Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 375 Liu Qing’s thoughts! Some plans about Xiaoji Palace! The Bai sisters whisper!

"What? Are you thinking about that Lu Tiandu?"

A voice suddenly came from Liu Qing's mind, interrupting her contemplation.

"Humph, what does it have to do with you?"

Hearing the ghost mother Huangquan in the Xuangui order interrupt her thoughts, Liu Qing snorted coldly, and also sent a message with the same mind. After a pause, she asked:

"What do you think of him?"

"...This man is terrible!"

This time it was Liu Qing's turn to be surprised.

This underworld ghost mother relies on her previous cultivation, but even the great elders at the peak of Nascent Soul don't take her seriously! He actually commented on Lu Tiandu like this!

But when you think that even Lu Tian can kill the cultivator of the God Transformation, this is not wrong.

Ghost Mother Huangquan seemed to have guessed her thoughts and continued:

"I'm not talking about the fact that he can kill Hu Lao Mo. It's very difficult for a monk in the late Yuan Ying stage to kill a god-forming monk, even if he's a fellow cultivator in the Dharma body. He has the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure. Don't these god-forming old monsters have the same power? Tongtian Lingbao? I guess he most likely has some treasure or secret technique that can restrain Hu Lao Mo's skills..."

Ghost Mother Huangquan seemed to be very afraid when she said this. After all, if she could restrain the demonic power of Hu Laomo, the monk who transformed into gods, it might also have a restraining effect on her as a ghost cultivator.

"What I mean is that this person's spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. He looked at your Dantian several times without any trace, and seemed to have discovered my existence. This person is really weird. For some reason, he gave me an inexplicable sense of fear... …”

Ghost Mother Huangquan suddenly stopped talking after speaking.

"Okay, if that's the case, don't come out for the time being. I'll seal you for a while!"

The beautiful woman Liu Qing's eyes lit up when she heard the words of Ghost Mother Huangquan. She replied, but her mind was spinning:

"The spiritual consciousness is so powerful that even the Underworld Ghost Mother has been noticed several times. This is far beyond that of the Great Elder. After all, from the time I received the Mysterious Ghost Order in the early stage of Yuanying to now, none of the great monks in the sect have discovered the secret in my body. It’s strange!”

"And it seems that he has not yet reached the late stage of Nascent Soul cultivation, and there is still room for improvement... In addition, his physical body is powerful, and the Bai family sisters said that his true energy is far superior to others. It seems that there is some kind of strange feeling to people. Special physique..."

"So, the probability of this fellow Daoist Lu advancing to become a god is really high!"

As the legacy of the ancient god-transformation monk, Bingpo Fairy, Xiaoji Palace naturally knew all the steps for the monk to advance to god-transformation.

The physical body gate, the magic power gate and the last spiritual consciousness gate are the three major gates, all of which are indispensable.

Looking at it this way, Lu Tiandu now needs to slowly accumulate the true essence to reach the later peak, but the other two conditions seem to have been met.

"If I could form a relationship with him..."

Liu Qing suddenly remembered a secret art of dual cultivation she had obtained in a certain ruins. The shadow of Lu Tiandu flashed in her mind, and the strangeness that Lu Tiandu brought to her. Her oval face suddenly turned red, and her eyes moved. It seemed Shy and gentle.

"Become a god..."

She sighed quietly, and the figures of the Bai sisters flashed in her mind, and they flew towards her cave.

After she advanced to the early stage of Nascent Soul, in order to find elixirs and spiritual materials, she went deep into the ice cave and accidentally obtained a sealed mysterious ghost order.

Later, in order to save his own life, he had no choice but to cast the Tongsheng Curse, so that the ghost mother Huangquan, a ten thousand year old ghost, had to succumb.

Of course, it was also because of the powerful help from the Underworld Ghost Mother that she survived several times and obtained a lot of resources. At the age of 600, she advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage and won the position of the Palace Master of Xiaoji Palace.

Now, two hundred years have passed in a flash, and she is still far away from reaching the late stage of Nascent Soul, not to mention that she has no confidence in the advanced form of God.

