Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 382: Kill the old demon! Capture the ice phoenix with one hand!


At this moment, the magic formula in Che Laoyao's hand changed, and while he opened his mouth and screamed, the true spirit soul with a tiger head above his head, which used secret techniques to manifest part of the true spirit blood in his body, also raised his head to the sky. A long roar.

This long roar was full of wild, cold, and murderous atmosphere. It was earth-shattering, and the supreme majesty of the King of Beasts came out clearly.

The whistling sound instantly aroused the vitality of heaven and earth within a hundred miles radius. Countless five-color light groups rolled in, and the heaven and earth seemed to be tumbling at this moment.

Such power instantly caused the expressions of the human monks and demon cultivators present to change dramatically.

It wasn't until this moment that Che Laoyao truly showed the majesty of the supreme god-turned-old demon.

Using such a large amount of essence and energy at the expense of life can also be seen that Che Laoyao is determined to kill his opponent Lu Tiandu.

"Mengxin, everything will be alright, right?"

Among the spectators, Liu Qing, a beautiful woman, had a solemn expression on her face. She squeezed her right hand tightly unconsciously and asked about Bai Mengxin beside her.

"It's okay. Judging from Lu Lang's posture, it shouldn't be difficult to block it!"

Bai Mengxin has long been aware of some of Liu Qing's thoughts these days, but she doesn't object.

Moreover, after learning about other women in Lu Tiandu this time in the Xuanbing Cave, he also had a vague intention of showing good will to Liu Qing.

After coming out of the Xuanbing Cave, she found that her sister Bai Yaoyi seemed to be closer to Liu Qing than before, and she had to admire Liu Qing's skills.

Therefore, although the gap between the three women has not been broken, there is actually a somewhat special closeness between them.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu stood in the void, looking at the astonishingly powerful Che Laoyao but not too worried.

Che Laoyao thought that he had cultivated the most bizarre and powerful golden divine thunder among the five divine thunders that were unique in the human world. With this magical power, he could easily kill monks of the same level.

But he never expected that Lu Tiandu could also master the five major divine thunders, and not just one, but two major divine thunders.

And in terms of thunder magic cultivation, Lu Tiandu's evil-dispelling divine thunder has long been completed and the Taiyin divine thunder that is about to be completed is much more advanced than Che Laoyao's tiger soul divine thunder.

However, the main purpose of the evil-dispelling divine thunder is to restrain the evil spirits and ghosts. In terms of attack power and weirdness, it is indeed difficult to block the tiger-soul divine thunder.

But the Taiyin Divine Thunder is different. This thunder is endless and specially designed to damage the monks' internal organs, soul, and magic weapon aura. It is vicious and weird.

The Zhangxuchang Tiger Soul Divine Thunder that was sacrificed by Che Laoyao before was blocked and resolved by Lu Tiandu's nearly completed Taiyin Divine Thunder.

As for why the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map was used to suppress this thunder and take it into the world of stone beads, it was just because this thunder can also be used to absorb the golden thunder tiger and cannot be wasted easily.

Of course, if you want to resolve this thunder, it will be easier to deal with it after incorporating the wind and thunder prison map.

Because after refining the Wind and Thunder Prison Diagram last time, he re-engraved the three-flavor divine wind and taiyin divine thunder laws into the greatly increased power of the wind and thunder prison space. After that, he used these two magical powers to warm up the prison space of wind and thunder, and gradually enhance the power of the wind and thunder prison map.

Nowadays, the true power of wind and thunder born in the prison space of wind and thunder combines the destructive and strange effects of the three-flavored divine wind and the lunar divine thunder. The effect of corroding and dissolving the monk's body, soul, and treasures has not only increased several times.

It is naturally not difficult to resolve a small tiger soul thunder!

In addition to the offensive power of the wind and thunder's true power, the power of suppressing the trapped enemies in the five "prison-suppressing" spaces in the prison of wind and thunder and the defensive power of the main body have naturally been significantly improved.

Since the birth magic weapon was re-refined, he has not yet thoroughly tested how powerful it is. After all, he has not yet encountered an enemy worthy of using this treasure.

