Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 384 Treasure of Xuantian! Accept Liu Qing!

"Two fellow Taoists, what treasures have appeared this time?"

Just when the two green-robed monks from the human race who were guarding the Chaos Spirits List saw the ranking of the treasures on the list, they were extremely frightened. In the blink of an eye, more than ten escaping lights fell from the outside. One of the escaping lights had not landed yet. asked impatiently.

"Fellow Taoists, see for yourselves! We may be in big trouble!"

The two green-robed monks smiled bitterly, and their voices were dry.

After hearing this, everyone didn't care and quickly looked at Yubi.

As a result, when everyone saw that the third position that originally belonged to Xuantian's Treasure Transformation Shield was actually occupied by the newly appeared Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword, the eyes of the dozen or so people shrank instantly, and the atmosphere instantly solidified.

Only now did they understand the meaning of the previous two people's words.

A new Xuantian Treasure has been born, and it is also the third Xuantian Treasure. Could it be that the true spiritual catastrophe in the spiritual world is about to come to the world again?

"Let's go and report to the elders, Tianyuan City, and the Three Emperors..."

At this time, the leader reacted quickly and said in a deep voice. After saying that, he did not care about the others. His figure flashed and disappeared in an instant, "I hope this heavenly Xuantian Soul-Slaying Sword will not appear in the northwest corner of Tianyuan Continent!"

While flying, this thought flashed through the man's mind.

In the history of the spiritual world, countless small tribes have disappeared in the long river of history because of a Xuantian object that has nothing to do with them. Therefore, whenever a Xuantian object is born, these small tribes are the most frightened. .

The human race is just a very small race in the spiritual world.

Almost at the same time, the demon clan neighboring the human race also took action quickly after learning about the changes on the Chaos Spirits List within the clan.

Almost at the same time, in the slightly larger alien forbidden areas on all continents in the wild world of the spirit world, completely different writings of various ethnic groups appeared on similar pieces of jade, all revealing the same message - Xuan. The Heavenly Slashing Spirit Sword was born.

The emergence of such a valuable treasure suddenly shocked the highest-level beings among the various alien races.

It has also made many major clans who want to use this treasure as a gift to summon the true spirit to be protected become eager.

Although most true spirits are born in various realms, once they reach adulthood, most of them leave the original realm, or go to a higher level of fairyland, or directly wander in the void of various realms to open up their own place of residence. Basically, they have no chance to contact the mysterious world first. Treasure of heaven.

Therefore, this kind of treasure, which is called Xuantian's Treasure in the spiritual world and is called Immortal Weapon in the fairy world, has also attracted the attention of many adult true spirits in the void.

After all, the true spirits not only have their own wars, but also need treasures to protect themselves when they reach the fairy world. Needless to say, having a complete Xuantian treasure will improve their overall combat power.

For countless thousands of years, the common rules of using Xuantian's treasure as a gift to summon the true spirit to come and obtain protection are basically well-known things among all races in the spirit world.

However, this kind of thing of finally winning Xuantian's treasure, keeping it until the true spirit comes to the world, and receiving blessings is only the privilege of certain wealthy families in a world.

For a small clan, if the Xuantian's artifact is really discovered within the clan, it would be impossible for them to sacrifice the treasure immediately. There is a high probability that the clan will be wiped out by the powerful men who are waiting for them.

At this moment, following the changes in the Chaos Ten Thousand Spirits List in the spiritual world, all powerful clans in the spiritual world immediately mobilized their manpower to calculate the location of the newly born Xuantian.

As long as the location of the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword is calculated by divination, the next step is to naturally select some small tribes, slaughter hundreds of millions of creatures, and use the blood sacrifice technique to cross-border summon this Xuantian treasure.

If the summoning fails, the next step is to establish a cross-continental teleportation array, and an army of monks will descend to kill people and hunt for treasure.

In a secret forbidden area, alien monks with astonishing momentum stared closely at the white-haired old man on the altar.

The white-haired old man's eyes were tightly closed, and he was making magic spells with his hands, but a green vertical pupil was strangely opened between his eyebrows.

At this moment, a ray of green light shot out from the old man's vertical pupils, connecting hundreds of spherical magic weapons that appeared around him.

The strange thing is that these spherical magic weapons actually look like green eyes. At this moment, these eyes are emitting a faint light, looking in all directions, seeming to be looking for something.

"No, this Xuantian Treasure is not from our spiritual world. It seems to come from a lower realm in the northwest corner of Tianyuan Continent..."

At this moment, the white-haired old man with his eyes closed suddenly spoke.

"The lower realm? This is not difficult. Let's calculate again. For this Xuantian treasure, we will not hesitate to destroy a lower realm!"

Among the monks sitting around, a middle-aged man in brocade robes seemed to be the leader. He seemed to have remembered something, but was slightly surprised and said unceremoniously.

As far as he knows, in the entire spiritual world, there are only a dozen Xuantian Treasures that have been born over countless thousands of years. This is the limit that interfaces like the spiritual world can evolve into complete Xuantian Treasures. (original words)

As for why the Chaos All Souls List is called the All Souls List, this naturally makes sense.

