Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 378 I will introduce you to you in the future! Monsters are coming!

"Okay! If that's the case, you're welcome!"

Hearing what the Mu Zhi incarnation of Che Laoyao said, the beautiful Bingfeng on the throne lit up and smiled slightly.

Although the information about Lu Tiandu from the monks of Xiaoji Palace and the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons showed that this person was extremely powerful and invincible at the same level, and was called the first Nascent Soul of the Jin Dynasty.

But she is not weak either.

She is one of the few demon cultivators in the human world who possesses the bloodline of heaven and earth spirit beasts, and she also has the very rare ice phoenix bloodline. This ice phoenix is ​​one of the branches of the true spirit sky phoenix. Needless to say, the bloodline is powerful.

Some of the space and ice magical powers gained since the awakening of the bloodline are also among the top magical powers in the human world.

What's more, she advanced to the tenth level of peak thousands of years ago. If she hadn't been afraid of losing the essence in her body due to random actions after advancing to the form of spirit, she would have advanced to the form of spirit.

This time, as long as Che Laoyao himself stops the god-transforming monk with the help of the Ten Thousand Demon Banners, she is confident that she can capture Lu Tiandu and obtain the treasures on Lu Tiandu.

As long as the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure is obtained from Lu Tiandu in advance, Che Laoyao may not be able to save his dignity and seize the treasure from her. After all, according to the agreement, the two of them may join forces to enter the space node in the future.

"We can't stay in this human world any longer. I hope everything goes well this time!"

Thinking of the news that she had received before about Old Monster Bailu, a monster clan with the same bloodline of heaven and earth spirit beasts as her, his lifespan had been exhausted recently and he had no choice but to die, Bingfeng sighed quietly.

"I heard that this old monster Che was brought down by the monks from the lower world. I don't know what kind of bloodline of heaven and earth spirit beast it actually has?"

Bingfeng glanced at Che Laoyao's Mu Zhi incarnation again, and this thought flashed through her mind.


Xuanyu Cave, above the altar.

As the three people from Xiaoji Palace jointly activated the magic circle, the three people from Lu Tiandu also watched the scene intently.

As Master Hanli and the three of them drove Bingyan to cast spells one after another, the altar suddenly trembled, and a loud "rumbling" sound was heard.

At this time, auras of light flashed throughout the array, and the giant cauldron pattern in the middle glowed with a dazzling blue light. Then the light slowly emerged, and a blue cauldron of light appeared.

Upon seeing this scene, Master Hanli stretched out his hand a little. The Qianlan Cauldron, which was originally suspended above the magic circle, once the light cauldron completely emerged, the Qianlan Cauldron fell downwards, and the blue light of the two flashed wildly. In an instant, Two become one.

Then there was a loud "boom" sound, and the giant cauldron landed steadily in the middle of the magic circle.

As a strange spell suddenly came from Master Hanli's mouth, dry blue ice flames suddenly erupted like a volcano, violently spurting out from the giant cauldron, covering the entire magic circle in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the magic circle came into contact with these dry blue ice flames, a dazzling spiritual light erupted, and then the entire altar began to tremble violently.

Soon, a gap slowly opened in the magic circle with the giant cauldron as the center, and it became bigger and wider, and a piece of milky white light slowly came into view.

"It turns out that we need to do the Blue Cauldron here to open it!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Tian, ​​who was standing in the air, had this thought flashing through his mind. "Forget it, let's leave the Taiyin True Fire here to absorb the Xuanhan Qi next time we come here!"

"Everyone, please, this is the Xuan Jade Cave, the largest secret room in the Void Spirit Palace. This cave was made by ancient monks who used great magic power to forcibly condense an entire vein of Xuan Jade into a cave."

Master Hanli stared at the cracks on the altar, sensed it for a moment, and said with a happy face.

At this moment, everyone did not hesitate and followed Master Hanli into the underground cave.

"Is this the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade?"

Looking at the crystal grains on both sides of the cave, the size of rice grains or soybeans, flashing with milky white cold light on the surface of ten thousand years of black ice, Master Mojiu said with a surprised look on his face.

And the further it slides down, the denser the cold light crystal grains become.

"It is exactly this thing. It is a pity that this thing cannot be mined on a large scale. Otherwise, if only a small part of it could be mined, I, the monks of Xiaoji Palace, have many ten-thousand-year mysterious jade refining magic weapons. I am afraid that I would have become an existence no weaker than Taiyi Sect... …”

At this moment, everyone had reached the bottom of the cave. It was a pile of rocks, hundreds of feet wide. After hearing Master Mojiu's question, Master Hanli said calmly.

