Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 373 Great harvest! Goodbye Bai sisters!

"In this case, we have taken advantage of our junior brother!"

Xiang Zhili and the others felt relieved when they heard that Lu Tiandu only wanted three spiritual treasure refining methods. They were already ready to take out the imitation spiritual treasures in exchange.

This method of refining spiritual treasures is not difficult for monks like them, and everyone has collected two or three of them.

At this moment, the two of them were not in a hurry to copy the jade slips. They took the jade slips handed over by Lu Tiandu and looked at them.

"Junior brother, there are really very few things that I need. I have never heard the names of many of them, and even those I have heard of don't have them in my hands."

After Xiang Zhili read it, he gave the jade slip to Old Monster Feng with a wry smile.

The elixir or materials recorded in this jade slip must be what Lu Tiandu needs. Originally, he planned to give it to Lu Tiandu if he had what Lu Tiandu needed, which would make up for the advantage he had taken.

As a result, there was nothing in his own collection that Lu Tiandu needed.

Old Monster Feng also quickly finished reading the jade slips, pondered for a moment, reached out to touch the storage bag on his waist, and a black copper box appeared in his palm. When he opened the box, a large silver walnut stone appeared in front of the three of them.

The silver stone is covered with snowflake-like patterns, faintly emitting a soft light, flickering and looking a bit strange.

"I did find a piece. Fellow Daoist Lu, let's see if it's what you need?"

Old Monster Feng smiled and handed the silver stone to Lu Tiandu.

"Exactly this thing. It's good to find one this time. What does Feng Daoist want to exchange this thing for?"

Lu Tiandu took the silver stone and looked at it carefully for a moment. He suddenly showed a hint of joy and asked Old Monster Feng with a smile.

What is recorded in the jade slips is naturally some of the missing materials needed to refine Yun Shen Dan, a pill that enhances the soul, and to refine the Yuan Ming Lantern.

This silver alabaster stone is one of the materials needed for the Yuanming Lantern.

"This 'Silver Snow Crystal' is given to fellow Taoist. This time, the two of us have received a lot of favors from fellow Taoist, so I would like to thank you for this."

Old Monster Feng waved his hand, with no intention of exchanging anything.

Although this silver snow crystal is extremely rare and worth more than one million spirit stones, they got a lot of information from Lu Tiandu this time. Now that they have finally found the way forward, it goes without saying that they are excited and happy, and they don't care about this rare material.

"In this case, I would be disrespectful."

Lu Tiandu didn't refuse and accepted it with a smile.

The two of them were also extremely generous in the methods of refining spirit treasures. Xiang Zhili had three kinds in his hands, and Old Monster Feng had two in his hands, allowing Lu Tiandu to choose from them.

When Lu Tiandu saw two methods for refining spiritual treasures, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he chose three of them without hesitation. As for the other two swords, which are relatively common, Lu Tiandu had the method of refining the Star Sword before and did not exchange them again.

These three methods of refining spiritual treasures are the Five Elements Ring, the Taixuan Diagram and the Ten Thousand Blades Disk. The first two were given by Zi Xiang Zhi, and the latter was brought out by Old Monster Feng.

If this Thousand-Blade Disk is made, there are tens of thousands of tiny flying knives hidden in the knife disc. When driven with all the strength, the thousands of knives can be fired at once, and it will also be a killing treasure.

Lu Tiandu remembered that Old Monster Feng had refined an imitation spirit treasure with two to three thousand tiny flying knives, and it was quite powerful.

As for the Five Elements Ring Spirit Treasure, it has a similar function to the Five Elements Ring, a fine ancient treasure that Lu Tiandu once obtained in the Xutian Palace. It is an enemy-trapping spirit treasure that has the power to restrain monks who practice Five Elements Kung Fu.

It is estimated that the five element ring ancient treasures are imitations of this spiritual treasure.

The last method of refining the Taixuan Tu, a very rare diagram-type spiritual treasure, is a surprise.

Lu Tiandu had long planned to refine his natal magic weapon into a spiritual treasure before ascending. Unfortunately, on the eve of the last Yin-Yang Cave, he used the seven spiritual beads and other materials to refine the wind and thunder prison map. Although the power of the treasure is compared to ordinary imitations, The Lingbao is still strong, but he has always been vague about how to advance the Fengling Prison Map to the Lingbao.

