Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 377 Void Spirit Palace! Ice Phoenix! Che Lao Yao!

"You two are welcome, let's get down to business!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly when he heard the respectful expressions on the faces of the two middle-stage Nascent Soul monks, Madam Long and Master Mojiu.

With his current reputation, these middle-stage Nascent Soul monks couldn't help but feel frightened when they saw him, and they had to think twice about what they said.

What's more, the news that he killed Hu Lao Mo has not spread to the Northland, otherwise I don't know how these Nascent Soul monks would look at him with strange eyes.

The Cuiliu Sect to which Mrs. Long belonged to these two people was secretly an affiliated sect of Xiaoji Palace, and Master Mojiu was a casual cultivator in the North, and he was also in the North, so when he received the call from Master Hanli, he was well prepared. After receiving the communication talisman, the two of them rushed over without stopping.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Master Hanli took the initiative to say a few words and said excitedly:

"Okay, okay! Since you don't have any objections, the fellow Taoists can come with me! I have already prepared everything."

After Master Hanli finished speaking, he muttered something in his mouth, raised one hand, and hit a blue magic formula on a giant blue cauldron in the middle of the Xuanbing Hall.

When Lu Tiandu came in and took a casual glance at this giant cauldron, he knew that there was no difference between this object and the dry blue cauldron in Hong Fu's hand. They were both imitation spiritual treasures refined by the Ice Soul Fairy.

As for the Xutian Cauldron in Lu Tiandu's hand, he had given this treasure to Hong Fu for refining when he used the true fire of Taiyin to refine the dry blue ice flame in his body.

Therefore, although Master Hanli cultivated extremely pure dry blue ice flames, he could not sense the existence of the Xutian Cauldron, let alone the fact that Lu Tiandu still had the Xutian Cauldron in his hands, the Ice Soul Fairy that their Xiaoji Palace had been searching for for generations. Personal treasure.

At this moment, as Master Hanli played a series of spells, the giant cauldron suddenly made a buzzing sound. Suddenly, the blue light was released and retracted, and the giant cauldron quickly became smaller. In the blink of an eye, it became the size of a fist, suspended in the air. mid-air.

But on the ground under the tripod, a dark hole appeared strangely, and at the same time, there was a crystal ice ladder extending downwards, leading to nowhere.

Master Hanli struck at the small cauldron with one hand, put it into his sleeves, and said to Lu Tiandu with a smile:

"Fellow Taoist, just follow me!"

Lu Tiandu nodded, Master Hanli went first, Lu Tiandu and Bai Mengxin were in the middle, and the other three fell behind.

This was a staircase that went down a hundred feet long. After walking this way, a straight passage appeared. After walking for another full meal, everyone finally walked out of the ice passage and appeared in a room. In the underground hall.

This hall was made of ordinary sapphire and looked extremely simple, as if it had been there for a long time.

At the end of the hall, a huge stone door appeared, milky white, twenty or thirty feet high. It was covered with layers of rune arrays and some unknown weird patterns, and the whole body was flashing with various auras.

What surprised Mrs. Long and Master Mojiu even more was that there was a group of monks standing in front of the stone gate at this moment. There were sixteen or seventeen monks, some in the early stage of Yuanying and some in the middle stage of Yuanying, and the leader was actually Xiaoji Gonggong. The principals are Liu Qing and the supervisory elder named Ye.

At this moment, the three giants of Xiaoji Palace have basically arrived.

Lu Tiandu nodded to Bai Yaoyi and law enforcement elder Wang Xu in the crowd and waited quietly.

He had heard Bai Mengxin talk about the three Void Spirit Halls in the Hanli Secret Realm before. It looked like they all had gates from the outside, but in fact they were only allowed to go out but not in. The real entrances each have a secret passage leading directly underground, and the one they just walked through is one of them.

This Void Spirit Palace is the core of Xiaoji Palace. Master Hanli can bring everyone here, which shows that he has overcome the obstacles to entering the Void Spirit Palace.

In fact, the only real outsider here is Master Mojiu.

Because of his relationship with the Bai family sisters and Lu Tiandu's kindness to Xiaoji Palace, most of the elders of Xiaoji Palace still agreed with Liu Qing's secret suggestion that he should succeed the Master and take up the position of great elder in the future.

After all, as long as Lu Tiandu shows that joining Xiaoji Palace, the benefits it can bring to Xiaoji Palace are too great.

Almost instantly, Xiaoji Palace could become the top sect in the Jin Dynasty.

Therefore, although Liu Qing and others have not officially invited Lu Tiandu to join the Xiaoji Palace, Lu Tiandu can still be regarded as half a member of the Xiaoji Palace.

