Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 363 Xiang Zhili’s depression! No fairy can refuse!

On a beautiful mountain peak somewhere in southern Xinjiang, a winding path paved with bluestone slabs appeared. At the end of the path, a small white jade pavilion suddenly appeared.

In the small pavilion, there were several monks in the Qi refining stage who were talking loudly, and the topic of the discussion was naturally the huge seal that had recently caused panic in the entire southern Xinjiang.

Just as a young man in white robes was talking eloquently about the gossip he had heard from his elders, a white light flashed from the top of the stone pavilion. After a loud bang, a beam of light shot out of the void, cutting off most of the pavilion diagonally.

Then, while several people were stunned, an old man in green robes appeared in the white light, with a depressed and confused look on his face.

"Ah, senior!"

Although these low-level disciples could not see the true cultivation level of the white-haired old man, they could still stand in the air despite such movement. At least they were monks in the pill formation stage. These people immediately stood up in a hurry to say hello.

After asking from these people that this place was the Kaiyuan Mansion adjacent to the Puyun Mansion, Xiang Zhili was too lazy to answer these low-level monks at the moment. He flashed his light and flew towards the Puyun Mansion again.

"I was moved out of Kunwu Mountain by Lu Tiandu with some kind of restriction?"

During the flight, Xiang Zhili looked speechless and depressed when he recalled the message Lu Tiandu had left in his ear.

"Why do I always run into this guy wherever I go?"

Xiang Zhili remembered that when he first entered Kunwu Mountain about ten days ago, he saw Lu Tiandu hugging him. He was busy sealing the seal and was preparing to find an opportunity to talk about the friendship between masters and brothers, but he was trapped later. . This time, I just caught a glimpse of Lu Tiandu one moment, and was "invited" out of Kunwu Mountain the next moment. I was quite speechless.

"And what happened in Kunwu Mountain these days? Where have the Ye family monks gone? Why does this guy say that Kunwu Mountain has become his cave?"

Xiang Zhili muttered, his expression full of confusion, "Although it was just a glimpse, the silver-robed woman next to Lu Tiandu who suppressed the old man must be the one suppressed by Kunwu Mountain before. Now it seems that she was suppressed by Lu Tiandu. Tiandu has been rescued, but is this girl now the exquisite demon concubine from the upper realm or an ancient demon?"

"I hope it's Linglong Demon Concubine!"

There was a faint sigh in Xiang Zhili's heart.

Before he took the initiative to enter Kunwu Mountain, his main purpose was to prevent someone from breaking the restrictions and accidentally releasing the suppressed ancient demons, causing harm to the human world.

But now, from the strength of the silver-robed woman who could easily suppress him, he knew that this woman must be the one to be suppressed. Now that this girl has been released, he naturally hopes that Linglong Demon Concubine will win in the end.

"Time flies, and hundreds of years pass by in the blink of an eye!"

An inexplicable look of loneliness flashed through Xiang Zhili's heart, and there was no longer any smoothness in his expression.

Over the past hundreds of years, he and Old Monster Feng have been transforming into various low-level disciples, entering various sects passed down from ancient times to consult classics, and exploring various dangerous secret places in the human world, just to find ways to achieve transformation without cultivating. The method for gods to reach the spiritual world in the later stages.

Their greatest hope is naturally the counter-spiritual passage passed down from a few words of ancient monks, but hundreds of years of exploration have still yielded no clues.

Anyone who spends hundreds of years on something with unclear direction will doubt and question his choice countless times, and he and Old Monster Feng are no exception.

Although they have doubted it countless times, it is already very difficult to take a further step in the human world after their cultivation has reached their level. And if you want to go further on the road to immortality, you can only place your hope on the Reverse Spirit Channel. This is also the main reason why the two of them are determined to find a way to reach the spirit world.

More than ten years ago, they heard about the space node from a certain deputy valley master of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley. Although this matter was vague, it still gave him great confidence in Old Monster Hefeng.

By chance, while chatting with other low-level disciples, he heard that the Tianfu Sect had a good background. After a final investigation, he actually learned about the three secret talismans of the Tianfu Sect.

He has naturally mastered the only method of making spirit-transforming talismans that Tianfu Sect retains.

A few years ago, Tian Fu Sect met Lu Tiandu in surprise. Afterwards, he recalled several times that Lu Tiandu had revealed his purpose of coming to Tian Fu Sect. He secretly speculated whether Lu Tiandu had mastered the refining of the Sixth Heavenly Armor Talisman among the three secret talismans. method.

Since searching for the reverse spirit passage for hundreds of years to no avail, and later learning about the space node, he was also making other preparations while investigating the space node.

This space node is said to be extremely dangerous. If he wants to enter the spiritual world through it, the most important thing in his and Old Monster Feng's plans is the defensive treasure.

The value of defensive treasures in the world of immortality is higher than that of offensive treasures, and defensive treasures that can withstand space storms naturally cannot be ordinary magic weapons.