I was originally going to ask Fairy Peacock or the Holy Beast Tianlan about the refining method of similar picture-like spiritual treasures as a reference after advancing to become a god, but I didn't expect that I got an unexpected surprise from Old Man Xiang this time.

Counting the two spiritual treasure refining methods that Yin Yue took out last time, the Heavenly Demon Banner and the Qing Ming Needle, as well as the five major items he had collected before: the Wind and Fire Fan, the Seven Flame Fan, the Star Sword, the Palm Seal, and the Ying Yue Ring. He already has ten spirit treasure refining methods in his hands.

Unfortunately, many of them either lack key materials in the human world or can only refine imitations. Therefore, Lu Tiandu does not plan to refine more imitations except for refining a few imitation spiritual treasures to improve the weapon refining technology when he has time in the future.

After collecting the materials in the spirit world, we can refine some real spiritual treasures for him and the girls.

Everyone gained something from this transaction. Later, Xiang Zhili asked about the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman. Lu Tiandu did not hide anything, saying:

"I do have the method of refining this talisman in my hand, but if this secret talisman wants to be helpful in entering the space node, the refiner must have a cultivation level above that of becoming a god, and must also be proficient in the talisman. Refining this talisman requires After consuming a lot of rare materials, I plan to start refining it after I advance to become a god. If I get something by then, it is not impossible to sell it to you two."

"Thank you so much, junior brother. Next, we will also help junior brother find the things recorded in the jade slips."

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Xiang Zhili and the other two looked surprised.

In fact, both of them also have defensive treasures at the bottom of the box in their hands. However, if they want to pass through the space node safely, they must make more preparations. No one will think that they have too many defensive treasures in their hands.

This time the two of them gained a lot and chatted with Lu Tiandu for a few words. Without further delay, the two of them set up their escape light and hurriedly left Motuo Mountain.

Next, while rushing to the Five Dragon Sea, they also have to practice the Diamond Art, collect defensive treasures, practice life-saving secret techniques, etc. There are so many things to do, naturally they are too lazy to worry about the Tianmo Sect.

"Forget it, I will refine the Six Tin Heavenly Armor Talisman and the Transformation Bead later, and sell them to the two of them. Counting the Soul Transformation Talisman in their hands, I hope it can increase their survival rate of smuggling!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the two disappearing figures and murmured.

Lu Tiandu already has the soul-absorbing materials needed to refine the World Bead, and Yinyue has given him the refining method. It is not difficult for him to refine the World Bead.

If they want to improve the survival rate of the stowaway node, they can only prepare according to Han Li's preparations in the original plot. The more, the better. Even the defensive treasures Lu Tian cannot help them, so they can only help them with talismans and body refining techniques.

As for the counter-spiritual passage, Lu Tiandu can easily use the stock of spiritual stones in his hand to bring out thousands of top-quality spiritual stones, but a large number of other rare materials for array formation are simply useless. Moreover, it is impossible for Lu Tian to invest such a huge amount of spiritual stones for others. Shi, the relationship hasn’t reached this point yet.

As for whether the simplified version of the counter-spiritual channel can be researched, Lu Tiandu is not confident.

According to his estimate, he will be able to cultivate to the late stage of divine transformation within three to four hundred years. After everything is ready, he will ascend to the spirit world. If Xin Ruyin's research does not yield results within this time period, then stop and let them go for five years. This node passage in Longhai or Xiaoji Palace will do.

Life and death are determined by destiny, wealth and honor are in heaven.

And if Xin Ruyin develops a simplified version of the large formation, and the cost is acceptable to the mainland, then it will be their opportunity to deploy the large formation.

Of course, you have to pay for the entrance fee yourself. If you can’t get it from the human world, you’ll have to pay it in the spirit world. If half-way falls, then nothing will be said.

After casually glancing at the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect outside, Lu Tiandu flicked his sleeves and robe, and a three-inch-tall Nascent Soul wrapped in dense restraints appeared in front of him.

The strength of his spiritual consciousness has long surpassed that of a monk in the early stages of becoming a god, so there is no problem with searching for the soul of the old demon's Nascent Soul. After a moment, Lu Tiandu opened his eyes with his eyes closed. After passing the relevant information about Hu Lao Mo's treasure to the ancient demon clone, he watched the ancient demon clone go out to search for Hu Lao Mo's treasures. He looked at Hu Lao Mo again. Several storage bags belonging to the great elder Mo and Sun Tzu.

