Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 368 A bold idea! The imprint of the origin of the law!

"If I take this Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword out of the Stone Bead World now, I'm afraid it will be detected by the Chaos Ten Thousand Spirits List in the spirit world right away, right?"

While stroking the emerald green dagger, Lu Tian had this thought flashing across his mind, "It's better not to do this test anymore. Let's wait until Youluo comes in to sacrifice this treasure!"

Although he can bring this BMW back to the Stone Bead World, even for such a moment, there is probably no problem in getting on the Chaos Spirits List.

And with the birth of such a valuable treasure, it is impossible to say that the great clans in the spiritual world have any unfathomable secret method to detect this human world, and I am afraid it will bring disaster to the human world.

However, after Youluo recognized its master and refined it, even after leaving the world of stone beads, everyone in the spiritual world knew that this treasure suddenly appeared. At that time, even the secret techniques of divination and blood sacrifice could not locate the location of the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword. Those who have ulterior motives for this treasure can only inquire secretly.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, a black light flashed, and the dragon-marked black gold stick also appeared in his hand.

Looking at this stick, which was three feet long, Lu Tian became curious about what kind of blood treasure could be born from it in the future.

Although he knows that absorbing blood is one of the ways for this treasure to transform, Lu Tiandu has been vaguely worried over the years that this fruit has absorbed blood to a certain extent, and when it reaches the critical point, it will be suddenly detected by the Chaos Spirit List without him noticing. Therefore, even if it is occasionally used in battles, this Xuantian Fruit is rarely allowed to absorb blood.

After all, he has a small green liquid that can quickly transform the fruit, and he doesn't care about the little blood.

According to time calculation, it took more than 1.1 million years for Xuantian's treasure to be born, the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword, which also made Lu Tiandu lament the difficulty of growing Xuantian's treasure.

Xuantian's treasure is called an immortal weapon in the immortal world, and not every true immortal has one.

Although hundreds of thousands or millions of years are nothing to immortals with long lifespans, the number of Xuantian things born in each realm is limited, and Xuantian Spirit Flowers or Spirit Fruits can be born normally and transform into Xuantian There are even fewer treasures.

Therefore, this kind of treasure is extremely precious whether it is in the spiritual world or the fairy world.

In order to ripen and transform this treasure, this time he used the source of the world to generate tens of thousands of drops of the human world version of the small green liquid. As for the five or six hundred thousand spiritual stones consumed, it was nothing.

After all, in order to cultivate countless elixirs on the first floor of Yaochi Tower, he had consumed 700 million spiritual stones and the corresponding world origin to convert them into small green liquid. Compared with the consumption in the medicine garden, the consumption of this Xuantian Treasure is nothing.

"In this way, perhaps many other Xuantian treasures will be born from my hands in the future!"

From this, while the suspension this time also allowed the Xuantian spiritual fruit, the Dragon Marked Black Gold Stick, to transform, Lu Tiandu had such a bold idea in his mind.

In fact, the operation process is the same as the process he used to cultivate the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword.

Since there are withered Xuantian fairy vines in this human world or Xuantian remnants that only bear Xuantian fruits but have not transformed into Xuantian treasures, then there must still be many in the spiritual world or other interfaces in this lost interface. Less of this kind of thing.

As long as he can collect such incomplete Xuantian spiritual roots or fruits, he can use Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, Yanghui Water and Little Green Liquid to continuously revive these Xuantian remnants and allow them to complete their transformation.

And there is probably no one else who can do such a thing except him and Han Li who owns the Sky Bottle.

Yanghui Water and Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk are extremely precious in the human world, but in the spiritual world, there are definitely no shortage of such substitutes, and the small green liquid that accelerates the growth of spiritual plants is the key.

In this regard, Han Li has an even greater advantage.

For example, the tens of thousands of drops of green liquid needed by Lu Tiandu to cultivate the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword could be collected at no cost in just two hundred years if Han Li were to take action in the human world.

And if it is in the spirit world, because the length of the spirit world is three times that of the human world, in the same seven days, the effect of a drop of the spirit world version of green liquid generated is three times that of the human world, and it can increase the age of the medicine by three hundred years.

If one goes all out to cultivate Xuantian's objects, it is estimated that a Xuantian's treasure will be born in just about seventy years. How amazing and crazy is this?

After these thoughts flashed through his mind, Lu Tiandu was speechless.

As long as there is enough power to search for Xuantian remnants on various interfaces, doesn't it mean that there will be a steady stream of Xuantian treasures?

In the original plot, Han Li may have been indifferent to this for some reason. After all, he is used to running singles and gangs, and as his most important trump card, he has always been careful about holding the sky bottle, for fear of being exposed.

But for Lu Tiandu, this is a very important piece of information. After all, he has a big family and a lot of women. If he doesn't get ten or eight Xuantian treasures, how can he get enough information to ascend to the immortal world?

