Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 366: Want to destroy all demons! The Bai sisters leave! The sun is so hot!

"This... I didn't expect that after using the Law of Heaven and Earth, not only the strength increased several times, but the defense seemed to also increase a lot!"

Feeling the infinite power contained in his body, Lu Tiandu, who was walking in the hall now and still adapting to the changes, had his eyes gleaming and murmured, then looked at the roof of the hall not far above his head:

"This place is a bit small, let's go outside and test it out!"

In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu, who transformed from a ten-foot giant to a normal height, casually shot out a spiritual light. After opening the restriction in the palace, his figure flashed and he had arrived in front of a small rock mountain not far from Tongtian Peak. He once again used Magic Heaven. The magical power of phase and earth.

As Lu Tiandu's huge slap came down, with a "boom", a hill dozens of feet high instantly became torn into pieces, as if it was about to fall to the ground at any time.

He raised his foot and shook slightly, and the ground beneath his feet instantly cracked, filled with holes several feet wide.

"Not bad!"

Seeing the damage caused casually, Lu Tian was extremely satisfied and couldn't help but smile.

Without running the technique, just relying on the increased power after using the magic power of law, heaven, phase and earth, the attack power is already several times that of before.

After releasing a few more ancient treasures and testing the current physical defense, Lu Tiandu was very satisfied.

Now even if he doesn't turn the Wind and Thunder Prison Diagram into a robe as the first layer of defense, he will be attacked several times by top-level ancient treasures, which will only cause some damage to him.

"The huge effect of using this magical power is beyond my expectation. Sure enough, the pain I suffered before was worth it!"

Thinking of the several times he used the secret techniques in the exercises to exercise his internal organs, and the pain he suffered in the process of finally meeting the conditions for practicing this magical power, Lu Tiandu also secretly lamented that the pain was worth it.

"Now let's try the ultimate strength of the current body training!"

As Lu Tiandu started to use his skills, he felt that the skin all over his body was instantly coated with a soft jade-like light golden film, and his exposed head and hands instantly emitted a soft golden light.

If you take off your clothes at this moment, it will be obvious that he is a huge golden man full of inexplicable mystery.

"In the past, after running the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, it was just a layer of golden light to protect the body. Now, after running the Kung Fu Technique, it turns into a golden film?"

Lu Tian clenched his fist and felt the strange flexibility of this golden film, which made Lu Tian curious.

Gently waved a palm that was about ten feet long, and slapped it down. There was a muffled groan and a "crash" from the stone mountain. The hill that was just the same size before and was only broken into pieces by the slap instantly turned into fist-sized stones. "Crash!" Roll away.

"Not bad, not bad! The attack power has increased a lot compared to before, and this technique finally looks different now!"

Looking at the palms that had not changed at all, he continued to test, damaging two ancient treasures used to test the attack, and turning the area within a radius into dust. His face looked excited.

Then he used the Tianji Sword, a powerful imitation spiritual treasure, and stabbed or slashed with all his strength to test his current defense. The result was only some white marks on his hands and neck. , which surprised him.

Relatively speaking, after casting the Heaven and Earth, the increased defense power is much higher than the attack power, which naturally greatly improves the life-saving ability of the monks who practice this body training method.

In this way, in his estimation, it would take a spiritual treasure to break the defense after he exerted all his strength on the body training technique.

"No wonder it is recorded in Feng Xian's notes that if he can develop this magical power after completing the fourth round of skills, he will be enough to challenge the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods!"

Lu Tiandu sighed.

In addition to having a single attack method, a simple body refiner's main disadvantage is that he cannot fly and escape. Facing long-distance attacks from aerial immortal cultivators, he can only deal with them passively.

But if the physical training strength reaches a certain level, like him now.

It's like the monk flying a kite, but as long as he can't break his defense in a short time, and he can find the right opportunity to destroy the opponent's magic weapon at any time, it only takes a few rounds to make the opponent uncomfortable.