And if you use the secret technique of dual cultivation...

Suddenly, she remembered the secret art of dual cultivation. If the other of the two dual cultivation people can advance to become a god, then as long as the other party sincerely helps each other, with the combination of yin and yang and the concentration of mana, the other party has a great chance of breaking through the bottleneck and advancing. Become a god.

And as long as they can advance to become gods, they can join forces to enter the space passage secretly left by their master, the Ice Soul Fairy, and sneak into the spirit world.

The space crack that allows the Void Spirit Palace to hide is actually a stable space node. Entering it, as long as you survive the space storm and the power of separation, you can lead to the spiritual world. The secret information is that she accidentally found a place in the palace. Found in an eye-catching place.

She has not revealed this information to anyone yet!

If Lu Tiandu agrees, then they...

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly started beating again.

Xiaoji Palace has not had a god-transformation monk for nearly ten thousand years. If she could advance to god-transformation...

"It's a good opportunity for the Bai sisters!"

Thinking of the two sisters from the Bai family who had no scruples in being intimate with Lu Tiandu, a famous and promising monk, Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, leaned elegantly on a wooden chair, supporting her baby with her white bare hands. First, I was lost in thought for a moment, and sighed quietly.

Since the two sisters from the Bai family returned to the palace more than two years ago, how could she not have noticed that Bai Mengxin's cultivation level was almost reaching the late Yuanying stage, and Bai Yaoyi, who had previously been in the middle stage of the Yuanying stage, also had a huge increase in cultivation level.

After a monk reaches the Nascent Soul stage, it is not difficult to accumulate true energy at each stage. As long as he can endure the loneliness and hard work or has the opportunity to find some miraculous medicine, he can always reach perfection slowly. But what really leaves many people speechless is the breakthrough to the next stage. bottleneck.

Many of these bottlenecks last for hundreds of years. This is why there are many monks in the early stage of Yuanying in the Great Jin Dynasty, but suddenly there are many less in the middle stage of Yuanying. There are only six monks in the middle stage of Yuanying in Xiaoji Palace, and if you want to break through The later stage of Nascent Soul is even more difficult.

This is also the reason why in the world of immortality, pills that can help monks break through bottlenecks are rarer and more precious than pills that can increase mana.

As the two women have undergone such changes, it is natural that the key figure Lu Tiandu is indispensable.

It's no wonder that the Bai sisters are completely devoted to Lu Tian. It is really rare to meet a Taoist companion in the world of immortality who treats you sincerely and can give you a solid support.

This is why the higher the level of monks, the fewer they can form Taoist partners. The probability is pitifully lower than that of monks in the foundation building and elixir formation stages.

Moreover, when the two women returned to the palace, not only did they have an imitation spiritual treasure, but they also brought back two tenth-level demon cultivator guards, which caused an uproar in Xiaoji Palace at that time.

After all, Xiaoji Palace, an ancient sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, only has three imitation spiritual treasures. In addition to a pair of dry blue cauldrons in the hands of the palace master and the great elder, there is also a supervisory spiritual treasure 'two gas bottles', which can be mastered. In the hands of the supervisory elders of all generations.

As for the replica Zhenhai Bell used against the Ice Sea Demon Cultivator, it has never been used, and only the core elders know about it.

The three imitation spiritual treasures of Xiaoji Palace are naturally not as good as the Flying Sea Shuttle and the Pingshan Seal in terms of protection and attack.

Ever since the Bai sisters returned to the palace, they have been enjoying great success, and the entire Bai family seems to be becoming the first family in Xiaoji Palace.

These things flashed through Liu Qing's mind, and she unconsciously felt a little envious of the Bai sisters.

"I don't know if Lu Tian has practiced special skills or has some special physique, but it makes people panic..."

Liu Qingsu's hand touched the pair of firm breasts on her chest again. Suddenly, a strange color flashed in her eyes, and she chuckled, which immediately made the entire inner hall look more youthful and beautiful. She only heard her murmuring to herself:

"If I can be with him... I won't be able to allow him to take in the Bai sisters in the future, hehe..."