The defensive power of the secret talisman Liuding Tianjia Talisman is said to be extremely amazing. According to records, it is said that the spiritual energy is endless and the defense is unbreakable. Even if it is a bit exaggerated, it is estimated to be an incredible secret treasure. This is also the main reason why he has been lingering in Tianfumen for several years.

As soon as he entered Kunwu Mountain, he was trapped by Linglong into a magical celestial phenomenon. After the initial panic, Xiang Zhili actually stopped and waited for the demon concubine or the ancient demon to escape from the trap, and then asked for advice about the reverse spirit passage. thing.

Now that he saw that this woman had joined forces with Lu Tiandu after escaping from trouble, he secretly guessed that the soul of the exquisite demon concubine had gained the upper hand.

In this way, after the initial surprise, he was quite excited.

It is said that this exquisite demon concubine has a distinguished status among the demon clan in the spiritual world. Since she can take the form of the lower world, she must have a way to return safely.

In this way, if they can beg for it, wouldn't they also be able to reach the spirit world?

Now that he thinks of this, Xiang Zhili is still a little excited!

As a result, before he could say anything, Lu Tiandu, who seemed to control the ban on Kunwu Mountain, was "invited" out.

Of course, there is no need to elaborate on his depression.

Now in the whole human world, I am afraid that this demon concubine who came down from the spirit world is the only one who has an unusual understanding of the counter-spiritual passage. And this demon concubine may return to the spirit world at some time. This is a rare opportunity. Right in front of him, he wished that his escape speed could be faster at this moment!

"It's just that since this kid Lu can use Kunwu Mountain's prohibition to force others to move out, does he have already controlled Kunwu Mountain's prohibition? What if this kid used the Dragon Seal and the Sky Crystal Monument to re-strengthen Kunwu Mountain's prohibition? Well, that would be a disaster..."

When he thought of all the weird things about Lu Tiandu, Old Man Xiang suddenly felt uneasy.


Just when Xiang Zhili rushed to Puyun Mansion at full speed, the three Ye family members who had been sent out by Lu Tiandu had already lurked secretly after reuniting. While rushing to the secret cave that had been set up to protect the children of the family, they inquired about Follow-up news about Kunwu Mountain.

And as the Poison Saint Sect, the Huaxian Sect and other Nascent Soul cultivators in southern Xinjiang were sent out of Kunwu Mountain with ugly looks on their faces, they joined the Taiyi Sect Xuan Qingzi and others who were still lingering outside. This sealed place turned out to be Things about Kunwu Mountain, a famous ancient fairy mountain, spread like a whirlwind in an instant.

And the news that Kunwu Fairy Mountain was occupied by the famous Lu Laomo suddenly spread among the people's exclamations.

What made everyone even more unbelievable was that they heard that the two heaven-reaching spiritual treasures in Kunwu Mountain had also fallen into the hands of Old Demon Lu, and Old Demon Lu said in a horrifying tone that he did not even look down on the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods. It also shocked these high-level monks...

As for the news of the death of Gan Laomo, the last great monk of the late Nascent Soul stage of the Yinluo Sect, the bottom of the ten demon sects, it was naturally spread by interested people.

After a few years, the Jin Dynasty once again aroused a storm about Mr. Lu.

However, Lu Tiandu didn't care about the commotion outside at the moment. After sending him the gift, he asked Shenjun Dayan and Han Li to choose a cave for retreat outside the Demon Suppressing Tower.

After asking the Bai sisters to go into retreat on the eighth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower to refine the Infant Training Pill, Lu Tiandu looked at a lush forest near the square and said:

"Now that you're here, come out!"

Just as Lu Tiandu finished speaking, a black and white light flashed in the woods, and an ugly woman with a waist like a bucket and dark skin appeared in front of Lu Tiandu and Yinyue. She was Gui Ling.

"I've met the master! I've met the demon concubine!"

Gui Ling looked at the two of them with a respectful expression. "Since you have appeared, it means that you agree with the conditions that Shi Lei conveyed to you before. In this case, I won't say much else. Next, I will place a restriction in your body. As long as you act loyally, wait until I leave. The restriction will be lifted when you enter the spiritual world, and you will be given the opportunity to agree. The three-thousand-year agreement has expired, and if you are lucky enough to reach the spiritual world in the future, I can also give you a little help..."

Lu Tiandu said calmly. Yinyue on the side simply nodded and said nothing.

"Master, don't worry, your subordinates will serve you loyally."

Gui Ling said with a solemn expression.

If it was said that after Lu Tiandu killed Silver-winged Yaksha and Mukui before and controlled the ban on Kunwu Mountain, Gui Ling was overwhelmed by Lu Tiandu's power. Now he saw Yinyue, the demon concubine from the upper world. His relationship with Lu Tian was unusual, and Gui Ling's mentality changed instantly.

Lu Tiandu nodded and cast the forbidden secret technique without saying a word.