But he is not just a body refiner. Now that he has mastered the great magical power of body refinement and combined with his various methods of immortality, as long as he can get up close, it does not seem to be difficult to kill the god transformation monk.

"Now, I have only completed the fourth turn of using the Dharma, Heaven and Earth, and I have such magical powers. If I reach the fifth turn, how powerful it will be, it is really exciting!"

Records about the magical powers of Fa, Tian, ​​and Earth flashed through Lu Tiandu's mind, and his heart became increasingly hot.

This magical power called "Fa Tian Xiang Earth" naturally has more than the power in front of him. Now that he is only ten feet tall, he is just getting started.

According to the records of the skill, after the ninth turn is completed, the power of this magical power can be truly displayed when it can turn into a giant hundreds of feet tall. At that time, it will be easy to move mountains and reclaim seas with every move.

"It's a pity that Feng Xian only obtained the first five-turn skills back then, and lacked the fourth-turn skills. Although the human world now lacks high-level monster flesh and blood or body refining holy medicine, it has the next hundreds of years to use dragons to It is very possible for the Scale Fruit and the Iron Fetus Fruit to reach the fifth level! When we get to the spirit world, we have to investigate the follow-up of this technique!"

Lu Tiandu became thoughtful.

According to the normal records of the practice, only the fifth turn can be used to practice this method. The magical power of heaven and earth can only be practiced in the fifth turn. The fact that Lu Tian was able to successfully complete this practice in the fourth turn is inseparable from the countless body refining pills and spiritual fruits that he takes daily. .

"This technique seems to have an extraordinary origin in Feng Xian's notes. Now it seems that it has great potential, so the girls will not be able to relax in their practice in the future."

Lu Tiandu’s previous plan was for the girls to supplement the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, and it would be enough to practice until they reach the third level. This is also the main reason why he has not collected the flesh and blood of monsters in recent years. After all, the previous stock is basically enough. .

But now that he has mastered the magical power of Law, Heaven and Earth, he has discovered the extraordinary power of this skill. If the girls in the harem can practice to the fifth level and cultivate this magical power of Law, Heaven and Earth, their absolute strength will be greatly increased.

"So, it seems that it is necessary to take the time to destroy the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, a place where monsters gather in the interior of the Jin Dynasty!"

In this human world, more than 90% of the land belongs to the human race. Even if there are demon cultivators, they only exist in some remote counties, ruins or directly in the ocean. For example, the demon cultivators Lu Tiandu met when he first entered Liaozhou, a state in the northeastern part of the Jin Dynasty, are examples.

The only exception is the Demon Clan's powerful force in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, which occupies hundreds of thousands of miles inland.

The fact that the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons occupies such a territory in the inland area surrounded by human monks is naturally inseparable from the existence of Che Laoyao, the master of the valley who transformed into a god.

Among the monks of the same level, the demon cultivators are several points stronger than the human monks with their powerful bodies. Naturally, it is not something that one or two god-transformation cultivators can do to take down the old demon Che.

As for the cultivators of the Transformation God, as long as the demon cultivators in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons cannot openly break the agreement and slaughter human beings wantonly, they will naturally not waste their essence to do such a thankless thing as slaying demons.

In this way, it also recognized the existence of the great force in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons in disguise.

However, Lu Tiandu naturally sneered at this.

With such a piece of land, there is no problem in supporting two top sects, so there is no reason to take advantage of the demon clan.

Not to mention the benefits of destroying the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, it is a matter of huge profits. Taking into account the previous conflict with Ten Thousand Demons Valley and the subsequent siege of Xiaoji Palace by Ten Thousand Demons Valley, there is no need to find any more reasons.

"We haven't seen each other for a few years. Let's go see how the Bai sisters are doing outside." After making up his mind, Lu Tiandu turned into a normal person again, put away the treasures around him, and left the world of stone beads.

