Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 379 The cold flame is obtained! Borrow treasure! arrival!

When Lu Tiandu and Bai Mengxin arrived at the meeting hall, many elders of Xiaoji Palace had gathered here, seeming to be discussing something.

Seeing the arrival of the two people, all the elders of Xiaoji Palace greeted Lu Tiandu one after another, and Bai Yaoyi and Gui Ling, who had already arrived in the main hall, also appeared next to Lu Tiandu.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, I want you to help me this time!"

Liu Qing, who was sitting in the seat, had a solemn expression. She stood up and bowed to Lu Tiandu, speaking sincerely.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, Lu will take action with all his strength."

Lu Tiandu nodded.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist."

Liu Qing seemed to feel a lot more relaxed all of a sudden, and there was an extra smile on her oval face.

Although she is also a great monk, in fact she has not developed any powerful magical powers. Her biggest combat card is the ghost mother of Huangquan who is always with her.

After all, she has spent most of her time practicing hard in recent years. Apart from cultivating her natal magic weapon, she naturally spends much less time on other aspects.

This is actually the state of most ascetic monks. After all, powerful magical powers cannot be achieved casually.

And Lu Tiandu has long been known for his outstanding combat prowess. One person can take on two or three level 10 monsters, which can relieve the pressure of the entire battle in one fell swoop.

"Why hasn't the Great Elder arrived yet?"

Liu Qing glanced at everyone and said with some doubts.

Now Lu Tiandu and the others have been out for a while. She just learned through Bai Mengxin that Master Hanli failed to break through. The other four should also come out soon.

Moreover, this time there is an additional Master Mojiu, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, who can be invited later to fight against the monsters together, which can be regarded as a powerful force.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu let out a soft "Huh", his expression changed, and he shook his sleeves and robes suddenly. Everyone felt that the seven-color glow flashed in front of their eyes. Before they could react, there was a "bang" and the sound of "bang" came out of the hall. Inside, a white-haired old woman was thrown to the ground.

"Mrs. Dragon?"

"Hey, isn't Fellow Daoist Long with the Great Elder in the Void Spirit Hall? Why does she look like she's been poisoned?"

Looking at the old woman on the floor with a pained look on her face, her face seemed to be covered with a layer of black energy, the elders of Xiaoji Palace looked at Madam Long and then at Lu Tiandu with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Hehe, if it weren't for Lu's powerful spiritual consciousness, I'm afraid the hidden Mrs. Long would have escaped from the Hanli Secret Realm at this moment!"

A strange smile flashed across Lu Tiandu's lips, "The other three fellow Taoists didn't come out, and Mrs. Long actually looked sneaky and wanted to escape from the Hanli Secret Realm. Fellow Daoist Liu still sent someone to see what was going on in the Void Spirit Hall. What happened!"

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

At this moment, Liu Qing also seemed to realize that something was wrong. No matter how long Lu Tian had imprisoned Mrs. Long on the ground, she asked the law enforcement elder Wang Xu and the supervisory elder, the old man surnamed Ye, to take the two of them and hurry up. Go to the Xuanbing Hall.

After a while, the two of them left quickly and came back even faster.

"No, that passage has been closed. We don't have a dry blue cauldron in our hands, so we can't open the secret passage!"

Wang Xu looked serious.

"The Qianlan Cauldron in my hand was borrowed by the Great Elder."

Liu Qing's phoenix eyes were slightly cold at this moment. She stretched out her hand to take a picture. Several high-end storage bags on Mrs. Long's waist appeared in her hands. After breaking through the mana marks left by Mrs. Long on the storage bags, Liu Qing released her spiritual consciousness to silently check. Explore.

After a few breaths, two blue lights flashed, and two fist-sized blue cauldrons appeared in Liu Qing's palm.

"Qianland Ding? How come it is in the hands of Mrs. Long?"

Seeing the two dry blue cauldrons inherited from Xiaoji Palace for tens of thousands of years appearing in Mrs. Long's storage bag, the elders in the field suddenly became noisy and looked at Mrs. Long on the ground with unkind eyes.

These two tripods are symbols of the position of the Palace Master and the Great Elder of Xiaoji Palace. They are sacred objects of Xiaoji Palace and are also the auxiliary magic weapons of the three Hanyans of Xiaoji Palace. If they were lost, the shock would probably be greater than that of the past. The cold marrow being stolen is even more severe.

