Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 386 Bingfeng is ashamed and angry! New function of the Divine Furnace of Creation!

Chapter 386 Bingfeng is ashamed and angry! New function of the Divine Furnace of Creation!
"Finally advanced to become a god!"

In a secret room in the Palace of Eternal Life, Lu Tiandu, who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the array, slowly opened his eyes and murmured.

"Sure enough, after advancing to become a god, my ability to sense the vitality of heaven and earth has been greatly enhanced, and the Nascent Soul has also begun to solidify!"

Lu Tiandu did not get up at this moment, silently feeling the huge power in his body after the advancement.

The Yuanying monk has initially broken through the elixir to become an infant. The Yuanying will only leave the body and fly away under unavoidable circumstances, and this time cannot be too long, otherwise it will easily cause the loss of essence and greatly affect the foundation and path.

After advancing to become a god, the monk's mana increases greatly, and the Nascent Soul in the body begins to slowly solidify. Only in this way can he not be afraid of the huge pressure of the world force in the space node. In the late stage of the Divine Transformation, the Nascent Soul is not afraid of the wind of Yang Gang, and can Act independently of the body.

As for driving the vitality of heaven and earth, if you practice to the late stage of spiritual transformation, in the ancient era of the human world when the rules of heaven and earth were complete, it would not be difficult for a spiritual monk to move mountains and fill seas, open up fragmented spaces, build secret realms, etc.

As for today's monks in the early stage of becoming gods, they are only slightly better than those in the late stage of Nascent Soul without consuming their essence.

After ascending to the spirit world, the power of heaven and earth has changed a lot. The monks who transform into gods can only borrow part of the energy of heaven and earth to display their magical powers. Naturally, they are much inferior to the magical powers they can display in the human world.

As for the monks who want to truly drive the vitality of heaven and earth, this will only happen after they advance to the realm of integration.

Lu Tiandu's advancement to god transformation this time was extremely smooth.

Needless to say, the transformation of the physical body. The transformation of the physical body by the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Technique has already far exceeded the threshold of breakthrough. The growth of true energy is a matter of course with the help of a large number of elixirs.

As for the power of the soul, after he advances to the late stage of Yuanying, his spiritual consciousness can reach more than 800 miles, which is no different from the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the early stage of becoming a god.

More than ten years before the final breakthrough in seclusion, Dayan Jue also successfully broke through the sixth level, and his spiritual consciousness reached a thousand miles. Now that he has advanced to become a god, he still needs to test how far the current limit of the power of divine consciousness is.

Therefore, the three levels of physical transformation, mana level and spiritual awareness level are no obstacle to him at all. In addition, with the help of the Dragon Roar Body, some of the pills prepared before this retreat to assist in breakthrough are not even a single pill. Not taken.

Of course, the bonus of the Yin Yang Fruit that he had refined early on might also be one of the reasons why he broke through so smoothly.

Now his Yuanying is four inches tall, which is much larger than the three-inch Yuanying of ordinary monks. This also shows from the side that his true energy is richer than that of monks of the same level.

Now that he had broken through, Lu Tiandu also guessed that the girls were probably waiting eagerly outside the hall. Without hesitation, he waved the hall gently and walked out.


A series of soft calls of joy passed into Lu Tiandu's ears. Looking at the beauties with smiles on their faces, Lu Tiandu also felt warm in his heart.

They greeted the girls one by one with a smile. Just after Lu Tiandu responded to Ao Shan's congratulations with a smile, just when his eyes fell on a stunning lady in silver palace clothes next to Ao Shan, he heard a cold snort. passed into his ears.

"What? Xiao Feng'er, don't you congratulate your master?"

This cold snort was a sound transmitted by divine consciousness, and others did not hear it. Looking at Bingfeng, who was showing off with a high head and a somewhat stubborn and unconvinced expression, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:
"After so many years as second secretary, it seems that you still haven't learned how to be an excellent secretary. Ao Shan deserves praise for this!"