As for the origin of the world consumed, their family will practice to the point of refining the void in the future. After consuming the elixir in the Yaochi Tower, they still need to convert the small green liquid on a large scale, which will not be short of the consumption of cultivating these Xuantian treasures.

With these Xuantian treasures, their strength will become stronger and stronger, and it will naturally be much easier to make up for this world in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu suppressed the excitement in his heart and escaped from the world of stone beads alone, appearing on a stone platform near the underground magma.

Gently activating the seal of the true spirit contract between Shenhun Nei and Youluo, Lu Tiandu waited quietly.

After three breaths, the void in front of Lu Tiandu suddenly shook like water waves. With a "pop" sound, the void shook violently and calmed down instantly. In an instant, a man in white palace clothes appeared in front of Lu Tiandu's eyes. Stunning beauty.

Her high breasts, slender waist and slender jade legs are wrapped in white palace clothes, showing her graceful curves. What is even more eye-catching is her dark green hair, which is casually tied behind her head, looking extremely free and easy. , calm.

At this moment, this tall and stunning beauty floated in front of Lu Tiandu. A pair of shining eyes on her beautiful jade face was looking at Lu Tiandu with a smile. She lightly opened her lips and said softly:

"Brother Tiandu!"


Lu Tian came back to his senses and said with a smile when he saw the stunning beauty who had not seen him for more than seventy years and now looked like a woman who was less than twenty years old.

"Have you advanced?"

Youluo chuckled, stepped forward and took Lu Tiandu's hand, with an intimate gesture, and said with a smile:

"Yes, not long ago! If it weren't for the hundreds of 30,000-year-old spiritual fruits you left for me last time, Brother Tiandu, before you left, I wouldn't have cultivated to Mahayana so quickly!"

"Congratulations then!"

I remembered that I was a little girl when we parted last time, but I didn’t expect that I was an adult this time. Lu Tiandu was quite surprised by Youluo's change. He remembered that Youluo's hair color was black before, but now it seems that this is her true appearance.

"Seeing that your strength has grown a lot now, I feel relieved a lot."

Feeling Youluo's little hand holding him intimately, Lu Tiandu in turn took hold of Youluo's little hand and patted it gently.

Ever since he and Youluo signed the True Spirit Life Contract, their relationship has long been different. When they form a couple in the future, it will naturally be a matter of course, and Lu Tiandu will naturally not have any relationship.

Moreover, from birth to adulthood, the only human race that Youluo had direct contact with was probably Lu Tiandu. She was still very simple-minded and naturally did not understand the defense between men and women and the sophistication of the world.

Knowing that Lu Tiandu was worried about her enemy, Youluo felt warmer and warmer in her heart, and chuckled:

"For some reason, since I formed a true spirit contract with you, Brother Tiandu, in my induction, the heavy sense of crisis seems to have become much lighter. I think it won't be a problem for me to survive that disaster in the future."

"Over the years, I have collected a lot of water-attribute materials for Brother Tiandu. This time I brought them with me."

"Well, thank you for your hard work, my Xiaoyou!" Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, "I summoned you this time because I have a treasure to give you. When you refine this treasure, your strength will be improved a lot. , it will also increase your chances of winning when you overcome tribulations in the future!"

"Let's go, I'll take you somewhere!"

After saying that, Lu Tiandu gently took Youluo's little hand and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Hey, here is..."

Sensing the aura environment here that was more than ten times better than the outside world, Youluo was surprised as her spiritual consciousness swept across the space of a thousand miles.

It seems that even her spatial magical powers are restricted here. However, she and Lu Tian were close, so she didn't think there was any danger.

"Well, it's a long story here. I'll tell you when the opportunity is right in the future."

This is a space isolated from the world of stone beads. Lu Tian has not thought about how to explain it, so he can only vaguely say, "Look at this treasure, this is the Xuantian treasure I gave to you!"

As he spoke, Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and an emerald green dagger as long as a shakuhachi suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Is this...the complete Xuantian Treasure?"

Hearing Lu Tiandu's ambiguity, Youluo didn't take it to heart. For some reason, she seemed to have great trust in Lu Tiandu, her partner and relative. However, when she saw the dagger in Lu Tiandu's hand, she was still shocked when she sensed it.

In her induction, the imprint of the origin of the law in this Xuantian Treasure turned out to be very complete, and it had not yet been activated.

From the inherited memory, she understood that this was a completely new Xuantian treasure.

This is a rare thing.

"Well, it's this treasure. After you refine it, your strength will increase a lot, which will help you overcome disasters in the future!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and put the dagger in Youluo's hand. What surprised them was that the dagger suddenly hung by Lu Tiandu's side, trembling slightly, and the sword emitted Dark green light and slight sword chants reached their ears.

Seeing this scene, the two of them naturally remembered the stick's reaction when Lu Tiandu was preparing to give the dragon-marked black-gold stick to Youluo in the inner space of Youluo's body. However, the reaction of the dragon-marked black-gold stick at that time was not so obvious.