After saying that, Master Mojiu and Mrs. Long, who was somewhat disbelieving, took out their magic weapons and tried to chop them. After the two men stopped with expressions of unwillingness on their faces, Master Hanli asked Taoist Ouyang to take out a drop of Yinling water. He easily took out a ten thousand year black jade as big as a soybean and demonstrated it.

"It's a pity that this Yin Spirit Water can only be generated in a certain special environment. Even we don't have much stock in the palace!"

Listening to Master Hanli's sigh, Lu Tiandu smiled in his heart.

This Yin Spirit Water can be regarded as a specialty of the Netherworld in Youluo's body. You can get as much as you want.

When he takes over as the Great Elder, he can send a batch to Xiaoji Palace. In this way, coupled with some of his other plans, the elders of Xiaoji Palace who have benefited will not be able to object to his subsequent use of this place here. space node.

After thinking about it a few days ago, Lu Tiandu has decided to join Xiaoji Palace in order to facilitate subsequent research on the space nodes here.

"Haha, great. I was originally worried about how to collect the cold air in the cave, but I didn't expect that there is a natural intersection point of the cold air here. This saves us a lot of effort!"

At this time, Master Hanli stared at the top of a natural boulder at the center of the pile of rocks. The milky white cold air gathered formed a huge ball of light and said with surprise on his face.

This white ball of light was several feet in diameter, rolling unsteadily on the boulder, sparkling, and a bit of cold air lingered on, as if it was condensing something!

"In this case, I would like to congratulate fellow Taoist for having this opportunity!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

In fact, with his powerful spiritual consciousness, he had discovered part of the silvery cold marrow condensed in a groove on the top of the natural boulder, but since Master Hanli didn't mention it, he naturally wouldn't tell it.

This cold marrow is more valuable than the ten thousand year mysterious jade that Master Hanli promised to each of Mrs. Long.

Not to mention refining the Yang water and helping monsters and beasts overcome tribulations, just use this water to put one or two drops on the natal magic weapons of monks who practice the Ice Technique. The magical changes and power brought about are not mixed with ten-thousand-year mysterious jade. Comparable.

"Let's go, let's go to the Sun Essence Stone House to rest for a while. If you fellow Taoists want to recover their mana, you can stay in this house..."

Soon Master Hanli suppressed the joy in his heart and invited everyone to walk towards a fiery red stone house at the edge of a corner of the pile of rocks.

Only when I got closer did I realize that the entire stone house was translucent, glowing red, exuding a hot and arrogant atmosphere, as if it were made of fire stones.

"This is actually the Sun Essence Stone? Fellow Taoist Master, your Xiaoji Palace is really a big deal!"

Once he saw the material of this flaming stone house, Master Mojiu said with a look of disbelief.

This Sun Essence Stone is a material of the same level as Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade. It can only be produced under ten thousand feet of magma. It is similar to Ten Thousand Years Fire Coral. It is a rare top material for those who practice fire attribute techniques.

"It's just the legacy of our ancestors, and we are just sitting back and enjoying the fruits of it..."

Master Hanli had a look on his face and sighed slightly. Looking at Lu Tiandu who was not surprised, he asked:

"It seems that fellow Taoist also has this kind of rare material?"

"Haha, I just received some inheritance from my ancestors!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

Although he had obtained some top fire-attribute materials such as Sun Essence Stone and Ten Thousand Years Fire Coral from the ancient demon clone in the Fire Hell last time, it was naturally incomparable to the Sun Essence Stone mine that Feng Xian had left back then.

"I am afraid that no one in the entire human world can compare to the profound blessings of fellow Taoists!"

Master Hanli thought that Lu Tiandu was talking about getting it from Kunwu Mountain, so he sighed.

Mrs. Long and Master Mojiu also showed envy. Only then did they seem to understand what these ancient sects and Kunwu Mountain represented by this opportunity.

"Okay, fellow Taoists, please rest for a moment. After that, I will explain some of the key points and tips in the secret technique to several fellow Taoists. I hope you all will understand it early and help me..."

After hearing what Master Hanli said, Lu Tian nodded and started meditating with Bai Mengxin beside him.


Time flies, a few days later.

In the center of the Xuanyu Cave, a huge five-color fire lotus was extremely conspicuous, and inside the fire lotus, Master Hanli was wrapped in five-color flames, with a look of pain on his face. At this moment, this dwarf who originally looked like an old man in his fifties or sixties has turned into a middle-aged man in his thirties at some point. He flipped his hands and quickly made a series of seals.