As he said that, Lu Tiandu was not polite. In Bingfeng's panic and shameful expression, he pulled Bingfeng over and slapped Bingfeng's buttocks in front of the other girls. While fanning, he smiled and said:

"I know that after not seeing you for several years, Xiao Feng'er will definitely miss your master's punishment very much!"

"do not want!"

Bingfeng, whose magic power had been imprisoned for a long time, had no resistance at all. She lay in Lu Tiandu's arms, covering her buttocks with a slender jade hand, as if she wanted to stop something, and let out a shameful, angry and pitiful cry from her mouth.

Being spanked by Lu Tiandu in such a public place made her really want to die!

Although in private, she had long been accustomed to Lu Tiandu's disciplinary behavior. At most, it was Lu Tiandu's chief secretary Ao Shan, or an accomplice Ao Shan.

Just as Bingfeng lay red-faced and motionless in Lu Tiandu's arms, letting out occasional moans and letting Lu Tiandu punish him, Ao Shan on the side rolled her eyes, reached out and took out a ruler. A long black leather whip magic weapon, he said with a smile:

"Hehe, Master, I think this Phoenix Fairy is quite enjoying it! This is too cheap for her. Well, isn't she her favorite thing? Master, you might as well reward her with this whip!"


Lu Tian was also surprised when he saw the whip magic weapon.

Ao Shan was basically present when he taught Bingfeng in private and was also an important assistant. But taking out the whip on this occasion would make Bingfeng die of shame and anger?

Sure enough, when she heard Ao Shan's words, Bingfeng's delicate body froze instantly, and her two small hands tightly grasped Lu Tiandu's clothes. The pretty face hidden in Lu Tiandu's arms alternately turned white and sometimes red, and her phoenix eyes glowed In addition to some lust aroused by Lu Tiandu, there was also a bit of evil spirit at this moment.

"Good morning, you golden dragon. Over the years, you have relied on the favor of this bastard Lu Tiandu to make me suffer in every possible way. Now you are making me look stupid here. When I escape from this thief in the future, you will be the one to watch!"

At this moment, Bingfeng felt that her back teeth were about to be broken. If the whip was pulled, she felt that she would never be able to raise her head in front of the girls.

At this moment, looking at the 'tools' that Ao Shan, who looked excited, took out, Nangong Wan and the other girls looked at Lu Tiandu in strange ways.

Some of the girls looked at Little Leather Whip and smiled strangely. They didn't know what they were thinking of, and their eyes instantly became moist.

"Ahem, by the way, Shan'er, when did you refine such a magic weapon?"

Lu Tiandu looked curious, as if he was seeing this whip magic weapon for the first time. He looked at it and said with a smile:

"Hehe, this is not necessary. Xiao Feng'er's skin is so delicate, wouldn't it be very bad if these whips are applied? How can I, the master, let it go?"

Feeling that Bingfeng in his arms seemed to suddenly relax, and seeing the unbelieving looks of the girls and Ao Shan who was not hiding his disappointment, Lu Tiandu chuckled, casually pinched a round part of the beauty in his arms, and said:

"Well, this feeling is getting better and better. I really can't bear to do it! If Xiao Feng'er gets angry again next time, I will try Shan'er to see how powerful this treasure you have refined is!"

"Okay, today I have advanced to become a god, which is also a happy event. We have to celebrate it. This time, we will spare Xiao Feng'er first!"

At this moment, with Lu Tiandu's cover, Bingfeng was still a little embarrassed and angry, but she was able to cope with it in terms of face. She blushed and shyly left Lu Tiandu's arms, not daring to look at the girls, and fell behind them.

Looking at Lu Tiandu who was walking at the front, Bingfeng suppressed some of the good feelings that had arisen before and secretly said:

"I, Bingfeng, have always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges. This time you cover up for me, and I will remember your kindness. But I have not forgotten all the things you and Ao Shan have done to me over the years..."

