Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 365 Too hasty! The law, heaven and earth are first formed!

In the inner hall, I don’t know how much time passed.

After the double cultivation, Le Shurong was on the jade couch with a blushing face and eyes full of eyes. She put a slender jade leg on Lu Tiandu's waist, her fair arms caressed Lu Tiandu's chest, and suddenly smiled and said:

"I didn't expect that Lu Lang would have such a magical object in his hands. I am indeed a blessed person!"

Le Shurong remembered how after the two cultivated together, Lu Tiandu said he would give her a second reward and then shared the Yin-Yang Fruit with her. At this moment, she still couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart.

There is a 50% chance of becoming a god, and there are some bottleneck-breaking pills mentioned by Lu Tiandu. When thinking about the possibility of advancing to become a god in the future, Le Shurong can't help but sigh at the wonderful encounters in life.

"What's this? In the future, we will ascend to the spiritual world together. The days to come are still long!"

Lu Tiandu rubbed Le Shurong's smooth and delicate jade back with one hand and said with a smile.

Although he is already a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, the Yuan Yin from Le Shurong, a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, has still increased his cultivation a lot.

In the early stage of Yuanying, there was Nangong Ping, in the middle stage of Yuanying, there were Leng Qingqiu and Sun Qingfeng, and now in the late stage of Yuanying, there are Le Shurong, and later Lin Yinping, the Bai sisters and other women. With the help of these great female cultivators, Lu Tiandu It feels like the time it takes for him to advance to become a god can be shortened a lot.

"Hehe, no wonder Lu Lang can capture the sincerity of so many fairies, no one can refuse Lu Lang!"

Thinking again that Lu Tiandu could share his special spirit body with other women, Le Shurong smiled tenderly. Suddenly she seemed to remember something, raised her head, put it close to Lu Tiandu's ear, and asked quietly:

"Lu Lang has so many magical qualities, so it seems that the god-forming senior from Tiannan Yanyue Sect is also our good sister?"

"You react very quickly!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, stretched out a big hand to hold the big dumpling, "I'll introduce you to you next time!"

"Bad guy, you really know how to play!"

Thinking of the information about the Hiding Moon Sect and the other female cultivators of the Hiding Moon Sect that she was familiar with, Le Shurong blushed and secretly spat.

"Isn't this bad? Can I just watch them turn into a pile of bones?"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and whispered into Le Shurong's ear. After a while, Le Shurong's pretty face became more and more rosy, she bit her lower lip with her teeth, looked at Lu Tiandu with a resentful look, and said angrily:

"You're such a bad guy!"

"What? Don't you want to? Don't you want to be outstanding in other aspects?"

Lu Tiandu showed an ambiguous expression, "Don't you want to see Ping'er and I when we are practicing together?"


Le Shurong was naturally very curious about the scene when Lin Yinping, the usually aloof and holy fairy, was practicing dual cultivation with her own man. There seemed to be some movement in her eyes, and she glanced at Lu Tiandu, whose eyes were shining, and snorted coldly. He curled his lips and said with a charming smile:

"It's not like I got the advantage in the end, you big bad guy!"

"If you don't take advantage of me, who else are you going to take advantage of?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the red lips in front of him, chuckled lightly, kissed Le Shurong again, and said with a smile:

"I am also doing this to make you two saints feel like sisters. You are one of me, and you are one of me. We will become a real family regardless of each other!"

"Bah, it sounds grand!"

Lin Yinping turned over and lay on Lu Tiandu, rolled her eyes and said coquettishly.

"Hehe, if you agree to come down, I will benefit from you as a husband!"

Lu Tiandu's two big hands wandered around the beauty's body casually, thinking of the treasure in his hands, he smiled.

He was still very interested in the two great twin saints competing on the same bed in the prairie, but after getting along with Lin Yinping in the past few years, he naturally knew that it would not be easy to make this happen.

It is difficult for Lin Yinping to open a gap for the time being, but with Le Shurong's cooperation, the two of them will join forces secretly, and when Lin Shengnu is provoked, the matter will be a matter of course.

After the first time, it was easy to get used to it.


Le Shurong looked curious.

She felt that the Yin Yang Fruit given to her by Lu Tiandu was already a treasure of immeasurable value, but what other benefits could Lu Tiandu have mentioned?

"How about giving you a real spiritual treasure?"

Lu Tiandu turned over and sat up with Le Shurong on his body, stretched out his hand, and a green light flashed, and a half-foot-long emerald green wooden ruler appeared in his hand.

This emerald green wooden ruler exudes a faint light and is covered with simple and unusual lines. It makes people feel extraordinary at first sight.

This object is naturally the Buddhist spiritual treasure Eight Spiritual Rulers.

"Is this a real spiritual treasure?"