Around the fire lotus, on five pillars of light of different colors, five people from Lu Tiandu sat in rows with solemn expressions on their faces. They were surrounded by fire lotuses transformed by their own cold flames. According to the requirements of the secret technique, they moved towards the center. The five-color fire lotus produced a series of spells.

At this moment, as Master Hanli played the last spell, a cloud of white cold air suddenly enveloped him, and between his eyebrows, a mark in the shape of a six-color lotus suddenly appeared, faintly visible. .

Soon, to everyone's surprise, a faint fragrance emanated from the center of the fire lotus, which was like sandalwood and medicine. It smelled fragrant, but there was a faint fishy smell in it.

"The physical body is transformed into sand? Is it possible that my fellow Taoist master is about to break through?"

Seeing this scene, Master Mojiu looked surprised and his eyes flickered.

Mrs. Long, a white-haired old woman, looked envious as she stared closely at the five-color fire lotus in the center.

As for Bai Mengxin and Ouyang Taoist from Xiaoji Palace, they looked nervous.

Although there are very few people who can personally witness the impact on the bottleneck of divine transformation, some related rumors are still circulated, whether true or false, and this physical body is one of them.

Seeing Bai Mengxin looking over, Lu Tian shook his head and said:

"This is just the beginning. There will be transformations of the Nascent Soul and the Divine Soul later. If there are any mistakes, the promotion may fail... Moreover, I feel that the transformation of the Nascent Soul of my fellow Taoist Master is not going well!"

Upon hearing that Lu Tiandu was so clear about the three levels of transformation into gods, Taoist Ouyang suddenly asked:

"Did Fellow Daoist Lu have seen other people break through to become gods? Now it seems that the great elder has activated the vitality of heaven and earth, but it feels like our cold flames are a little unstable. Fellow Daoist, is there any way to remedy this?"

"I'm lucky enough to have seen it once. Now my fellow Taoist Master is undergoing magic transformation. If no one else can help in this situation, it depends on my fellow Taoist Master's opportunity."

Lu Tiandu nodded first, then shook his head.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, everyone else looked in disbelief.

To be able to see the breakthroughs of other god-transformation monks with your own eyes, you have to be close to that god-transformation monk?

The person who went on a killing spree with Lu Tiandu in Jin Dynasty before was rumored to be a cultivator in the world of immortality. Could it be that Lu Tiandu had seen that person's breakthrough?

In this case, everyone can only stare at Master Hanli among the five-color fire lotus with their own thoughts.

Lu Tiandu saw Bai Mengxin also looked surprised, as if he wanted to say something, he moved his lips slightly and said:

"Mengxin, I told you before that I have other Taoist companions, and one of them has advanced to become a god before, but she is in Tiannan now. I will introduce you to her in the future!"

"Okay, I also want to meet this sister!"

Bai Mengxin was extremely shocked when she heard from Lu Tiandu that a Taoist monk had advanced to become a god. She secretly said that this was indeed the case.

Counting the eldest princess of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan in the spirit world who was in the divine transformation stage before, Bai Mengxin also guessed at this moment that the other women in Lu Tiandu are all extraordinary, right?

And just like Lu Tiandu gave them the Good Fortune Pill, he must have given it to other women long ago.

Putting it this way, I'm afraid there are also great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage among the women in Lu Tiandu, right?

Before, she thought that her two sisters would be able to break through to the late Nascent Soul stage within a few decades, which was considered very advantageous. But now that Lu Tiandu said so, they might have taken it for granted.

"If we sisters want to have a place in Lu Lang's heart, the matter of Palace Master Liu..."

Just when Bai Mengxin remembered talking to Bai Yaoyi a few days ago about Liu Qing's strange feelings towards Lu Tiandu, there was a sudden "bang" in the middle of the five-color fire lotus, as if something exploded.

Everyone stared at the center. This voice came from the body of Master Hanli, who was wrapped in a white mist of cold air.

At this moment, the large formation that had been arranged before began to become unstable. At this moment, a scream came from Master Hanli's mouth, and the five-color light lotus also expanded and shrank. There was a soft "bang" and it exploded. , turned into a five-color spiritual mass, filled with chaotic vitality.

"Great Elder!"

Taoist Ouyang looked nervous.

At this time, the urgent voice of Master Hanli came from the light group:

"Everyone, quickly put away your cold flames!"

At this moment, everyone did not hesitate to cast spells to contain the cold flames, and Master Hanli, who was more than thirty years old, also appeared on the milky white lotus in the center.