This time, I originally planned to test the power of the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Map and the limits of the magic power of the Heaven and Earth on Che Laoyao, but now that Che Laoyao's flesh and blood is of great use, naturally I can't test the strange attacks of Fenglei's true power on him. Strong!

At this moment, the golden tiger-headed true spirit soul suddenly stopped roaring, and stared at Lu Tiandu with its huge golden eyes. It spat out from the tiger's mouth about ten feet tall, and with a sound of "chi", three tiger soul spirits as thick as the mouth of a bowl came out. The white light beam condensed by thunder shot toward Lu Tiandu.

"Hmph, how dare you take such a big step, and you still haven't taken any protective measures. If so, just go to hell!"

Just when Che Laoyao used the True Spirit Soul Sacrifice to launch the three most powerful tiger soul thunders, seeing Lu Tiandu still standing quietly in the void without any reaction, he sneered, "Wait until I catch you." After your soul, I want to see what magical powers you have cultivated..."

Che Laoyao was also a little excited at the thought that he would soon be able to discover Lu Tiandu's strange means of blocking several of his magical powers one after another.

Or maybe these secrets are even more valuable than the two spiritual treasures he wants to get this time!
This Lu Tiandu is really the weirdest and most difficult person he has encountered in tens of thousands of years. How can such a character grow up in the future?

At this moment, as the golden tiger's head sprayed out three white lightning beams towards Lu Tiandu, the power of legigraphy and soul-suppressing power that was stronger than before descended into his sea of ​​consciousness again.

The furnace shadow in the sea of ​​​​consciousness swayed quickly again and then fell silent instantly. Lu Tiandu looked at the lightning beam with a strong meaning of destruction, smiled slightly, and flicked his sleeves again in the surprised eyes of everyone.

With a "whoop", huge colorful sleeves suddenly appeared in the sky, and the speed of flight was still astonishing. The golden-purple vortex at the cuffs once again swallowed three white lightning beams into the prison space of wind and thunder.

Until the three white thunder pillars and colorful sleeves disappeared, the three long space cracks caused by the astonishingly powerful tiger soul thunder in the void were still very clear.

"court death!"

Seeing this scene, Che Laoyao was overjoyed and burst into laughter.

This time he used the blood of the true spirit in his body to forcibly sacrifice the soul of the true spirit. The power of the tiger soul thunder released was more than two or three times that of before?
Moreover, three divine thunders were released at once this time. How could Lu Tiandu's small imitation spiritual treasure block his divine thunder?

And as the golden tiger head released three tiger soul divine thunders, it trembled, wailed, and turned into golden auras and disappeared into the body of Che Lao Yao below.

Soon, looking at Lu Tiandu who still had a calm face, Che Laoyao, who had lost contact with the three tiger soul thunders he had released, suddenly stopped laughing madly, and looked at Lu Tiandu with a look of disbelief:
"This is impossible! What weird means did you use? I don't believe that an imitation spiritual treasure can block my divine thunder?"

"nothing is impossible!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and looked indifferently at Che Laoyao, whose expression changed drastically and his tiger eyes were full of fear, "You never know what trump cards I have, so this time you stay here! "

Being able to cultivate the Tiger Soul Divine Thunder, which is the most offensive among magical powers, does have the confidence to dominate the human world. Unfortunately, Old Demon Che will never know how many great magical powers Lu Tiandu has cultivated that are not weaker than the Tiger Soul Divine Thunder.

And all he saw in his eyes was a treasure that exuded the spiritual power of an imitation spirit treasure. Even to death, he didn't think that such an imitation spirit treasure had absorbed his divine thunder one after another!
One breath ago, at the moment when three white lightning beams as thick as a bowl and more than ten feet long entered the prison space of wind and thunder, Lu Tiandu had already used all his strength to use the true power of wind and thunder and the three "prison-suppressing" spaces to surround and suppress these three beams. The astonishingly powerful Tiger Soul Thunder.

Although a small part of the Tiger Soul Divine Thunder was consumed in the final battle, and a lot of the wind and thunder's real power was also consumed, in the end most of the Tiger Soul Divine Thunder was still suppressed by the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Map.

