Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 367 Harvest in the Forbidden Land! The Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword is born!


A ball of golden-purple light shot through the hot red mist at an extremely fast speed, causing an astonishing explosion and an extremely harsh sound. However, Lu Tiandu, who was escaping from the light, looked natural and continued to go deep into the center of the hell.

Although the temperature in the air is rising sharply as you go down, and the roar of intertwined spiritual lights is getting louder and louder, there are no other people here in Lu Tiandu's spiritual exploration, so it doesn't matter.

After a while, Lu Tiandu, who was traveling, suddenly stopped and looked to the left.

More than a hundred feet away, a bright red light group of several feet was changing constantly. Sometimes it changes into the form of a tiger or wolf, and sometimes it changes into the shape of a demon bird. It has no real fixed form, as if it is an invisible thing.

"Finally I met the Fire Demon Spirit. It seems to be quite young. It's a bit tricky for others, but it's easy for me. I just collected it and gave it to Wan'er to condense the fire-attribute magical power."

Lu Tiandu looked at the fire evil spirit and this thought flashed across his mind.

A few years ago, after giving Nangong Wan the exotic treasure fire cauldron obtained from Zhuling Hall, Nangong Wan has also used the Suzaku True Fire she cultivated to refine countless fire essences in the cauldron.

In this way, the cauldron can be used to release tens of thousands of Suzaku Firebirds. Once it is used, the overwhelming Suzaku Firebirds will swarm out. Even the ordinary monks in the late Nascent Soul will change their expressions at the sight. If we can find more fire demons here, Spirit, after refining, the power of the fire spirit in the cauldron will definitely increase a lot.

He had also taken the time to ask Yin Yue before. Yin Yue also had two spiritual treasure refining methods in his hands, but he did not have the refining method for the fire attribute spirit cauldron and armor. Therefore, Lu Tiandu could only wait for the future. Go to the grassland and ask the Peacock Fairy or the Tianlan Holy Beast.

At this moment, the red light group on the opposite side seemed to have discovered traces of Lu Tiandu. It changed its shape and turned into a red fire dragon several feet long. It sprayed red flames from its mouth and shot toward Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and suddenly a three-foot-tall golden-red gourd appeared on his palm, exuding astonishing spiritual power.

It was the Tianyang Fire Gourd that he first snatched from the hands of Master Tianhuang. This semi-finished treasure has been being sacrificed and refined since it was taken into his body for more than a hundred years.

Because this object was made by ancient monks using a mature fairy vine gourd as a sacrifice, it has the potential to be advanced into a spiritual treasure. Moreover, this Tianyang Fire Gourd has been refined into several different yang mineral veins. And a strange ancient formation called the Nine Suns Guiyi Fire Refining Formation was arranged.

With the help of this great formation, although the positive true fire "Tian Yang Divine Fire" born in the fire gourd has not yet gathered all nine kinds of pure Yang flames and advanced to the point where it can rival the true fire of the sun, it is still extremely powerful.

Looking at the menacing fire dragon, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, holding the gourd with one hand and gently patting the bottom of the gourd with the other hand.

The fist-sized gourd stopper fell with a "pop", and with a "boom", a huge golden-red flame spurted out, turning into a golden-red vortex in the blink of an eye, swallowing the dragon that turned towards the fire evil spirit.

He couldn't breathe. When Lu Tiandu took back the Golden Yang Divine Fire, there was no trace of the fire dragon here.

Stroking the Tianyang Fire Gourd, Lu Tiandu prepared to take away all the fire evil spirits in this place in the next process of searching for the Sun's True Fire.

Moreover, he heard that this place seems to have produced ten thousand-year fire coral, a top-grade fire attribute material that is not weaker than Geng Jing. If he can find ten thousand-year fire coral, it will be a surprise this time.

A few days later, after Lu Tiandu investigated the area for more than ten thousand miles, he discovered that there were three huge volcanoes here. It was thought that the traces of the true sun fire should exist in the magma under these three volcanoes.

As for whether the magma under the ground is connected, the ancient demon will have to personally investigate it later.

The terrain of this place is strange. Although his spiritual consciousness is not weaker than that of the monks in the early stage of transformation, it is still affected a lot. In order not to waste time, Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves and released the ancient demon clone, allowing it to enter the three volcanoes first. Check inside.

