Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 374 There is a girl Liu Qing! The place is waiting for you!

Just when Lu Tiandu, Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin were getting close to each other, in the ice city dozens of miles away from everyone, there was a golden elixir monk who seemed to be awakened by the more than ten rays of light just now, and looked at his companions in surprise:

"It seems that the Dunguang just now is an elder in the inner palace. What happened? So many elders went out together? Could it be that the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is attacking again?"

At this moment, the expression of his late-stage pill-forming companion changed. He recalled the figure in white that his spiritual consciousness had swept across, and the dozen or so elders including Palace Master Liu who were waiting quietly not far away. The look of shock in his eyes became even more intense. obvious:

"Senior Lu is here!"

"What? Where did Senior Lu come from?"

"Did you forget that two years ago, when demons appeared frequently, there was news in the palace that someone was coming to our Xiaoji Palace as a guest? And whose Pingshan Seal is in Elder Bai's hand?"

The monk from Xiaoji Palace, who was in the late stage of pill formation, looked at his companion speechlessly and said angrily.

"Ah, is it him? Senior Lu is finally here? I wonder if Senior Lu is as young as the portraits circulated? He can actually make the demons in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley retreat just by his name. He is worthy of being the number one Nascent Soul in the Jin Dynasty. ! Tsk tsk, he was so overwhelming that even the ten major sects didn’t dare to breathe, he was so majestic! I heard that he killed dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators? Is it true?”

This companion, who was in the early stages of forming the elixir, looked excited and envious as he gossiped to his companions.

"That's enough, stop talking nonsense. If you offend the seniors, be careful of the elders' punishment!"

This late-stage pill-forming monk heard his companion's remarks becoming more and more outrageous, so he quickly stopped him.

But he thought secretly in his mind: I heard from Master that this Senior Lu had killed several great monks, including many elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect, which made everyone in Jin Dynasty talk about Lu.

I heard that he seems to have occupied Kunwu Mountain, the ancient fairy mountain, by himself, and he has acquired many treasures, including several Heavenly Spiritual Treasures...

And it is said that even the spirit beast is a level 10 demon cultivator, which is simply unbelievable!

In the past, he gossiped with some senior brothers. It seems that the Bai family Shuangjiao has a close relationship with this senior. If Elder Bai really gets married to senior Lu, wouldn't it mean that our Xiaoji Palace will no longer be afraid of the invasion of any group of monsters?

At this moment, seeing all the elders of Xiaoji Palace coming out to greet them, there was naturally more than one monk. Soon, the news that Lu Tiandu had come to Xiaoji Palace spread throughout the Ice City in a series of winged transmission notes...


On the other side, among the elders of Xiaoji Palace, looking at Lu Tiandu who was looking very close to the Bai sisters, several middle-aged male cultivators had their mouth corners twitching, their eyes were gloomy, and they looked like they were not thinking about their family.

It was obvious that there were many secret admirers of the Bai sisters among them.

After all, apart from the great monk Liu Qing, the master of Xiaoji Palace, among the other twenty Yuanying monks, the Bai family sisters are indeed outstanding with their cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying.

What's more, the two of them look pretty good, so it goes without saying that they are attractive to male cultivators.

Now that the beauty that I have always loved has fallen into the arms of another man in public, this kind of blow is still very painful.

But when they thought of Lu Tiandu's various deeds in Jin Dynasty, these people suddenly couldn't feel a trace of jealousy.

When you are a little better than others, you will inevitably have jealous people; but when you are far better than others, they can only look up to you.

What's more, in this world of cultivating immortals where great power belongs to oneself, deeds of one person building up a sect and one person destroying a sect are happening all the time.

It is normal for such a strong person to attract the admiration of female cultivators.

After a moment of tenderness with the Bai sisters, Lu Tiandu patted the two girls in his arms and said with a smile:

"Come on, go over and introduce me to everyone!"


The two women responded, and then realized that Lu Tiandu was so excited that he forgot that there was anyone else. His pretty face suddenly turned red, and his eyes moved, adding a bit of shyness and seductiveness.

"Hey, Lu Lang, you said you had to do something during immigration? But has it been done?"

Bai Yaoyi's expression changed, she suddenly remembered something and changed the topic.

"It's done."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "It's just a small matter. I took care of it on the way to Xiaoji Palace."

At this moment, the three of them were talking and had arrived in front of more than ten monks from Xiaoji Palace. Gui Ling in the crowd bowed respectfully to Lu Tiandu. Shi Lei seems to be in the storage bag on Gui Ling's waist.

