Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 364: Refining the Demon! Accept the Le Saint!

"I didn't expect you to gain a lot this time. There are two materials among them that I have seen for the first time."

After Lu Tiandu listened to the excited faces of the Bai sisters in his arms talking about some of their gains from exploring other palaces in Kunwu Mountain, he pointed at two items among the pile of materials floating in front of the three of them and said with a smile:

"Speaking of materials, I see that your natal magic weapon is mixed with ten-thousand-year mysterious jade. I also have a lot of ten-thousand-year mysterious jade in my hand. I will give it to you later. After you leave seclusion, you can go to the Soul-casting Hall to sacrifice your natal magic weapon again. Practice some..."

In fact, apart from these two relatively rare materials, the other materials, magic weapons, classics and other things harvested by the two women were not very valuable to Lu Tiandu, but seeing the two women's excitement, he naturally Not much to say.

"Lu Lang, you actually have a ten thousand year mysterious jade in your hand?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the two women were also surprised.

This ten thousand year mysterious jade can only be generated in extremely cold places. Except for their Xiaoji Palace, it can be said that this top ice attribute material rarely appears in the entire Jin Dynasty.

Although their Xiaoji Palace has a lot of ten thousand-year-old jade, it is difficult to mine because of the lack of Yin Spirit Water. Even the cultivators in the palace don't have enough, so this top-notch ice-attribute material rarely goes outside.

According to Lu Tiandu, there were quite a few of these things in his hands, which naturally surprised them.

"You will know in the future."

Lu Tiandu laughed and did not explain in detail. He reached out and took out a small pile of ten-thousand-year-old jade, "You can use these ten-thousand-year jade to refining the few magic weapons you have. If you have any extra It can also be used to practice magical powers.”

The only four girls in Lu Tiandu's harem who specialize in ice attribute skills are Hong Fu, Wen Lan, Zhuo Ruting and Wen Siyue. However, since Lu Tiandu shared all three physiques of wind, thunder and ice with the girls, like the previous masters, Women such as Chen Qiaoqian, Nishang, Fan Jingmei, and Song Yu, who practiced water-based exercises, also practiced ice-based exercises.

Although the girls also mixed a lot of ten-thousand-year mysterious jade into their respective magic weapons, and the power of the magic weapons has also increased a lot, but compared to the small ten-thousand-year mysterious jade mine left by Feng Xian, it is naturally not worth it. Mention it.

The Bai sisters had long been aware of Lu Tiandu's mystery and wealth, but they were pleasantly surprised to receive so many ten thousand-year-old jade that would be of great use to them. They accepted it without refusing after thanking them.

"Okay, this is the place with the strongest spiritual energy in Kunwu Mountain. Next, you two sisters will retreat here to refine the Infant Training Pill."

Lu Tian recalled the creation pills taken by every beauty in the tower after they advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and continued:

"After you finish refining the Infant Training Pill, I have another pill that can help you advance to the late Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible."

"The spiritual energy in this place is several times more dense than the outside world. It is indeed a good place for retreat. After I refine the Infant Training Pill, I may be able to try to reach the late Nascent Soul stage after spending decades in retreat here."

Bai Mengxin had a sweet smile on her lips, and looked at Lu Tiandu with her bright eyes, "It's just that ancient pills like the Infant Training Pill are already so precious, but Lu Lang actually has a pill in his hand that can help people advance to the late stage of Nascent Soul. medicine?"

Bai Yaoyi on the side also had a look of disbelief on her face and looked at Lu Tiandu expectantly.

Lu Tiandu smiled and talked about the various effects of the ancient elixir of good fortune, which made the Bai sisters suddenly pleasantly surprised. Their two pairs of beautiful eyes hugged Lu Tiandu tightly, and their hearts were moved.

"Well, don't think that the late stage of Nascent Soul is your end. After you reach the late stage of Nascent Soul, I will have a way to let you advance to become gods and enter the spirit world. Our days are still long!"