In the past few days, he has also collected several fire evil spirits, and the results are pretty good. When he turns back and uses the large formation in the Tianyang Fire Gourd to refine the evil spirits inside, he can give them to Nangong Wan for refinement.

Compared to the rare fire evil spirits, there are quite a lot of various fire-attribute monsters here.

Along the way, he killed hundreds of monsters of all levels, including nearly ten peak level seven monsters.

However, I have never encountered an eighth-level monster. After all, a truly transformed eighth-level monster needs to look for cultivation resources everywhere, and may not necessarily stay here all the time.

Of course, it is also possible that the cave is located in a volcano, or somewhere in the underground magma.

Now that the ancient demon clones have been sent to explore the three extinct volcanoes, Lu Tiandu can rest assured and continue to capture the fire spirits and kill the monsters in this place thousands of miles away.

Time flies, and it’s ten days again.

After receiving the message from the ancient demon's clone, Lu Tiandu flashed and entered one of the huge extinct volcanoes.

In the past few days, Lu Tian had almost wiped out all the fire spirits and level five monsters here. Moreover, they had also found a lot of fire-attribute materials with the help of treasure-hunting rats, and the harvest was quite a lot.

After entering the volcano, Lu Tiandu soon went deep into the ground and appeared near a piece of lava.

The temperature here is getting hotter than the ground, and even if he lets go of all his spiritual consciousness in this place, he can only sense the range of a thousand feet, which is simply weaker than the usual eight hundred miles of radiation and the dozens of miles in the red mist of hell. too much.

After arriving at this place, Lu Tiandu understood why in the original plot, Master Hanli could use the cold flame he cultivated, which is the best in the human world, to seduce the sun essence fire, but he was unable to capture this fire and refine the Yang Shui. .

In fact, once an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monk enters this place, the range of his spiritual consciousness is estimated to be tens of feet or more than a hundred feet at most.

The True Fire of the Sun is naturally good at fire escape. In such a land full of magma, it will escape if you don't pay attention. It is really difficult to catch it.

Without the three or five late Nascent Soul monks who jointly set up a large formation, or the God Transformation monks who took action, there really would be no way to capture this fire.

In the original plot, Han Li in the late Nascent Soul stage set up a large formation and teamed up with the late Nascent Soul puppets and the Five Sons of Tongxin Demon to capture this fire, which also explains the problem.

"Sure enough, the underground lava here is actually connected, so there is no need to change places to investigate. Moreover, the ancient demon clone discovered the aura of several monsters deep in the magma. After capturing the true fire of the sun, he killed it It’s not too late for these monsters.”

The ancient demon's clone was also searching for traces of the true sun fire, but unfortunately there was no gain at all. Moreover, he was afraid that killing other monsters above level eight would scare away the True Fire of the Sun, so he just investigated in secret and never took action.

"In this case, it depends on Taiyin Zhenhuo!"

Lu Tiandu had a thought in his mind, and a clear chirping sound came from his body. Then a red light flashed on his shoulder, and a red bird emerged. It was only a few inches in size and looked unusually agile.

This object is exactly the ray of true Taiyin fire that Lu Tiandu took away from the fire cauldron. It took the form after feeding half of the dry blue ice flame in his body in the past ten years.

The Sun's true fire is naturally extremely hot, while the Taiyin's true fire is naturally extremely cold. Under the attraction of the intersection of Yin and Yang, as long as the Sun's essence fire is nearby, it will definitely be attracted by itself.

Master Hanli can use his own cold flames to find the true fire of the sun, which is naturally the same reason.

The three true spiritual fires are naturally easy to give birth to spirituality. Although this ray of lunar true fire is not very powerful, in terms of spirituality, it is no worse than the Suzaku True Fire that Nangong Wan worked hard to cultivate and give birth to spirituality. .

As for the Tianyang Divine Fire in his hand, although it is powerful, it is still far from cultivating spirituality. However, after capturing the Sun's True Fire, this fire can be used as nourishment to strengthen the Sun's True Fire.

After that, the two true spirit fires merged, and their power and potential must have been extraordinary.

Lu Tiandu thought, and the firebird on his shoulder spread its wings and submerged into the lava.

Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon clone, who had hidden their body and aura, slowly hung behind, like experienced hunters, quietly waiting for their prey to come to them.

Time flies and several days pass.

Although mana was consumed very quickly in this environment, it was not a big deal for the two of them. They still patiently followed the Taiyin Firebird that flew out of the lava from time to time, looking extremely cheerful.

At this moment, there was a flash of red light, and the Taiyin Firebird, wrapped in red light, rushed out from under a lava a hundred feet away, and disappeared into the lava on the other side.

Almost at the same time, the nearby lava suddenly rolled violently, and the temperature suddenly more than doubled. There was also a flash of silver light, as if something passed by nearby, chasing the Lunar Firebird. "Finally showed up!"

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and a small jet-black flag about a foot long appeared in his hand and disappeared instantly. The Ancient Demon clone raised its steps and followed the Taiyin Firebird closely, and also suddenly disappeared.

This arrest is naturally focused on ancient demon clones, but just in case, Lu Tiandu is preparing to use the space within the Black Wind Flag to lay down a back-up plan.

At this moment, in a flash, the silver light appeared strangely behind the Taiyin Firebird, and suddenly pounced on the Taiyin Firebird, and the silver light and red light instantly mixed together.

And at the moment when the silver light emerged from the fire escape, Lu Tiandu, who was hiding in front, also saw the true face of the silver light.

This thing was actually a winged pony several inches in size, as white as jade, with a pair of silvery little wings that were extremely conspicuous.

As soon as the horse caught up with the Taiyin Firebird, it flapped its wings, and countless silver sparks immediately burst out from its wings, heading towards the Taiyin Firebird.

After all, the red firebird had not yet finished refining the dry blue ice flame in Lu Tiandu's hand, and was much weaker than the Sun Pony. Lu Tiandu suddenly felt a panicked emotion from his spiritual thoughts.

Just as the Taiyin Firebird was struggling wantonly, there was a "chi" sound under the magma, and in the blink of an eye, the fiery red magma instantly turned black and red.

The silver pony also discovered the strange changes in the magma and did not dare to continue to capture the Lunar Firebird. With a flash of silver light, it appeared dozens of feet away.

As a result, just when it was about to continue to use the fire escape technique to escape, the space around it suddenly tightened. In an instant, the black-red magic fire on the magma rolled up and turned into a huge black-red fire lotus, and There was no trace of the silver pony in the sky.

Seeing the ancient demon clone mobilize the power of heaven and earth to imprison the true fire of the sun and seal the fire as soon as he took action, Lu Tiandu gained a lot of understanding of the power of the monks in the human world in the late stage of becoming gods.

Just as Lu Tiandu put away the black flag about a foot high that slowly emerged in the air, the ancient demon clone that came out from under the magma appeared next to him holding a palm-sized black and red lotus.

On the Ancient Demon's shoulder, the Taiyin Firebird also moved and flew into Lu Tiandu's body.

"Let's go, let's go down first and kill the high-level demon cultivator here, and then return to the tower to refine this fire!"

Wherever the ancient demon's avatar sensed the extraordinary aura before, it left a mark of mana, so it was naturally extremely convenient to find it.

Lu Tiandu also released treasure-hunting rats to see if they could find some fire-attribute materials deep in the magma.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon clone emerged from the magma with happy faces, looking for a high platform. Lu Tiandu, who put away the ancient demon clone, also disappeared in an instant.

"I didn't expect that not only did I kill a dozen eighth- and ninth-level demon cultivators this time, but I also found tens of thousands of years of fire corals. As for the sun essence stone, golden flame stone, top-grade fire spirit crystal and other top-level fire attribute materials, I also found countless top-notch fire-attribute materials. It’s so little, it’s really rewarding!”

Returning to the Palace of Eternal Life, Lu Tian sighed as he looked at a small pile of various top-grade materials.

This kind of forbidden area has an advantageous location for the eighth- and ninth-level demon cultivators lurking in it. Even ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators do not dare to go too deep into the depths of the magma.

As for the cultivators who transform themselves into spirits, they are better than the cultivators in the later stages of Nascent Soul without using their essence to attack with all their strength. If it is not necessary, I am afraid they will not go deep into this place to find fire-attribute materials.