Master Hanli glanced at Palace Master Liu next to him when Lu Tiandu and the others came over. For some reason, Palace Master Liu, who had always been impeccable in dealing with others, had a change of expression and forgot to lead everyone up to them.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu and the others had arrived in front of everyone. Seeing that Palace Master Liu still seemed to have no reaction, Master Hanli frowned secretly and felt a little unhappy. For fear of neglecting Lu Tiandu, he took the initiative and said:

"If Fellow Daoist Lu has anything that we, Xiaoji Palace, can do for you, just ask. Fellow Daoist Lu has been very kind to our Xiaoji Palace, and it is an honor for us to serve you!"

He naturally overheard the conversation between the three of them, and there was intimacy in their smiling words. He took a step forward and continued:

"Master Hanli, the old master, occupies the position of the great elder of Xiaoji Palace. The name of Master Hanli is just the honorific title of the great elder of Xiaoji Palace in the past. The real name of the old master is the teacher..."

"It turns out to be my fellow Taoist master! Thank you so much for your kindness."

Lu Tiandu nodded, with curiosity flashing in his eyes, and looked at the silent beautiful woman in palace clothes beside him:

"Fellow Taoist, is he the Master of Liu Palace of Xiaoji Palace? I don't know how to call him?"

Just now, there seemed to be a flash of other Yin-attributed power in the main body of Liu Palace. This kind of power was very familiar to Lu Tiandu in the Xuanhun clone. It was estimated that it was the Huangquan Ghost Mother in the Xuangui Order in her body. A ghost cultivator at the peak of the late Nascent Soul.

Just before the few breaths were taken, the three people from Lu Tiandu approached the crowd. Liu Qing, a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, trembled suddenly, his expression changed, his calm eyes like a clear spring flashed with panic, and he hurriedly secretly used his skills to suppress it. Something strange in the body.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's question, the beautiful woman named Liu realized that she was a little rude.

Facing distinguished guests like Lu Tiandu, they should have moved to greet Lu Tiandu as he approached. However, in order to suppress the strangeness caused by Lu Tiandu's Dragon Roar Body, she messed up her sense of proportion.

Although the elder Shixiang took over the conversation and made some corrections, Liu Qing didn't react until Lu Tiandu asked, which was obviously very inappropriate.

"My concubine, Liu Qing, seems to have had some minor problems with the exercises I was practicing just now, but they have been resolved. I would like to thank fellow Taoist Haihan for any negligence!"

The beautiful woman surnamed Liu met Lu Tiandu's eyes with an apology on her face.

However, a bit of exploration and curiosity flashed through her calm and deep eyes. She suddenly smiled, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. The indescribable gentleness was very different from the previous dignified and elegant temperament. Looking at Lu Tiandu , a gentle voice also came from the red lips:

"For a monk as famous as Daoist Fellow Daoist, I'm afraid the small things he handles are all huge difficulties in the eyes of others, right? Fellow Daoist Lu, do you mind telling us about it?"

There was some flattery in her words, as if she wanted to use this trivial matter to get closer to Lu Tiandu, and perhaps she also had the intention of letting Lu Tiandu, a famous overseas casual cultivator in Jin Dynasty, join Xiaoji Palace.

After all, she knew that the great elder, Master Hanli, only had ten years left in his life.

Two years ago, for some unknown reason, the demons of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley and the demons of the Ice Sea actually had the intention to unite to besiege Xiaoji Palace. Although they seemed to retreat in the end because of the evil reputation of Lu Tiandu, she also understood that this was just a temporary measure.

What is supposed to come will eventually come.

And if Lu Tiandu, the prestigious No. 1 Nascent Soul of the Jin Dynasty, joins, and there seems to be a god-transformation monk behind him, Xiaoji Palace will soon become a super sect comparable to Taiyi Sect and Tianmo Sect.

Not only can it completely restore the glory of the ancient inherited sect of Xiaoji Palace, but it can also resolve this crisis of demons.

"There is nothing to keep secret. If Fellow Daoist Liu wants to hear it, Mr. Lu will tell you."

Facing the gentle and curious gesture of Liu Qing, a great beauty, how could Lu Tiandu reject the beauty?

And how could he not know why Liu Qing was like that before? Naturally, he would not feel neglected by this, but rather happy!

It would be a wonderful thing for such a beautiful person to be included in the harem.

This beautiful woman not only has good looks and elegant temperament, but also has unusually beautiful curves.

She is wearing a snow-like palace attire that wraps up her plump and attractive figure. The cassocks all over her body exude a faint cold smoke, like a gauze cage.

It's just that this lingering cold smoke can block other people's spiritual consciousness, so how can it block Lu Tiandu's spiritual eyes?

When it was thousands of feet away, Lu Tiandu looked around without leaving any trace.