Seeing the two women moved and looking charming, as if they wanted to rub themselves into his body, Lu Tiandu chuckled and said:

"After you break through to the late Nascent Soul stage, we will practice dual cultivation again!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the pretty faces of the Bai sisters became more and more rosy, they secretly spat, and with a coy sound, they leaned on Lu Tiandu's chest, but did not want to get up.

Lu Tiandu also hugged the two pretty girls tightly, and a warm atmosphere instantly filled the air.

In the original plot, Han Li was able to practice from the early stage of Yuanying to the late stage of Yuanying for more than 140 years without any bottleneck. Except for the large amount of Jiangyun Dan refined from tens of thousands of years of elixirs in Lingmiao Garden, which continued to increase his true energy, this good fortune pill He Pei Ying Dan made the greatest contribution.

Even if ordinary Nascent Soul monks do not have a constant supply of high-level elixirs, if they take these two ancient and rare elixirs, the chance of advancing to the late Nascent Soul stage is several times that of other monks.

After the Bai sisters refined these two elixirs, Bai Mengxin, who was at the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying, according to Lu Tiandu's estimation, combined with the other bottleneck elixirs he prepared, would not be able to advance to the late stage of Yuanying within ten or twenty years. question.

As for Bai Yaoyi, the advancement time may be later. But compared to Nishang and other girls who have never taken Pei Ying Dan, the advancement time is still much faster.

As for the three girls Hong Fu, Nangong Wan and Wen Lan who are refining the Infant Training Pill, the time to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage will be shortened by at least several decades.

It's a pity that spiritual creatures like Yin Zhima cannot be cultivated, otherwise his women's cultivation time would be shortened a lot in the Nascent Soul stage.

After staying with the two girls for a long time, Lu Tiandu left the main hall and returned to Yaochi Tower to calculate the harvest after the two girls retreated.

The biggest gain this time is naturally to successfully rescue Yin Yue's body and allow Yin Yue to truly return to her heart.

In addition, the two spiritual treasures of the Black Wind Flag and the Eight Spirit Rulers are also good gains. Next, he will take time to practice the first two levels of the Black Wind Flag's Tongbao Jue during the retreat, so as to incorporate the Black Wind Flag into his body as soon as possible. training.

This wind-attributed space treasure is very suitable for him who practices wind-attributed skills. Once he has completed the third-level Tongbao Jue of Advanced God Transformation, he will be able to exert the full power of this treasure.

In addition to the two spiritual treasures, there are the cave in Kunwu Mountain, the Heavenly Bracelet, the True Fire of Taiyin, the Fire Silk, the Fire Cauldron, the Demonic Marrow Diamond, the High-level Demonic Crystal, the Mokui Spiritual Core, and more than a hundred thousand-year-old elixirs. If the treasure is placed outside, it will be considered a great thing.

The others are the storage bags of the old demon, the big-headed monster, the square-faced monk and two other level 10 spirit beasts.

The most noteworthy among them is naturally the Five Sons of Tongxin Demon that was refined through the sacrifice of Qian Lao Demon.

Although Lu Tiandu, the Five Sons of Concentric Demons, despises them, they are still very useful to the currently weakest Xuanhun clone.

His two clones, one is a demon cultivator and the other is a ghost cultivator.

The ghost cultivator Xuanhun Clone has also had the opportunity to condense his physical body since he switched to practicing the "Shura Xuanyin Sutra", an ancient technique practiced by fellow cultivators.

This naturally involves condensing the true body of Shura after practicing the Shura Xuanyin Sutra to great perfection. For ghost cultivators who have no physical body, they naturally have to rely on other people's bodies to condense Shura's true body.

Previously, Xuanhun's clone had always been in the form of a corpse mandrill obtained from the Yunmeng Mountains. However, this corpse mandrill's body was congenitally defective, so naturally it could only be used temporarily.

