Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 383 Cultivating Dharma Eyes! Changes in the Chaos Spirit List!

"Fellow Daoist Lu, Old Demon Che and the others..."

Near the huge black wind flag, Liu Qing and others looked surprised when they saw the sudden appearance of Lu Tiandu.

"It seems that you have finished dealing with the demon cultivators here."

Lu Tiandu glanced at the joyful situation of everyone in the field and smiled slightly. In the distance where his spiritual consciousness swept, all the monks of Xiaoji Palace were dispatched to hunt down the low-level monsters.

"Lao Yao Che has been killed by me, and Bingfeng has been captured. Now that I have killed so many demon cultivators, this time it is a blessing in disguise. Everyone will take a rest later, and I will take you straight to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons to completely wipe out all demons. Valley!"

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist, for your kindness. It will be unforgettable for all the disciples of my Xiaoji Palace."

Liu Qing took all the elders of Xiaoji Palace who were still present and bowed deeply, "Fellow Taoist has shown great kindness to me, Xiaoji Palace. We are willing to recommend you to be the great elder of my palace. Please don't ask for it." decline."

"We respectfully invite fellow Taoist to take up the position of Great Elder!"

Hearing the invitation from everyone and seeing the respectful and eager expectant looks on the faces of so many multi-dimensional infant monks in Xiaoji Palace, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"In this case, it would be better for Lu to be respectful than to obey his orders. I hope that all the brothers and sisters will work together to make Xiaoji Palace the number one sect in the Jin Dynasty!"

"The Great Elder suppresses the Great Jin Dynasty. We are willing to join Jiwei and obey the Great Elder's orders!"

Everyone looked excited and bowed respectfully again. After Liu Qing handed Lu Tiandu a jade pendant representing the identity of the Great Elder of Xiaoji Palace, he finally completed the simple procedure for Lu Tiandu to assume the position of 'Master Hanli'. .

At this time, Lu Tiandu lightly tapped the Black Wind Flag flagpole. The black flag suddenly became about the size of a foot, and Lu Tiandu put it away casually.

"Junior Brother Lu, this is the flesh and blood of all the demonic beasts above level eight, as well as some of the demon souls and demon pills that were collected previously."

At this time, Liu Qing smiled slightly, blinked her gentle eyes, and held up two small storage bags to Lu Tiandu.

If she was close to Lu Tiandu before, in addition to the physical attraction that Lu Tiandu brought to her, she mainly wanted to advance to god transformation through double cultivation of secret techniques with the help of Lu Tiandu, and then join forces to sneak into the spirit world and support each other. You can go further on the path of cultivating immortality.

After this battle, she seemed to be infected and conquered by Lu Tiandu's strength, and looked at Lu Tiandu with a little more admiration.

Thinking of the two imitation spiritual treasures that Lu Tiandu had borrowed before the war, the beautiful woman had a change of thought, but at this moment she did not take them out and return them together.

"I'm sorry to trouble Senior Sister Liu!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and put it away without further inspection.

He had specially sent a message to Liu Qing before, and except for all the flesh and blood of monsters and some demon pills above level nine that he needed, the other materials were given to the elders in Xiaoji Palace.

After killing so many transformed monsters this time, the materials harvested are naturally of astonishing value. It goes without saying that every monk who can get these rare materials is grateful to Lu Tiandu.

"Junior brother, you are too polite."

Liu Qing gracefully brushed a strand of hair beside her ears, inadvertently revealing her charming mature woman charm, "Sisters Mengxin and Yaoyi have been worrying a lot about our junior brother this time!"

"Thank you Mengxin and Yaoyi for your hard work!"

After Lu Tiandu heard Liu Qing's words, he shook the Bai sisters' little hands skillfully, making the two girls smile.

Two hours later, after Beiming Island had completely settled down, Lu Tiandu used the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map to collect some of the Yuanying monks and Jindan monks in the Xiaoji Palace, used Wind and Thunder Escape, left Beiming Island, and rushed straight to the island just across the way. The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons in one state.

On this day, the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, which had existed for 20,000 years, was completely destroyed.

