Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 370 Three girls from the grassland! 3 Catch Hu Lao Mo to death!

"What? Le Shurong advanced eleven years ago?"

In the inner hall, on the jade couch, Lin Yinping, who was leaning next to Lu Tiandu with a blushing face and a certain lingering charm, suddenly heard that his old enemy Le Shurong had advanced to the late Yuan Ying stage eleven years ago. , suddenly turned over, with a look of shock on his face.


She didn't seem to believe it, but suddenly she thought that there was no way to lie about it.

She was still a little shocked. After all, in her opinion, her cultivation talent was much better than that of Le Shurong. Although Le Shurong had known Lu Tiandu for twenty or thirty years, she always felt that she should be better than Le Shurong. Rong will advance first.

And with the support of Lu Tiandu's endless supply of elixirs and spirits, she was still very confident.

Then she suddenly heard that her old enemy had advanced to the next level before her. Wouldn't this mean that she had lost to Le Shurong?

Lin Yinping, who had long been regarded as the proud daughter of heaven, suddenly felt a slight sense of frustration.

"It's just a small bet, Ping'er, you won't lose heart!"

Seeing Lin Yinping's snow-white plump body undulating slightly due to his unstable breathing, Lu Tiandu gently hugged this stunning beauty into his arms, comforted the white rabbit, and said with a smile:

"Didn't I just give you all the yin and yang fruits? What is the Nascent Soul? In the future, we will break the record of no one ascending in the human world for tens of thousands of years, ascend to the spiritual world, and see the vastness of the spiritual world! What's next? It’s the right thing to advance to become a god as early as possible!”

"Well, it's my concubine who's looking good!"

Feeling Lu Tiandu's warm hands, Lin Yinping's beautiful eyes returned to their former purity and dreaminess. She rolled her hands angrily at Lu Tiandu and hugged Lu Tiandu's waist tightly.

Naturally, she would not have thought that Lu Tiandu would give Le Shurong some trouble!

"Well, let me tell you something. I got a Buddhist spiritual treasure before, and Rong'er happened to be an assistant in Buddhist skills, so I gave that spiritual treasure to her..."

Lu Tiandu thought for a while and told him about the Eight Spirit Rulers. Otherwise, Lin Yinping would be upset when he learned from Le Shurong that this treasure was actually a reward for Le Shurong after she advanced.

"What? Lingbao?"

Lin Yinping was surprised again. As a saint of Tianlan Prairie, how could she not know about the Tongtian Lingbao? As soon as she figured out the joints in between, she felt inexplicably sad.

Although Lu Tiandu said it was because only Le Shurong practiced Buddhist techniques that she was allowed to refine it, Lin Yinping was also a very perceptive person, so how could he not know the key to this?

It must have been after Le Shurong won and begged that Lu Tiandu gave this treasure to Le Shurong as a bet reward.

Otherwise, Lu Tiandu had other women in the late Nascent Soul stage in his early years, and it was not difficult to minor in a Buddhist skill. How could he suddenly give it to his old rival Le Shurong?

Lu Tiandu's euphemistic statement was naturally to take care of her face. She could imagine that when she saw Le Shurong next, Le Shurong would definitely show off to her secretly!

"Don't worry, after you advance to become gods, you will have spiritual treasures sooner or later."

Lu Tiandu seemed to see Lin Yinping's complicated mood, and comforted him softly, "I also got some precious materials from this trip to Kunwu Mountain, and one of them happened to be able to add a magical power to your natal magic weapon, the Silkworm Transformation Chart." What you need, as long as you add a few more magical powers to your natal magic weapon, the power will not be weaker than the spiritual treasure..."

"Well, I know Lu Lang cares about me the most. But Lang Jun doesn't need to comfort me. I don't care about a spiritual treasure."

Lin Yinping suddenly smiled, like a hundred flowers in full bloom, and returned to his former calmness and calmness, "She is just a little ahead. I believe that I will be the first to become a god in the future! In this way, Lu Lang will also You are so helpful to me!"

As she spoke, Lin Yinping smiled charmingly, and her slender catkins traced across Lu Tiandu's chest, giving him a charming and alluring look.

