Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 380: We monks, why bother fighting! Tiger Soul Thunder!

The wind is biting and the snow is freezing. At this moment, Beiming Island has turned into a vast expanse of white.

High in the sky, the cultivators from Xiaoji Palace led by Lu Tiandu and Liu Qing, and the cultivators from Ten Thousand Demon Valley and Binghai Demon Cultivator led by Che Lao Yao and Bing Feng looked at each other.

"You are really brave to dare to go out of the city to fight!"

Bingfeng swept past the two leaders, Lu Tiandu and Liu Qing, and sneered secretly when he saw that the Nascent Soul cultivator on one side of Xiaoji Palace did not intend to rely on the formation restrictions in the ice city, but was preparing to face the enemy head-on.

Moving away from looking at Lu Tiandu and Liu Qing, her cold eyes fell on Gui Ling and Shi Lei behind Lu Tiandu, and she frowned slightly.

Last time, it was the appearance of these two tenth-level demon cultivators that made them finally suspend their plan to destroy Xiaoji Palace. This time they used all their masters, and Che Laoyao, a god-transforming cultivator, was in charge. She saw the end of Xiaoji Palace. Coming is already a given.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in golden robe standing side by side with her suddenly spoke out, his tone cold and unquestionable:

"Are you Lu Tiandu? You do have some strength, but that's it. Hand over the Black Wind Flag, the Eight Spirit Rulers, and the things that Demon Concubine Linglong left for you. For the sake of Concubine Linglong, I will, Spare your life!"

Che Laoyao's two golden eyes fell on Lu Tiandu, and with a flash of light, two invisible sharp swords seemed to shoot at Lu Tiandu, causing the surrounding heaven and earth energy to surge.

And the cold air caused by the ice city formation's restriction was even more broken.


When Lu Tiandu saw this scene, he gave Che Laoyao a cold look and felt murderous intent in his heart. The divine consciousness that was not weaker than Che Lao Yao's spiritual consciousness came out, and the two shocking thorns collided with the two small swords transformed by Che Lao Yao's spiritual consciousness at an alarming speed.

A "boom" exploded more than a hundred feet away from the land and sky, and the void shook in an extremely alarming way.

The aftermath of the confrontation between the two people's consciousness spread for dozens of feet before stopping. Seeing this scene, not only the expressions of the monks in Xiaoji Palace changed, but also Bingfeng and others stared at Lu Tiandu with expressions of disbelief.

"Is this the god-transforming monk? Facing non-god-transforming monks, ordinary monks cannot bear the secret technique of a divine consciousness attack! Fortunately, we also have god-transforming monks!"

The faces of the monks in Xiaoji Palace changed drastically and then they looked happy again, and they looked at Lu Tiandu in amazement.

Unexpectedly, Lu Tiandu not only knew the secret technique of attacking with spiritual consciousness, but also the strength of his spiritual consciousness was no worse than that of Che Laoyao, who had transformed into a god. Everyone secretly thought that there were indeed no virtual warriors despite his reputation!

However, this old demon is despicable enough. One moment, he promised to spare one's life, and the next moment, he used the secret technique of divine consciousness to plot. If he were an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, if he was injured at this moment, I'm afraid half of his combat power would have been damaged. .

And from what Che Laoyao meant, it seemed that he didn't know that Lu Tiandu had killed the cultivator of the Transformation God, otherwise he wouldn't have been so successful. Xiaoji Palace has learned through intelligence that the Heavenly Demon Sect seems to have closed the mountain, which has verified what Lu Tiandu once said.

Lu Tian was able to detect Che Laoyao's methods and blocked the sudden spiritual attack, which naturally surprised Che Laoyao.

He had noticed that Lu Tiandu's magic power was unusually strong when he arrived. In addition, he learned that Lu Tiandu's physical body was also extremely powerful compared to the same level of Nascent Soul monks. It was normal for him to be invincible among the Nascent Soul monks of the same level.

However, he did not take Lu Tiandu seriously. After all, his body was a spiritual beast of heaven and earth. Not only was his physical body extremely powerful, but his inherited magical powers were also extremely amazing. Not many monks of the same level can block his natal magical power.

What's more, Lu Tiandu is such a Nascent Soul cultivator?

He was confident that as long as he mobilized the vitality of heaven and earth with all his strength, he could kill Lu Tiandu with one blow using his great supernatural powers.

However, when Lu Tiandu blocked his spiritual consciousness and secret technique, he was still surprised.

Although this magical power was not his strongest, after he bullied a Nascent Soul cultivator and was blocked by him, Che Laoyao could not help but feel his face heat up, and his murderous intent suddenly arose.

