Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 372 The Difficulty of Smuggling! trade!

"So fast? What kind of escape technique is this? Such powerful physical power!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu's strange killing methods in front of them, several thoughts flashed through Xiang Zhili and Old Monster Feng's minds, and their fear of Lu Tiandu also increased to the extreme.

Although they knew that Lu Tiandu was not easy to deal with because of Hu Laomo's death, it was Lu Tiandu's act of easily killing a peak monk of the late Nascent Soul in front of them that really made them understand why the monks of the Tianmo Sect The expression before was very strange.

A late-stage Nascent Soul monk appeared on the body of a late-stage Nascent Soul monk whose speed was not weaker than that of the Spirit Transformation monk. They were really surprised by Lu Tiandu's amazing escape technique.

And this kind of combat power that far exceeds the same level of speed combined with tyrannical physical power to easily kill monks of the same level is really terrifying to these simple immortal cultivators!

After all, even these god-transformation monks cannot kill a late-stage Nascent Soul monk so easily without using the essence to mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth.

Moreover, although their physical bodies were baptized by the vitality of heaven and earth when they advanced to become gods, in fact, the overall strength of their physical bodies was not much stronger than that of late Yuanying monks.

After all, the baptized body is only more suitable for absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

If they didn't emit body-protecting spiritual light, their mere physical bodies would still be unable to block Lu Tiandu's finger that contained immense power.

Moreover, according to their sensing, Lu Tiandu did not seem to use all his strength.

Looking at Lu Tiandu with a calm face, the two of them really couldn't understand how Lu Tiandu had practiced to such an extent for more than two hundred years.

Needless to say, if such a genius were to become his enemy, the consequences would be unexplainable.

"Elder Situ, right? The remaining monks above the Yuan Ying of the Hu family will be left to you and other Tianmo Sect monks. I hope you won't let me down!"

At this time, Lu Tiandu glanced at the thin black old man, the last great monk of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and said indifferently.

"I'll obey!"

Seeing that Elder Huda, who had secretly communicated with each other a moment ago, had now turned into dust and died, Elder Situ took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and bowed.

At this moment, Senior Xiang and Senior Feng, who had placed high hopes on them before, did not dare to say anything. They looked like only Lu Tiandu and the other two were following suit. If they wanted to save themselves and the Tianmo Sect whose vitality was seriously injured, Old Man Situ naturally knew how to do it.

As for the other elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect, they did not dare to say a word.

In the face of life and death, no one dares to joke with his own life.

"I forgot to introduce you, Junior Brother Lu, to fellow Taoist Jin-faced Taoist. This is my good friend, one of the cultivators of the Great Jin Transformation God..."

Seeing that the other monks of the Tianmo Sect had turned around to attack the remaining Nascent Soul monks of the Hu family, Xiang Zhili sighed secretly and then introduced the old monster Feng Jiyan beside him.

The ancient demon clone still looked indifferent. Lu Tiandu and Old Monster Feng bowed to each other, then turned to Xiang Zhi and said:

"We said goodbye to each other at Kunwu Mountain last time. Since we are destined to meet each other this time, it's a good time to catch up with Senior Brother Xiang."

"Senior brother has exactly the same intention in coming here this time!"

Xiang Zhili also smiled and nodded.

After saying that, the four people flashed and entered the largest palace here without caring about the others.

Looking at Lu Tiandu's back, Xiang Zhili also remembered what happened in Kunwu Mountain twelve years ago.

Back then, he was forcibly sent out of Kunwu Mountain by Lu Tiandu and Yinyue. After that, he hurriedly rushed to the entrance to Kunwu Mountain that the Ye family had opened before. Unfortunately, the restrictions here had long since changed.

He still doesn't understand that this is the restriction on Kunwu that has been completely strengthened and opened.

The attempt to enter Kunwu Mountain to find Linglong Demon Concubine to ask for information such as the Reverse Spirit Passage had to be abandoned.

As for the fact that he learned from other monks that Old Demon Qian was killed by Demon Concubine Linglong with one blow, he didn't even take it to heart.

After all, he himself was trapped in the magical celestial phenomenon by Linglong. If Demon Concubine Linglong hadn't taken the initiative to release him, it would have been several months before he could come out.

Of course, he naturally discovered from this that the Linglong Demon Concubine and Lu Tian seemed to have a good relationship, and when Lu Tiandu advanced to become a god, he would definitely face the same problem of being unable to advance to the middle stage of god transformation.