Thinking of this, Bingfeng's mind suddenly flashed through scenes of inappropriate scenes between the three of them. She felt panicked and her pretty face turned rosy unconsciously. She secretly sighed a few times and quickly drove away the shadow of Lu Tiandu from her heart.

"Hmph, I, the Ice Phoenix, am the Lord of the Ice Sea. How can I surrender to you? When I get out of trouble in the future, how have you punished me all these years? I will punish you twice... Bah, no, I will make your bastard's life worse than death. !”

Bingfeng clenched her fists and thought fiercely. However, she seemed to have very little confidence. As soon as this thought flashed across her mind, her mind suddenly flashed back to Lu Tiandu killing Che Laoyao in the Black Wind Flag space in front of her, and her panicked appearance of being killed by Lu Tiandu. The scene of one move ban.

"What kind of freak is this bastard? What kind of immortal can't he be reincarnated? The late Yuanying stage can actually kill the heaven and earth spirit beasts in the divine transformation stage? Now at the age of 360, he has advanced to the early stage of divine transformation? This makes me what to do?"

Thinking of this, Bingfeng couldn't help but feel a lot of confusion.

Over the years, Ao Shan had been telling her all kinds of magic about the master Lu Tiandu. She had long been tired of hearing it, and it was no problem for her to recite it.

Coupled with the more than 30 Taoist monks with good cultivation in Lu Tiandu Tower, as well as Yinyue and Youluo who were accidentally introduced to the girls by Lu Tiandu, deep down she had no confidence to resist Lu Tiandu. No.

And showing this cold and uncompromising attitude in front of outsiders is just her remaining self-esteem and arrogance!

Thinking of this, Bingfeng sighed quietly and became more and more confused.

The celebration feast lasted for several days before it ended, and the girls in the tower once again entered into daily practice.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and he had arrived at Tongtian Peak in Shizhu World.

"The range of my spiritual consciousness has increased from one thousand miles to fifteen hundred miles after the advanced stage of divine transformation, which is not bad. When I reach the seventh level of Dayan Jue, maybe the range of my divine consciousness will not be weaker than that of the monks in the late stage of divine transformation! "

Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness and tested it, with a smile on his lips.

The spiritual consciousness of a monk in the early stage of becoming a god is generally 800 miles. In the middle stage of advancement, it can increase by half to reach 1,200 miles. In the middle stage of becoming a god, the spiritual consciousness can increase by half again to 1,800 miles in the late stage of advancement.

And Lu Tiandu may be able to reach the spiritual consciousness cultivation level in the late stage of divine transformation in the early stage of divine transformation, which is already very outstanding.

"Unfortunately, even in the spiritual world, there are very few secret techniques that can allow monks above the level of cultivation to multiply the power of their spiritual consciousness. How to maintain strong spiritual consciousness in the future is a problem!"

With Yin Yue as a spiritual master, Lu Tiandu had already asked about all kinds of spiritual knowledge and secret techniques.

Immortal cultivators are divided into three stages according to their realm: lower realm, middle realm and upper realm.

The lower realm includes the five levels of Qi refining, foundation building, pill formation, Yuanying, and Shen transformation. In this realm, some of the great forces of the human and demon races in the spiritual world also have many spiritual consciousness techniques that monks can practice.

However, when it comes to the three levels of intermediate realms: refining the void, integrating the body, and Mahayana, there are very few spiritual consciousness techniques for monks to practice. Occasionally, there are one or two incomplete spiritual consciousness techniques that can only increase the monks' spiritual consciousness by 10% or 20%. , are also kept secret by many top-level monks and are rarely traded.

As for elixirs such as the Yunshen elixir, which can increase the power of the soul of a monk who transforms into gods or refines the void, they are extremely rare and precious compared to elixirs that can increase cultivation. Such elixirs are very rare in Yinyue's memory.

Yinyue also has the divine consciousness technique in his hand, but unfortunately it is a technique inherited by the Silver Moon Wolf Clan and is only useful to monks of his own clan. Naturally, Lu Tiandu, a human monk, cannot practice it.