This is also the main reason why so many precious fire-attribute materials can be accumulated here. Of course, part of this was collected from the demon cultivators such as fire pythons and fire apes that were killed.

"In this way, on the eve of my ascension, I would like to explore the other five forbidden areas as well as the forbidden areas in other continents and seas in the human world. Maybe there will be surprises!"

Lu Tian's mind started to spin when he thought that few people had penetrated these forbidden areas for tens of thousands of years.

However, there was no rush in this matter. After spending a few days to deal with the evil spirit in the fire spirit, Lu Tiandu also went into seclusion to refine the more than ten groups of fire spirits to Nangong Wan who looked surprised. The sun is really burning.

Time flies, half a year later.

Looking at the silver flame in his palm, Lu Tiandu also breathed a sigh of relief.

If it were not for the help of the Nine-Yang Guiyi Fire Refining Formation in the Tianyang Fire Gourd, he might not be able to refine this fire in such a short time.

But now that he has refined this fire, he can start refining Yang Shui.

With the Huiyang Water and the Little Green Liquid, we can ripen the Xuantian Immortal Vine obtained from Han Li.

The Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword can be born!

After spending several days refining a dozen bottles of Yang Shui, Lu Tiandu left the Yaochi Tower and came to the original small medicine garden under Tongtian Peak in the Stone Pearl World.

After planting the green fairy vine that Han Li had long cultivated with spiritual liquid, he watched the fairy vine take root, sprout and spread in just one cup of tea under the watering of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk and several bottles of Yanghui Water. Lu Tiandu had a smile on his lips.

The color of this vine is extremely emerald green, reflecting a metallic luster deep in the emerald green. It looks very different from the gourd fairy vine that Lu Tiandu cultivated before.

Moreover, the patterns on the vine leaves were mysterious and unusual upon closer inspection. Each one was different, and they were vaguely similar to the pattern on the dragon-patterned black gold stick in his hand.

"Now all we need is the little green liquid to ripen it!"

In the next few days, Lu Tiandu kept going back and forth between the Divine Furnace of Creation halfway up the mountain and the Xuantian Immortal Vine at the foot of the mountain. After consuming more than 300,000 spiritual stones and countless small green liquids transformed from the origin of the world, the Xuantian Immortal Vine finally It bore fruit.

If you look closely, you can see that the Xuantian Spirit Fruit is slender and oblate, with an extremely smooth surface, a little yellowish, one end is slightly blunt, and the other end is as flat as a knife.

The stick is only half a foot long, and its surface is covered with some unknown dark green patterns.

This stick looks like gold but not gold, and looks like wood but not wood. It is slightly elastic and slightly warm to the touch, giving people a jade-like feel.

And just a moment after the Xuantian Immortal Vine produced the stick fruit, except for this half-foot-long, mysterious-looking stick fruit, all the other vines turned into powder in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a small piece of green fairy vine contained in a jade box in Han Li's storage bag in Kunwu Mountain was turned into powder.

"Calculating, it took more than 600,000 years to form the Xuantian Spirit Fruit. I wonder how many more thousands of years it will take for the spirit fruit to evolve into the real Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword?"

After having this thought, Lu Tiandu did not hesitate and continued to drip small green liquid on the wooden stick spirit fruit.

Finally, after continuing to consume more than 200,000 spirit stones and countless small green liquids transformed from the origin of the world, the Xuantian Fruit changed, and its surface was extremely green, turning into the shape of a sword hilt.

And at the wooden handle that is more than half a foot long, the emerald green sword blade that is about a foot long finally takes shape.

"Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword!"

Lu Tiandu murmured as he held the Xuantian Treasure, which ranked third on the Chaos Spirits List in the spiritual world. It didn't seem to have anything out of the ordinary, but it gave him a vague sense of intimacy.

There is nothing unusual about the wooden handle of this sword except that it is covered with mysterious patterns. However, the blade is extremely bright and bright, with a surface as smooth as a mirror. There is a row of strange green runes imprinted on the center of the blade. Five in a row, in a straight line.

This rune is probably related to the law, but Lu Tiandu doesn't understand it yet.

"I didn't expect that it would take millions of years to cultivate a Xuantian treasure. It's really shocking! It's time to summon You Luo!" (End of this chapter)

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