Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 371 The frightened Xiang Zhili and Old Monster Feng!


Just when Hu Lao Mo was inadvertently used by Lu Tiandu to get close to him using the two magical powers of the Heaven and Earth and Shrinking the Earth, his body was crushed into pieces and he let out a shrill scream. At the same time, a loud noise also spread on the top of the mountain. Come on.

It was the black peak spirit treasure that was knocked away by Lu Tiandu with the help of a dragon-marked black gold stick.

This hill of tens of feet was surrounded by black light, roaring and hitting the surrounding palaces, causing the monks in the palace to panic and fly away to avoid it.

"How can this be?"

On the other side, among a group of black-clothed Nascent Soul monks, the two old men headed by them were staring at the ten-foot-long golden man who suddenly appeared in the sky at Hu Lao Mo's position, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

From the golden fist of the giant, the screams that came out at this moment were faint, and the blood was still dripping down.

Huhua Shen, who was revered as the number one person in the demonic path by countless demonic monks, was simply caught to death by a late-stage Nascent Soul of the same level as them?

The Great Elder Hu and the Second Elder Situ of the Tianmo Sect didn't even know that they were actually trembling.

Behind them, the other Nascent Soul monks of the Heavenly Demon Sect also turned from shock to horror, and a depressing atmosphere instantly spread from these monks...

At this moment, a faint voice seemed to come from the distant sky, and suddenly appeared in everyone's ears:

"Fellow Jin-faced Daoist, Junior Brother Lu, wait a moment, we have something to say..."

Hearing this voice, the two remaining elders of the late Nascent Soul Sect who knew the owner of the voice gave a bitter smile and looked at each other, temporarily calming down their fear.

"I'm afraid Senior Xiang and Senior Feng didn't expect that the Supreme Elder would be grabbed to death by Lu Tiandu the moment he met him, right? And the golden-faced god-transforming monk actually didn't take any action from the beginning to the end..."

Situ, a dark old man in black robes, lowered his eyebrows as this thought flashed through his mind.

A few years ago, Senior Hefeng was invited to the Demon Palace by the Supreme Elder. They, the senior officials of Tianmo Sect, naturally knew that the golden-faced man in blood-robed deity who killed Hu Laomo decades ago was actually a human being. The old monster who transforms into a god.

Moreover, he was an existence that frightened even Xiang Zhili, the monk known as the first god-incarnation of the Jin Dynasty.

In this way, the tragedy at the Jinjing underground auction can naturally be explained.

Naturally, the two great monks and other Nascent Soul monks that their Heavenly Demon Sect lost in Jinjing were also at the hands of Jin-mian Ren and Lu Tiandu.

Since the Kunwu Mountain incident ended and the news came out that Lu Tiandu had obtained the Lingbao and grasped the Lingshan Mountain in Kunwu Mountain, both Hu Laomo and the Tianmo Sect were facing a hundred-year agreement, and they all knew that this time they were in big trouble.

A golden-faced man Hu Lao Modu was deeply troubled, not to mention Lu Tiandu who had obtained a spiritual treasure. This would almost make the Tianmo Sect face two god-transformation monks at the same time.

When the fight is unlikely to win, Hu Lao Mo will naturally not sit still and wait for death.

Bai Laogui has been locked up in life and death and can't help.

Hu Lao Mo naturally found a pair of good friends, Xiang Lao Gui and Feng Lao Gui, who had been wandering around Dajin since the Kunwu Mountain incident.

Afterwards, I don’t know how Hu Laomo persuaded the two of them. The two promised to come to adjust when both Jinmian and Lu Tian came to the door.

After all, in their opinion, the conflict between the two parties was just an imitation spiritual treasure involved in the Tianlan Grassland incident and the underground auction. The parties involved were dead and there was no unsolvable grudge.

When the time comes, let Hu Lao Mo compensate for some treasures and materials, and it will not be difficult for the two parties to reconcile.

Of course, Hu Lao Mo actually had other motives for inviting the two of them.

If Lu Tiandu and Lu Tiandu didn't reconcile by then, he was going to secretly persuade Xiang Laogui and Feng Laoguai to take action together to kill people and seize the treasure.

With three against two, as long as the three of them are willing to consume their essence and mobilize the energy of heaven and earth to use powerful magical powers, in his opinion, there is no problem in killing the two of them, Lu Tiandu.

After killing Lu Tiandu and the other two, he could completely give up the Black Wind Flag and the Eight Spiritual Rulers, two heavenly spiritual treasures that were very useful for entering the space node, to these two people.

Lu Tiandu had previously taken out Jiutian Spirit Peach, a life-enhancing spiritual fruit, at the auction. As long as he could find extra Nine Heaven Spirit Peach in Lu Tiandu's storage bag, it would be enough to make up for the life span consumed by the three of them.

As for the information about space nodes that Xiang Zhili and Feng Laoguai have always been thinking about, Lu Tiandu got it from Linglong Demon Concubine. As long as Lu Tiandu is captured, can they still find it after a soul search?

And there are other treasures on Lu Tiandu's body, the value of which is absolutely astonishing.

