Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 388 True Spirit War! Huge gain!

Chapter 388 True Spirit War! Huge gain!

Just when Youluo released the aura of an adult true spirit and completely revealed his true spirit body, the Kunpeng giant claw that had penetrated more than three-quarters of the way through the huge white space crack in the sky suddenly stopped.

From this momentary pause, it seemed that Kunpeng, who was outside the boundary, was extremely surprised by Youluo's changes, but the pause was very short.

The next moment, a piercing scream came from the endless black shadow again. The giant green claw that was over a thousand feet trembled and suddenly grabbed down, instantly revealing the entire giant claw from the crack in space. At the same time, five thick beams of light shot down from the tips of the claws,

These five rays are unusually green in color, like five giant pillars that support the sky. They seem to be able to suppress Youluo flying upward in an instant.

At the same time, Youluo's huge lion head flew head-on into the air. He spat out his mouth and used the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword to turn into a thousand-foot giant sword and slash at the giant claw's tibia. At the same time, he also raised his right claw, causing the void to tremble and the wind to surge. , and for a moment there was lightning and thunder in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, a huge black thunder claw suddenly appeared and grabbed five giant pillars that were condensed with countless wind spirits.

This jet-black giant claw was the Taiyin Divine Thunder among the five divine thunders that You Luo had cultivated. Such power really surprised even Lu Tian, ​​who also practiced thunder techniques and was watching the battle from a distance.

In the blink of an eye, there was a muffled "Pfft" sound, and the cyan light pillar and the big black hand collided. Wherever the big hand of the Taiyin God Thunder passed, the five cyan light pillars instantly turned into powder.

This cyan light pillar was several thousand feet long, but in the blink of an eye, it was shortened by less than half amid the bursts of muffled groans.

Obviously, the two true spirits in mid-air used magical powers to collide with each other to determine the winner instantly.

While the big hand of Taiyin Divine Thunder continued to bombard the giant wind spirit pillar, high in the sky, the thousand-foot-long emerald green giant sword transformed into the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword that Youluo sacrificed was also slashing towards the huge Kunpeng giant claw in an instant. Tibia.

With a "stab" sound, wherever the emerald green sword light passed, the thick green shield under the surface of Kunpeng's giant claw cracked open, like a sharp blade slicing through tofu.

A loud "click" sound suddenly came from high in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, an extremely shrill cry was heard from outside the boundary into the South China Sea of ​​Dajin. All the monks and monsters within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles were shocked at this moment, and a wave of dizziness struck them. When they came back, When the god came, everyone looked to the sky with frightened faces.


High in the sky, Lu Tian, ​​who had been protected by the black wind flag for a long time, looked at the place where Xuantian's spirit-slaying sword passed by, and was instantly surprised when the Kunpeng's giant claw broke into two pieces.

As for the fact that he was near the battlefield at the moment, the sharp bird chirping that hit the depths of his soul would naturally not have any impact on him because of the obstruction of the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But without the stone furnace to protect the soul, Lu Tiandu would have been seriously injured at least at this moment!
Kunpeng, who was outside the boundary, suddenly received this blow and lost one of his claws. As he screamed miserably, the half of his tibia that protruded from the crack in space trembled suddenly and was about to be retracted.

Unfortunately, before flying into the air, Youluo used the Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword to slash at Kunpeng's tibia. The huge real body did not hesitate, and still flew upward at a high speed. At the same time, the one-horned lion head suddenly raised its head to the sky with a roar like a lion. The roar of the dragon.

Suddenly, the void rolled and condensed, and in the blink of an eye a big black mouth full of fangs appeared. This big black mouth did not hesitate to bite Kunpeng's huge pillar-like tibia that was about to escape.

"Swallow the sky and the earth!"

Lu Tiandu was also surprised when he saw You Luo displaying this kind of spatial magical power.

Obviously, the sudden attack of Kunpeng, this natural enemy, seemed to make Youluo very angry, and he actually used this undeveloped space magical power.

The magical power of swallowing the sky and the earth is the most powerful magical power in the "Heavenly Lion Swallowing Spirit", the fundamental method practiced by Youluo, and is closely related to the size of the space in his body.

Compared with other spatial magical powers such as void cutting, space annihilation, void shuttle, void lock chain, etc., it is much stronger.

When this magical power has been cultivated to perfection, the two spaces in the body become one. Once the enemy is swallowed up in one bite, he will be turned into powder in an instant under the huge pressure of the two spaces.

At this moment, Youluo used this undeveloped magical power. It was obvious that after gaining the upper hand in a sneak attack with the Xuantian Treasure in his hand, he did not want to let this natural enemy go.