For monsters like Gui Ling and Shi Lei who have reached the tenth level, it is difficult to control the forbidden divine arts in the human world. However, Lu Tiandu has inherited many spiritual world secret arts from Feng Xian, and his spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of Gui Ling and Shi Lei. It is naturally very simple for the monks who transform themselves into gods to put restrictions on them.

"Okay, you can go to the mountains and practice on your own. I will call you if anything happens."

After letting Yinyue give some advice on Gui Ling's cultivation and teach him a demon clan technique that can be practiced to the point of becoming a god, Lu Tiandu waved his hand and asked Gui Ling to step back.

After the surprised Gui Ling stepped back, Lu Tiandu put his arm around Yinyue's waist and said with a smile:

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Hehe, who dared that person to yell at you, Master!"

Yinyue smiled sweetly and didn't care that she took the opportunity to kill Gan Laomo to vent her frustration, but she was obviously in a much better mood at this moment.

"That's good."

Lu Tiandu also smiled and nodded.

After being suppressed for tens of thousands of years before getting out of trouble, and also guessing that she might have been abandoned by her family in the spirit world, it is normal for Yinyue to have hidden unhappiness in her heart. It's just that he never showed it in front of Lu Tiandu.

This old devil hit the muzzle of the gun and I can only say that he deserved it. Of course, even if Yinyue doesn't take action, Lu Tiandu will naturally not let go of those who take action against him.

"Let's go back to Yaochi Tower. The essence in your body is extremely empty now. I'll pick the Qixia Lotus for you first so that you can recover well."

"Well, it all depends on the master."

Yinyue leaned beside Lu Tiandu and nodded lightly.

Her Silver Moon Sirius true body had not been nourished by spiritual energy for tens of thousands of years and was almost damaged to its foundation. Even if you return to the spiritual world and have a large amount of elixirs to make up for it, it may take more than a hundred years to recover. But with a spiritual object like Qixialian, it may only take a few decades to recover to its peak.

And if she returns to the spirit world in peak form and awakens the rare physique of the Seven-Star Moon Body, it goes without saying that she will be treated well after her return. And it is estimated that he will soon be able to break through the practice of refining the void and enter the ranks of true high-level monks.

After taking Qixialian for Yinyue and watching Yinyue retreat, Lu Tiandu appeared again in the White Jade Square of Kunwu Mountain, and in a flash, he fled towards the Demon Suppressing Tower.

"Huh? Why didn't you take Pei Ying Dan for retreat?"

After entering the eighth floor, Lu Tiandu smiled as he looked at the Bai sisters sitting quietly in the hall, wondering what they were thinking.

"Lu Lang!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu appear, Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin were suddenly surprised, and they both jumped into Lu Tiandu's arms.

"We haven't seen each other for a few days, and you miss me so much?"

Lu Tiandu hugged the two petite girls and smiled.


The Bai sisters looked at Lu Tian tenderly and smiled, but said nothing.

Seeing this, Lu Tiandu smiled and kissed the corners of the two women's mouths and said:

"Do you want to know the origin of your sister Yinyue?"

The two women nodded in unison, looking very curious.

Yin Yue's sudden appearance and instant killing of the old demon seemed to have left a deep impression on the Bai sisters. However, the information that Yin Yue's sister might be a god-transformation monk still left the two women with many difficulties. Confidence.

Lu Tiandu didn't hide anything, and talked about the process of getting acquainted with Yinyue and the origin of Yinyue.

When they heard that Yinyue was indeed a god-forming monk from the upper world, and that her background was very extraordinary, the two women were also filled with emotion.

After all, the silver moon in front of her is a living ancient monk!

"Lu Lang, sister Yinyue is also your confidante?"

Bai Yaoyi, who was leaning in Lu Tiandu's arms, suddenly blinked her big eyes and asked softly.

"Hey, what do you think?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and without speaking directly, his two big hands slowly slid down the waist of the two sisters.

"Bad guy!"

Feeling the hot hands falling on her plump buttocks, the Bai sisters suddenly blushed and started to squeal.

"You also know that I have a special physique and can't help but be attracted to the opposite sex. I didn't mean to hide it from you before, but I wasn't sure about your thoughts..."

Lu Tiandu looked at the two pretty and red-faced girls with a sincere look on his face, "Now that we are lovers, when I go to the Bai family to propose marriage later, you will be considered my children, and I will introduce you later." Get to know other sisters..."


Although the three of them had expressed their intentions before entering Kunwu Mountain, now that they knew that Lu Tiandu had other confidantes, the Bai sisters seemed to acquiesce.

However, the two sisters didn't seem to be too disappointed when they went from serving one husband together to having to serve one husband with other women. After all, even Yinyue, the god-transformation monk, didn't seem to mind, and they seemed to be unable to mind this matter.

After all, they never thought about leaving Lu Tiandu, which was deeply engraved in their hearts. It can only be said that after multiple offensives, no fairy can refuse Lu Tiandu, a playboy! (End of chapter)

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