Based on Lu Tiandu's relationship with the golden-faced god beside him, he must know all about this.

Therefore, he guessed that even if the Linglong Demon Concubine returned to the spirit world, she would leave some information for Lu Tiandu.

He wandered outside Kunwu Mountain for several more years and never saw Lu Tiandu and others coming out. He knew that the seclusion Lu Tiandu mentioned might not end anytime soon.

At this moment, he received another message from Hu Lao Mo, and came to the Demon Palace to learn from Hu Lao Mo about the hundred-year agreement mentioned by the golden-faced man. Xiang Zhili joined Feng Lao Monster in the Demon Palace. I found a place not far away and waited while retreating.

If you want to see Lu Tiandu in twenty or thirty years, this is the only way.

Sure enough, within a few years, they found traces of Lu Tiandu.

Unfortunately, the scene when we meet now is completely different from what we imagined.

This is a magnificent hall. The ground is covered with a layer of exquisite warm jade, and the various furnishings are extremely gorgeous. After the four people sat down, looking at Xiang Zhili's hesitant expression, Lu Tiandu took the initiative and said:

"Senior Brother Xiang, do you want to ask about Demon Concubine Linglong? She has returned to the spirit world."

Hearing Lu Tiandu take the initiative to mention this matter, Xiang Zhili and Old Monster Feng felt relieved.

Linglong's return to the spirit world was not beyond their expectations. Xiang Zhili smiled and said:

"Although junior brother has not yet advanced to become a god, with his talent, it will only take a few hundred years for him to advance to god transformation... I must have learned from the golden-faced Taoist friend that the monks have advanced to become a god. Is it done?"


"So, junior brother, you should know that with the current energy of heaven and earth in the human world, it is impossible for us god-transformation monks to break through the bottleneck of the middle-stage god-transformation stage, let alone reach the late-stage god-transformation stage to sense the spiritual world ascension platform and ascend..."

Xiang Zhili said with a bitter look on his face, and Old Monster Feng next to him also looked lonely.

"More than a hundred years ago, two of our colleagues fell into the devil's body and died in order to force a breakthrough. Not long ago, Bai Laogui from the Taiyi Sect also prepared to use foreign objects to force a breakthrough. However, I am not very optimistic about it. After all, now the Great Jin Huashen monks are also There are only a few people left..."

Xiang Zhili continued.

Who can advance to become a god in this human world where the vitality of heaven and earth is thin, who is not a person with extraordinary talent and great opportunity?

They advance to become gods at the age of eight, nine or even a thousand years old, and make no progress for the rest of their lives. In the end, they can only be trapped in this human world and turn into a pile of withered bones. This is naturally a kind of torture for them, the god-transformation monks.

Immortal cultivators are meant to change their destiny against the will of heaven. But who can cultivate to the state of becoming a god in such an environment? Which cultivator doesn’t have the courage to move forward, the courage to overcome obstacles, and the ambition to seek the path to immortality?

It's a pity that when manpower is finally exhausted, facing this world that is short of vitality, can these terrestrial gods-like figures just look up to the sky and sigh, feeling regret for the rest of their lives?

"... Over the years, Old Monster Feng and I have searched for possible counter-spirit passages in various places in the human world based on the few words left by the ancient monks. Unfortunately, we have traveled to several immortal worlds for hundreds of years, and ultimately found nothing... Previous In recent years, information about space nodes leaked out from the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, giving us a glimmer of hope. Old Monster Feng and I began to search for various space nodes again. When Kunwu Mountain was opened, Old Monster Feng was trapped in a certain place. In the cracks of space..."

At this moment, Xiang Zhili still lacks the smoothness and laughter of the past. He has a heavy look on his face, and his tone is full of inexplicable grief, anger and helplessness.

"Now that junior brother has rescued Linglong Demon Concubine, I wonder if the demon concubine has left any information about the reverse spirit passage or space node? Junior brother, don't worry, Old Monster Feng and I will not use the information shared by junior brother in vain, there must be valuable treasures Here you go. And from now on, junior brother can rest assured that he will go into seclusion to break through the divine transformation. The matter of finding a safe passage can be left to me and Old Monster Feng. As long as we find a suitable passage, the four of us can join forces to enter the passage..."

Xiang Zhili looked at Lu Tiandu with a sincere expression.

Looking at Xiang Zhili and Old Monster Feng who looked hopeful, Lu Tiandu sighed inexplicably.