If Master Hanli can successfully break through this time, there will be no problems for others, but Master Mojiu, who is a casual cultivator, will definitely be in danger.

If the breakthrough fails, Master Mojiu's safety will be at stake. As long as Master Hanli continues to break through the barrier in the future, it will be impossible to take action against Master Mojiu.

At this moment, Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, saw Lu Tiandu's figure, her beautiful eyes lit up, she moved her steps lightly, walked towards Lu Tiandu, smiled slightly and said:

"This time, fellow Taoist, I can help the great elder break through. I am also here to thank you, fellow daoist!"

"Fellow Daoist Liu, you're too polite. Lu only contributed a little, but he doesn't dare to do this alone! Besides, whether it can succeed depends on the chance of fellow Daoist Master!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

It seems that with his change, Master Hanli's opening of the Void Spirit Palace this time seems to have the support of other factions in Xiaoji Palace, unlike in the original plot where he had to get rid of other opponents and let the elders who support his side and the Some neutral elders account for more than two-thirds of the number of left-behind elders.

Of course his guess was correct.

This time, after hearing that Master Hanli wanted to open one of the Void Spirit Halls and use the mysterious cold energy inside to use secret techniques to break through the transformation into gods, Liu Qing, the master of Xiaoji Palace, rarely took the initiative to support Hanli. Master.

"Even so, I still have to thank my fellow Taoist!"

There were so many people at this moment, Liu Qing smiled and said nothing.

She took the initiative to support Master Hanli this time, so she naturally had her own plans.

When she heard that this cold flame secret technique could actually increase the chance of transforming into a god by 30%, she naturally became interested.

According to her guess, Lu Tiandu had a high chance of advancing to become a god. If he had this kind of secret technique to cooperate with him, his advancement to becoming a god would be basically stable.

And if Lu Tiandu can advance successfully, then as long as she can get Lu Tiandu's support and cooperate with the dual cultivation secret technique in her hands, the chance of her advancing to become a god is also very high.

Moreover, this secret technique can be used by the Bai sisters in the future, and with the space node information in her hands, she believes that neither Lu Tiandu nor the Bai sisters will refuse such temptations.

With all the things Lu Tiandu showed, in fact, the temptation for any female cultivator is very great.

She and Lu Tian both met relatively late, and it was only through this method that she could quickly bind and establish contact with Lu Tian. As for feelings, they can be cultivated slowly and love will grow over time!

After all, at their level of cultivation, the most indispensable thing is time. Moreover, feelings are only a tonic in cultivation. For any high-level monk, immortality and enlightenment are their unswerving pursuit!

If the four of them can really work together to pass through the space node and reach the spirit world in the future, they may be able to go further with mutual support in the future.

Moreover, after seeing Bai Yaoyi again after a few days, she found that Bai Yaoyi's vague wariness towards her seemed to have disappeared. She roughly guessed something, but she had a new understanding of the overall situation of the two sisters.

"Junior brothers, prepare to open the seal!"

Seeing Liu Qing walking aside, Master Hanli bowed to the other Xiaoji Palace monks and said.

These Xiaoji Palace elders returned the gift, took out an identical jade pendant from their bodies, sacrificed it into the air, and shot out a series of magic spells.

Immediately, these jade pendants began to shine brightly, turning into large or small light balls. Under the urging of the spell, these light balls shot to the same place high in the sky, and then condensed together and began to stretch and deform, and actually transformed into A woman of five colors appeared.

This woman has a slender figure and a vague face, but a pair of bright eyes are shining, as clear as the stars in the sky, which is unforgettable.

As soon as this light and shadow appeared, all the monks of Xiaoji Palace, including Liu Qing and Master Hanli, bowed slightly to the light and shadow, with solemn and respectful expressions on their faces.

"Bingso Fairy?"

Lu Tiandu looked at this light and shadow and thought to himself.

From what he had learned about the history of Xiaoji Palace, it seemed that the Xu family had several ascended monks in ancient times, and the most stunning and beautiful one was naturally the Ice Soul Fairy.

I don’t know which branch of the ascended ones left behind the Xu family in the spiritual world?

Soon, the woman's light and shadow was slowly flying towards the stone door under the urging of the group of cultivators.

Then there was a "pop" sound, and as soon as the light and shadow party came into contact with the stone door, it exploded on its own, and all kinds of spiritual lights disappeared in the blink of an eye on the stone door.

The rune aura restrictions on the huge stone door began to disappear, and it became plain and simple in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there was a sudden crackling sound, and numerous jade pendants appeared from the void at the top of the stone gate, and fell down one by one without any spirituality.