Interfaces such as the spirit world have at least thousands or even tens of thousands of subordinate interfaces. In each realm, when the world first opened, several kinds of Xuantian Immortal Vine were born.

Whether these Xuantian fairy vines can eventually produce Xuantian fruits or Xuantian flowers or even give birth to Xuantian treasures containing the power of laws is a matter of probability.

Some small realms may be lucky enough to produce three or five Xuantian treasures, while some small realms may not be able to produce even one Xuantian treasure.

As for the many Xuantian treasures produced in the lower world in history, except for a few that were taken away by true spirits who happened to pass by or the aboriginal true spirits of this world, most of them were basically summoned to the spirit world and fell into the hands of various major clans.

Therefore, there were thousands of Xuantian Treasures in the Chaos Spiritual List in the spiritual world at its peak, and the others were some Xuantian Remnant Treasures or powerful Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasures.

However, for countless thousands of years, the list of the Chaos Spirits List has been changed countless times. Many Xuantian treasures were either brought to the fairy world by true spirits or ascended monks or were damaged.

Up to now, although this list is still called the Chaos Spirits List, it is actually somewhat unworthy of its name. There are only about a hundred Xuantian treasures. The remaining treasures on the list except for some Xuantian residual treasures or Xuantian holy weapons, Most of them are Tongtian Lingbao.

Therefore, nowadays, when the Xuantian Treasure is extremely rare, the sudden appearance of the third-ranked Xuantian Treasure suddenly attracted the attention of all the major races in the spiritual world.

Moreover, among the tens of thousands of interfaces under the spirit world, it seems that no Xuantian Treasure has been produced for tens of thousands of years. It is really unexpected that a Xuantian Treasure can be produced this time.

"Hey, I can't figure out the trace of this treasure this time!"

An hour later, the old man who used the divination technique turned extremely pale, suddenly opened a pair of equally green eyes, and said in surprise.

"Can't figure it out?"

This time the middle-aged man in brocade robes was also surprised. He was very confident in the old man's divination skills. He pondered and said:

"So, doesn't it mean that the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword that was just born has already been refined by someone because it has opened up its spiritual intelligence on its own and is alert and has the ability to resist the power of the other world? And how can the lower world begin so quickly? It seems that there is no one else but the adult true spirit who can refine Xuantian’s treasure?”

Speaking of which, the middle-aged man frowned.

"It seems that these are the only two explanations."

The white-haired old man also sighed. After launching two life-consuming divination techniques, he not only paid a lot for himself, but also consumed a lot of the clan's treasures. As a result, everyone was quite speechless when he got such news.

At this moment, in the hidden places in the spiritual world, there are naturally more than one forces using secret divination techniques to deduce the location of the Xuantian Spirit-Severing Sword.

However, when these powerful forces launched divination techniques one after another and finally could only get the news that the treasure had an owner or that the treasure had disappeared, they all became speechless.

Despite this, some unwilling big forces still quietly dispatched some secret personnel to lurk towards the northwest corner of Tianyuan Continent...


Lu Tiandu had already expected the changes caused by the birth of the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword, but the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword had already been refined by Youluo, an adult true spirit, so he naturally wouldn't worry too much about it.

In less than an hour, in the Xuanbing Cave, a space crack about ten feet long suddenly appeared in the void. A white light flashed, and Youluo appeared in front of Lu Tiandu with a smile.

“I didn’t expect that the physical body of this old monster Bailu would be so completely preserved!!”

After taking the storage bag handed over by Youluo, Lu Tiandu glanced at it and immediately laughed.

In the future, the body of the old monster White Deer may be able to refine some True Spirit blood to see if a little True Spirit Yang Deer's true blood can be purified.

The remaining body can be used to refine the qi and blood elixir for the fifth round of the Golden Muscle, Jade and Bone Skill. The demon elixir can also be used to refine the elixir for breaking through the transformation into a god. Other demonic beast materials such as antlers are also extremely precious. The demonic body of a spirit beast with the bloodline of the true spirit of heaven and earth has many uses!
After sending Youluo back to the Shizhu World to practice, Lu Tiandu also went to stay with Wen Qing for a while.

After Wen Qing advanced to become a god, he had not been able to accompany this beautiful woman properly because of the incident in Xiaoji Palace.

Ten days later, when Lu Tiandu suddenly brought out a large amount of Yin Spirit Water in a meeting of the elders of Xiaoji Palace, the more than 20 Yuanying elders of Xiaoji Palace were shocked for a moment.

"I got these Yin Spirit Waters from a certain ruins. Since I promised you to make Xiaoji Palace the number one sect in the Jin Dynasty, I am certainly not lying!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

With so much Yin Spirit Water, half of the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade in the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade veins left by the Ice Soul Fairy can be easily mined.

With so many top-level ice-attribute materials, the natal magic weapons of the monks above the Xiaoji Palace Golden Pill can be re-refined, and some ice-type magical powers can be cultivated.