When she said this, she suddenly smiled coquettishly, and her expression became a little more lively and lively, which was very different from the dignified and elegant look she showed in front of others, but she looked more and more alluring.

On the other side, Lu Tiandu naturally didn't know about the wild thoughts of Liu Qing, a beautiful woman who had fallen in love with her after the separation. He quickly accompanied the Bai sisters to Bai Ning Pavilion, where Bai Yaoyi practiced daily and entertained guests.

This attic has three floors, each floor is more than ten feet high. It is made of emerald green wood, and most of it is embedded in the mountain wall. Above the attic door, there is a light yellow plaque with three large silver characters "Bai Ning Pavilion" written on it.

Before the three of them got close, two delicate women dressed as young women had already come out from the attic floor to greet the three of them. As for the secretly curious look in Lu Tiandu's eyes, they could not hide it from the three of them.

Bai Yaoyi whispered to her apprentice, but the two apprentices seemed to be used to the gentle tone. They laughed a few times and hurriedly served Lu Tiandu Lingcha Lingguo.

The three of them sat down, and the Bai sisters quickly talked about how the two of them had used Lu Tiandu's name and the might of Gui Ling and Shi Lei to deter the demons from Binghai and Ten Thousand Demon Valleys who came to test them after they returned to Xiaoji Palace. How Xiaoji Palace solved this crisis easily.

Seeing the proud expressions on the two women's faces, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said nothing more.

The combat power configuration of the last invading group of demons was only aimed at all the combat power of Xiaoji Palace.

But the combat power brought by the Bai sisters' return to the palace broke this balance.

These combat powers are equivalent to adding three new great monks, and two of them are also tenth-level demon cultivators. The combat power of the demon clan is naturally much weaker.

Coupled with the story spread by the Bai family sisters about Lu Tiandu randomly killing tenth-level demon cultivators in Kunwu Mountain, the demon clan is not sure whether Lu Tiandu is in Xiaoji Palace, and is frightened by Lu Tiandu's evil reputation. , naturally they dare not act rashly.

Naturally, they postponed their actions because they were waiting for a more important person - the owner of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, the ancient car-repairing demon who transformed into a god.

Lu Tiandu also knew that this attack by a group of monsters was not for Han Marrow as the monks from Xiaoji Palace thought, but instead involved the spatial nodes in the Void Spirit Palace.

As for the theft of the cold marrow last time, after having a heart-to-heart talk with the Bai sisters, Lu Tiandu naturally knew through some details mentioned by the Bai sisters and the plot of the original work that before the cold marrow was stolen, the demon cultivator from the Ten Thousand Demon Valley might have I have sneaked into Xiaoji Palace many times to explore the space nodes here.

After everything was investigated clearly, the cold marrow was finally stolen.

After all, after Han Marrow was stolen, Xiaoji Palace would definitely investigate closely and strengthen its vigilance. It would be difficult to sneak into the Han Li Secret Realm again in the future.

With this half bottle of cold marrow, it is enough for the Ten Thousand Demon Valley to cultivate dozens of eighth-level demon cultivators. With so many new transformed demon cultivators, it will not be difficult for the Ten Thousand Demon Valley to flatten the Xiaoji Palace.

Unfortunately, whether in the original plot or in this timeline, the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons failed to obtain the cold marrow. Without Che Laoyao's real body to take action, the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons could only unite with the Ice Sea Demon Clan, which is also a demon clan. It is easier to achieve the goal - to destroy Xiaoji Palace and control this space node. Only then did the deputy valley master of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley tell the Lord of the Ice Sea about the Bingfeng space node, and only then did the two parties have the intention to join forces.

As for the news of the death of the old monster White Deer, who was also of the same bloodline of heaven and earth spirit beasts, it also prompted Bingfeng to tear up the ancient agreement and set foot on Beiming Island.

Another implicit reason for the alliance between the two parties is that both Che Laoyao and Bingfeng have run out of life, and sneaking into the spirit world from the space node is their only option to wait for the incarnation.

Monster cultivators such as White Deer, Che Lao, and Bingfeng have basically had the blood of heaven and earth spirit beasts who have survived from ancient times to the present. After all, ordinary monsters cannot live for such a long time even if their life span is ten times that of human monks. .