Seeing such a beautiful and appetizing Saint Lin, Lu Tiandu slowly lowered his body and gave her a direct answer with action!

A few days later, after a hearty training session, Lu Tiandu couldn't help but admire the strong Yuan Yin of the high-level female cultivator after feeling the improvement in her cultivation over the past few days.

"Ping'er, there is another thing that I haven't mentioned to you yet because you have been in retreat..."

On this day, seeing Lin Yinping in a good mood, Lu Tiandu took the initiative to bring up the matter of Sun Qingfeng.

Lin Yinping was quite happy to hear that Sister Qingfeng also came to Dajin to look for opportunities. I guess Sister Qingfeng would be surprised when she heard that she had advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul so quickly, right?

However, when she heard that Sun Qingfeng was also in the tower, Lin Yinping's smile froze, and she still didn't understand what was going on.

Looking at Lin Yinping, who was tapping her lips lightly with her teeth and staring at him with a look full of resentment, Lu Tiandu smiled bitterly and said:

"You also know that my physique... I didn't control it..."


Lin Yinping snorted, and suddenly stretched out her slender hand to block Lu Tiandu's words. She turned her eyes and said angrily:

"Sister Qingfeng has such an opportunity, and I am happy for her. But Lu Lang, you also know that sister Qingfeng and I are as close as sisters. If you have this intention, Lu Lang, you should tell me in advance..."

At this moment, she also figured out that it must have been the contact between the two on that grassland battlefield that led to the follow-up.

I just don’t know whether Sister Qingfeng was invited to come to Dajin or Sister Qingfeng took the initiative to come to Dajin?

But it seems that these are not important now!

"Ping'er, you can be so understanding, it's really hard for you!"

Lu Tiandu hugged Lin Yinping tightly with an apologetic look, and suddenly smiled teasingly, "Since you are as close as sisters, I can be considered as fulfilling your sisterhood in an unexpected way. How about next time..."

Having said this, Lu Tiandu looked very thoughtful and leaned close to Lin Yinping's ear, whispering.

"What? How is this possible?"

Suddenly, Lin Yinping's pretty face in Lu Tiandu's arms turned red, she glared at Lu Tiandu angrily, and said nothing.

"As a family, there's nothing wrong with that."

Lu Tiandu rolled his eyes and remembered the plan he had talked about with Le Shurong. It seemed that the sisters were as close as one family and had to be postponed, but it seemed that the prairie saint Jingyan could be put on the agenda.

Just like he said, we are all a family, once we are familiar with each other, we will become familiar again.

Back then, Nangong Wan, Hong Fu and other girls were still so shy that they pushed back and said goodbye. But now, aren't they already used to it?

The birth of the fifth great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage in Lu Tiandu's harem is naturally something worth celebrating.

The few days of feasting ended in a blink of an eye, and Lu Tiandu once again entered into the days of practicing the magical power of shrinking to a small size while accompanying the girls.

On this day, in the Palace of Eternal Life, when Lu Tiandu and Lin Yinping were practicing hard again, Le Shurong, a beautiful young woman dressed boldly, also appeared in the Palace of Eternal Life at some unknown time.

When Lin Yinping suddenly noticed a joking look on his face, Le Shurong, who had been here for who knows how long and was nodding his head to comment, suddenly looked ashamed and angry.

Just when she calmed down and was about to regain her position, the bold Le Shurong actually said that she would teach her a lesson and make her admit that she was inferior to her in all aspects.

This immediately aroused Lin Yinping's anger. As a result, after watching the two people performing seriously on the spot, Lin Yinping was so angry that he personally left the stage and started a gambling fight with Le Shurong.

Lu Tiandu was both an athlete and a referee. After evaluating it from all angles, he couldn't decide the winner and agreed to let the two women fight again in the next round!

At this time, Lin Yinping, who had come back to his senses, also reacted, feeling ashamed in his heart.

Just when she was about to escape, she was blocked by Lu Tiandu and Le Shurong, who vowed to decide the winner.

After doing this, a few days later, Lin Yinping, who was so beautiful and beautiful, could only admit defeat on the bed.

Although her body felt comfortable, she was very depressed in her heart. She was crushed by Le Shurong twice. How could this be okay?

Suddenly, for some reason, the figure of Sun Qingfeng flashed in her mind.