The moment Lei was suppressed, Lu Tiandu followed suit and was sent to the world of Shizhu for imprisonment. In this way, naturally there is no fear that the Tiger Soul Divine Thunder will continue to stay in the Prison of Wind and Thunder and consume the real power of Wind and Thunder.

At this moment, seeing that Che Laoyao's trump card was still solved by Lu Tiandu with a wave of his sleeves, it goes without saying that the monks on the side of Xiaoji Palace were surprised, but on the side of the demons, as the demons looked at each other in confusion, their hearts oozed out inexplicably. A bit chilly.

At this moment, even Bingfeng took a breath of cold air, her eyes flickered, and she seemed to have other ideas:

"I was really careless this time. I didn't expect that Lu Tiandu would be so difficult to deal with. Now that this old demon has used all his cards, he still can't help Lu Tiandu. Now there is only one Ten Thousand Monster Banner left that can be used. …”

"On the other hand, no one knows what kind of magical powers Lu Tiandu has, and not a single treasure that has been revealed to outsiders before has been taken out. This situation is very bad..."

It was only at this moment that Bingfeng truly understood the confidence and strength of Lu Tiandu to use his Nascent Soul cultivation to counterattack and transform into a god!
It is still unknown whether the god-transformation monk who traveled with Lu Tiandu is here. Now that he stays here, let alone the space node, his safety seems to be unable to be guaranteed.

"Hmph, Fairy Feng, don't think about running away at this juncture. If you dare to leave, I don't mind giving you a tiger soul thunder first. Lu Tian can block my divine thunder. I don't believe you can too. Block it!"

Looking at Bingfeng with twinkling eyes, Che Laoyao, a middle-aged man in gold robe, seemed to have guessed what Bingfeng was thinking, and a dangerous and fierce light shot out from his tiger eyes.

"Why is Fellow Daoist doing this? The original incarnation of Fellow Daoist promised that Lu Tiandu would be able to capture him as long as Fellow Daoist takes action. Now that the war situation is not going well, Fellow Daoist still wants to blame me?"

Hearing the deep threat in Che Laoyao's voice, Bingfeng's beautiful eyes instantly became a little more sinister, and her whole body became even colder. She suppressed the fear in her heart and said rudely.

"Hmph, who would have thought that this person, a Nascent Soul cultivator, could not even do anything to me with his magical powers?"

Che Laoyao's eyes flashed fiercely, suppressing the depression and frustration in his heart.

Lu Tiandu used all his magical powers to suppress him with all his strength, which he didn't expect.

He was really curious about how Lu Tiandu achieved this strange magical power? Based on Lu Tiandu's performance, how could someone at such an age be able to cultivate such magical powers?
He had previously found out that Lu Tiandu was carrying two heaven-reaching spiritual treasures and several imitation spiritual treasures, but he didn't take Lu Tiandu to heart. After all, with Lu Tiandu's cultivation level, the Lingbao in his hands could only exert the power of the imitation Lingbao. A few divine thunders could solve it, so it was not enough.

As a result, now facing Lu Tiandu, who has strange magical powers, it is too bad to be restrained in every aspect.

Moreover, for some reason, an inexplicable fear kept surrounding his heart. He knew that it would be very bad if he persisted at this moment.

However, if you turn around and run away at this moment, you will not only lose face, but you will also become the number one target of being beaten and hunted. Therefore, he still needs someone to entangle Lu Tiandu and give him a chance to escape.

"With the current plan, it's impossible to leave. Even if you and I want to leave, I'm afraid we can only escape one person, not to mention the other subordinates of you and me? Only if you and I join forces to kill this person, there may still be a glimmer of hope. …”

Che Laoyao glanced at Bingfeng's figure and quickly transmitted the message.


Bingfeng frowned. With her arrogance, she was naturally not willing to besiege others, but now that life and death were at stake, she naturally couldn't care less about this. She responded:
"That's all it can do. But if that god-transformation monk appears again..."

"Hmph, let's wait until he appears. At this moment, we should consider getting rid of this person first!"

Che Laoyao interrupted Bingfeng's worries.