In fact, Hu Laomo is more inclined to persuade the two of them to join forces to kill and seize the treasure.

The benefits are really too great. Such gains are nothing compared to the previous grudges. And he thought he was still very confident in convincing the two of them.

Of course, before that, when the two men came to the door, he would definitely protect himself first, and at the same time notify Xiang Zhili of their arrival as soon as possible.

With the speed of the monk who transformed into gods, he was completely able to catch up.

Therefore, after observing from the confinement of the Demon Palace that Lu Tiandu and the others were not doing well, Hu Lao Mo crushed the jade talisman that conveyed the message without saying a word.

Unfortunately, this ancient formation that could block the monks in the early stages of becoming gods was broken through in a short time thanks to the joint efforts of Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon clones.

This naturally exceeded Hu Laomo's expectations.

Without saying a word, Hu Laomo sacrificed his own spirit treasure at the bottom of the box. Although driving the spirit treasure consumes essence, he naturally couldn't care less at this moment.

Although this Chongxuan Peak is a great offensive spirit treasure, as long as it hangs above his head, monks of the same level will not be able to break through his defense for a while.

Moreover, when Xiang Laogui and the two came and saw Lu Tiandu and Lu Tiandu besieging him, he was more confident in persuading them to take action together to get rid of the two big demons for Da Jin.

It seems that everything has been planned by him.

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that when the strength is strong enough, all conspiracies and tricks are just paper tigers.

And after his paper tiger was knocked away from Chongxuan Peak, he never expected that he would be caught to death!

"Why is old man Xiang getting involved?"

Hearing Xiang Zhili's familiar voice, Lu Tiandu's doubts flashed across his face, and he glanced at the expressions of the two late-stage Nascent Soul monks from the Tianmo Sect, and seemed to understand something.

The spell performed by Xiang Zhili is a technique of transmitting sound thousands of miles away. If a person is thousands of miles away, as long as the spell is strong enough, his voice can be transmitted to several times the distance that his spiritual consciousness can radiate.

As long as people around Motuo Mountain can basically hear the voice of the caster. Of course, the area around here is within the sphere of influence of Hu Lao Mo's Demon Palace, and there are no other monks except the Tian Mo Sect monks.

Seeing the way Xiang Zhili was transmitting the message so urgently before the person arrived, he understood that Lu Tiandu and Lu Tiandu were both decisive people, and the three of them might have started fighting a little later.

After all, the evil names of the two demons in Lu Tiandu were created by stepping on the corpse of a late Yuanying monk.

But now that everyone is dead, it seems that the old man can't mediate if he wants to mediate.

A golden-purple light flashed in his hand, and Lu Tiandu did not hesitate to put away the storage bag left by Hu Laomo and the imprisoned Nascent Soul. After a golden-red flame passed by, the mountain palm became as clean as ever.

The sleeves of the robe flickered, and the huge colorful sleeves covered the black mountain peak that was knocked away before.

Seeing Lu Tiandu killing people and collecting treasures openly, no one from the Heavenly Demon Sect dared to say anything.

After putting away the mountain-shaped spiritual treasure, Lu Tian didn't even look at it carefully. The figure flashed and returned to normal human size.

Since Xiang Zhili is coming soon, Lu Tiandu naturally wants to see what Xiang Zhili means.

After dozens of breaths, two rays of light shot out from the sky at extremely fast speeds. In the sky above the square, two escaping lights converged, and the figures of two old men appeared.

One of them, wearing a green robe, with small eyes and a smooth look, was Xiang Zhili.

The other man was wearing a light blue robe. He looked to be in his sixties, with a triangular bun on his head, bare feet, and a long horse face. This old man was naturally Old Monster Feng.

"Fellow Jin-faced Daoist, Junior Brother Lu, how are you doing lately? Hey... where is Hu Laomo?"

Xiang Zhili said with a smile on his face.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he naturally observed the scene clearly. Although several palaces were destroyed, there seemed to be no traces of other fighting techniques, which showed that they were still in time.

In this way, the subsequent mediation should naturally be easy.

Xiang Zhili felt slightly excited when he thought that there would be two more colleagues searching for space nodes, and that there would also be information about the counter-spiritual passage or space nodes that Lu Tiandu had obtained from Linglong Demon Concubine.

However, he and Old Monster Feng are here, so why is this Old Monster Hu missing?

"It seems that Senior Brother Xiang is in a good mood!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the smiling old man Xiang and smiled slightly, "Brother Xiang, why don't you introduce this fellow Taoist next to you? As for Hu Lao Mo... Hey, I didn't stop just now and was accidentally grabbed to death by my junior brother! Senior Brother Xiang Your Qianli Yuanxuan arrived too late!"


After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, not only did Xiang Zhili's smile falter, but he was also stunned.

And Old Monster Feng, who had been secretly observing Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon's clone since his arrival, couldn't help but twitch his eyelids and became surprised:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, are you kidding me? Catch a god-transforming monk to death. How is this possible?"

From the time they received Hu Lao Mo's sound-transmitting jade talisman to the time the two of them flew away tens of thousands of miles away, it only took a stick of incense.