Similarly, the bloodlines of Gui Ling and Shi Lei who survived from ancient times are equally extraordinary.

As a black rock turtle of the spirit turtle clan, Gui Ling is famous for its longevity. Even though he has already passed most of his life, it is not difficult to live for another three to five thousand years.

This is why she was unwilling to provoke other people during the Kunwu Mountain incident and was taboo about fighting.

After all, as long as she lives long enough, she can survive other people's deaths, and it will not be difficult to regain her destiny card and so on.

After Lu Tiandu conquered Guiling, his future arrangements for her were to stay in the human world and guard Xiaoji Palace and this space rift for three thousand years. As a reward, Lu Tiandu would also leave her with the elixir needed to break through to divine transformation before ascending.

When Lu Tiandu advances to become a god and solves the problem of demonic energy, maybe after three to five thousand years, after the vitality of the human world is restored, the monks will be able to break through the middle and late stages of becoming a god. By then, after advancing to become a god, their longevity will be greatly increased. Gui Ling might be able to ascend to the spirit world on her own.

As for Shi Lei, she only has more than a thousand years left to live. When the time comes, she will be brought to the spirit world to grow up, and she will be a good guardian spirit beast of Kunwu Mountain in the spirit world.

Therefore, the next time a group of monsters invades, Che Lao Yao will inevitably appear. And it may not be too late.

Lu Tiandu had long wanted to plot against the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. After thinking about this, he naturally decided to wait for the old demon Che to come to his door.

After a moment of tenderness with the Bai sisters, Lu Tiandu put his arms around the two girls' waists and said with a smile:

"Let's go, let's go visit the head of your Bai family. I kidnapped the Bai family's twin girls, so I have to give an explanation to the Bai family, right?"


When they heard that Lu Tiandu was going to the Bai family to confirm their relationship, the Bai family sisters were naturally happy and smiled.

Although it is known that Lu Tiandu has other women, at least in the eyes of other monks in Xiaoji Palace, they are justified.

Next, Lu Tiandu, led by the sisters of the Bai family, met with other monks of the Bai family who were above the Golden Core level.

The disciples in Xiaoji Palace are basically recruited from the immortal cultivating families on Beiming Island. The outer palace disciples are selected from small aristocratic families and casual cultivators outside Beiming Island.

As one of the major monk families in Xiaoji Palace, the Bai family is still very powerful, including two sisters and an uncle who is in the early stage of Yuanying, and three Yuanying monks.

Except for some core members who live in the Hanli Secret Realm, others live in the ice mountains and the ice city under the mountains.

After meeting with the Jindan and above monks from the Bai family in Hanli Secret Realm, Lu Tiandu left some cultivation resources as a betrothal gift. In particular, some of the close relatives of Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin were pleasantly surprised by some of the elixirs that broke through the bottleneck of Yuan Ying.

In fact, Lu Tiandu also has his own plans. He will ascend to the spirit world in three to four hundred years. By then, the Bai family sisters will have advanced to become gods and will follow him to the spirit world. The Bai family will suddenly lose two people in the eyes of others. The strength of the great monk has dropped off a cliff.

And with this batch of elixirs, not counting others, it is still very possible for several family members in the late Jindan period to break through to Yuanying. This can also make up for the strength of the Bai family a little.

During the chat, Lu Tiandu also learned about other families in Xiaoji Palace. Among them, the Xu family, the founder of Xiaoji Palace, still exists, but because of the Yuanying monk cliff, it is now only a middle-class family.

Lu Tiandu has obtained a lot of legacy left by Ice Soul Fairy and others from Xutian Palace, and he may also use the space nodes left by Ice Soul Fairy and others to earn tickets in the future, and is ready to secretly help him a lot when he is free. Home.

It will naturally not be a problem to train two or three Nascent Soul cultivators for the Xu family in the next few hundred years.

After leaving the Xu family, Lu Tiandu went to Bai Mengxin's cave to rest for a while.