Even the inner sect elders like them dare not touch it. How dare Mrs. Long, an outer sect elder, dare to touch this thing?

Moreover, what happened to the great elder and others in the Void Spirit Hall?

"You guys go in first and see what's going on."

Liu Qing threw one of the small tripods to Wang Xu, "I'll ask Mrs. Long what happened at that time..."

After saying that, she smiled apologetically at Lu Tiandu:

"It's a joke to Fellow Daoist Lu. Please sit down for a while."

"Nothing, you go ahead and get busy. Lu also wants to know what happened. After all, some of the conditions that Master and Taoist friend promised Lu to take action have not yet been fulfilled!"

Lu Tiandu nodded and watched as Liu Qing took Mrs. Long to the side hall to search for souls. She took out a jade bottle and said to Bai Mengxin beside her:

"There will be a big battle ahead. You need to restore your true energy first."

Bai Mengxin suppressed the doubts in her heart, took the jade bottle, and started taking it silently.

According to Lu Tiandu, it was originally the three of them who should have joined forces to kill Master Mojiu. Why did it seem that Mrs. Long finally benefited?

"I really didn't expect that this Mrs. Long actually became an oriole in the end! Fortunately, I kept the Xuanhun clone for safety, otherwise I would have let this person escape!"

Lu Tiandu also felt a bit surprised.

The mysterious soul clone he left before used the Void Transformation Technique of the Five Sons of Tongxin Ghost to hide aside. As a result, when only Mrs. Long emerged from the underground passage, Lu Tiandu knew that something had changed.

Moreover, Mrs. Long seemed to have been seriously injured. After all, in order to help Master Hanli pass the test, everyone had very little real energy left.

After another fight with others, injuries were inevitable.

As a result, just when Lu Tiandu used the Qiankun in his sleeves to capture this person, the old woman was able to fight back.

At this moment, in the territory of Xiaoji Palace, Lu Tiandu was naturally not in a position to kill people with just one move. He let the mysterious soul clone hidden aside use the corpse poison in the mandrill's body to make a secret calculation and successfully trapped the old woman.

This is how the old woman behaved with a black face before.

Now Mrs. Long not only came out alone to prepare to escape from Hanli's secret realm, she also brought out two dry blue cauldrons. Needless to say, the fate of Master Hanli and the three of them.

The only thing that can cause such a change is the Immortal-Destroying Pearl!

Moreover, the cold flames cultivated by the other three people may have fallen into the hands of this old woman, right?

Without the dry blue cauldron, it would be basically impossible for the monks from Xiaoji Palace to enter the Xuanbing Cave in the Void Spirit Hall again, unless they could refine another dry blue cauldron.

And this old woman not only got two imitation spiritual treasures for nothing, but also the other three types of cold flames, as well as part of the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade, and the net worth of the other three monks. This kind of gain is really great for a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. So tempting!

Moreover, since Mrs. Long already knows the secret technique of breaking through the transformation of gods with the help of cold flames, now that she has the Qianlan Cauldron, and may also have the cultivation methods of other Han Yans in Xiaoji Palace, she may be able to gather five kinds of skills in the future. The cold flames may have a chance to impact the gods.

This was Lu Tiandu's guess in a short period of time, and he estimated that it was almost the same.

After all, such a huge benefit is enough for Mrs. Long to give up her position as the elder of the outer gate of Xiaoji Palace and risk her life.

As for the relationship between Madam Long and Master Mojiu, I'm afraid it's not simple. After all, they can share things like the Immortal-Destroying Pearl, so the friendship between the two is definitely not as ordinary as they appear.

What's more, in the original plot, when the three people from Xiaoji Palace fought against Han Li because of the Xutian Cauldron, the two people had the obvious intention of waiting for both sides to suffer losses, while the fishermen benefited!

If he hadn't been more thoughtful this time, the dry blue ice flame that originally belonged to him would have been taken away by this person.

The dry blue ice flame only accelerates the growth of Taiyin True Fire, and it is not very precious to him. It would be very depressing if someone took away something that belonged to him under his nose.

A moment later, Liu Qing appeared in the hall again with a gloomy face, bowed to Lu Tiandu again, and said thanks:

"Thanks to fellow Taoist this time. If fellow Taoist hadn't helped us, we would have suffered heavy losses this time."

