Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 385 The day of dual cultivation! Advanced transformation!

"Lu Lang..."


"Lu Lang..."

"Still want it?"

Lu Tiandu listened to Liu Qing's whispering in his ears and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was reminiscing about something.

He didn't even open his eyes to look at the beautiful woman lying limply in his arms. A big hand unconsciously ran across Liu Qing's smooth and white jade back, going down over the mountains and ridges.

"Bad guy!"

Listening to her man's straightforward words, Liu Qing chuckled and glanced at Lu Tiandu coquettishly. Her face was rosy, her beautiful eyes were affectionate, and her beautiful body like white jade was soft and soft on Lu Tiandu's body, looking weak and boneless.

It’s already like this, what more could she want!

"I seem to be unable to live without you!"

Liu Qing lay on Lu Tiandu's chest, stroking Lu Tiandu's long hair with one hand, and placing her other hand against Lu Tiandu's cheek. She stared at Lu Tiandu with a pair of phoenix eyes, full of affection.

"Really? These words sound familiar to me. Many people have said this!"

At this time, Lu Tiandu opened his eyes, with a half-smile at the corner of his mouth, and pinched the snow-white erections covered in his palms, which made Liu Qing purr like a cat, her eyes were as charming as silk, and she was extremely alluring, provoking Both Lu Tian and his Dantian were on fire.

This beauty, who is a new wife, is elegant and dignified in front of others. After practicing double cultivation, she is charming, bold, and charming. She is very talented in seducing people. She is self-taught, and Lu Tian can't help but be addicted to it.

However, thinking of the scene where Liu Qing begged for mercy, Lu Tiandu could only endure it for the time being.

"Hehe, Lu Lang, you have a bad guy's mentality, which makes many female cultivators very difficult to guard against! And with the treasure of enlightenment that you generously gave to me, Lu Lang, I feel the same way for other sisters!"

Liu Qing smiled, without any intention of being jealous. She seemed to think that it was normal for Lu Tiandu to have numerous harems, "If the female cultivators in this world of immortality know that they can seduce you, they will get countless benefits. I am afraid that everyone I will do everything I can to win your husband's favor!"

Speaking of which, the beautiful woman Liu Qing suddenly felt a little more sighing and thankful for some reason.

Thinking of the dual cultivation technique that Lu Tiandu had used before the two of them practiced dual cultivation, and the benefits she gained from the yin-yang fruit, spiritual body, etc. after the dual cultivation, she was still secretly excited at this moment.

No wonder Lu Tiandu just smiled softly after hearing some of her preparations for breaking through to become a god. After all, there seemed to be no difficulty for Lu Tiandu and his other women to break through to the gods.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and shook his head, "The resources in the hands of men in your family are also limited. How can it be possible for everyone to advance to become gods and ascend to the spirit world!"

"Hehe, that concubine is really lucky!"

Liu Qing chuckled lightly, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

The two of them started whispering together again, and soon Liu Qing seemed to remember something. She talked about the ghost mother Huangquan sealed in the mysterious ghost order in her body, and asked Lu Tiandu for his opinion on how to deal with it.

She now has the opportunity to become a god. According to Lu Tiandu's wishes, there will be other secret methods to take them to the spirit world in the future, so she naturally doesn't care about the help of the Underworld Ghost Mother.

"Since this Ghost Mother of the Underworld has helped you a lot on your way to enlightenment, even though many of them were for her own life, you have benefited a lot in the end. There is no need to kill her at will. I will lift the Tongsheng Curse another day. , let it go free!"

Lu Tiandu thought for a while and said.

"Well, everything depends on Lu Lang!"

Liu Qing looked like a husband advocating for a wife to follow her.

If it weren't for Lu Tiandu, whether it was for the peace of Xiaoji Palace or the Dajin Immortal Realm, she would never have released such a ghost cultivator with peak cultivation level in the late Nascent Soul before her death. The Ghost Mother of Hell would not be able to escape again. The ending of being sealed in a sea of ​​ice.

But everything is different now.

Lu Tiandu also learned from Liu Qing this time the exact location of the space crack in the Void Spirit Hall that the Ice Soul Fairy had found and preserved.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, whether this space crack can be used again needs to be re-examined.

However, for Lu Tiandu, who already knew the location, it was really simple. He turned around and asked Youluo to come out and tear apart the space and go in to see clearly.

Time flies, more than four years have passed.

Over the years, the Bai sisters had entered seclusion after the group of demons attacked the island, preparing to break through to the late Yuanying stage. After Lu Tiandu received Liu Qing's Yuanyin energy, his cultivation level also increased a lot.

On this day, when he left the world of stone beads and appeared in his cave in Xiaoji Palace, he suddenly sensed something. He reached out and turned over, and half of the Wanli Talisman in the storage bag appeared in his hand.

"I didn't expect Xiang Zhili and Old Monster Feng to find the space node in Wulonghai in such a short time, and this space node is also very stable. This is good news!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly as he looked at the message displayed on the Wanli Talisman left by Xiang Zhili back then.