Now ten years have passed since the Kunwu Mountain incident. In these years, in addition to Le Shurong, the five women Song Yu, Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting, Liu Yu and Han Yunzhi have condensed into Nascent Soul, and Wen Siyue The two girls, Mu Peiling and Mu Peiling, have also advanced to the late stage of elixir formation. The other girls' cultivation levels have also increased, and the Yaochi Palace has become more and more vibrant.

As for the Bai sisters, although they have not seen each other for several years, with some of the elixirs he gave them, the two girls should have improved a lot.

When Lu Tiandu appeared in a heavenly secret palace refined by the harem girls on the eighth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, he saw several transmission notes hovering in the palace at a glance.

After turning on the transmission talisman and listening for a moment, Lu Tiandu put away the transmission talisman, released the restrictions, and left the cave.

"Lu Lang! You're out of seclusion!"

As soon as Lu Tiandu went out, the fragrant wind blew in front of him, and the two sisters of the Bai family appeared with surprised faces.

"What's wrong? But what happened?"

Lu Tiandu smiled and took the two women's hands and asked.

This was the first time in so many years that he received transmission notes from two women. It seemed that something was going on. However, Lu Tiandu had just scanned the cultivation levels of the two women, and they had indeed improved a lot. Among them, Bai Mengxin was only just one step away from the late Nascent Soul stage.

Therefore, the problem probably does not lie with the training of the two women.

After hearing what the two women said, Lu Tiandu knew what was going on. He nodded and said:

"According to what you said, Xiaoji Palace has issued an emergency summons to you elders, and it may be a major event such as the invasion of monsters. It is really not good for you to stay here to practice any longer. It is only right to return to the palace."

"But I have one more important thing to do after I leave seclusion this time, so I can't go back with you for the time being. In this way, I will ask Gui Ling and Shi Lei to accompany you to protect you. You should also take these two imitation spiritual treasures with you. Protect yourself on your body..."

With that said, Lu Tiandu sent a message to Gui Ling through the Soul Seal, released the practicing Shi Lei from the tower, and then turned over his hands and took out the two treasures, the Flying Sea Shuttle and the Pingshan Seal that the two women had returned to him.

Ten days ago, the Bai sisters received an urgent message from the sect through the ancient jade talisman similar to the Wanli Talisman they wore with them. The general meaning was that there was a suspected gathering of demons. Perhaps once in hundreds of years, the demons from the Ten Thousand Demon Valley attacked Xiaoji Palace to seek for it. Hanmui's plan has been advanced, and from the intelligence point of view, it seems that the ice sea monster cultivator is also involved.

Because they were on alert in advance and recalled the elders who were away to return to the sect for defense, the Bai family sisters were not in a hurry. Even though the transmission talisman was issued, Lu Tiandu didn't get too nervous since he never came out of seclusion.

After all, they couldn't go out without Lu Tiandu's permission. Of course, as time went on, they couldn't help but break the ban and remind Lu Tiandu inside.

"Well, thank you Lu Lang!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's arrangement, although Lu Tian was unable to accompany them back, with these two tenth-level monsters and two imitation spiritual treasures, their protective power in the palace was greatly increased. Bai Yao Yihe Bai Mengxin also beamed.

"Don't worry, I believe it won't be a big deal."

Lu Tiandu smiled and patted the two women on the shoulders, "When I finish handling the matter, I will go to Xiaoji Palace to meet you. And you are wearing the Pingshan Seal, which naturally shows your relationship with me. If these demon cultivators do whatever they want, Once this happens, I will destroy these monsters!"

According to the plot, the incident of the demonic beasts besieging Xiaoji Palace took place more than two years later. Now it is unknown whether the people in Xiaoji Palace discovered the traces of the demons in advance and took precautions or there were some changes. Lu Tiandu couldn't guess.

However, with two tenth-level demon cultivators and two imitation spiritual treasures, as long as Master Hanli is not in the process of breaking through to the gods, and there are still middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators like the Bai sisters returning, there won't be any big problems in Xiaoji Palace.

"That's right. If they knew about the relationship between Lu Lang and our Xiaoji Palace, I think these demon cultivators would be very jealous."