After saying that, she turned to the other elders with a heavy look on her face and said: "Everyone, the great elder has been plotted by this thief using the yellow plum needle, and the Yuanying has been destroyed. But fortunately, Junior Brother Ouyang's Yuanying has only been sealed, and he can still seize the weight of his body. Come……"

Liu Qing briefly talked about the conflict between the four people in the Xuanyu Cave. Master Hanli and Taoist Ouyang were indeed physically destroyed by Master Mojiu with the help of the Immortal-Destroying Pearl, but Master Mojiu was not much better and died on the spot.

Later, Mrs. Long used Huangmeizhen to secretly plot Master Hanli's Nascent Soul, and Soul Search learned all kinds of information about the Void Spirit Palace. At this moment, it was too late for Soul Search Ouyang to obtain the cultivation method of Black Water Ice Flame, so he could only temporarily seal it.

Afterwards, he used the Yin Ling Water in Taoist Ouyang's storage bag to get some of the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade, and then used the restriction control method obtained from Master Hanli to activate the restriction in the Xuan Bing Cave and cast the secret Escape.

After hearing Liu Qing's words, the elders of Xiaoji Palace suddenly became excited.

At such a critical juncture of the war, two top monks were lost in one fell swoop. Everyone made no secret of the murderous intention of Mrs. Long, the outer elder.

At this moment, Wang Xu, Supervisor Elder Ye and others also came back. They arrived at the altar, but the entrance had been closed.

The restriction outside the secret room of Xuanyu Cave is one of the most important secrets of Xiaoji Palace. Only the palace owner and the great elder know the secret of entering from the outside, and the four of them can only return again.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, this is the blue ice flame left behind by the great elder after his death. I already know that this ice flame was promised to fellow daoist by the great elder before. Now please return it to its original owner!"

At this time, Liu Qing took out a ball of sealed blue beads and handed them to Lu Tiandu.

"Fellow Taoist Master, what a pity!"

Lu Tiandu sighed and put away the ball of dry blue ice flame.

If he were in Master Hanli's shoes, he would still choose to attack Master Mojiu, who was a casual cultivator.

It's a pity, who would have thought that this person actually has such a powerful thunder bead as the Immortal Destroyer Bead?

Moreover, Mrs. Long, who originally thought he was on her side, actually had a close relationship with this person, and had other thoughts?

It can only be said that fate has its way with people!

"This is the Nether Spring Cold Flame obtained from Na Mojiu. Now that this person is dead, I also found the cultivation method of Nether Spring Cold Flame in his storage bag. This ball of cold flame will be given to you, Junior Sister Yaoyi. Refining it, it can be regarded as our thanks to Fellow Daoist Lu for his help!"

At this time, Liu Qing came to Bai Yaoyi, with a sealed yellow bead and a jade slip in her hand.


Bai Yaoyi was about to say something, but when Lu Tian nodded, she silently stopped it.

Regarding Liu Qing's move, the elders of Xiaoji Palace in the palace naturally understood what it meant, and none of them objected.

Lu Tiandu was able to recapture the Qianland Cauldron, rescue Taoist Ouyang's Nascent Soul, and control Madam Long. Lu Tiandu had contributed a lot. This cold flame was nothing to Bai Yaoyi.

Moreover, when monsters invade next, they will have to rely more on Lu Tiandu.

At this moment, many people hope that Lu Tian can take over the position of the Great Elder as soon as possible. In this way, it will be most beneficial to Xiaoji Palace.

"Now that we have lost the power of the Great Elder and Junior Brother Ouyang, fellow Taoist, do you think we need to prepare in advance to open the Void Spirit Palace, just in case? And there is a Zhenhai Bell in the palace that targets ice attribute demon cultivators. Do you want to start it?"

At this time, everyone was discussing how to deal with the demon soldiers coming to the ice city, and Liu Qing took the initiative to ask Lu Tiandu.

"It's not necessary for the time being. We can just go out of the city and deal with it by relying on the restriction that was opened before. Don't worry, fellow Daoist Xiao who is in the divine transformation stage is nearby. I have summoned him. If necessary, he will come out to help us..."