He originally thought that there would be a lot of ancient demon bodies suppressed in the human world, and it would not be difficult to replace the mysterious soul clone with a powerful ancient demon body. However, since he made the ancient demon clone, he learned a lot of the ancient demon clone's memories. I knew I was wrong.

The Ancient Demon of Blood Flame was lucky enough to retain his body and spirit. It was only because the ancient monks wanted to torture him to find out from him the passage through which monks from the demon world crossed the world and came to the human world. They wanted to permanently solve this problem, so they chose to seal it instead of killing him completely.

As for the other ancient demons who came to the human world that year, they naturally did not have this good luck.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to find a powerful ancient demon body for the Mysterious Soul clone in the human world, so that it can cultivate the true body of Shura after advancing to become a god.

Since these two clones were made, they have played a huge role, so Lu Tiandu has no intention of giving up on the currently weak Xuanhun clone.

Although it is impossible to cultivate an immortal body like Shura's true body, the mysterious soul clone that has now refined the golden thunder bamboo armor, diamond shield, Shura sacred fire and other treasures and magical powers can still fight against the late Nascent Soul monks. And if you can conquer these five demons with one heart, and then use some secret techniques in Shura Xuanyin Sutra and Tianyin Juesha Sutra, you can refine these five demons with one heart and refine them into five sons with the same magic power as the mysterious soul clone. The incarnation of the Tongxin Ghost and the Xuanhun clone can be greatly enhanced in strength even if they are not refined into Shura's true body.

And with the suppression of the Furnace Shadow in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he is naturally not afraid of the backlash from the five demons.

And Lu Tiandu has a lot of Nether Crystals (soul stones) produced in the world inside Youluo's body. When the mysterious soul clones and their incarnations gradually become stronger, they will naturally be useful in the spiritual world.

After summoning the Xuanhun clone, Lu Tiandu flicked his sleeves and robes, and five humanoid skeletons covered with talismans appeared in front of them.

In the chest cavity of these skeletons, there is also a black skull, which looks a bit weird.

After studying the secret technique of refining the Five Sons of Tongxin Demon found in Qian Laomo's storage bag with Xuanhun's clone, after discussing for several days and figuring out a suitable purification method, Xuanhun's clone opened his mouth and spat out, The gray Shura holy fire instantly enveloped these five humanoid skeletons...

I don’t know what the chance is for these five sons of the same mind, but they were sacrificed by Gan Laomo from the original late-stage Jindan cultivation level to the early-stage Nascent Soul cultivation level. After being combined, they have the late-stage Nascent Soul cultivation level. It is indeed a good incarnation. .

As for why Demon Qian did not dare to continue the sacrifice, he was naturally afraid of the backlash from these five demons.

However, since there is a furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness of the mysterious soul clone, Lu Tiandu is naturally not worried about the backlash of the five demons. After being refined, he will naturally continue to cultivate it.

Moreover, after the Mysterious Soul clone successfully sacrifices to the five demons, the true body can also be hidden in one of the five demons at any time. When encountering an enemy, if they join forces, they can definitely catch the opponent off guard.

Time flies, two months have passed.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu also smiled as he looked at the five streams of white smoke floating behind the Xuanhun clone.

At this moment, a ray of fire floated in from outside the Eternal Life Palace and turned into a red transmission note.

Lu Tiandu picked up the transmission notes and listened for a moment, showing surprise:

"It's only been more than eight years, but I didn't expect Ronger to have advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage. This is a happy event!"

This transmission note was naturally sent by Le Shurong who had just advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul to announce the good news to Lu Tiandu as soon as possible. After taking a look at the five concentric ghosts that had basically been successfully sacrificed, Lu Tiandu's figure appeared in a flash. Main hall.

The main hall where Le Shurong practices daily.

As soon as she saw Lu Tiandu coming in from outside the palace, Le Shurong, who was sitting cross-legged on the jade bed, flashed with excitement, and in a flash she had already thrown herself into Lu Tiandu's arms.

