and phantoms flashed by, shooting several rays of spiritual light towards a jade pillar around the square. With a "boom", all the jade pillars around the white jade square roared together, and white brilliance flashed, which looked extremely amazing.

Although the monks in the field seemed to be waiting quietly, they were also secretly cautious, for fear of something unexpected happening.

At this moment, more than ten white haloes suddenly appeared in the sky above the square. As Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, a halo of forbidden light enveloped everyone in the field. In the blink of an eye, white light flashed by, leaving only two unremarkable figures in the field.

"Senior Brother Lu!"

"Brother Lu!"

When Han Li and Lord Dayan saw that they were the only two people left in the field, their bodies changed and they returned to their true appearance.

"I didn't expect that you would also enter Kunwu Mountain? How have you been these years?"

Lu Tiandu was extremely curious that these two people also came to Southern Xinjiang.

After hearing the two briefly talk about their experiences in the past few years, and that they had also refined the imitation spirit treasure of the Wind and Fire Fan and the late-stage Nascent Soul puppet, Lu Tian congratulated them, but he was not too surprised.

Previously, Lu Tian had left the matter of refining the puppets of the late Nascent Soul and the Tianji Mansion to the women in the harem. In the past three years, he had also refined two puppets of the late Nascent Soul and several Tianji Mansion.

Since entering southern Xinjiang, Lu Tiandu has never encountered an enemy that he cannot deal with, so Lu Tiandu has never used the puppets of the late Nascent Soul.

Lu Tiandu also briefly talked about his experiences in the past few years. As for coming to Kunwu Mountain, he also mentioned his trip to Yin-Yang Cave with the Bai sisters, and was suddenly teleported in by the teleportation array.

Hearing that the two of them were curious about the Ye family members who broke through the formation and came in before, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"There are many restrictions in Kunwu Mountain. There are more than ten Nascent Soul monks in the Ye family. Although there are two great monks, only three of them survived in the end. Now I can be regarded as the elder of the Ye family's Keqing. I sent the surviving three to Out of the mountains."

Hearing that the Ye family actually hid a great cultivator, Dayan Shenjun and the two were also surprised, secretly thinking that the first family of the Jin Dynasty was indeed not simple.

As for the god-transformation monk Xiang Zhili, the two of them had heard Lu Tiandu mention it before they came to Dajin. When they heard that old man Xiang, the god-transformation monk, was now trapped, they both looked curious.

Lu Tiandu smiled at this time and said:

"Let me introduce you to a senior first. As for Senior Brother Xiang, he is naturally trapped in some kind of restriction by this senior."

Speaking of which, Lu Tiandu briefly introduced Yin Yue to the two of them.

"I've met senior!"

Hearing that this stunning woman in silver robe turned out to be a cultivator of the God Transformation, Dayan Shenjun and the two were shocked, secretly thinking that it was no wonder that Lu Tian didn't pay attention to other Dajin Transformation God cultivators.

This senior was able to trap Xiang Zhili, who was known as the number one god-transformer in the Jin Dynasty. Coupled with the fact that Lu Tiandu was surrounded by a man in blood-robed clothes who was suspected to be a god-transformer monk, no wonder Lu Tian was so confident.

With such strength, no one would dare to complain even if he walked sideways in Dajin. As for the spiritual treasure obtained by Lu Tiandu, even if it was publicized by other monks, no one would dare to covet it.

Facing the respectful expressions of the two men, Yinyue nodded without saying anything.

As for the Bai sisters, everyone has known them for a long time, so no introduction is needed.

"Brother Dayan, Junior Brother Han, I wonder what you have to do next? If nothing happens, the spiritual energy here is pretty good, so why not stay in seclusion here for a while. This Kunwu Mountain spiritual vein is one of the best in the human world. , the ancient monks basically emptied this place when they left. In fact, except for two spiritual treasures, there is nothing of much value..."

After moving Xiang Zhili out, Lu Tiandu prepared to retreat for a while, and asked them about their plans.

The forbidden land in various halls here is ready to be turned off next to save a waste of spiritual energy.

There are many palaces and pavilions in the mountain, and the spiritual energy is extremely rich. If the two of them want to retreat, it is a good place.

"If that's the case, it's going to be troublesome for me (senior brother)!"

After listening to Lu Tiandu's suggestion, the two of them were naturally happy to agree. In recent years, the two of them have been running around here and there in order to improve their skills, and they have indeed not practiced well. Next, they are about to practice hard in seclusion.

Lu Tiandu nodded, looked at Yinyue aside, and said:

"Yinyue, you unravel the magical celestial phenomenon, and I will send my senior brother out!"

"it is good!"

Yinyue responded, silently sensing, and seemed to have found the position of the trapped Xiang Zhili. She made a strange seal with her hands, and a pleasant spell came out from her lips.

Lu Tiandu had heard about the ancient secret technique of Huan Miao Celestial Phenomenon from Yin Yue before. Its essence was just to seal people into a space crack temporarily formed with great magical power.

This crack cannot exist for long, and the caster cannot enter it himself. And because the space crack formed is similar to a cage, it also has many different names, such as "Trapped Immortal Cage", "Nightmare Pavilion" and so on.

And if you want to use this technique, you must at least be in the middle stage of divine transformation!

This secret technique is not very useful among monks of the same level, but it is very convenient for those with high cultivation to trap those with low cultivation.

On the side, God Lord Dayan and Han Li heard that Lu Tiandu and Senior Yinyue looked familiar as if they were peers. They looked at each other and couldn't understand Lu Tiandu's mystery even more!

At this time, Yin Yue's spell had stopped, and her slender right hand slowly stretched out, with silver light flashing on her hand, and she made a sudden stroke towards the top of her head.

With a "chi-la" sound, the originally unchanged sky suddenly revealed a blaze of colors. A five-color light curtain appeared in everyone's eyes. Within the five-color light curtain, an old white-haired figure sitting cross-legged seemed to be sleeping with his eyes closed.

And as the five-color light curtain broke, the white-haired figure suddenly opened his eyes, and his small eyes suddenly shone with light.

Before Xiang Zhili could use the magic power in his body to break away from the miraculous celestial phenomenon, an inexplicable pressure hit his heart, which immediately shocked Xiang Zhili.

At the moment when the magical celestial phenomenon was shattered, Xiang Zhili, who was suppressed by Yin Yue's secret technique, was wrapped in a restriction driven by Lu Tiandu. A white light flashed, and Xiang Zhili, who only saw a few figures below, was confused. He was transferred out of Kunwu Mountain by Lu Tiandu.

The moment Xiang Zhili was removed, Lu Tiandu's voice sounded in his ears:

"Brother Xiang, this Kunwu Mountain is now my cave. However, this place is dry and lonely, so it is not good to entertain my senior brother. When my junior brother comes out of seclusion next time, come and have a drink with me!" (End of this chapter)

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