Le Shurong had a look of surprise on her face, her eyes were shining, and the waves in her chest were rising and falling with her mood. She reached out to take the green wooden ruler and stroked it non-stop, "It seems to be a Buddhist treasure?"

The two major tribes in the grassland have one or two inherited treasures, and they are just imitations of spiritual treasures.

Lu Tiandu only had two imitation spiritual treasures before she went into seclusion. As for the other women in Lu Tiandu, except Hong Fu, who got a dry blue cauldron in the early years and was used by everyone to condense the cold flames, none of the other women had any. What a treasure!

It goes without saying that imitation spiritual treasures are precious, let alone real spiritual treasures.

Is she going to get a real spiritual treasure today?

"This treasure is called the 'Eight Spirit Rulers', and it is a Buddhist spiritual treasure. If you have practiced Buddhist techniques, try the Tongbao Technique to activate this treasure!"

Lu Tiandu can also understand Le Shurong's excitement. After all, Lingbao is a precious thing in the spiritual world. What's more, most Nascent Soul cultivators in the human world have never seen such a legendary treasure in their lifetime.

Le Shurong suppressed her excitement, and the seven-colored light flashed between her fingers. The Buddha's light flashed and disappeared into the wooden ruler in her hand.

As for the originally calm wooden ruler, with the injection of Buddha's light from Le Shurong, the light suddenly flashed, and a stream of green light spurted out directly from the ruler, and actually turned into a piece of emerald green subtitles in the void, about hundreds of words. It looks like it's obviously a formula.

"This is Lingbao's Tongbao Jue? That's it!"

Le Shurong had heard Lu Tiandu talk about the common sense of Lingbao before, but she still looked surprised when she saw these ancient words on the light screen.

"Are you satisfied with this treasure?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and looked at Le Shurong.

"This treasure is too precious, Lu Lang, you should keep it for use!" Le Shurong played with the Eight Spirit Rulers for a while and shook her head, "We have Lu Lang's protection, but we can't use this treasure. Lu Lang's wishes are mine. I understand!”

"Since I said I would give it to you, do I have any intention of taking it back?"

Lu Tiandu smiled, "And I also have another spiritual treasure in my hand. This treasure belongs to the Buddhist spiritual treasure, and I can't use it."


Le Shurong looked at the wooden ruler in her hand and hesitated.

She naturally loves this treasure very much, but there are many women in Lu Tiandu. When no one else has a spiritual treasure, Lu Tiandu only gives her a spiritual treasure. She is also afraid of making the other sisters feel uncomfortable.

"It's okay. After I advance to become a god, it will be a matter of time before I refine some spiritual treasures and imitation spiritual treasures for each of you. Besides, after you refine this treasure, you might be able to help me. busy……"

Lu Tiandu seemed to see the hesitation in Le Shurong's heart, and said slowly.

"If so, then I'll accept it."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Le Shurong seemed to be relieved. She suddenly rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu and said:

"Huh, that's not why I agreed to accept this treasure. You bad guy, you just ate me and you're still lying on my bed. You want me to serve you with others, why don't you deal with me? Lin Yinping, you heartless person, huh..."

"Yes, yes, it's my fault!"

After hearing what Le Shurong said, Lu Tian smiled awkwardly. He seemed to be a little too hasty. But looking at Le Shurong's expression, she knew that after Lin Yinping advanced, good things would come in pairs for him.

Lu Tiandu smiled and said, hugging Le Shurong's thin waist affectionately again:

"I know that my Rong'er is the most considerate. Now I see that you have rested well, Rong'er. Why don't you let me give you advice on your cultivation?"

Hearing Lu Tiandu's words and thinking of Lu Tiandu's various methods, Le Shurong's pretty face turned red, as if she sensed something. She looked at Lu Tiandu who was already lying down, smiled charmingly, opened her legs, and lifted her head gently. Buttocks lifted...

Two days later, when the two were about to leave the palace to inform others and hold a celebration banquet, Lu Tiandu remembered something again and said mysteriously:

"Speaking of which, there is an 'old acquaintance' of yours in the tower now! Don't be surprised then!"

"Huh? Familiar?"

Lin Yinping is still in seclusion, what old acquaintances can she have?

As a result, Le Shurong was really surprised when she saw Sun Qingfeng, the master of Sun Daxian from the Tuwu tribe, who was smiling in the banquet hall.

"You are such a bad guy!"

Le Shurong smiled while secretly transmitting a message to Lu Tiandu, "I met someone else back then, and you got the better of me... I don't know what Lin Yinping's expression will look like when he comes out of confinement?"

She knew that Lin Yinping and Sun Qingfeng seemed to be good sisters! With that said, this bastard Lu Tiandu is really just taking advantage of others!