Except for some level five monsters and all monsters below level five who were driven to a specific place and set aside as a training ground for low-level disciples of Xiaoji Palace, all other monsters were killed.

The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, a place with spiritual veins spanning 200,000 miles, as well as the minerals and elixirs on the mountains, all belong to Xiaoji Palace.

And in order to completely stabilize this huge land of spiritual veins as an affiliated force of Xiaoji Palace, Lu Tiandu also asked the Xuanhun clone to invite everyone from the former royal family Ye family to join the affiliated force of Xiaoji Palace.

When the top demon clan force in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, which had existed for tens of thousands of years, was completely wiped out by the Xiaoji Palace led by Lu Tiandu, Old Demon Che died in battle, and the three deputy valley masters and dozens of transformed demon cultivators were all killed. After the news of the beheading spread, the entire world of immortal cultivation in the Jin Dynasty was completely shocked!
Just when the news of the birth of Old Demon Lu once again spread across the entire Jin Dynasty, the news that the Heavenly Demon Sect was almost wiped out by Lu Tiandu alone in front of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley once again caused a sensation in the world of immortality.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Jin Dynasty fell silent!

For a moment, the entire Dajin Immortal Realm seemed to be overwhelmed by the demonic power of Old Demon Lu.

At this moment, because of the new Great Elder Lu Tiandu, Xiaoji Palace suddenly transformed from an overseas barbaric sect into a super sect that everyone in the world of Jin immortals knew about and no one dared to provoke.

In one of the unusual uproar in the entire world of immortality, Taiyi Sect, the first sect of the Righteous Path, secretly sent a delegation headed by two great monks to visit Beiye Xiaoji Palace. Taiyi Sect officially announced that it would close the mountain for a hundred years and ignore worldly affairs.

As soon as this news came out, insiders naturally knew that Taiyi Sect's Dinghai Shenzhen Bai Laogui had been locked up in life and death, and it was not certain whether he could be released from the lockup in the future. When the other sects of Zhengmo Dao saw Taiyi Sect's actions, they visited Xiaoji Palace one after another.

There are those who have good relations with re-dividing the territory, some who hope to get the support of Xiaoji Palace to obtain certain benefits, some who simply want to visit Lu Tiandu, and some who test the ultimate purpose of Xiaoji Palace. For a time, the ice-covered Beiming Island also Get hot.

Xiaoji Palace seemed to have the potential to become the leader in the Jinxiu Immortal World overnight.

Everyone knows that as long as Lu Tian does not perish, it is a foregone conclusion that Xiaoji Palace will become the overlord of the Great Jin Immortal Realm within more than a thousand years.

The disturbances from the outside world may take several years or decades to calm down. At this moment, after sending away the visitors from the ten major sects, Lu Tiandu is reviewing the battle in a new cave in the Hanli Secret Realm. and harvest.

He benefited a lot from this physical battle with Che Laoyao, a true spirit bloodline spirit beast.

Che Laoyao's physical body is estimated to be much stronger than the demon cultivator in the early stage of becoming a god. This is inseparable from the true spirit blood in his body.

However, Lu Tiandu was only at the fourth level of his body-refining cultivation (equivalent to the peak of his Qi-refining cultivation in the later stage of Nascent Soul). After using the magical power of law, heaven and earth, he was able to fight a demon cultivator with true spirit bloodline for a quarter of an hour. It had been a long time since he had seen the slightest sign of defeat, and looking at the fact that Che Laoyao's physical body had been damaged, he knew how powerful this magical power was.

Before and after using the method of Heaven and Earth, his physical power almost increased by two small realms.

In this way, Lu Tiandu also knew the current limit of his own physical training, which further confirmed his belief in practicing this magical power in the future.

This is one of his trump cards for establishing a foothold in the spiritual world in the future.

As for Che Laoyao, he can dominate the human world with his powerful body alone. Unfortunately, when faced with the clone of the ancient demon in the late stage of divine transformation, he can only separate his corpses with a single blow of the blood-transforming demon sword.

The golden winged tiger corpse left by Che Laoyao has been banned by the land and sky.