In the cold smoke, Liu Qing's perfect figure was extremely charming.

Her neck is slender, her skin is as white as snow, and her breasts are as plump as melons, making her already full waist look even slender. Together with her round and plump buttocks, her perfect voluptuous curves cover up the In addition to the dignified and elegant temperament, the two perfectly blend together, which is really heart-warming!

"Two years ago, I didn't visit Guizong with Yao Yimengxin, but Lu was practicing a secret technique. This time he just perfected the secret technique. On the way to Guizong, he stopped by Motuo Mountain and killed Hu. It’s just the old devil and the great elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect…”

Lu Tiandu's tone was calm, as if he was talking about a normal thing.

The shocking news in this calm tone fell on the ears of the more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators present, but it was no less than thunder in the clear sky!

There were exclamations one after another, and pairs of incredible eyes stared at Lu Tiandu. Lu Tiandu, a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, could actually kill Hu Lao Mo, a monk who transformed into gods?

How can this be?

Since this Hu Lao Mo advanced to become a god hundreds of years ago and killed several great monks from hostile forces, and became so powerful after the Great Jin Dynasty, no great monk has ever dared to challenge the old demon again. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Lu Tiandu said Was he actually killed by him?

As for the murder of the Great Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect, a monk with peak Nascent Soul cultivation level, everyone had subconsciously ignored it.

"Is what Fellow Daoist Lu said true?"

Soon Liu Qing recovered. One of her delicate hands gently covered her cherry lips, and the other of her delicate hands held her breasts, as if she was afraid that something would jump out. The shock in her beautiful eyes had not yet dissipated.

"What do you think, Fellow Daoist Liu?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and glanced at the location of this woman's Dantian without leaving any trace.

Just now, when he was talking about killing the Avatar, the sinister aura that had been hidden before disappeared in a flash.

"Lu Lang said that he killed Hu Lao Mo, so there must be no lie!"

Before Liu Qing could say anything, Bai Yaoyi, who was on the left side of Lu Tiandu, had bright eyes and a smile on her face. She looked at Lu Tiandu with a look of admiration and said softly.

Bai Mengxin, who was on the right side of Lu Tiandu, also nodded, seeming to be extremely confident in Lu Tiandu, and answered:

"I believe what Lu Lang said."

At this moment, an old man in the crowd with his eyebrows hanging upside down and a three-strand beard in green shirt quickly suppressed the shock in his heart and spoke out to cover the noise of the crowd:

"I have seen Fellow Daoist Lu's heroic appearance before. I naturally know that Fellow Daoist Lu has great supernatural powers. How can Fellow Daoist Lu make false claims!"

The person who spoke was Wang Xu, the law enforcement elder of Xiaoji Palace who worked with the Bai sisters to investigate the theft of Han Marrow.

Lu Tiandu's domineering power in killing the Ten Thousand Demons Valley Bear Master in just a few breaths is unforgettable every time he thinks of him.

Now Lu Tiandu has occupied Kunwu Mountain by himself, and he has heard that he has obtained many heaven-shaking spiritual treasures with earth-shattering power. No one knows how powerful his magical powers are, and it is not impossible to kill the cultivators who transform themselves into gods.

After all, he knew that Lu Tiandu was a rare Dharma practitioner in the ancient capital!

Lu Tiandu nodded slightly to Wang Xu, shook the Bai sisters' little hands, and said nothing more.

But everyone soon understood, how could this be fake?

As long as there are surviving monks in the Tianmo Sect, the news that shakes the world of immortality will soon spread.

Therefore, the noise gradually subsided.

"I wonder how the Heavenly Demon Sect is doing now?"

Master Hanli's old face also showed a look of shock at this moment, and he asked aloud.

"For the sake of the two god-transformation monks, Senior Brother Xiang and Old Monster Feng, Lu let go of the Heavenly Demon Sect..."

Lu Tiandu briefly mentioned the situation at that time.

Hearing that Xiang Zhili from Xiling Mountain and Feng Laoguai from Tianwai Island, the two old monsters who had never seen the dragon but disappeared, seemed to be involved in this matter, everyone took a deep breath and looked at Lu Tiandu with more and more eyes. Be in awe.

"Sure enough, my concubine's guess is correct. In the eyes of Fellow Daoist Lu, there are no small things that are not earth-shattering... But I was so shocked that I am still in a state of confusion..."

At this moment, Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, had bright eyes, two red clouds rose up on her oval face for some reason, and she looked at Lu Tiandu with an expression of wonder.

Those deep eyes were full of curiosity, and as they looked, a familiar and charming charm was revealed unconsciously.