Although Master Hanli looked a little weak at this moment, he seemed to be fine. He took several healing pills in succession, glanced at everyone, and then sighed:

"I'm fine, it's just that the energy of heaven and earth came back and I suffered a small loss. Unfortunately, I finally lost at the stage of Nascent Soul's transformation..."

"That's not bad. Although fellow Taoist did not pass the magic barrier this time, it seems that the hidden injuries suffered in the body have recovered a lot. Maybe he can successfully break through next time."

Lu Tiandu felt Master Hanli's aura for a moment and smiled.

It seems that this time Master Hanli did not forcefully break through because he still had decades to live. He was exhausted like in the original plot. He could only use secret techniques to stimulate his potential to maintain action.

Now it's just a little bit of damage, and it will take some time to recover.

"Thank you Taoist friend for your kind words."

Master Hanli also showed a slight smile. This experience is also very rare. If there is a next time, he is at least 50% sure to pass the test again.

After several days of continuous use of mana to help pass the level, at this moment, except for Lu Tian, ​​whose mana was bottomless, no one looked tired at all, and the other four people all looked tired. Master Hanli glanced at Master Mojiu without leaving any trace. Looking at Bai Mengxin, she said:

"Junior Sister Mengxin, please take Fellow Daoist Lu to rest first. Junior Brother Ouyang and I will get the mysterious jade for Madam Long and Master Mojiu and we will come out later."

Bai Mengxin did not doubt that he was there. Lu Tiandu might have thought of something, sighed in his heart, and returned with Bai Mengxin the same way.

"I'm afraid this Master Mojiu is in serious danger!"

Returning to Bai Mengxin's cave, Lu Tiandu shook his head slightly.

"You mean..."

Bai Mengxin seemed to have thought of something, and she didn't say anything more after finishing her sentence.

The Cuiliu Sect that Mrs. Long belongs to is the outer branch of Xiaoji Palace. Although she is not an elder of the inner palace, she is also an elder of the outer sect, and they still have a close relationship with each other.

And Lu Tian didn't talk about his relationship with their sisters. The most important thing is that he is strong. Even if his mana is only 20 to 30% like the others, he can rely on his body-refining strength to defy the restrictions in the Xuanbing Cave and kill those who dare to take action. man of.

Moreover, Xiaoji Palace could not afford to offend the cultivator behind him.

Only Master Mojiu, a casual cultivator, now knows so many secrets of Xiaoji Palace. In order to prevent these secrets from being spread and causing trouble to Xiaoji Palace, I am afraid that Master Hanli’s glance before has already sentenced this person. death penalty.

Master Hanli acted so decisively, killing people and seizing Hanyan, which was beyond Lu Tiandu's expectations.

Moreover, after seizing this cold flame and letting others in Xiaoji Palace refine it, it seems that the next breakthrough with the help of the cold flame secret technique will have no effect on Master Hanli.

It's a pity that Master Hanli probably wouldn't have guessed that this person still had an Immortal-Destroying Pearl in his hand, right?

Moreover, it seems that Mrs. Long also knows about the matter of destroying the Immortal Pearl. I wonder if she will inform Master Hanli about this after learning the request to join forces to kill Master Mojiu?

Therefore, when Lu Tiandu, who was a little confused, left the Xuanbing Hall, he quietly released the Xuanhun clone and hid it to observe the situation in secret.

At this moment, a transmission note passed through the restriction outside Bai Mengxin's cave and fell into the hands of Bai Mengxin in the hall.

"No, the demons from the Ten Thousand Demon Valley and Binghai are here again, and this time both sides didn't even have any cover..."

Bai Mengxin said solemnly after hearing the news from Liu Qing.

"Let's go, it seems it's time to show off with Che Laoyao and the others this time."

Lu Tiandu was not surprised at all.

Just when Lu Tiandu and the two rushed to the meeting hall, many demonic beasts finally appeared outside Beiming Island. They divided their forces into two groups and attacked from both sides, respectively from the inland and the ice sea.

Along the way, evil spirits filled the air, and evil spirits soared to the sky.

Some small family factions living near Beiming Island were naturally frightened and moved their bases one after another, far away from the way of the demons attacking the ice city in the north.

With such a huge momentum, Xiaoji Palace naturally got the news immediately. Almost at the same time, the restriction on the Tianyuan Yin Vein Cold Eye on the island was immediately opened, causing the cold air on the island to suddenly become several times colder than usual.

For a time, there was heavy wind and snow everywhere in the world. (End of chapter)

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