It is obvious that these Xuantian treasures have greatly increased spirituality compared to other treasures, and they seem to be very attached to the original owner who made them born.

Even if other Mahayana monks can rely on magic power to subdue this treasure, I am afraid that it will be difficult to exert the true power of this treasure after refining it.

This reminded Lu Tian that in the original plot, many true spirits who possessed Xuantian Treasure or powerful Mahayana sacrifices and refined their own Xuantian Treasure for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years were still unable to use the Xuantian Treasure to release the laws. This is a powerful attack method like thread, but the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword cultivated by Han Li can activate the thread of law for attack in just a short period of time. Is this the reason?

After all, there are probably very few true spirits or other Mahayana monks who have personally cultivated their own Xuantian Treasures.

"This...if this is true, wouldn't it mean that after Youluo sacrifices it, it won't be able to unleash the strongest attack of this treasure?"

Thinking of some of his next plans, Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand to hold the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword, feeling slightly depressed.

"Brother Tiandu, don't worry, I have a secret technique that can make this sword accept me as soon as possible, but this requires your help, brother Tiandu, and because you and I have signed a true spirit contract, the souls have already been partially fused. This secret technique The chance of success is very high..."

Youluo seemed to sense the depression in Lu Tiandu's heart, and her mind moved, and her soul began to transmit sounds.

After a while, Lu Tiandu silently tried out the secret technique passed down by Youluo several times. He reached out his hand and stroked Xuantian's Spirit-Slaying Sword, feeling happy in his heart.

According to You Luo's explanation, Lu Tiandu realized that it was not as he had guessed that only the Xuantian Treasure he cultivated could be used as an attack method like the Thread of Law after being refined.

But before the monks have cultivated their own Thread of Law, if they want to use the Xuantian Treasure to display the Thread of Law, they must first imprint their own divine soul on the mark of the origin of the law in the Xuantian Treasure.

If the new Xuantian Treasure has not been refined yet, the first owner has the highest probability of stimulating the thread of law after refining the Xuantian Treasure.

And if this treasure is transferred to other people's hands, even if other people have left their own soul imprints in the original imprints in the treasure, because there are other monks' soul imprints remaining, they cannot be integrated with the treasure. No matter how much you refine, it will be difficult to use the strongest attack method, the Thread of Law.

This was the first time Lu Tiandu had heard of this kind of secret, and it was somewhat similar to the natal magic weapon practiced by monks.

As for monks like Lu Tiandu who are innately close to the Xuantian Treasure, not only can they easily enter the law space within the Xuantian Treasure when refining the treasure, leaving their own soul imprint on the original imprint, but also in the future During the sacrifice and refining, this treasure is almost opened, allowing you to refining at will.

Unlike other people who want to conquer this new treasure, they must suppress the treasure's spirituality, forcibly imprint their own soul step by step, and then use magic to slowly refine it.

As a result, the sacrifice process will naturally be very slow, and it will be difficult to use this Xuantian treasure in a short period of time.

However, in an interface such as the spiritual world, it is very rare to have Xuantian Treasure in one hand, and Mahayana monks who can use Xuantian Treasure to inspire the thread of law are naturally very rare.

When fighting Xuantian Treasures of the same level, everyone is considered to be at the same level, and the balance of combat power is not easy to break.

But if you encounter a treasure that can display the thread of law, it will naturally be unlucky.

The secret technique inherited by Youluo can make the souls of the two people merge into one in a short time. Then with the help of Lu Tiandu's soul, the hidden soul of Youluo can be easily sent into the law imprint space of the Xuantian Soul-Slaying Sword, etc. After Youluo left the mark of his soul, he let Youluo's soul wrap around Lu Tiandu's soul and return smoothly.

In this way, this new Xuantian treasure can allow Youluo to enter the origin space of the law in a short time and imprint his own soul mark without having to forcibly suppress his spirituality, saving hundreds of years of hard work.

As for the subsequent mana refining, Lu Tiandu can't help much, and Youluo needs to do the refining himself.

Although this secret technique of hiding the soul from the sky seems to have only saved hundreds of years, it is naturally a great good thing for Youluo, who may be hit by disaster at any time in the future. Moreover, it is very rare to enter the law space and leave a mark of the soul without damaging the spirituality of the treasure.

If he and You Luo successfully complete this secret technique, Lu Tiandu will get other Xuantian remnants in the future, and after cultivating the Xuantian Treasure, he can naturally follow the gourd and let other women refine the Xuantian Treasure as soon as possible. .

"In this case, let's practice together!"

Looking at the dagger floating in front of the two of them, Lu Tiandu smiled at Youluo who was sitting cross-legged across from him.

This secret technique of the soul can be regarded as an alternative method of dual cultivation of the soul. The souls of the two have already been partially blended, but this time they are about to fully blend... (End of this chapter)

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