Hu Laomo's most important treasure is the dark hill before, which is called 'Chongxuan Peak'. Lu Tiandu identified several rare earth-attribute materials such as Chongyuan Stone and Qingxuan Stone from it, but unfortunately he did not discover it. Refining method.

There is also an imitation of a small cyan shield, which is based on the refining method of the wooden defensive spiritual treasure in his hand called the 'Tianmu Shield'. This Tianmu Shield is also the only refining method of the spiritual treasure in his hand. .

There is another green scroll that looks quite extraordinary. There are more than a dozen green hills of different sizes on the scroll, which turns out to be a beautiful landscape painting.

This object is an exotic weapon used during the battle with Han Li in the original plot.

In order to deal with the ancient demon's clones and Lu Tiandu, the old demon spent a lot of money to retrieve this treasure from a certain ruins in the past few years. Without using the Chongxuan Peak, this treasure is indeed an unusual weapon with good attack power. Treasure, it's a pity that the old devil didn't use it until his death.

In addition, there are some ancient treasures, materials and other things. The number of spiritual stones is quite good. The total number of various spiritual stones is 30 million.

It is also worth mentioning that Hu Lao Mo personally refined the Moyuan Pill. Taking three pills when breaking through to become a god can increase the chance of breakthrough by 10%.

In the original plot, Han Li broke through to become a god with the help of the Yuanci Secret Technique, the Five Cold Flame Secret Technique, the best wood spirit stone, the Demonic Yuan Pill, and some other elixirs he prepared.

Although Moyuan Dan can only increase the chance of breakthrough by 10%, it is still extremely precious in today's human world.

Han Li used Yin Lingshui to obtain thousands of soybean-sized pieces of ten thousand-year-old jade from Xiaoji Palace, half of which was used to exchange for these three Demonic Essence Pills.

Several elixirs for refining the Demonic Essence Pill were later transplanted into the Yaochi Pagoda. In the future, Lu and Tiandu would also be able to master such elixirs.

This pill can be regarded as the fourth pill in his hand that is useful for breaking through the bottleneck of transforming into a god.

Now that the old white deer monster in Wulonghai has passed away, after Youluo initially refines the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword, she can go to Wulonghai and bring back its inner elixir.

The kind of elixir that Lu Tiandu got from Xinggong to break through the bottleneck of transforming into gods must be the inner elixir of the god-transforming demon cultivator. Apart from the old monster Bailu, the only one that can plot is the inner elixir of the old monster Che.

He checked Elder Huda's storage bag again and found a blue flying knife imitation spiritual treasure. The other items were worth tens of millions of spiritual stones in total. Lu Tiandu couldn't help but sigh that he was worthy of being the leader of the demonic sect. , this net worth is indeed extraordinary.

The storage bags and secret treasures of these two people are worth more than 200 million spirit stones. This net worth is comparable to the early stage cultivators of the human race in the spirit world.

Lu Tiandu has gained a lot from this trip!

In the spiritual world, except for the spiritual transformation monks with backgrounds, spiritual treasures are basically in the hands of the virtual refining monks.

The price of a spiritual treasure is one hundred yuan (one hundred million low-level spiritual stones) or even hundreds of top-grade spiritual stones. It is normal for a Void Refining monk to consume one or two spiritual treasures if he wants to survive the great catastrophe that occurs once every three thousand years. .

Based on this calculation, the net worth of ordinary Void Refining cultivators is not very rich.

After Hu Lao Mo got rid of this spiritual treasure, his net worth was two or three times more than that of an ordinary god-forming monk in the spiritual world. As the supreme elder of the first sect of the demonic world in the human world, it was still reasonable.

After the Ancient Demon's clone searched the Heavenly Demon Sect's treasure house for various materials worth tens of millions, Lu Tiandu and the two Shi Shiran flew towards Beiming Island.

First, the Yin Luo Sect, which ranked tenth in the Demon Sect, was knocked out of the top ten sects by Lu Tiandu. Now the Tian Mo Sect, which is ranked first, will obviously soon withdraw from the ranking of the top ten demon sects.