Unlike the rejoicing and high morale of the Xiaoji Palace side, the demons on the group demon side seemed to be shocked at this moment and started making noises one after another.

They naturally saw from Lu Tiandu's counterattack that the attack just now by Che Laoyao, regarded as the ancestor of the demons in the Jin Dynasty, did not seem to cause any damage to Lu Tiandu.

Bingfeng, a heaven and earth spirit beast who was arrogant and did not pay attention to other monks of the same level, was also surprised at this moment, and some of his previous contempt for Lu Tiandu gradually stopped.

"You killed me, the deputy valley master of Ten Thousand Demons Valley. I wanted to teach you a lesson, but I didn't expect that you were quite capable and could block my casual attack!"

Amidst the noise of the group of monsters, Che Laoyao snorted coldly, and the surrounding area suddenly fell silent.

Hearing that Old Demon Che seemed to be looking for reasons for his previous attack, Lu Tiandu sneered and said:

"I heard that you were brought down to the lower world by a monk from the spiritual world. So, you have lived for tens of thousands of years. Have you lived like a dog for these tens of thousands of years?"

Seeing the drastic change in expressions of Che Laoyao, whose eyes had no concealed murderous look, and Bingfeng, whose expression changed and seemed a little angry, Lu Tiandu continued with a cold look on his face:

"We monks have overcome all obstacles and fought without regrets. Why would we hesitate to fight once? You, a mere crippled god-turned-god monk in the human world, are you worthy of letting me admit defeat without fighting? Since we are enemies, we should have a showdown on the battlefield. If you are greedy for other people's treasures, you can just kill people and seize them. Why do you need to be so high-sounding? Besides, who are you, and you are worthy of carrying Linglong? I think you are not very strong, but you have a big face!"


Upon hearing Lu Tiandu's sarcastic words, both human and demon monks on both sides of the battlefield were stunned and looked in disbelief.

What made everyone even more speechless was that there was really nothing to refute Lu Tiandu's words.

While everyone was shocked, Liu Qing and the Bai sisters looked at Lu Tiandu with unabashed admiration and pride.

"court death!"

If speaking of the previous few sentences, Che Laoyao had murderous intentions and wanted to kill Lu Tiandu in public to shame him before, then at this moment he was furious and not only wanted to kill Lu Tiandu, but also wanted to destroy Lu Tiandu's soul. Only by refining into the Ten Thousand Demon Banners and torturing day and night can this great hatred be eliminated.

While shouting violently, Che Lao Yao's golden robes rustled, the energy of heaven and earth around him suddenly rolled up, and he grabbed the void with his right hand.

With a "boom", the void shook, and countless gray-black demonic energies gathered from the sky and the earth. The area within hundreds of feet above the heads of the demon clan was filled with billowing demonic energies.

The billowing demonic energy mobilized by Che Laoyao quickly turned into a huge black vortex. In the whirlpool, the demonic energy and demonic energy rolled violently. Suddenly, a huge black-gold claw quickly stretched out from the vortex and grabbed it. Xiang Lu Tiandu and everyone in Xiaoji Palace.

This claw is golden in color and covered with black lines. It is forty or fifty feet in size. It has five spikes several feet long and flashes a white sword light several feet long. It gives people the impression that it is cutting through space and disintegrating everything. In pieces.

Because it is too huge, even before the claw falls, it gives people an unavoidable and depressing feeling.

As soon as the monks in Xiaoji Palace sensed the power of this claw, their expressions suddenly changed wildly, and they hurriedly released their favorite magic weapons to protect themselves. At this moment, everyone knew the power of these god-transforming monks in the human world with all their strength.

"Don't be impatient and watch me break this magic!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly. Although the voice was not loud, it immediately calmed everyone down and stared at Lu Tiandu intently.

"Let me go!"

Lu Tiandu gave a cold shout, and at the same time, the magic power around his body circulated rapidly. He made a fist with his right hand and punched in the direction of the black-gold claw.

This punch seemed to be slow but was actually fast, and its momentum was like a rainbow. It was like a sudden thunder. Before everyone noticed anything, a huge golden fist suddenly appeared in the void and struck upwards.

This golden fist looks extremely solid and is about forty to fifty feet in size, comparable to the black and golden giant claws. What made everyone even more unbelievable was that the speed of the golden fist to catch up was faster than the speed of the black and gold giant claws to grab it.

"He chose to attack instead of defending? Why would we, monks, hesitate to fight? Humph, if we are not strong enough, will we die in vain?"