After these two saints become so beautiful, will there still be a sisterly rivalry?

And looking at Sun Qingfeng, who seemed to be very familiar with the girls, she couldn't guess that it was Da Jin who came with them when Lu Tiandu went south last time.

After quietly rolling her eyes at Lu Tiandu, Le Shurong started talking to the girls with a calm expression...

After the celebration banquet, Lu Tiandu and the girls also entered into practice.

There will still be twelve or three years before the monsters besiege Xiaoji Palace. During this period, he plans to practice the Black Wind Flag's Tongbao Jue and incorporate the Black Wind Flag into his body for training. Corpse beads and the bottle of blood heart pills obtained from King Xuan Ye.

He had already refined two Heavenly Corpse Pearls before. If he added these two body refining elixirs and the Dragon Scale Fruit, Iron Fetal Fruit and some Qi and Blood Pills that he regularly took, he estimated that he would be able to refine them next. After completing the fourth round of Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, he initially developed the great magical power of Law, Heaven and Earth.

According to Feng Xian's records, after he has mastered this magical power, he can fight against the god-transformation cultivators without falling behind just by relying on his physical strength.

He was still looking forward to this.

When he has mastered the magical power of Dharma, Heaven, Phase and Earth, if he has enough time, he plans to go to the Fire Realm to capture the true fire of the sun as soon as possible.

At that time, whether it is refining the Yang Water to revive the Xuantian Immortal Vine or allowing the Sun Essence Fire to devour one's Tianyang Divine Fire to enhance the flame magical power, it will be very important.

"If there is still enough time, let's completely resolve the grudges with the Tianmo Sect before going to Xiaoji Palace!"

A cold light flashed in Lu Tiandu's eyes, and he stretched out his hand, and a small black flag about a foot long appeared in his hand.

As the golden and purple true energy in his hand was injected into the black wind flag, the next moment, several black whirlwinds roared out from the flag, and soon transformed into a black light curtain in the air.

Above the black light curtain, hundreds of fist-sized ancient characters caught Lu Tiandu's eyes.

Silently reciting the Black Wind Flag's Tongbao Jue, after a moment, Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and sprayed out a piece of golden purple light to cover the Black Wind Flag, and began to refine this spiritual treasure...

A few months later, after Nangong Wan and the three girls refined the Infant Training Pill and came out of seclusion, Lu Tiandu gave the fire tripod to Nangong Wan for her to refine.

Next, while refining the Blood Heart Pill, Lu Tiandu also accompanied the girls. After all, for him, the improvement in cultivation brought by dual cultivation was no worse than taking the pill.

Time passed by and it was two months again. It was estimated that when the Bai sisters were about to leave seclusion, Lu Tiandu left the Yaochi Tower and appeared in the Demon Suppression Tower.

Seeing the two women who were very excited after refining the Infant Training Pill, Lu Tiandu gave the Good Fortune Pill to the two women to refine.

I don’t know how many years I have spent practicing, and more than nine years have passed by in a flash.

On this day, in the Hall of Eternal Life, Lu Tiandu, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly burst into intense golden light. A muffled groan suddenly came from Lu Tiandu's body, followed by continuous thunder in the hall.

The strange thing is that these thunderous sounds came from Lu Tiandu's body.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, who was sitting cross-legged, frowned with a look of pain on his face. The muscles in his arms and thighs seemed to be swimming strangely in his body like a horned dragon.

This situation lasted for a full hour. At this moment, Lu Tian was sweating profusely, and the golden light around him seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. But at some point, a golden figure appeared in the golden light, sitting cross-legged on Lu Tian. Behind Tiandu was the golden body of Dharma that Lu Tiandu had cultivated before.

After a while, a loud shout suddenly came from the mouth of Lu Tiandu, who looked ferocious:


With the word "合" coming out, the golden body of Dharma Prime sitting cross-legged behind Lu Tiandu seemed to have received an order, and in a flash, it overlapped with Lu Tiandu's real body.

"The laws of heaven and earth are fulfilled!"

Suddenly, at the moment when the real body and the golden body overlapped, the seal in Lu Tiandu's hand changed strangely. When he shouted violently, the thick golden light around him suddenly disappeared into his body.

With a "wow" sound, a gust of wind whipped up out of thin air in the windless hall. After a closer look, a three-foot-tall figure in white appeared strangely where Lu Tiandu was sitting cross-legged.

The three-foot-tall little giant suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of golden light suddenly shot out from his eyes, impacting for several feet before dissipating.

"Finally got started with this magical power!"

Lu Tiandu murmured and took stock of his current changes. Because he is wearing a robe that can change in size, he is not afraid of the clothes being torn.

As he stood up, a ten-foot-tall giant appeared in full view in the hall that was more than ten feet high. (End of chapter)

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