Coupled with the decline of the Fulong Sect among the ten sects of the righteous path, in just twenty years, Lu Tiandu has brought drastic changes to the righteous and demonic path of the Jin Dynasty that are more drastic than those in the past thousand years.

And when the news comes out that Hu Lao Mo was killed by Lu Tiandu, a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, Lu Tiandu, this Lu Lao Mo, will probably become a person that everyone talks about.

And if he waits until he conquers the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, then there will probably be very few monks in the entire Great Jin Immortal World who take the initiative to mention his taboo existence.

Half a month later, Lu Tiandu crossed several states, flew over the cold Shuang County, and fled towards Beiming Island.

The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is also in the north of the Great Jin Dynasty, just one state away from Shuang County.

Calculating the time now, it has passed the time point in the original plot when the Ten Thousand Demon Valley teamed up with the ice sea demons to besiege Xiaoji Palace and seize the space node. I don’t know why, but from the information from Gui Ling, the demon demons from two years ago The trace frequency shows that there is no movement from the demon clan so far, and I don’t know what they are planning.

Beiming Island is just a peninsula close to the inland of Dajin, surrounded by ice on three sides. The weather here is so cold that it can be said that every drop of water turns into ice. Even monks with lower cultivation levels dare not walk outside with a single shirt on.

Millions of miles to the north of Beiming Island is the Ice Sea, where the Ice Sea Monsters gather.

Ever since the Ice Soul Fairy made a trip to the Ice Sea in ancient times, signed an agreement to peacefully coexist with each other, and secretly took away the Ice Sea clan's most precious treasure, the Zhenhai Bell, both parties have been safe and sound for tens of thousands of years.

Otherwise, if the Ice Sea Demons and the Ten Thousand Demons Valley join forces, Xiaoji Palace may have been destroyed long ago.

Beiming Island itself is only a million miles wide. There is a huge ice city built in the northernmost part of the island, which is Beiye Xiaoji Palace, known as the first sect in the North.

Along the way, Lu Tiandu successfully arrived near the Ice City with the help of his powerful spiritual consciousness and the treasures left by the Bai sisters to circumvent the forbidden formation of Xiaoji Palace.

Lowering the escape light, Lu Tiandu stood in the void and looked at an ice city built on the mountain that appeared not far ahead.

From a distance, the city looks sparkling, emitting colorful rays of light in the sun. In addition, there is some faint white air surrounding the city nearby, which makes the ice city look like a fairyland in the Tianshan Mountains. It really doesn't look like a building in the human world.

What attracted his attention even more was the huge mountain behind the Ice City.

The mountain is as straight as a giant pillar, and its surface is sparkling and covered with ice of unknown thickness. Except for an occasional emerald green embellishment, it seems to be all icebergs.

This mountain seems to be ten thousand feet high. Although it cannot be compared with the giant Kunwu Mountain, which is twenty thousand feet high in its entirety, it is still a high mountain in the human world.

With the help of his powerful spiritual consciousness, Lu Tiandu can naturally see clearly the colorful buildings wrapped in layers of restrictions on the top of the iceberg. People who don't know here think it is the sect's seat of Xiaoji Palace, but it is actually just Xiaoji Palace. The inner palace is where low-level disciples practice and live.

The real high-level inner palace disciples and elders of Xiaoji Palace actually live in the Hanli Secret Realm somewhere in the iceberg. This is the core of Xiaoji Palace.

Lu Tiandu stood in the air for a few breaths, and more than ten rays of various colors quickly shot out from the ice city, all shooting in his direction.

In the blink of an eye, not far from Lu Tian, ​​various rays of light converged, and more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators appeared.

The leader is a beautiful middle-aged woman in her thirties wearing a white palace dress. Her hair is tied up high, her oval face has picturesque eyebrows, and her eyes are like a pool of clear water. She has an elegant and noble temperament.

On his left side, there was a three-foot-tall dwarf with deep wrinkles on his face, a long snow-white beard, and a blue robe, looking at Lu Tiandu with a smile.

On the right side of the beautiful woman in palace attire, two petite and beautiful beauties who looked like twins looked at Lu Tiandu with joy on their faces. Regardless of the more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators present, they ran straight out of the crowd and appeared in Lu Tiandu in a flash. Du stood in front of him and said:

"Lu Lang!"

"Well, I'm here to see you!"

Lu Tiandu skillfully held the Bai sisters' little hands and said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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