She still remembered Sun Qingfeng’s secret words in the boudoir at that time:

"...If my sister has been wronged in any way, come to my sister. She will always be my caring person..."


It seems hard to talk to Sister Qingfeng about this, right?


Time flies, and it’s half a year again.

On this day, in the Stone Bead World, high in the sky, a ten-foot-tall giant was suspended.

The giant's eyes were slightly closed, as if he was thinking about something. At this moment, the giant raised his feet and took a step forward. The faint five-color brilliance on the soles of his feet flashed away. In an instant, the giant appeared strangely more than ten miles away. "Is this... done?"

Lu Tiandu opened his eyes suddenly when he used the magic of heaven and earth, and his consciousness swept away, with a look of surprise on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he took another step in the air. Every time he took a step, he would appear strangely more than ten miles away without exception.

"Sure enough, the magical power inherited from the True Spirit of the Wuguang Clan is extraordinary. It is not weaker than my Wind and Thunder Escape in terms of instantaneous speed!"

Lu Tiandu sighed silently, "But to be able to reach such speed with a body that is ten feet tall, I am afraid it is even better than Feng Lei Dun in terms of instantaneous speed."

After this thought flashed through his mind, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and returned to normal size. Using his magical power again, a light flashed from the soles of his feet, and he appeared twenty-four miles away in an instant.

"It is indeed much better than the Wind and Thunder Escape in terms of instantaneous speed. However, such speed also consumes a lot more mana."

After trying it several times, Lu Tiandu had a new understanding of his magical power, "In this way, you can use wind and thunder to escape for long distances, and shrink into an inch for short-distance battles will definitely surprise the enemy!" "

After practicing to this day, Lu Tiandu has become more and more aware that if he wants to have the ultimate speed, in addition to related secret arts and supernatural powers, the requirements for physical strength are also getting higher and higher.

Fortunately, he had already succeeded in refining his body, so he didn't have to worry about this.

"I originally thought it would take a year or two to master this magical power, but I didn't expect it to be mastered so quickly. It's a happy event!"

Lu Tian couldn't help but chuckle when he remembered that after the competition between the two great saints on the grassland, Lin Yinping and Sun Qingfeng staged a scene of sisters becoming a family, and then later the sisters teamed up to suppress Le Shurong. .

It seems that since the three girls on the grassland have changed like this, he has gained a lot of inspiration, and he has become faster and faster in understanding how to shrink to an inch.

"Now Xiaoji Palace is still safe and sound, and there is enough time. I just happened to settle the grudge with Hu Lao Mo first."

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu flashed out of the Shizhu World.

After leaving the underground volcano that had been in the Hell of Fire for almost two years, Lu Tiandu raised his feet and used the Shrinking Divine Path to rush towards the Wuyue Mountains in the northwest of the Great Shanxi Province.

After dealing with Hu Laomo, we happened to go to Xiaoji Palace on the way.

More than a month later, Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon's clone appeared near a giant white mountain covered with perpetual snow. This place was the training ground of Hu Lao Mo - Mount Motuo.

Looking at the various powerful restrictions outside Motuo Mountain, Lu Tian smiled coldly, shook his sleeves, and a small black flag about a foot high appeared in front of him.

While making several magic spells with both hands, Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and spat out a golden-purple ray of light that fell on the black wind flag.

In the blink of an eye, the small black flag emitted a dazzling black light, and its body suddenly grew in size. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant flag that was more than ten feet long and as thick as a bowl. Purple runes were flowing on the flag, and black energy was lingering.

Looking at the enlarged black wind flag, Lu Tiandu had not yet advanced to become a god and completely refined this treasure, so he could only continue to cast spells.

With a "boom" sound, a ball of black wind suddenly appeared on the black wind flag.

The wind changed from small to strong, from thin to thick, and in the blink of an eye it turned into an astonishing hurricane like Optimus Prime.

Almost at the same time that the hurricane appeared, there was a loud thunder in the sky above the hurricane, and countless dim yellow clouds emerged. Silver arcs of different thicknesses bounced and flickered in the clouds and mist, as if they might fall down at any time.