At present, he can only use the flesh and blood of demon beasts to refine the Qi and Blood Pill, which is not enough to control the Divine Furnace of Creation to forcefully separate the true spirit blood in the demon corpse. He can only wait until he advances to Divine Transformation and continues to refine the Stone Furnace. Can we add some luck-enhancing methods to the stone furnace to extract true blood so that the Golden Thunder Tiger can advance as soon as possible.

After destroying the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons this time, Lu Tiandu obtained a huge amount of monster flesh and blood, enough for his thirty or forty Taoist companions to practice the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu to the third level in the next few hundred years.

As for reaching the fourth level of cultivation, the flesh and blood of the transformed demon cultivator obtained this time is limited after all, and can only be used by some people. However, in the spirit world, there are many kinds of wild ancient beasts. As long as we go to the wild a few more times, it is not difficult to collect enough Qi and Blood Pills for everyone to practice to the fifth level.

As for the other storage bags carried by Old Demon Che, the spiritual stones, materials, elixirs and other materials obtained from the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, there are also a lot of various things in total, and Lu Tian has already collected them in Yaochi. The tower arranged for the girls to be sorted into different categories.

Among the treasures worth mentioning, in addition to the Imitation Spiritual Treasure Banner of Ten Thousand Demons, which is about to become a Spiritual Treasure, there are two other imitation Spiritual Treasures in Che Laoyao's storage bag, but their power is average and even Lu Tian cannot use it. , so I didn’t look at it carefully, but it has been placed in the Treasure Pavilion. The girls can also use it to protect themselves.

Now, after solving the major issue of the attack of the group of monsters and dealing with a few trivial matters later, Lu Tiandu is preparing to retreat in Xiaoji Palace as soon as possible to break through the spirit transformation, hoping to cultivate to the late stage of spirit transformation as soon as possible and ascend to the spirit world.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and appeared somewhere in the Shizhu World. Here, quietly sitting cross-legged, a rough middle-aged man with white hair, bright red skin, and three demonic eyes.

This ninth-level demon cultivator was a ninth-level ice sea demon cultivator who was captured into the world of stone beads by Lu Tiandu after killing three tenth-level demon cultivators in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley using the Wind and Thunder Suppressing Prison Map.

"How is it, fellow Taoist, how are you thinking?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the middle-aged man named Wu and asked lightly.

"I wonder if fellow Taoist can tell me what is different about my 'Dharma-Breaking Celestial Eye'? Fellow Taoist is actually willing to provide me with the training resources to cultivate to the stage of divine transformation? Just for a spirit that can break the escape technique. Eyes?"

This rugged man's expression changed, hesitating, and he made a loud sound.

He had long understood that being imprisoned here by Lu Tiandu had no control over his life and death, but even so, he still responded to Lu Tiandu's offer to help him cultivate to the stage of divine transformation, and asked him to voluntarily dig out the third eye and give it to Lu Tiandu It feels weird and uneasy.

"There is nothing that cannot be said." Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "Since it is a transaction, it is natural to explain the background of the transaction to fellow Taoist."

"Fellow Taoist, you should know that you have inherited part of the bloodline of a certain kind of heaven and earth spirit beast. You are a mutated spirit beast, and the difference lies in your extra eye."

"Do you know the origin of my bloodline?"

Hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the rough man suddenly became interested.

"Speaking of which, your bloodline is not inferior to that of Ice Phoenix, the Lord of the Ice Sea. She is of Icephoenix bloodline, but your bloodline is the very rare True Spirit Beast. This beast and the True Dragon are mortal enemies. , Based on this, you should know how ferocious this true spirit is."

"The evil beast has three heads and five tails. The middle one has only one eye, which is called the Eye of Destruction. It is said that normally this eye of the beast never opens, but once it opens, it can directly tear apart the space. Kill the enemy without being able to see it. There is no need for Lu to explain how amazing this magical power is."

"However, your true spirit bloodline is very thin, and this method has not yet been completely formed. Perhaps after you advance to the tenth level, or even advance to become a god, you can continue to awaken some of your bloodline and allow this method to be fully formed. And if I can Obtaining your magic eye will be very useful for me to sneak into the spirit world through space cracks. This is also the main reason why I am willing to make a deal with fellow Taoist..."