He came to this world of mortals cultivating immortals with stone beads and heavy treasures, and his journey has been smooth and unstoppable. Although he cannot understand the state of mind of these god-forming monks in the human world, he still has some empathy. After a moment of silence, he said :

"Linglong did give me a lot of information about the counter-spirit passage and space nodes. I am not a humble person, and I am willing to share it with the two Taoists. However, I am afraid that this information is not what the two Taoists expected. However, the two Taoists Friends, let’s take a look first!”

Hearing that Lu Tiandu agreed to share information so easily, the two of them were a little suspicious. However, when the two of them took the jade slip handed over by Lu Tiandu and examined it, they suddenly became speechless. According to the layout requirements of the counter-spirit passage in the jade slips, even to build a small counter-spirit passage, a large amount of precious materials are needed to arrange the counter-spirit formation, and thousands of top-quality spiritual stones are needed as the energy source to stabilize the passage.

These rare materials produced in the wilderness of the spiritual world cannot be found in the human world at all, and it is difficult to say whether substitutes can be found.

As for the Thousand Pieces of Top-grade Spiritual Stones, they have also used top-grade Spiritual Stones, so they naturally know how precious this thing is. In today's human world, after searching, they would probably find at most one or two top-quality spiritual stones, which would be a drop in the bucket.

The road to the Reverse Spirit Passage is basically blocked.

As for the recorded information of the space nodes, the information Lu Tiandu gave to the two of them was the complete version given to him by Yinyue, without any omissions, deletions or modifications.

It takes a lot of time to check whether a space node that has survived from ancient times can be used, which is not difficult for them.

But the interdimensional force and space storm encountered after entering the space node are the most troublesome.

In Silver Moon's description, there are no powerful defensive treasures or space treasures to resolve space storms. Basically, there is no life or death.

Moreover, even if you are well prepared, once you enter, you will still have a narrow escape.

Naturally, the two of them would not doubt whether the information was true or false, but the more this happened, the colder their hearts became.

However, the two of them were also determined people, and they had calmed down their feelings after a while.

Even though everything was difficult, the two finally found a glimmer of light.

This jade slip is the best news in hundreds of years of travel.

Xiang Zhili suddenly saw that Lu Tiandu still had a calm look on his face, his mind moved, and he asked with a smile:

"I wonder if junior brother has anything to teach me?"

"I don't need to say more about the difficulty of smuggling through space nodes. I believe that no matter how difficult it is, the two of you can't stop here. If you want to find space nodes next, you might as well start from the Wulonghai recorded in the jade slips."

Lu Tiandu saw that the expressions of the two people became firm and it was not surprising. He thought for a while and said, "In addition to the various measures mentioned in the jade slip, I also have a method that can increase the ability to save life after entering the space node."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the two of them looked surprised and said hurriedly:

"Please say."

"The method of body refining!"

"Body training?"

"Yes, the monk's power is concentrated on his own magic power and the treasures he drives, and he does not care about the cultivation of the physical body. But after entering the space node, the spiritual energy in the void is unstable. If you accidentally encounter danger, your body may be destroyed. , even if the Nascent Soul can still drive the treasure for a short period of time, the probability of survival is naturally a little smaller."

"And if one can practice a profound body-refining technique to a certain extent, where the physical body can withstand the magic weapon, the probability of survival will naturally be much greater."

"I see. No wonder, junior brother, you have embarked on the path of being a Dharma body practitioner."

Xiang Zhili sighed after hearing this.

After a monk advances to become a god, his Nascent Soul is in a semi-solidified state and is not afraid of space pressure. This is why only those who have advanced to become a god are eligible to sneak across space nodes.

As soon as monks below the level of Transformation God enter such a node, the Nascent Soul is directly crushed into powder by the force of the boundary. What else is there to talk about smuggling?

After the advanced level of Void Refining, the monk's Nascent Soul is completely solidified and can switch between virtuality and reality. He can move outside for a long time without relying on the physical body. He can also use the Nascent Soul to drive treasures at will, or the Nascent Soul can be divided and refined to create a large number of objects outside the body. Incarnation, he can mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth at will, and his power can be said to be greatly increased.

In the original plot, Han Li finally succeeded in sneaking out. The fourth-level Mingwang Jue and the Bone Tempering Jue practiced by taking a large amount of Dragon Scale Fruit played a lot of roles.