The next moment, the two of them spontaneously sent a message to the group of monsters under their command. Next, the two demon lords will go to the battlefield in person. How can these subordinates let them watch from the sidelines?

"Okay, it looks like you've finished communicating? So, let's end this war!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at Che Laoyao and Bingfeng, played with a small black flag about a foot long in his hand, and said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he casually threw the Black Wind Flag in front of his eyes, made a seal with both hands, and while executing several spells, he opened his mouth and spat out a golden-purple ray of light that fell on the Black Wind Flag. In an instant, the small black flag emitted a dazzling black light, and its body suddenly swelled. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant flag that was more than ten feet long and as thick as a bowl. Purple runes were flowing on the huge flag, and black energy was lingering. .

Looking at the enlarged black wind flag, Lu Tiandu continued to cast spells without stopping. He opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of purple-gold essence, which landed on the flagpole.

With a "boom" sound, the Black Wind Flag became larger again, almost blocking out the sky and the sun, and purple ripples continued to spread out from the flag.

Seeing Lu Tiandu sacrifice the Black Wind Flag, a spiritual treasure, without saying a word, Che Laoyao sneered, stretched out his hand, and a small gray flag appeared in his hand.

This small flag was only five or six inches in size and was shrouded in a ball of gray light. The flag is clearly as big as a palm, but it is full of ghosts and shadows, as if there are countless demons and ghosts all over the flag. But it happened that the flag was silent, and no strange sound came from the flag.

This small gray flag is naturally Che Laoyao's most precious protective treasure, the Ten Thousand Demon Flags.

Although there are still some rare spiritual materials that are lacking in this world to be able to be sacrificed and refined into a real space spiritual treasure, the Heavenly Demon Flag, this flag has been erected in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons for tens of thousands of years. Countless demonic beast spirits have been transformed, and the power of this banner is no different from that of the Heavenly Demonic Banner.

As long as Lu Tiandu is trapped in the demon spirit space within the Ten Thousand Demon Banners, he will have a few more options regardless of whether he can kill Lu Tiandu.

Just when Che Laoyao opened his mouth and was about to spit out a breath of essence and quickly raise the Ten Thousand Monsters Banner, Lu Tiandu, who had finished casting the spell at this moment, did not force the black wind in the Black Wind Flag to turn into a wind dragon and attack Che Lao Yao like he did when he attacked the Demon Palace last time. Demons and other demons.

He suddenly picked up the flagpole, mana surged from both hands, and gently swayed the giant flag. The huge black-purple flag suddenly covered the heads of Che Laoyao and Bingfeng.

"not good!"

The halo of countless purple runes appeared in an instant on the two people who had not yet reacted. Che Laoyao and Bingfeng could only say "no" in secret, and then disappeared instantly.

Looking at the huge swaying flag, Lu Tian knew that the two people who had just been trapped in the Ultimate Spirit Space in the Black Wind Flag were already casting spells with all their strength in an attempt to escape from the Ultimate Spirit Space.

He did not hesitate, flicked his sleeves, and the colorful sleeves instantly descended on the heads of the Muzhi incarnation of Che Laoyao and the other two deputy valley masters of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, who had been targeted by him for a long time. The three wind and thunder powers turned into pillars of light. With the blast, three level 10 monsters were instantly killed.

After the colorful sleeves were put away and the three demon exorcists showed their prototypes, they were shocked again. A demon cultivator with white hair, bright red skin and three demonic eyes appeared on his head. After covering the demon, the wind and thunder suppressed the prison. The picture returns instantly.

"Okay, the next forty demon cultivators outside will be left to you!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Liu Qing, the Bai sisters, Gui Ling and the others and nodded as he looked at the group of demons who had listened to the orders of Che Lao Yao and Bing Feng and had already flown halfway when they suddenly encountered such a change. , disappeared instantly.

Now among the demons outside, the only one with the highest cultivation level is a tenth-level demon beast from the Ice Sea. Although there are many other demon cultivators, there are three late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, Gui Ling, Shi Lei and Liu Qing, the Bai family sisters and the supervisor. Elder Ye, three middle-stage Nascent Soul monks who hold imitation spiritual treasures, and other Xiaoji Palace monks who were each equipped with a Nascent Soul puppet by Lu Tiandu, it is not a big problem to kill these demon cultivators.