This means that Lu Tiandu and Lu Tiandu came to Motuo Mountain just a stick of incense ago, and what Lu Tiandu meant was that Hu Lao Mo had already been killed before Xiang Zhili used the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Technique?

How long has it been? The Lao Mo's lair was breached just a few dozen breaths ago?

Then Hu Lao Mo was killed soon?

How can this be?

This is impossible!

How could a god-incarnation monk be killed in such a short period of time?

Xiang Zhili and Old Monster Feng were filled with disbelief. This was so funny!

In the Great Jin Dynasty, except for the comrades who were incarcerated or who failed to break through and fell, there has been no life-and-death struggle among the monks who transformed themselves into gods for thousands of years.

Suddenly hearing that a monk who transformed into a god was killed, or by a Yuanying monk - although this monk should have a fighting power comparable to that of a god with the help of the spirit treasure - Old Man Xiang and Old Monster Feng still found it very funny.

"Junior Brother Lu, you better stop teasing me!"

Xiang Zhili smiled and shook his head.

However, when he met Lu Tiandu's half-smiling eyes, and then glanced at the strange expressions of the monks from the Heavenly Demon Sect, Xiang Zhili suddenly realized that something was wrong.


Xiang Zhili didn't know why, but seemed to be convinced of something, and glanced at the ancient demon clone beside him.

Except for the golden-masked man who nodded when he said hello before, he remained motionless at other times. At this moment, it seemed that Lu Tiandu had no intention of refuting.

"Isn't this possible?"

Old man Xiang suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry, swallowed his saliva, and murmured.

"Do I have to show Brother Hu Lao Mo's treasure to believe it?"

Lu Tiandu said something faintly.

As he spoke, he flicked his sleeves, and a two-foot-tall black hill appeared in the air and was put away.


Seeing this black hill, Old Monster Feng beside the old man suddenly took a cold breath and shivered inexplicably. The eyes he looked at Lu Tiandu were full of fear.

Is this person the peerless genius from that small place in Tiannan that Lao Xiang said?

This guy is not only a genius in cultivation, but also a powerful and unscrupulous master!

Catch a god-transformation monk to death? Can you believe it?

Are all the geniuses of ancient Dharma practitioners so unscrupulous?

With extremely complicated thoughts, he suppressed his thoughts towards the old man and Old Monster Feng, looked at each other, and remained speechless.

The two of them landed in the square, both of them not knowing what to say.

Lu Tiandu's tyrannical strength in cross-level fighting and his murderous intention to kill the enemy at the slightest disagreement seemed to overwhelm them.

After all, in their opinion, the contradiction between the two parties is not irreconcilable, and it does not lead to a fight between life and death.

As a result, it has reached this point.

In fact, before he learned from the soul search that Jingyuan and Qimiao were planning the actions of the girls in Yaochi, Lu Tiandu only came to discuss the centuries-old promise and then exchanged some special elixir in the hands of Hu Laomo.

After all, Hu Lao Mo's ability to refine the Mo Yuan Dan, which is helpful in breaking through the bottleneck of transforming into gods, seems to be related to some special elixirs growing here in the Demon Palace.

But since the Tianmo Sect had evil intentions towards the girls in Yaochi, Lu Tiandu has revealed his murderous intent.

The death of Qi Miao and the killing of Jing Yuan and others after the auction were his plan at that time.

As a result, the Pingshan Seal incident completely aroused Lu Tiandu's anger. Not only did he kill on the spot, but he also sentenced Hu Laomo to death.

That's why he came to the door today, on the eve of rushing to Xiaoji Palace, and killed Hu Laomo.

"Since Hu Lao Mo is dead now, our trip to mediate has naturally been stopped."

With a wry smile on his face, the old man explained the purpose of their trip.

What Lu Tiandu said at the moment was too simple, and he couldn't ask in detail. He could only ask other monks of Tianmo Sect later:

"I wonder how Junior Brother Lu will deal with the Heavenly Demon Sect?"

Facing the unfathomable blood-robed golden-faced man and Lu Tiandu, who killed the transformed god with one strike and had strange combat power, the two of them did not dare to say anything about the future of the Tianmo Sect, the number one sect in the demonic way.

Lu Tiandu was silent for a moment and then said:

"Since Hu Lao Mo is dead, all the monks above Yuan Ying of the Hu family should be sent to be reincarnated... As for the Tian Mo Sect, just stay!"

Lu Tiandu said that before he could finish, he disappeared in an instant under the eyes of the two god-transformation monks.

The next moment, a golden finger suddenly appeared in front of the great elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect, the black-faced old man who had reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul.

With a slight tap of his finger, the head of the black-faced old man exploded with a "pop", and a wisp of golden wind strangely penetrated from the headless corpse.

The next moment, Lu Tiandu appeared again with several storage bags in his hands.

Seeing the bodies and Nascent Soul that were contaminated by the golden wind and instantly turned into powder, they shrank their eyes towards the old man and Old Monster Feng, and felt cold all over!

p.s. It’s the end of the month, do fellow Taoists still have monthly tickets? Asking for a monthly ticket. (End of chapter)

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