The two men mentioned on the jade talisman that they were going to travel to other immortal worlds to see if they could find a few spiritual treasures, and at the same time practice the Vajra Art. If everything went well, they might be ready to sneak into the spiritual world in a few hundred years.

Of course, Lu Tiandu was also specifically told not to forget about the Six Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman.

Lu Tiandu put away the jade talisman and left the secret room, only to find a familiar beauty sitting on a futon on the side of the outer hall.

"Congratulations to Mengxin for advancing to the late Nascent Soul stage!"

As soon as he sensed Bai Mengxin's aura, Lu Tiandu smiled and congratulated her.

The restricted Bai sisters and Liu Qing in his cave knew how to get in and out, so Lu Tian was not surprised by Bai Mengxin's appearance.

"Lu Lang!"

Bai Mengxin called softly, with a smile on her lips, and immediately threw herself into Lu Tiandu's arms, "I will come to Lu Lang as soon as I advance successfully..."

Bai Mengxin's crystal-white face was now a little redder, looking extremely alluring, her eyes were flowing, and she looked like a loving little woman.

"Really? I miss my little Mengxin too!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, gently held up the petite beauty in front of him with both hands, gently bit Bai Mengxin's round earlobe, and said with a smile.

After saying that, he ignored the shyness of the petite beauty in his arms and walked into the inner hall with Bai Mengxin leaning on his arms...

The Bai sisters all broke through the late Nascent Soul stage in the Hanli Secret Realm of Xiaoji Palace. Therefore, the astonishing visions of heaven and earth caused by Bai Mengxin were naturally known to the monks of Xiaoji Palace quickly. Soon, the news that there was once again a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage in Xiaoji Palace spread all over the world.

On the contrary, Lu Tiandu was the last to know the news.

Time flies, more than ten years later.

A lively celebration banquet is being held in Yaochi Tower.

The protagonist of this celebration banquet is Nangong Wan!

Not long ago, after several years of seclusion, Nangong Wan finally broke through the late Nascent Soul stage and became the tenth great monk in Lu Tiandu's harem!
At this time, Nangong Wan was only 380 years old, and it had only been a hundred years since she had advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul!

This banquet was the fourth major monk celebration banquet held by Yaochi Tower in the past ten years. The three people in front were Bai Mengxin, Hong Fu and Wen Lan.

At this time, except for Tiannan's Leng Qingqiu who is not here, the five great monks Sun Qingfeng, Liu Qing, Qi Zhenzhen, Le Shurong, and Lin Yinping and the four newly advanced monks are all here.

Counting Lu Tiandu, no one would believe the terrifying power of the ten great monks.

Of course, it would be even more outrageous if the two female goddess cultivators Nangong Ping and Wen Qing were included!
In addition to the ten great monks in the field, seven girls, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei, Lu Tianxuan, Yan Ruyan, and Yuan Yao, have also advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul in recent years. Their cultivation speed is extremely amazing.

Considering that they are less than 300 years old, to the outside world, most of their Tianlinggen qualifications are just preparing for Ningying, and they are already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul cultivation.

As for the three girls, Nishang, Cen Jingjun, and Wang Yun, who have already advanced to the middle stage of Yuanying, they have now reached the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying. I am afraid that they will also retreat to the late stage of Yuanying in the near future.

As for the other girls, except for the youngest girls Wen Siyue and Mu Peiling, who have just succeeded in condensation, the Mo sisters, the Guijia twins, Yanli, Ling Yuling, Zi Ling, Song Yu, Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting, Liu Yu, The girls of Han Yunzhi have already cultivated in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

At this time, in addition to Bai Yaoyi who is in retreat outside, Youluo, Yinyue, Wen Qing who are in retreat in Shizhu World, and Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu who are far away in Tiannan, all the confidante of Lu Tiandu are basically here.

There were many people in the hall, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, and laughter and laughter echoed over the hall from time to time.

Ao Shan, a dragon who had only been transformed for a hundred years and had already advanced to the ninth level, looked at Lu Tiandu with admiration on her face as she looked at the unparalleled 'mistresses' surrounding her, and a look of envy secretly flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"Oh, this hateful master always teases people to the point where they can't get up or down, but doesn't eat them. What a bad guy!"

Thinking of Lu Tiandu teasing him from time to time, Ao Shan's two jade legs wrapped in the palace skirt lightly crossed each other, and she couldn't help but feel more and more resentful.

"Back then, after the master forcibly adopted the Phoenix Fairy as a spiritual beast, he left it to me for training. Unfortunately, the Phoenix Fairy was so cold and arrogant that she was unable to fulfill her duties as a master!"

Ao Shan felt a little angry when she thought of this, and sighed secretly.

Bingfeng, like her, was a transformed demon cultivator who was forcibly adopted by Lu Tiandu as a spirit beast and raised in the Yaochi Tower. Unlike Bingfeng's cold face and resistance, she was very satisfied with her current life.