"Everyone, follow me to kill the invading monsters!"

At this moment, Liu Qing, who had just recovered from the shock of Lu Tiandu casually killing three tenth-level demon cultivators, suppressed the excitement in her heart. Thinking of Lu Tiandu's previous message transmission and arrangements, Liu Qingfeng's eyes flashed with evil intent, and in her hand He raised his Tianji Sword fiercely and beheaded the only tenth-level demon cultivator among the demons.

Behind her, Gui Ling and Shi Lei looked at each other, and both saw the deep fear and luck in each other's eyes.

If Lu Tiandu hadn't thought that the blood of these two demons was extraordinary, they might have been casually killed like the three demons just now.

At this moment, Gui Ling, who had a three-thousand-year contract with Lu Tian, ​​finally gave up on the little Jiujiu hidden in his heart.

Such a master will probably not be an unknown person in the spirit world in the future. As long as she still has the dream of ascending to the spirit world, she will not dare to deal with the instructions Lu Tiandu left in the human world.

The Nascent Soul cultivators from the Xiaoji Palace who were following closely behind the Bai family sisters released the Nascent Soul puppets that Lu Tiandu had borrowed during the previous meeting one by one. They each showed murderous intent and sacrificed their magic weapons to fight with the demon cultivators.


This is a dark space with no aura, less than ten miles in radius.

Within the space, wisps of black whirlwind were floating randomly. High in the sky, layers of yellow clouds were so thick that it was breathless. His spiritual consciousness was unable to penetrate these dense yellow clouds.

At this time, silver arcs of different thicknesses bounced and flickered in the clouds and mist, as if they might strike at any time.

Under the yellow clouds, a black hurricane roared like a tidal wave, and countless wind blades loomed together, seemingly attacking those who entered the black wind at any time.

At this moment, Che Laoyao was holding a giant gray flag that was tens of feet high and stood in the air. The flag was fluttering, and the phantoms of monsters that looked like life-sized beasts were circling and flying on the flag, ready to move. It looked astonishingly powerful.

As Mr. Che gently shook the Ten Thousand Monsters Flag, gray light flashed on the flag, and the phantoms of various monsters and beasts on it swayed wildly, becoming increasingly dense and numerous.

"go with!"

At this moment, a roar like thunder came out of Che Laoyao's mouth, and he secretly urged the magic formula in his heart, and suddenly the roars of countless monsters came from the banner.

In the blink of an eye, all kinds of demonic beasts, wrapped in various demonic clouds and demonic auras, poured out like a torrent of hurricanes and yellow clouds above their heads.

"Boom boom boom..."

The countless demon spirits in the Ten Thousand Demon Banners collided with the restrictions of the Lingbao Black Wind Flag, and bursts of explosions resounded again in this vast space.

Not far away from Che Laoyao who drove the Ten Thousand Demon Banners to break the ban, Bingfeng in silver robes had a frosty face and his phoenix eyes were slightly closed, as if he was silently sensing something.

"Fairy Feng, have you sensed the weakness in the space? As long as you find this weakness, with my Tiger Soul Thunder and the fairy's space magical power, it will not be difficult for you and me to escape from trouble!"

After a while, looking at the partially damaged demon spirit, Che Laoyao asked in a deep voice.

Although these demon spirits would eventually recover as long as the Ten Thousand Demon Banners were not destroyed, but now after two drives, more than 10% of them were damaged before Lu Tiandu could be seen, which made him very heartbroken.

This is the result of his gradual cultivation over tens of thousands of years.

When he thought about them being suddenly taken into this spiritual treasure space by Lu Tiandu, Che Laoyao was secretly angry.

This was originally supposed to be a plan he set for Lu Tiandu, but he didn't expect that the Black Wind Flag, like his Ten Thousand Demon Banners, were both offensive space spiritual treasures.

Before he could open up the demon spirit space, he was trapped in this extraordinary spirit space.