Under the yellow clouds, a black hurricane roared like a tidal wave, and countless wind blades began to loom together and take shape. As the land and sky both sacrificed this rare space spiritual treasure, an astonishing celestial phenomenon suddenly appeared in this space.

"go with!"

Looking at the wind pillar that condensed in the blink of an eye, with a diameter of more than ten feet and a height of hundreds of feet, Lu Tian could even point his finger. This huge wind pillar was like a black wind dragon, roaring continuously, rolling up countless wind and snow, and rushing towards it. The restrictions outside Motuo Mountain were shot away.

At the same time as Lu Tiandu took action, four demonic treasures, namely the Demonic Dragon Blade, the Blood Demonic Sword, the Blood Demonic Sword, and the Three Gods White Bone Flag, suddenly appeared around the ancient demon clone beside him, turning into four huge streams of light. Shoot towards Motuo Mountain.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

Explosions resounded throughout the world one after another.

At this moment, in the Demon Palace, in front of a main hall, an old man with a wooden crown and a sick face, his eyes were blood red and his face was cold:

"After seventy years, is it finally here?"

While muttering something silently in his mind, Hu Lao Mo gently crushed a jade talisman inside his sleeve robe.

Outside Motuo Mountain, seeing that only half a stick of incense had lasted and only a thin layer of restraint was left, Lu Tiandu continued to command the wind dragon to attack with an expressionless face.

The ancient demon's clone used the blood-eating demonic flames to transform its big hand into hitting the colorful restrictions again and again.

Looking at the ancient formation that was almost destroyed in just a moment, Hu Laomo twitched the corner of his mouth and said secretly:

"Fortunately, we made an agreement with these two old ghosts a long time ago. I hope they can get through this disaster safely this time!"

At this moment, with a loud bang, the lair that Hu Lao Mo had been running for thousands of years was finally breached from the outside.

Lu Tiandu and the others collected the treasures, and their figures flashed and instantly appeared in a palace complex as warm as spring.

Outside, the cold wind howls and the world is filled with ice and snow, but here it is like spring all year round, with countless exotic flowers and trees, and palaces and towers filled with forbidden areas are scattered in an orderly manner.

This is naturally the "Demon Palace", the lair of Hu Lao Mo.

At this moment, in front of a main hall, there was an old man with a wooden crown with a sick face, and a dark peak of dozens of feet high suspended above his head. His blood-red eyes looked coldly at the two Lu Tiandu who came in:

"Lu Tiandu!"

"The man with the golden face!"

"It seems that fellow Hu Daoist has been prepared for a long time. If so, I won't be polite!"

Looking at the astonishing spiritual light emanating from the dark mountain peaks above Hu Lao Mo's head, Lu Tian couldn't recognize that it was a spiritual treasure.

It seems that in order to deal with them, Hu Laomo also took out the treasures from the bottom of the box.

At this moment, he did not hesitate. With a flash of his figure, he instantly used the strongest magical power of Law, Heaven and Earth, and revealed a ten-foot-long golden body.

"Giant Technique?"

Hu Laomo became confused when he saw that the golden-faced man did not take action, but Lu Tiandu, who was only in the late Nascent Soul stage, suddenly turned into a huge golden body.

This ten-foot-tall body is obviously similar to the giant technique of the monster clan. No wonder he knows it so well.

But you, a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, dare to challenge a Spirit Transformation cultivator holding a spiritual treasure?

court death!

Hu Lao Mo sneered, as long as he could block it for a moment, everything would calm down naturally when the two old monsters arrived.


Naturally, Lu Tiandu didn't know Hu Lao Mo's guess at this moment. A dragon-marked black gold stick suddenly appeared in his hand. As soon as he raised his steps, the five-color light flashed and disappeared in an instant.


Looking at Lu Tiandu who suddenly disappeared more than ten miles away, Hu Laomo was suddenly shocked, "Not good!"

As a result, before he could react and cast a spell to deal with it, a black light flashed and the Lingbao Chongxuan Peak above his head was knocked away with a "bang". At the same time, a golden palm about ten feet in size suddenly grabbed the head with a fierce wind...


At this moment, in the big golden hand clasped with five fingers, Hu Lao Mo's aura shattered, and a shrill scream suddenly came out... (End of this chapter)

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