Bai Mengxin's cave is very different from Bai Yaoyi's. They are all carved from ten thousand-year-old ice jade, and each ice chamber is filled with various dense restrictions.

Soon, Master Hanli, the elder who had a good relationship with Bai Mengxin, knew that Lu Tiandu had finished his business and came to see him.

After the two sisters made spiritual tea for Lu Tiandu and their master, they knew that they had something to talk about, so the Bai sisters went to another small hall.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew the purpose of Master Hanli's search, and without hesitation, he took out a jade box, opened it gently, and a Nine Heavens Spirit Peach exuding astonishing aura appeared in front of the two of them:

"I heard from Mengxin that my friend has a soul-melting grass in his hand?"

"I have prepared this for a long time!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu being so direct, Master Hanli didn't hesitate. He took out the elixir he had prepared and handed it to Lu Tiandu.

He had been looking forward to this moment since he received Bai Mengxin's communication message after the auction in Jinjing. Now that he finally saw the elixir that could increase his life span, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After Lu Tiandu inspected the thousand-year-old elixir, he also smiled. Now there are only two plants left to refine the main medicine of Yun Shen Dan. If we can't find it next, we will have to go to the spirit world.

Master Hanli checked it out and was not polite. He just took out the spiritual peach and "clicked" it in a few mouthfuls and ate it all.

Slowly operating the technique, after a moment, Master Hanli, who was really open-minded, looked happy, bowed and said:

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist. It's just that we both have something to gain!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

At this moment, Master Hanli's old face was a little more rosy, and his white hair turned black in an instant. However, his figure, which he accidentally turned into a dwarf after taking the elixir, showed no signs of improvement.

Of course, if Master Hanli can really advance to become a god, all the injuries suffered by the physical body that have been baptized by the vitality of heaven and earth will be recovered.

On the other side, while Lu Tiandu was talking to Master Hanli, the Bai sisters were also whispering in another igloo.

"Sister, are you right about Palace Master Liu..."

Bai Yaoyi suddenly asked as if she remembered something.

"You see it too?"

"Hmph, how could I forget the first time we met Lu Lang? How could we know the look on Palace Master Liu's face before if others didn't know it?"

Bai Yaoyi snorted lightly.

"And this is the first time I've seen Palace Master Liu's gentleness toward Lu Lang!"

Speaking of which, Bai Yaoyi unconsciously sounded a little bit amused.

The Palace Master of Xiaoji Palace and the Great Elder each belong to the same lineage, and the two daughters of the Bai family are on separate sides. This can be regarded as the way of life for a large family.

Bai Yaoyi and Liu Qing have always been close, but this was the first time she saw Liu Qing, who had always been dignified and elegant, with this gentle charm. Not to mention that even she was attracted!

What's more, she had seen Liu Qing's figure before, and she was very envious of her perfect curves!

Such a big competitor, Lu Tiandu gets excited as soon as they meet, it's no wonder she's not nervous!

"Do you think you would be tempted by such a beautiful woman's advances?"

Bai Mengxin said suddenly.


After hearing this, Bai Yaoyi suddenly fell silent.

"As long as you know that Lu Lang has us in his heart, not to mention that even the demon concubines in the spirit world are close to him, and there are other sisters we have never met. If you are jealous of each one, how can you come over?"

Bai Mengxin said lightly, "Lu Lang has a bright future. As long as we practice hard and follow his footsteps, he will always have a place for us in his heart. Besides, don't you think that if Palace Master Liu joins us, we will be a natural ally!"

Speaking of the latter part, a smile suddenly appeared on her beautiful and crystal clear face.

"That's what my sister said!"

After a moment of silence, Bai Yaoyi sighed quietly in her heart.

Sometimes the deeper the love, the tighter she wants to hold on, but she is a little obsessed.

She made up her mind that if nothing happened next, she would retreat and cultivate to the peak of the middle stage of Nascent Soul as soon as possible, and break through to become a great monk as soon as possible!

In this way, we can be in harmony with Lu Lang as soon as possible. I am in you, and you are in me!

The two beauties of the Bai family are always good!

Does ps have a monthly pass? Asking for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~~~(End of this chapter)

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