"No, although this person has not yet refined the third-level Tongbao Jue and cannot exert the full power of this treasure, his magic power seems to be extremely strong. If he cannot consume more than half of this person's magic power, there will be no loophole at all!"

At this moment, Bingfeng also looked depressed.

If it were an imitation spiritual treasure, she would be sure to tear apart the space and escape at any time. But as a tenth-level spirit beast, it was naturally impossible for her to tear apart a complete spirit treasure space.

"In this case, Fairy Feng should also take action together. It will be faster if the two of them join forces. Otherwise, by the time we get out, all our men will be dead or injured!"

Naturally, Che Laoyao didn't really care about the demons under his command, but since he entered this space, he had become increasingly uneasy.

Just when Bingfeng nodded and was about to say something, Lu Tiandu's figure suddenly appeared hundreds of feet behind the two of them, and he teased:
"Why bother? I can just send you two out in person later!"

"Is it you? How dare you come in alone?"

Once they saw that Lu Tiandu was alone, Che Laoyao and Bingfeng looked at each other and became happy.

As long as we can join forces to kill Lu Tiandu here, we can't go out at any time.

"What? Do we need anyone else to suppress you?"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly. He deliberately came a little late to test the power of the Black Wind Flag. According to the test, the power of this space spiritual treasure is pretty good.

"Since fellow Taoist possesses the blood of the Golden Winged Tiger, and wants to have an extraordinary physical body, let me learn from you!"

As Lu Tiandu said, five faint white figures suddenly appeared behind him, floating not far away in a flash, staring at Bingfeng, "This is my clone, let's play with Bingfeng first!"

As he spoke, Lu Tiandu did not hesitate, his whole body was filled with golden light, his figure flickered, and he instantly used the strongest magical power of Law, Heaven and Earth, revealing a ten-foot-long golden body.

"Okay, I'll play with you too!"

In the blink of an eye, Che Laoyao also used the monster clan's "giant technique" and turned into a giant man ten feet in size. He laughed ferociously, and the two giants collided instantly.


In the blink of an eye, roars resounded throughout this small space.

On the other side, Bingfeng, who knew that if he wanted to go out, he might only be able to capture Lu Tiandu's clone in the five white shadows, he was not polite. He raised one hand, and a white misty cold wind rose from his body into the sky. In the blink of an eye, It swept away all around, forming an extremely thick storm circle that rolled towards the Xuanhun clone...

A quarter of an hour later, listening to the still continuous roar, the ice phoenix with more than ten white crystal flying swords floating around it, looking at the figure wrapped in blue-black flames not far away that showed the aura of the late Nascent Soul, the brows became more and more Wrinkled.

At this moment, the two huge figures separated again with a "bang". Looking at the pale and increasingly ugly Che Laoyao in the distance, a loud laugh came from Lu Tiandu's mouth filled with golden light:
"Hahaha, yes, thank you for your sparring. Now that I have tested my physical limit, you can go with peace of mind!"

The moment Lu Tiandu finished speaking, a red light suddenly flashed behind Che Laoyao, and a red light blade flashed away. The huge head of Che Laoyao soared into the sky and turned into a huge golden sword. Tiger head.

Che Laoyao's body also showed the true form of the Golden Winged Tiger in an instant.

At this time, a fist-sized white golden winged tiger spirit flashed out of the tiger's head, and was about to fly towards the Ten Thousand Demon Banners in the air. Suddenly, a golden-purple vortex flashed past, and the spirit disappeared instantly. .

"Okay, that's it!"

With a flick of his sleeves and after putting away Che Laoyao's body again, Lu Tiandu suddenly pressed down with his huge palm, and in the void, a golden thunder and lightning hand tens of feet in size grabbed the ice and snow phoenix, which was restored to its original form in panic. of ice phoenix.

In the blink of an eye, the golden hand transformed from the evil-warming divine thunder grabbed the ice phoenix and instantly sealed her true energy.

After casually putting away the ice phoenix, Lu Tiandu turned into the size of a normal person in a flash. He stretched out his hand to wave the Ten Thousand Demon Banners that had turned into a palm-sized one. He took one step forward and disappeared in an instant. (End of chapter)

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