As for other functional treasures and talismans such as Xutian Cauldron, Eight Spirit Rulers, Red Soul Banner, Yuanci Mountain, Shattering Eyes of Destruction, World Transformation Pearl, Spirit Transformation Talisman, Liuding Tianjia Talisman, and several other items obtained from plundering the world The defensive treasures all played a lot of roles.

Even so, Bingfeng, a god-transformation monk with space talent, joined forces all the way. As a result, after being smuggled in, not only was the Nascent Soul lost to nourish his body due to serious injuries, but the only treasures left were the Xutian Cauldron, Yuanci Mountain, and the Destruction Technique. Eyes, other treasures and talismans were destroyed. (The magic talisman can be restored)

As for Bingfeng's success in smuggling, his special talent is not the only reason why he has a strong physical body.

On the other hand, Xiang Zhili, Feng Laoguai and Hu Laomo joined forces to enter the space node a hundred years before Han Li.

Both of them died. Xiang Zhili was seriously injured and lost all his cultivation. He finally lived in Cloud City on the Thunder Continent and started practicing all over again. It is not known whether he was sneaking out or entering the spirit world because he was seriously injured and was possessed by a strange blood shadow. When he met Han After Li Xueying wanted to plot against Han Li, after being killed, Xiang Zhili's body also turned into ashes.

Therefore, this powerful body that seems inconspicuous or ignored may be able to save the stowaway's life at some point.

"No one has practiced this body-training technique since ancient times. Nowadays, I am afraid that only the Buddhist Mingwang Jue and other techniques belong to this category."

At this time, Old Monster Feng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

It was obvious that with Lu Tiandu's guidance, they were already preparing to practice body-training techniques during the next search for a safe and passable space node.

"I'm afraid other people may not be able to practice my body-training technique due to some reasons, but I got a spirit-world body-training technique from Linglong, which I can give to you two."

Seeing the two people looking at him with burning eyes, Lu Tiandu took out another jade slip.

"Diamond Technique? After practicing to the seventh level, with the help of spiritual tools, you are actually able to defeat Yuanying monks?"

After seeing the introduction of the technique, Xiang Zhili and Old Monster Feng were surprised and instantly became ecstatic.

Not only because of the power of this technique, but also because it is not difficult for them to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to imbue their bodies.

After all, monks who transform into gods can mobilize part of the vitality of heaven and earth. What's more, low-level monks who have transformed into gods have searched for information in every sect over the years. They have many ways to set up formations to mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth, so that they can practice without spending essence. To achieve this skill.

"This technique must be practiced to at least the fifth level or above."

Lu Tiandu added.

In the spiritual world, monks who transform themselves into gods are busy practicing to overcome the minor tribulations. Very few people take the time to practice the Vajra Technique. However, for the two people who have difficulty making progress in the human world, it will take them hundreds of years to master this technique. The seventh level is very possible.

"Well, thank you so much, Junior Brother Lu (Fellow Daoist Lu)!"

The two of them said with grateful expressions on their faces.

"Nothing, I have something else to trouble you later."

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly. This information was naturally not free. After thinking about it, he took out another jade slip and said:

"This jade slip contains basic information about the human and demon races in the spiritual world. Since you have decided to sneak across, take a look at it. It can be considered as preparation in advance."

"Three Realms of Human Race, Seven Realms of Monster Race, Holy Island..."

"Tianyuan City, the four major sects, the Zhenling Family..."

"After the Nascent Soul stage, monks in the spiritual world actually have to go through the minor tribulations that occur once every three hundred years? Each state of the Nascent Soul stage and the Soul Transformation state can only survive nine times at most?"

The two of them were shocked when they saw the news about the monk Lei Jie. However, they immediately realized that this matter would be of great benefit to the ascended monks.

The monks who transform into gods in the human world only have a lifespan of more than 2,000 years, and the monks who ascend to the spiritual world are in the realm of god transformation at the end. Those who normally ascend are in the late stage of god transformation. It is very possible to advance to the realm of void refining within more than two thousand years.

As for the great catastrophe that occurs once every three thousand years after advanced cultivation, that is another matter!

"Okay, you two can watch it later. I still have something to trouble you with!"

Lu Tiandu interrupted the discussion between the two, "You must also have the method of refining the spirit treasure in your hands. The information on these three jade slips just requires you to take out the three pieces of the method of refining the spirit treasure. You two. Take another look at the items listed on this jade slip. If there is anything I need, just ask..." (End of Chapter)

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