The monks in Xiaoji Palace waved and hurriedly took their jade pendants back into their hands.

When Master Hanli saw this, a smile appeared on his face, and he immediately stepped forward, aiming his sleeves at the stone door and gently flicking it.

A wave of blue clouds swept out, hitting the stone door like a breeze blowing on the face, and the stone door seemed to be made of paper, silently split in two, and opened inwards.

At this moment, there was a "boom" and an earth-shattering sound came from inside the stone door. Then, as if countless ferocious beasts roared at the same time, a white cold wind swept out from inside. Ice spread wherever it went, and the pillars on the ground shone brightly. At the same time, there was the sound of thunder in the cold air.

However, everyone had been reminded by Master Hanli and had already stepped aside, so there was no danger.

When Lu Tiandu saw such an astonishing cold air, his eyes suddenly lit up. It seemed that the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade Mine in Xiaoji Palace exceeded his expectations.

In the blink of an eye, the roar in the stone gate stopped, the cold wind gradually stopped and disappeared, and the entire hall suddenly became silent.

Master Hanli gave some instructions to the other monks in Xiaoxiaoji Palace, and then invited the five of Lu Tiandu to enter the stone gate together:

"Fellow Taoists, this is the first time for me to enter this Void Spirit Hall. Although most of it is forbidden to me and I can control it, but there are still some that I don't understand. Please follow me closely, and don't go to the wrong place or touch me. What other restrictions are there?”

Behind the door, one could see a crystal white expanse of snow, which was extremely cold. Numerous densely packed icicles stood in it, making it look like a maze-like place.

Everyone released cold flames to protect themselves. Soon after entering the stone gate, their spiritual thoughts became sluggish.

Sure enough, a special forbidden god restriction was imposed here.

"Let's go, Junior Sister Yaoyi, why don't you go sit at your sister's place?"

Seeing the six people from Lu Tiandu disappearing into the white and mysterious air, Liu Qing smiled slightly and invited Bai Yaoyi to say.


"This is the Xuan Jade Cave. This cave was created by the founder of our sect who cut off an entire vein of Xuan Jade minerals with his great magical power and forcibly condensed it into a cave..."

Master Hanli introduced the three of them to Lu Tiandu as he walked.

"It's indeed good. Now it's almost impossible to find an equivalent black jade vein!"

Lu Tiandu also sighed.

Although his spiritual mind is limited, he can still observe many things. The mysterious jade vein in the Xuling Hall is much larger than the one in the Yaochi Tower. It's no wonder that the cold air is allowed to dissipate on its own.

After all, the formation is set up to condense more ten thousand-year mysterious jade here, but the Yin Spirit Water that Xiaoji Palace can produce is limited, and it is impossible to mine the mysterious jade at all.

"Yes, maybe there may be other black jade mines in the entire Jin Dynasty and only on Bingyuan Island!"

Master Hanli sighed knowing that Lu Tiandu also had the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade in his hands.

When Lu Tiandu heard this, his eyes lit up.

The Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade mine here in the Void Spirit Palace is difficult to get started with, but the ones on Bingyuan Island can still be used for plotting.

At this moment, Master Hanli looked back at Madam Long and Master Mojiu who were also amazed, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, you two. Regardless of whether you can help me succeed this time, I am willing to give each of you a ten-thousand-year mysterious jade!"

Seeing that Master Hanli didn't mention Lu Tiandu, the two of them guessed that the two of them might have other deals and didn't ask any more questions.

Regardless of the surprised two people, Master Hanli continued to introduce the surrounding stone pillars:

"What is arranged here is the famous Ice Soul Cold Formation from ancient times. It is composed of one thousand and eight carefully refined ten thousand year black icicles. If you don't have the relevant magic weapon or you are carrying the extremely cold flame, it will be destroyed in just a moment. Frozen to death..."

After everyone walked for a full cup of tea, they walked out of the icicle group. A high altar-like platform appeared in front, more than twenty feet high and more than a hundred feet wide.

The high platform is as white as jade and is covered by a light blue light curtain. On both sides, there is a pale golden side door, seven to eight feet high, with several ancient talismans criss-crossed on the surface. It is actually sealed, as if it leads to another place.

Seeing this light curtain, Master Hanli looked delighted, and strode forward to the altar. He raised his hands, blue light flashed, and the dry blue ice flame was released, instantly turning into a layer and wrapping his palms.

Soon, as the blue flames and the light curtain flickered, the entire altar light curtain began to tremble.