Lu Tiandu seemed to be very candid. He explained the cause and effect in detail and asked:

"So, what is the final choice of fellow Taoist?"

The rugged man's expression changed and he said:
"As long as fellow Taoist agrees to voluntarily offer his Dharma eyes after I advance to become a god, fellow Taoist will let me leave this place and I will not be hunted down. I will agree to fellow Taoist's conditions."

"Okay, no problem. In this case, fellow Taoist, you can practice well here. I will provide you with everything you need for cultivation. If this is the case, fellow Taoist has not been able to cultivate to become a god within four hundred years, then don't blame Lu I can’t keep my words!”

After Lu Tiandu left this sentence indifferently, he did not look at the three-eyed monster with an ever-changing expression, and disappeared in a flash.

The third eye of this beast is indeed very rare, but the third eye of this ninth-level mutant monster is still very weak, and it is still far from being able to destroy the magic eye.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu's deal with this demon was naturally not for the purpose of using secret techniques to refine the magic weapon of the Destruction Eye in the future.

What he values ​​​​is the original thing contained in this demon eye, so that he can cultivate his own magical power in the future.

As for what kind of original thing can be extracted from this mature Destruction Eye in the future, Lu Tiandu is not sure yet, but now that he has sufficient resources, he will naturally give it a try. Maybe there will be surprises in the future.

As for letting go of this monster?
If he was only a level 10 monster in the future, Lu Tiandu would not be able to let him go. But if he cultivated to become a god with his help, how could Lu Tiandu let him go?
After Lu Tiandu ascends, a god-transforming demon is left to cultivate in the human world. Not to mention the harm to other human monks, Xiaoji Palace alone may be destroyed in a short time!

As for Lu Tiandu's promise not to hunt down this monster, he would naturally abide by it.

After all, there will be too many people in Lu Tiandu who can kill a demon cultivator in the early stages of becoming a god in the future.

Lu Tiandu appeared again and came to the place where Youluo refined the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword.

Looking at the stunning beauty in front of him, Lu Tiandu said his request politely.

After hearing that Lu Tiandu said that he wanted to go to the Five Dragon Sea and bring back the body and demon pill of a white deer demon cultivator in the divine transformation stage, Youluo smiled and said:
"This is a small matter. Just wait until I get out and come back!"

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and gently took Youluo's jade hand. In a flash, the two of them appeared in his new cave in Xiaoji Palace.

Youluo smiled slightly, and with a stroke of her hand, a crack in space appeared in front of her eyes. Her figure flickered and disappeared in an instant.

"This spatial magical power is also very sharp. When you have time in the spirit world, you can learn a thing or two from Youluo!"

Looking at Youluo and Lu Tiandu who disappeared, he sighed, "I'm afraid the Chaos Spirit List in the entire spiritual world has changed now, right?"

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with light.

At the same time that Youluo left the world of Shizhu with the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword in his body.

Spiritual world, Tianyuan Continent, northwest corner.

In the third realm of the human race, the Heavenly Spirit Realm, in the center of a small island suspended thousands of miles high in the sky, a crystal jade wall a hundred feet high and covered with gold and silver runes suddenly burst into golden light!
While the jade was shining brightly, it made a clear sound. The sound shot straight into the sky and spread throughout the island.

At this moment, the two green-robed monks who had been sitting cross-legged under the jade wall with their eyes closed opened their eyes in surprise at the same time.

"Is there another heavenly treasure appearing in the world?" one of them said in surprise.

The other person didn't speak, but his eyes looked at Yubi with a look of expectation.

"What? Xuantian's spiritual object turned out to be born! And it's ranked third - Xuantian's Spirit-Slaying Sword!"

In an instant, when the golden light on the jade stopped and the two people saw clearly the changes on the list, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Is it possible that the true spiritual catastrophe in the spiritual world is about to come to the world again?"

The two of them looked at each other, and this idea flashed across their heads at the same time, their expressions a bit horrified. (End of chapter)

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