The encounter in the Wild Demon Court, and later taking the Dragon Transformation Grass to purify her bloodline, successfully transforming into another form, and refining her own natal magic weapon. The countless training resources that followed, and the bad master who made people panic, everything made her happy. I feel that my demon life is very satisfactory.

When both Lu and Tian ascend to the spirit world, she will naturally reach the spirit world together. Who can match this opportunity?
"With Sister Yinyue retreating in seclusion these years, the master's secretary position has become free. I will train that Phoenix Fairy well later. When she knows how good the master is, I am afraid she will beg the master to favor her! "

Ao Shan's eyes flashed, remembering the secretarial rules that Lu Tiandu had instilled over the years, and a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

There is still competition for this secretary position, but not everyone is qualified!
She seemed to have heard Lu Tian's nonsense about "dragons and phoenixes singing together, wonderful things in life". In addition, she has been well-informed in Yaochi Tower over the years, so how could she not understand the profound meaning of it.

She secretly spat out 'Bad Master', but she became more and more concerned about this matter.

The lively celebration banquet ended quickly. Besides his daily practice, Lu Tiandu spent most of his time with the girls of Yaochi Pagoda to make progress together.

Just like that, another year passed, when Bai Yaoyi outside also successfully advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage, Lu Tiandu also took her into the Yaochi Tower.

The following dramas such as the fake twins of the Bai family serving one husband, the three sisters of the Xiaoji palace competing on the same bed, and the three sisters of the Bai family, Yanli, fighting together can only be briefly sketched!

Ever since Bai Yaoyi's great monk ceremony in Xiaoji Palace, Lu Tiandu, the great elder of Xiaoji Palace, and the three great monks Liu Qing and the Bai sisters have not shown up again for decades.

There are also two tenth-level demon cultivators in Xiaoji Palace in name. Their top-level combat power has long surpassed the top ten sects in the Grand Promotion. They are truly super sects. Moreover, the formation in the Hanli Secret Realm has also been re-strengthened by Xin Ruyin. Tiandu was naturally very relieved about this.

In the blink of an eye, sixty years later.

On this day, there was lightning and thunder in the Yaochi Tower, and the wind was surging. The endless five-color spiritual light suddenly filled the entire sky. This amazing vision of heaven and earth instantly woke up the female cultivators in the Yaochi Tower.

"This is my husband's breakthrough in becoming a god!"

A series of beautiful figures flew out from various palaces and stood in the void, looking in the direction of the Palace of Eternal Life with surprise on their faces.

"Hehe, my husband is only three hundred and sixty years old, right? He has advanced to become a god at such a young age. He is worthy of being our man!"

"My husband is the reincarnation of an immortal! It is inevitable that he will become an immortal again in the future. We are lucky enough to meet and know each other in this life, and we don't know how many blessings we have gained over the past few lifetimes!"

"Yes, we can be regarded as the wife who is the wife of the husband! Maybe we will be able to see all kinds of things in the spiritual world soon!"

The girls looked happy and chirped.

They naturally knew that after the second god-transformation cultivator in their big family advanced, soon each of them would enter the realm of god-transformation that countless immortal cultivators in the human world dream of!

There are countless elixirs on the first floor of the Yaochi Tower, Qixia Lotus, etc. As long as they cultivate themselves step by step, hundreds of years later, they will finally be in the late stage of becoming gods.

As for why the girls are so sure that they can advance to the late stage of divine transformation in a situation where the earth's vitality has changed drastically and it is extremely difficult for the outside world to break through the middle stage of divine transformation, this is naturally because Lu Tian revealed his body to them in the past few years. There is a world inside the body where the Dao Dao Fruit was born in the previous life, and the treasure of the Yaochi Tower is related to the fact that he kept it in this new world.

Everyone's breakthrough in this world will not be affected by the outside world at all.

This is also why the vitality of heaven and earth in Yaochi Tower is one to twenty times that of the outside world, why Lu Tiandu was able to ripen neon grass at will in the Sea of ​​Stars, why they always have endless supplies of top-grade materials, and why everyone refines it Yin Yang fruit and so on.

In addition to this inner world, other things are related to a certain enlightenment treasure from Lu Tiandu's previous life.

For example, the spirit body shared with the girls and the furnace shadow that protects the spiritual consciousness are just some functions of the treasure of enlightenment in his previous life.

As the granddaughter of a Mahayana monk in the spiritual world, Yinyue fell in love with Lu Tiandu, the true spirit Youluo became Lu Tiandu's natal true spirit, etc., everything shows how extraordinary Lu Tiandu was.

And now Lu Tian is the man they love!


When the women talked about their men, their beautiful eyes shone with infinite affection.

The girls seemed to be very confident about whether the land and sky could successfully break through. Watching the celestial phenomena evolve step by step, the girls' smiles became more and more joyful! (End of chapter)

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