As early as the moment when Che Laoyao mobilized the energy of heaven and earth to attack with all his strength, Bingfeng and Binghai's subordinates escaped more than a hundred feet away. At this moment, seeing Lu Tiandu being so arrogant, he sneered secretly.

Although she never knew what kind of heaven and earth spirit beast Che Laoyao's true form was, she thought it was probably quite extraordinary.

As soon as the black-gold claw came out, she could see that it was the product of the fusion of the demonic energy cultivated by Che Laoyao himself and some kind of magic power.

Moreover, the extremely sharp sword light that was several feet long at the fingertips of the giant claw was clearly some kind of metallic magical power. Such a magical power formed by the combination of the three, she did not dare to resist, she could only tear apart the space to dodge. Let's see how Lu Tiandu can break this magical power. She had also lived for 20,000 to 30,000 years since the end of ancient times before reaching her current level of cultivation. She was secretly angry when she heard Lu Tiandu ridiculing Che Laoyao that those tens of thousands of years he had lived as a dog!

However, in terms of their cultivation speed, there is indeed a huge gap between them and human monks like Lu Tiandu, who were extremely talented in ancient times.

After all, the demon tribe is neither good at refining pills nor refining weapons. Most of the time, they either absorb the spiritual energy of the world step by step or fall asleep, so their cultivation speed cannot be accelerated.

Just as Bingfeng flashed these thoughts, to everyone's surprise, no earth-shattering collision occurred.

In the sight of everyone, the extremely sharp black and gold claws, which seemed to be able to cut everything, pierced the golden fist in an instant. Unfortunately, there was no situation where the golden fist was shattered by a claw.

On the contrary, what made everyone feel even more strange was that just after the golden fist came into contact with the black-gold giant claw, while the golden fist slowly dissipated, the golden giant claw actually dissipated at a faster speed.

"How is it possible? What kind of magical power is this that actually broke my Demonic Claw?"

Feeling the rapid dissipation of the magic power and the vitality of heaven and earth in the giant claw, Che Laoyao, a man in golden robe, finally changed his expression at this moment, his eyes flickered, and he stared at Lu Tiandu solemnly, "This man's magical powers and the depth of his magic power seem to be unparalleled. Exceeded my expectations!"

In addition to his own magic power, he also borrowed a lot of the energy of heaven and earth. This is also one of the powerful features of the god-transforming monks who can kill other low-level monks at will.

However, Lu Tiandu was unable to mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth, yet he could quickly display such powerful magical powers with just his own true energy. He really underestimated Lu Tiandu!

Soon, no one could breathe. The previously majestic black-golden giant claws that gave people endless pressure and intimidation disappeared without a trace, and the clouds of demonic energy in the sky also quickly dispersed.

"Today I realized how powerful your supernatural power is!"

Looking at the calm-looking Lu Tiandu, Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, had excitement in her eyes, and a few red clouds rose on her oval face, with an expression of wonder and curiosity, and she spoke.

"Fellow Taoist is so complimentary!"

Seeing Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, suddenly transform into his little crush, even though he pretended not to care, he still felt a little complacent.

Ever since he cultivated the powerful magical power of Sanwei Kamikaze with the help of Fengyuan Fruit, it has never let him down.

As for the Bai sisters, they were naturally brilliant, but they regretted that they missed the battle where Lu Tiandu killed Hu Lao Mo last time they left Lu Tian.

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Lu is actually the number one cultivator in my Dajin. I killed Hu Lao Mo before, and now the two magical powers have made even Che Lao Demon helpless. The number one cultivator in Da Jin must be none other than fellow Taoist!"

The old man Wang Xu stroked his beard and sighed with admiration.

"Yes, when we met today, we realized how powerful Taoist friend Lu is! We are honored to be lucky enough to witness this battle!"


Listening to the closeness and praise from the monks in Xiaoji Palace, Lu Tian shook his head slightly and was no longer modest. With his current strength, I am afraid that no one in the human world except Che Laoyao can really fight with him. .

"What? This person actually killed Hu Lao Mo before? Why has no one found out this information?"

Everyone in Xiaoji Palace and Lu Tiandu were confident in their words because they knew that there was a cultivator behind them, so naturally they would not hide anything. However, when these words fell into the ears of Demon Che, the demon was shocked. A pair of golden eyes were cold. He stared coldly at the two deputy valley masters.

Kill the cultivator who transformed into a god. How many years have passed since a cultivator who transformed into a god has fallen due to fighting? And he is actually a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, a counter-slashing cultivator?