Then there was a crisp "bang" sound, and the entire light curtain was like crystal, shattered inch by inch with Master Hanli's hands as the center, and disappeared into nothing in the blink of an eye.

Master Hanli swayed without hesitation and stood on the altar.

Lu Tiandu and others also turned into streaks of escaping light and appeared next to Master Han Li.

"This should lead to the largest core secret room in this mysterious jade vein!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the Xutian Cauldron pattern in the middle of the altar and the weird magic circle and secretly thought.

At this time, Master Hanli lowered his head and looked at the ground. With a flick of his sleeve, the small cauldron with dry blue ice flames flew out of his sleeve. He aimed his other hand at the small cauldron in the void. One flick.

With a muffled sound of "boom", the size of the small cauldron rapidly increased. Violent and abnormal blue ice flames emerged from the cauldron, instantly covering every inch of the surface of the small cauldron. The previous giant cauldron suddenly reappeared.

At this time, Bai Mengxin and Taoist Ouyang on the side took a step forward at the same time, raised one hand, and each sprayed out a stream of white flames and a stream of black flames, hitting both sides of the magic circle on the ground at the same time. The two figures flickered behind. Suspended in the middle of the magic circle.

It is obvious that the formation leading to this secret room requires the mana of several people to activate.


Just when Lu Tiandu and others entered the Xuanyu Cave.

Millions of miles away from the north of Beiming Island, in a huge ice island, various monsters appear from time to time.

And if anyone could see this scene with their own eyes, they would definitely be shocked.

Because there are actually many demon cultivators of level eight or above on the periphery of the island. These demon cultivators are wearing clothes made of various colors of fur and have ferocious looks on their faces.

In the center of this giant island stand several icebergs measuring several thousand feet tall. These icebergs are crystal clear and emit a faint fluorescence under the sunlight.

On top of the tallest iceberg, a palace complex made of black ice looked extremely conspicuous, and around the palace complex, phoenixes carved from black ice appeared from time to time, which looked lifelike and unusually handsome.

At this moment, in a certain palace in this huge palace, three people were talking.

"Friend Chai, are you saying that your body will leave the country soon and head north?"

At this moment, a woman in silver clothes at the head of the hall asked.

This silver fir woman has dark eyebrows and a qiong nose, elegant appearance, and skin like snow. She is actually a beautiful woman with a beautiful and fragrant appearance. At this moment, she was sitting on a light blue throne made of deep sea ice, giving people an inexplicable majesty and dignity.

This woman is Bingfeng, the Lord of Ice Sea!


On the left side of the main hall, a boy who looked six or seven years old nodded, "And I'm afraid Fairy Feng doesn't know that the person from Lu Tiandu is in Xiaoji Palace right now, right?"

"What? This person finally showed up?"

Hearing the boy's words, the superior Bingfeng seemed to be slightly surprised, "It seems that the people from Xiaoji Palace did not lie when they mentioned the close relationship between this person and Xiaoji Palace. Now that this person has appeared, , that means the god-transformation monk behind him may also be here, right?"

"Fairy Feng is right!"

The person who spoke at this time was an old man in green robe opposite the boy, "This time the Valley Master comes out to not only destroy the Xiaoji Palace and seize the space node, but also kill the man who despises us in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley." Lu Tiandu and the god-transforming monks behind him..."

The green-robed old man is actually a green-backed wolf. As one of the deputy valley masters of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, this demon seems to be very confident in the strength of the master of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, Old Demon Che. There is a hint of arrogance in his words. .

"I heard that this Lu Tiandu single-handedly occupied Kunwu Mountain, the fairy mountain in ancient times of the human race, and obtained several heaven-reaching spiritual treasures. This time, the lane friends are so anxious to leave, I am afraid it is also because of the several heaven-reaching spiritual treasures in this person's hands. Bar?"

Bingfeng, who was at the head, suddenly said calmly.

She didn't believe that Che Laoyao himself left seclusion early just to avenge the bear corpse.

After all, if you want to reach the spirit world safely through space nodes, powerful heaven-reaching spiritual treasures are indispensable.

It was obvious that Che Laoyao was very interested in the Tongtian Lingbao in Lu Tiandu's hands.

In fact, even though she lacks any treasures, she is also very coveted for the Tongtian Lingbao in Lu Tiandu's hands!

"Haha, treasures have been treasured by those with virtue since ancient times! If Fairy Feng is interested this time, she can also seize some other treasures. I heard that in addition to the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, this person also has several imitation spiritual treasures, each of which is extremely powerful!"

The six or seven-year-old boy laughed. (End of chapter)

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