Seeing the gesture of the always dignified and elegant Palace Master, the Bai sisters couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis that their things were about to be taken away. Their two small hands subconsciously clasped Lu Tiandu's big hand.

"Fellow Daoist Liu is so complimentary!"

How could Lu Tiandu not see Liu Qing's sudden charming appearance, and his heart moved.

However, he soon felt something strange on his hand. He smiled slightly and ran his thumb across the smooth back of the Bai sisters' hands, seeming to comfort the two girls.

If some of the elders of Xiaoji Palace were secretly dissatisfied with Lu Tian before, now they are all extremely respectful, and there is no longer any luck or doubt in their hearts.

Accompanied by Master Liu Qing and Master Hanli, Lu Tiandu took the Bai family sisters and everyone flew towards the Ice City.

Entering the Ice City, the news that Lu Tiandu came to Xiaoji Palace has long been known to everyone. From time to time, there are monks on the side of the street who are respectfully saluting a group of people in Lu Tiandu.

Soon everyone came to a remote path. When they reached the end, they came to an ice wall about several hundred feet high.

Following Liu Qing's explanation along the way, Lu Tiandu also knew that the ice wall in front of him was the entrance to the Hanli Secret Realm of Xiaoji Palace.

As Liu Qing raised her hand and waved, a shining silver jade card flew out of her hand. The silver glow flew out from the card, and after a flash, it disappeared into the ice wall.

In the blink of an eye, the ice wall trembled silently and slowly split from the middle, revealing a passage two feet wide.

"Friend Lu Dao, please!"

Liu Qing looked at Lu Tiandu with a smile.

Lu Tiandu nodded and stepped into the passage first.

This passage is not too long, only more than a hundred feet.

However, when you walk out of the passage and see the scene ahead, you can't help but be surprised.

It's freezing outside, but here it's lush green, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant.

This is a fully enclosed valley surrounded by four walls, with some exotic flowers and plants planted everywhere. It looks sunny and spring-like all year round.

The area here is not large, only a few miles wide. It is surrounded by green mountain walls. Pavilions and pavilions are built half against the mountain walls. Most of them are built with some kind of ten thousand year ice jade. It looks like Exquisite.

Although this ten-thousand-year ice jade is not as good as the ten-thousand-year mysterious jade, it is still considered a good thing in the outside world. A glimpse of it can reveal the whole picture, which shows the background of Xiaoji Palace.

But the most eye-catching thing is naturally the three huge palaces made of white jade in the middle of the valley. Their appearance is extremely exquisite and gorgeous, exuding a faint gleam.

These three palaces occupy almost one-third of the valley.

Seeing Lu Tiandu looking at these three white jade palaces, Liu Qing smiled slightly and introduced them.

These are naturally the three Void Spirit Palaces in Xiaoji Palace that have been passed down from ancient times. Compared with the Void Heaven Palace that Lu Tiandu entered in the Chaos Star Sea, there is no difference except that the size is only one-third of the size.

"...these three Void Spirit Halls have existed since the day the sect was established. It is said that they were built by the founding ancestor of the sect and a few friends with great magical power. There is quite a bit of magic in them. , these three halls are usually closed, and can only be opened with the unanimous consent of more than half of the elders. Fellow Taoists may have the opportunity to go in and have a look in the future..."

Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, introduced the information about Xiaoji Palace to Lu Tian in detail, and Master Hanli added a few words from time to time.

There is a lot of information here that cannot be revealed to non-Xiaoji Palace monks. The two of them don't seem to mind very much. The other elders also seem to have a tacit understanding, and no one says anything.

Lu Tiandu also realized some of the plans of the Xiaoji Palace cultivators at this moment, but did not make any response.

He had pretended to be a monk of Xiaoji Palace several times in Star Palace and Mulan Grassland. Now the position of the Great Elder of Xiaoji Palace was vacant, and it seemed that he was quite destined.

"There is no rush to attend the banquet. Lu will go to Yaoyi's place to sit down first, and he will also visit the Bai family later. We will talk about this later."

Lu Tiandu declined the banquet hosted by Liu Qing and Master Han Li, and headed towards the cave with Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin.

When they heard that Lu Tiandu was going to visit the Bai family as soon as he arrived, the Bai family sisters were naturally very happy. They stayed by Lu Tiandu's side without caring about other people's expressions.

Now that the guest Lu Tiandu has left, the other monks in Xiaoji Palace have naturally dispersed as well.

Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, silently watched Lu Tiandu's leaving figure, not knowing what she was thinking about.

After leaving Lu Tiandu, some of the panic and excitement that brought her suddenly left. Inexplicably, she seemed slightly disappointed. (End of chapter)

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