"Valley Master, we have not heard about this news. Maybe this news is very secret, maybe someone concealed it,..."

Green-backed Canglang, an old man in green robes, suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his back, and he quickly sent a message to explain.

"Hmph, if you make such a major mistake again, I'll bring it up to you!"

Che Laoyao shouted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and looked at Lu Tiandu with an increasingly cold look.

The Bingfeng and other demons on the side naturally heard the words on the other side, and they were all surprised and secretly on guard.

If they had received this kind of news before, they probably wouldn't be so confident about attacking Xiaoji Palace.

Coupled with the deity-forming monk who has been elusive, the combat power of the two deity-forming gods is beyond their ability to stop. What's more, Lu Tiandu takes action at will without any worry about the burden of shortening his lifespan. How many tenth-level demons do they have? Have you cultivated enough to kill even Lu Tian?

"I hope Old Demon Che can withstand it this time. If this happens, I will go back to start the ceremony as soon as possible and advance to become a god!"

Bingfeng suddenly flashed this idea. At this moment, she hopes to advance to become a god as soon as possible more than ever.

Level 10 cultivation is simply not enough in this kind of battle.

"Not bad, really good. You are the first Nascent Soul cultivator who can block these two magical powers of mine!"

Che Laoyao, a big man in gold robes, suddenly laughed, the sound echoed for dozens of miles, and a pair of golden tiger eyes locked tightly on Lu Tiandu, "It is indeed extremely rare for you to have such magical power at such a level of cultivation. I'm afraid you can transform into a god." It’s not difficult for you, but your legend ends here today!”

After saying that, Che Laoyao suddenly raised his head and let out a long roar. This roar shook for dozens of miles, continuously, full of some kind of wild domineering and majesty, and extremely thrilling.

This is the roar of a tiger!

"Could it be that the body of Demon Che is a tiger with extraordinary blood? There are several kinds of tiger demons among the spiritual beasts of heaven and earth. I wonder what bloodline this person has inherited?"

Upon hearing this oppressive tiger roar, Bingfeng flashed this idea.

At this moment, within dozens of miles, except for Nascent Soul cultivators or demon cultivators of level eight or above, all the other cultivators were basically frightened by Che Lao Yao's tiger roar, their minds were shaking, they couldn't control themselves, and their faces were all ugly.

"Is Che Laoyao going to use his natal magical power?"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu was also concentrating on preparations.

What magical powers descendants of heaven and earth spirit beasts can inherit depend on the blood flowing in their bodies. Lu Tiandu has no idea what magical powers Che Lao Yao, a tiger demon, has inherited.

Look at the posture of Old Demon Che, I’m afraid it’s very extraordinary!

"Since I developed this magical power more than 10,000 years ago, I have been able to kill powerful enemies with just one hand. No one can be my enemy at once. How wonderful it is!"

At this moment, Che Laoyao stopped roaring and seemed to be recalling something, "Now that things have changed, it is really ridiculous that he would use this magical power on a junior! How ridiculous!"

"So, after I use this magical power to kill you, I will refine you into my Ten Thousand Monster Banner, fuse with ten thousand souls, and make you my most proud demon soul, who will go through life and death for me, haha Ha ha……"

"Hey, it's a pity. I didn't expect that my opponent would be such a ridiculous person, a poor guy who is obsessed with past glory. It's really disappointing for such a person to be my enemy!"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu burst out laughing with a sigh, "As for how to deal with this waste like you, after I kill you, I will use your demon elixir to refine a With the elixir that can break through the bottleneck of becoming a god, your Ten Thousand Demon Banners will be refined into real Heavenly Demon Banners. As for your soul, whether it is refined into the Ten Thousand Demon Banners or a separate psychic puppet, I haven’t thought about it yet, I wonder if you, old monster, have any suggestions?”

"You kid with a yellow mouth, don't try to use your words, just die!"

This time, Che Laoyao sneered, as if he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lu Tiandu, a dying man. He opened his mouth and spat out, and a white light about ten feet long, as thick as a baby's arm, shot towards Lu Tiandu in a flash.

"How is it possible? This old demon Che has actually cultivated the most golden divine thunder 'Tiger Soul Divine Thunder'? How is this possible?"

As soon as Lu Tiandu's consciousness sensed the extremely strong and endless destruction in the white light, and when he looked at where the white light passed and the faint space cracks appeared one after another in the void, his expression suddenly changed and he ate. Startled.

This turned out to be the most mysterious and powerful Golden God Thunder and Tiger Soul God Thunder, one of the five major thunders in the world of immortality! (End of chapter)

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