The Bai sisters also realized that Lu Tiandu had asked them to carry the profound meaning of Pingshan Yin, and chuckled.

After the Jinjing incident and the Kunwu Mountain incident, I am afraid that even the God Transformation monks are not willing to provoke Lu Tiandu, so it is natural to frighten these demon clans.

A moment later, after Gui Ling appeared and gave some instructions, everyone left the Demon Suppression Tower, and Lu Tiandu activated the restraint to send them out.

"Now that I am going out of the mountain, Han Li and Shenjun Dayan may still be in retreat. We need to leave them with a way out of Kunwu Mountain."

Lu Tiandu went to the place where Han Li and Dayan Shenjun were retreating again, and sure enough, the two were still in retreat.

According to Lu Tiandu's guess, the two of them are now estimated to have entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul. This Kunwu Mountain can also be regarded as a treasured land for cultivation. Although it is not as good as the blessed land of the boundless sea in the south, it is still rare. It is estimated that the two of them have no intention of leaving the seclusion in the short term.

After refining two talismans to leave Kunwu Mountain and leaving them to the two of them, Lu Tiandu activated the restriction of the Demon Suppression Tower. With a flash of his figure, he also left Kunwu Mountain and headed for the Hell of Fire.

The "Hell of Fire", one of the seven forbidden areas of the Jin Dynasty, is located in the southeast of the Jin Dynasty and has existed since ancient times.

In this land of fire, which is equivalent to half a state, almost no colors can be seen except black and red, and the area that stretches for countless thousands of miles is dotted with countless large and small volcanoes.

Some are as high as ten thousand feet, and some are only more than a hundred feet, like hills.

As for these volcanoes, some have extremely red mountain passes, flashing with astonishing fire, some are lifeless and turn black, and some are simply rumbling continuously, with steaming lava surging wildly.

Over this land, there is a thick layer of black and red fire clouds. On the ground near each volcano, it is dark, with an unknown layer of volcanic ash deposited there. There was also a stinging sulfur smell in the lower altitudes. It was extremely hot, and the temperature was far from comparable outside.

"This place is really strange!"

More than a month later, Lu Tiandu, who rushed to the forbidden area of ​​​​the Fire Hell from Nanjiang County, let out his spiritual consciousness to scan this strange terrain and murmured.

Although this place is extremely dangerous, from time to time there are monks who plunge directly into a certain crater on the periphery and disappear. It is obvious that they entered it to search for fire-attribute materials.

Of course, one of the "Seven Forbidden Lands" in the true sense does not refer to such a wide area on the ground, but only refers to a large mountainous area in the center of Hell.

This entire area was shrouded in thick red mist, stretching for thousands of miles and no one knew how vast it was. Only this red mist is the real forbidden area. Even if the Nascent Soul monks enter it, few will leave alive.

Therefore, usually no monks can be seen near this sea of ​​fog.

Lu Tiandu flashed away and flew towards the center of the Hell.

Although he knew from the original plot that the ray of true sun fire was in the center of the hell, it could be seduced by the true lunar fire. But after all, he had never searched for Master Hanli's soul, and the exact location was not clear.

After all, this fire comes and goes without a trace, and being in this hell, it is extremely difficult to catch it. Otherwise, Master Hanli would have known the whereabouts of the fire and he was also a great monk. How could he not collect it?

However, even if Master Hanli came in person, he probably only knew the location decades ago, and would still have to search everywhere. Therefore, Lu Tiandu was too lazy to exchange this information with Master Hanli.

There are many dangers in this fire hell. In addition to the power of thunder and fire transformed by the fire spirits and earth spirits, there are also many unimaginable fire-attribute monsters inhabiting it. I heard that there are many high-level six or seven-level ferocious beasts among them.

Once surrounded by more than a dozen high-level monsters, ordinary Nascent Soul monks may also perish. However, it naturally has no impact on people of Lu Tiandu's level.

Landing in a red mist, Lu Tian dodged and entered without any hesitation. (End of chapter)

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