"Lu Lang!"

Le Shurong's two smooth and white jade arms tightly wrapped around Lu Tiandu's neck like soft snakes, exhaling like blue, with a smile on her face.

"Rong'er, you've broken through to the late Nascent Soul stage in such a short time, it's really beyond my expectation!"

Lu Tiandu put his arms around the beauty he had not seen for several years and smiled.

In his estimation, even though Le Shurong had received a lot of care from him before, it would take several years for Le Shurong to break through to the late stage of Nascent Soul. He was quite surprised to advance so quickly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so fast, but it's thanks to the various pills prepared by Lu Lang!"

Le Shurong chuckled, "Listening to Lu Lang's tone, I must be more advanced than Lin Yinping in the late Nascent Soul stage, right?" She winked mischievously as she spoke.

"It seems you have guessed it. You are satisfied this time!"

Lu Tiandu looked amused.

The two saints of the grassland generation have always been in hostile competition. Before, the two could be said to be equally matched, but after advancing to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Lin Yinping developed several magical powers, and with the help of gold-eating insects, Le Shurong naturally suffered several losses.

However, she also practiced the ancient magical powers of Buddhism as a trump card. Although she suffered a lot, her life was not in danger.

After this back and forth, the two of them naturally wanted to overwhelm each other.

After Lu Tiandu got acquainted with the two saints, the two girls were captured before and after them. This "closer to closer" relationship, plus Lu Tiandu also teased them several times, naturally the two girls couldn't hold back their strength to compete.

But who made Lu Tiandu secretly agree to Le Shurong before? Under the secret tilt, it can only be said that Lin Yinping's loss was not unfair.

Of course, Lu Tiandu's embarrassment is naturally to facilitate the important event of the two women 'competing on the same bed' as soon as possible after they advance. Now that Le Shurong has advanced, it is time to reap the rewards.

"Hehe, I'm satisfied, why aren't I dissatisfied?"

Le Shurong had a smile on her face, and she seemed very happy when she remembered how secretly annoyed Lin Yinping was after she came out of confinement.

Her pretty face was slightly flushed at the moment, and her phoenix eyes were rippling with water, which was really charming. She rested her head on Lu Tiandu's shoulder, her slightly parted cherry lips seemed to be shining, and she chuckled and said:

"Lu Lang, now that I have finally defeated Lin Yinping, don't you have anything to reward me?"

"Reward? Don't you know that I wanted to reward you well when I first met you?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the charming and charming beauty with silky eyes and was suddenly reminded of the scene when he first met Le Shurong.

The boldness of this woman's clothing back then was comparable to that of Yuan Yao and Yanli long ago. And Yuan Yao Yanli was just a young monk back then, and the strangeness she brought to Lu Tiandu was naturally not as good as that of Le Shurong in the middle stage of Yuanying.

The short dark green dress wrapped the proud figure, the smooth jade-like calves and jade feet and the snow-white and tender lotus-root arms were perfectly exposed to the air, as well as the smooth and delicate slender jade feet and ten small toes. The colorful shiny nails on the top look even more mysterious and alluring.

If this was not the world of cultivators, Lu Tiandu would have really thought that he had returned to the open urban life of his previous life!

"Bad guy, you have bad intentions the first time you meet someone!"

Le Shurong smiled coquettishly and puffed up her proud breasts. She was clearly aware of Lu Tiandu's infatuation with her in certain areas. She had never been in line with other girls in terms of dressing in these years, so she had her own little plans. !

"Let's go, I'll reward you well this time!"

Lu Tiandu picked up Le Shurong, who was already a little soft, and all he could see were her long white legs and her alluring feet that shone with colorful luster.

Seeing Le Shurong's two jade legs intertwined and rubbing gently, Le Shurong's slight gasping sound could be heard in his ears, and the flames in Lu Tiandu's dantian became even higher...

...(End of chapter)

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