Lu Tiandu shook his head and revealed the existence of the ancient demon's clone.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, everyone was naturally overjoyed, and everyone looked at Lu Tiandu with more and more surprises.

Naturally, the Bai family sisters who knew that the bloody-robed and golden-faced man was a clone of Lu Tiandu would not explain much.

A few hours later, Lu Tiandu, together with the Nascent Soul elders and Golden Core monks from Xiaoji Palace, stood in the sky outside the restricted ice city, silently looking at the various monster beasts that were approaching in the ice and snow in the distance.

And in the void closer to them, a huge black demonic cloud stood out in the ice and snow, shooting towards the Ice City.

"Sure enough, this time the old demon Che is here too!"

Feeling the astonishing spiritual pressure faintly revealed in the demon cloud, how could Lu Tiandu not know that there was a god-forming monk among them, "In this way, we will deal with the old demon Che here, and then level the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and prepare for retreat. Break through to become a god!"

Soon, the demonic cloud stopped more than a thousand feet away from Lu Tiandu and others.

At this moment, the monks in Xiaoji Palace were also staring at the demonic clouds in the ice and snow with solemn expressions.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, this Tianji sword and this green wood shield are temporarily lent to you for your use!"

Looking at Liu Qing beside him, Lu Tiandu turned his palm and took out a three-foot-long white sword and a wooden shield emitting green light and handed it to Liu Qing.

"Ah, thank you so much, fellow Taoist!"

As soon as she sensed the spiritual light emitted by these two treasures, Liu Qing didn't know that they were two imitation spiritual treasures. Thinking that Lu Tian was still thinking about her safety before the war, she suddenly felt sweet and smiled tenderly.

As a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, she has an offensive spiritual treasure in her hands, which greatly increases her combat effectiveness.

When the other Yuanying monks in Xiaoji Palace saw Lu Tiandu casually taking out two more imitation spiritual treasures, they also looked envious.

With such a net worth, it's no wonder that Lu Tiandu is indifferent to treasures such as the Blue Cauldron in Xiaoji Palace.

Soon, the huge demonic cloud dissipated, and the transformed demonic beast inside appeared.

This group of monsters is obviously divided into two groups. One group only has seventeen or eight people. The leader is a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe. This man has a majestic face and exudes a cold aura, giving people an unusual feeling. With a fierce feeling, a pair of golden eyes stared coldly at Lu Tiandu in the distance.

This person is none other than the extremely mysterious owner of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley in Dajin, the old demon who turned into a god and repaired cars.

And beside him, there were two old men and a young child, all showing the aura of tenth-level demon cultivators. This young boy is naturally the incarnation of Che Laoyao's Muzhi, and the two old men are two of the four major valley owners of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley.

The boy, who seemed to be only six or seven years old, had delicate features and beautiful eyes, as if he were a jade boy in heaven. However, a pair of eyes were slightly red, as if there was a layer of blood covering the pupils, but there was always a faint chuckle at the corner of the mouth.

The two old men had square and majestic faces, piercing eyes, and an extraordinary aura around them, giving them a sense of calmness and authority.

It seems that except for the dead Master Xiong and a deputy valley master who stayed behind in the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, all other important figures in the Ten Thousand Demons Valley are here this time.

Next to this group of demon cultivators was another group of more than twenty demon cultivators. These people were surrounded by a slender woman in a silver shirt.

Although there are many ice sea demon cultivators, apart from the ice phoenix, there is only one tenth-level demon cultivator.

All the demons in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons are neatly dressed. Except for their strange looks, their behavior and movements are the same as those of human monks. They also look at the other group of demon beasts with a hint of contempt.

There were a large number of ice sea demon cultivators, all of them evil-looking, and most of them wore simple clothing such as furs, and some even went topless.

They also carry some weapons-like swords, axes and axes on their backs or directly in their hands. As for the waist, although there is a storage bag made of animal skin, but for some reason these weapons are not stored in it.

Each of this group of monsters exuded a ferocious aura, and the eyes they looked at the other group of monsters were not very kind.

The two groups of monsters stood separately in the void, with abnormally clear boundaries, and they seemed to be quite incompatible with each other.

As for the leader, Bingfeng looked indifferent and was looking curiously at Lu Tiandu and Liu Qing, the two people with the highest cultivation level in the distance. (End of chapter)

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