However, he will practice Dayan Jue to the seventh level in the future, and there will be no follow-up spiritual consciousness skills, so it will not have much impact on him in the short term.

After all, he had taken the Yun Shen Dan before, wore the Soul Nourishing Wood every day to warm and nourish his soul, and had the subtle benefit of the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness. In the future, he would advance to the Void Refining Stage, and his spiritual consciousness would still far exceed that of monks of the same level.

As long as he can find the two-flavored main medicine in the spiritual world to refine the God-Yun Pill, which is effective for the Void Refining monk to gain spiritual consciousness, he can still maintain the advantage of his spiritual consciousness during the Void Refining Stage.

Of course, finding advanced spiritual consciousness skills after arriving in the spirit world is naturally one of his plans.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and came to the cave on the mountainside of Tongtian Giant Peak.

Every time he breaks through the great realm, he has to come here to refine the divine furnace of creation and control the world of stone beads step by step.

This is the foundation of his life and cannot be careless!

After half a day, Lu Tiandu came out of the cave with a smile on his face.

After refining the stone furnace this time, in addition to the regular authority of controlling the space of 100,000 miles in this world, although it does not have the function of sharing the furnace shadow when he advanced to Nascent Soul, there are also many benefits. information.

As his refining stone furnace has deepened over the years, he can now actually drive the stone furnace a little. Although he is still unable to drive the stone furnace itself, it still cannot be underestimated.

However, he still needs to test how much power he can borrow from the stone furnace.

Soon, Lu Tiandu went into the Yaochi Tower to retrieve the corpse of the old monster White Deer, and then returned to the cave again.

A moment later, Lu Tiandu suddenly became excited when he saw several drops of red blood flying out of the stone furnace, exuding astonishing spiritual power fluctuations.

"Sure enough, I can forcibly extract the true spirit blood from the corpse according to my wishes. I will have to plan carefully when I get to the spirit world!"

After casually pulling out a jade bottle and sealing away a few drops of the true blood of the True Lingyang Deer, Lu Tiandu made a thought and refined the remaining demon corpses into a great qi and blood elixir.

Back then, the important prerequisite for him to transfer Xin Ruyin's dragon's roar body was that the other party must be willing. Now he can forcibly extract blood or origin. Comparing the two sides, they are no longer the same!

Then he refined Che Laoyao's demon corpse in the same way, and obtained a thumb-sized piece of white-gold true blood and hundreds of qi and blood elixirs.

These two great qi and blood elixirs refined from the blood and flesh of the demon-turned-gods just happened to allow him to practice the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill to the fifth level.

"These true spirit bloods are also spiritual objects that contain their origins. It should not be difficult to convert and generate them using the origins of the stone bead world. In this way, as long as there are some true blood samples, there will be no shortage of true spirit bloods in the future!"

After putting away the true blood of the Golden Winged Tiger, Lu Tiandu's smile became more intense.

"Next, let's try the ability of the Divine Furnace of Creation. As long as it succeeds this time, dealing with the abyss of demonic energy everywhere in the human world will not be a problem in the future!"

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed, and he instantly came to the many spirit stone veins that he and the ancient demon clones collected on Biling Island.

According to his estimate back then, these spirit stone veins were worth about 1.2 billion spirit stones. Because no one was mining them, there had been no change in the revenue.

If he could extract spirit stones directly from the mineral veins with the help of the Divine Furnace of Creation, it would basically mean that he would never be short of spirit stones in the future.

In the spirit world, as long as he is short of spirit stones, he can lurk into a vein of top-quality spirit stones, and it seems that an endless supply of spirit stones is waving to him!

And as long as he has various spiritual stones and uses the Divine Furnace of Creation, he will have an endless supply of top-quality spiritual stones in his hands.

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu flashed his figure and used the earth escape technique to escape into the spiritual mine...

(End of this chapter)

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