Just this one thing, the overall combat power of the Xiaoji Palace monks increased by at least 30%.

Coupled with the countless demon elixirs, demon beast materials obtained in the battle against the demons surrounding the island, and all the resources of the newly acquired Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, Xiaoji Palace's strength has almost doubled in a short period of time.

However, this increase in strength is still relatively weak, but as long as it takes one or two hundred years to digest, there is no doubt that Xiaoji Palace will become the number one sect in the Jin Dynasty.

Amid the excited and excited expressions of these elders, Lu Tiandu came to the Xuanbing Cave in the Void Spirit Hall again.

This time Liu Qing told Lu Tiandu in detail about the secret of Xuanbing Cave, and the restrictions here were naturally quickly grasped by Lu Tiandu.

After everyone had consumed all the Yin Spirit Water sent by Lu Tiandu and collected countless mysterious jade, before leaving, Lu Tiandu also secretly left the Taiyin Firebird here.

The next time I see the Taiyin Fire Bird is probably hundreds of years later when he condenses the Yin Yang Divine Fire. At that time, just let Youluo bring him in.

The ten-thousand-year mysterious jade mined this time is enough for monks above the Golden Core of Xiaoji Palace to use it for one or two thousand years. The next time the Void Spirit Palace is opened will be a thousand years later.

However, at that time, the Xuanhan Qi in the Xuanbing Cave must have been much worse than it is now. Everyone naturally understood these things, but they were not worried.

The three Void Spirit Halls belong to the forbidden areas of Xiaoji Palace. They are closed at other times except when they encounter a catastrophe that destroys the sect and take their disciples to escape the disaster or when they come in to collect Xuan Jade and Cold Marrow after a thousand years.

The amount of Xuanhan Qi inside has little impact on the daily practice of the monks in Xiaoji Palace. The Xuanbing Cave can recover a lot in one or two thousand years, without affecting the continued slow condensation of Xuanyu and cold marrow.

After this incident, Lu Tiandu's status in Xiaoji Palace became more and more detached.

In the following time, Lu Tiandu hung around the Bai sisters from time to time, and occasionally was invited by Liu Qing to visit this elegant and dignified charming woman.

The two drank spiritual wine together, exchanged practice experiences, and talked about the future. Anyone who looked at them would feel that they had been close friends for many years, rather than just knowing each other for less than two months.

On this day, when Lu Tiandu received Liu Qing's message again, he once again came to Liu Qing's cave by a familiar route.

He skillfully opened the outside restrictions and entered the attic made of ten thousand years of Xuanbing. Along the way were various familiar Xuanbing carved utensils. Just when Lu Tian was about to enter the inner hall, a faint fragrance suddenly appeared.

Seeing the beautiful woman walking not far away, Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up and he said with a smile:

"Sister Qing is so beautiful!"

This time, Liu Qing's dress was extremely sexy and charming. She was wearing a simple white gauze dress that covered her graceful curves. She had bare feet and arms. As she walked, her beautiful white legs made people look at her a few times unconsciously.

Yingying's waist was simply tied with a jade belt, and her breasts were unusually tall and plump. If you look closely, you can see a little bit of bright red swaying gently, which is really attractive.

At this moment, seeing Lu Tiandu clearly looking at her beautiful curves, Liu Qing's oval face suddenly had a few red clouds flying over it, and her eyes were flowing, seeming to perfectly combine the dignity, elegance and charm, which made people move. Don't open your eyes.

She seemed to be very satisfied with Lu Tiandu's reaction. She glanced at Lu Tiandu coquettishly and hummed softly:
"What? Haven't you seen enough of my sister? Hehe, do you want me to keep showing you my sister?"

"Hehe, if my sister is willing, my little brother will never be able to get enough of it!"

Seeing Liu Qing's posture, Lu Tiandu felt a move in his heart. He stepped forward gently and placed his two big hands on Liu Qing's waist.

Liu Qing's delicate body suddenly stiffened, and then relaxed instantly. She didn't mean to refuse at all. She bit her lip and gave Lu Tiandu a charming look. After a pause, she also wrapped her two jade arms around Lu Tiandu. His waist was leaning lightly on Lu Tiandu.

With a gentle breath, the familiar scent filled her nostrils. Along with the mysterious attraction coming from deep within her body, Liu Qing became deeply and instantly fascinated.

She had already been interested in Lu Tian, ​​and it goes without saying that the two of them were ambiguous in their previous contacts.

At this moment, it was obvious that Lu Tian understood what she meant.

She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

At this time, Lu Tiandu gently patted her jade back, leaned into her ear and whispered softly:
"I am so lucky to be favored by my sister! If my sister doesn't mind my other Taoist companions, I also hope that my sister and I can participate in the Tao together, and we will never be incompetent in this life!"

"I am willing!"

Liu Qing seemed to feel Lu Tiandu's wandering hands and the sincerity in his words, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she uttered three words in a rapid breath.

The next moment, amid the exclamations of the beautiful woman in his arms, Lu Tiandu picked up the beautiful woman who had already aroused his anger, and ducked into the inner hall... (End of this chapter)

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