Just for a moment, Kunpeng reached in from outside the boundary, and the remaining half of his tibia was bitten by the big black mouth. As Kunpeng struggled, the void seemed to shake.

The loud rumbling sound accompanied by the sharp chirping of birds instantly stirred up the storm inside and outside the world. At this moment, the sky turned black and heavy rain continued, giving a scene of the end of the world.

At this moment, Kunpeng outside the boundary had a furious and ferocious look on his face, and his huge cyan wings suddenly flapped, and countless manic storms instantly gathered in the void.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and spat out, and a huge cyan Changge suddenly flashed and shot towards the crack in space.

And at the moment when Youluo used the magical power of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth to bite Kunpeng's tibia, preventing him from escaping, the thousand-foot-long Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword followed Youluo's thoughts, and in a flash, the sword light struck towards him. That huge space crack.

There was a loud "boom", and above the black sky, the white space crack was instantly occupied by emerald green light and cyan light. This huge space crack turned into a deep and deep space at the moment when the two people used the Xuantian Treasure to fight against each other. A dark void.

A huge dark hole seemed to be punched out of the sky by two true spirits!

Just as the two true spirits sacrificed the Xuantian Treasure and fought against each other, Kunpeng, who had lost one of his claws, finally got rid of the big black mouth and retracted his calf. And Youluo's huge real body in the sky also disappeared in an instant.

Obviously, Youluo used his magical power to travel through the void and chased him outside the boundary.

High in the sky, dark clouds gathered, lightning and thunder thundered, thick bolts of lightning roared out, and heavy rain poured down. At this moment, both heaven and earth seemed to be expressing their dissatisfaction.

At this moment, the hole left by the Xuantian Treasure in the sky seemed to be slowly closing on its own, and Lu Tiandu looked excited, staring at the thousand-foot giant claw floating in the sky, emitting a misty green light. And dozens of undulating cyan light groups within a hundred miles of the void.

"Kunpeng's Claws and dozens of Kunpeng's Feathers!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly when he saw that Kunpeng failed to steal the chicken and lost all the rice this time, leaving behind a treasure. His figure flickered, and the ancient demon's clone instantly appeared beside him.


Lu Tiandu had a thought in his mind, and the two of them flew towards the Kunpeng's Feathers without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu was close to a cyan light group.

Taking a closer look, there was a two-foot long green feather that flickered in and out of the light group, flashing with a faint aura, as if it were a living thing.

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, raised his hand and pressed down. A big golden-purple hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed the cyan feather.

As a result, something completely unexpected happened!

The moment his big hand formed by Feng Lei Zhen Gang came into contact with the green light, Qing Yu suddenly burst into light and disappeared in a blur, as if he had escaped into the void.

The next moment, a flash of green light occurred more than thirty feet away, and the green feathers appeared leisurely again, as if it was not the one who teleported just now.

"Tsk, tsk, this adult true spirit is indeed full of treasures! This Youtian Kunpeng is indeed the same as Jiutian Qingluan, a natural wind attribute true spirit. Even a fallen feather can perform advanced wind escape skills on its own. No wonder you can use such a feather to refine a wind-attributed spiritual treasure!"

Lu Tiandu felt the traces of Feiyu's escape, his eyes lit up, and he sighed. Although he did not use all the energy of heaven and earth that the monks of the Transformation God could mobilize at the moment, his magical power was as strong as that of the monks in the late stage of the Soul Transformation. Even the monks in the late Nascent Soul stage were unable to escape after being caught. Being dodged by a feather shows how extraordinary this thing is.

But after all, this thing only relies on a little bit of wind spirit power, so how can it escape?

Lu Tiandu sighed for a moment and then took action with all his strength without any hesitation.

As the clone of the ancient demon at the peak of the late stage of divine transformation used the power of heaven and earth to confine the space, Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves and covered himself with colorful sleeves. The Kunpeng feather disappeared in an instant before he could use the wind escape technique.

Lu Tiandu flipped it over casually, and a cyan feather shrouded in a light golden-purple light appeared in his hand.

It is the Kunpeng's Feather that has been sealed.

Not only are these cyan feathers unusually emerald green, with a misty green light, but if you look closely at the surface patterns, you can see that they are actually formed by mysterious runes of different shapes, densely packed and looming.

There is a small section at the tip of the feather that has obviously been cut off by a sharp blade. There are a few traces of blood remaining, and the golden light flashes, which is the remaining Kunpeng's true blood.

He grabbed the root of the thing with one hand and shook it gently a few times.

Immediately, the green light on Ling Yu's surface flashed heavily, and a powerful and unusual wind spirit force emitted.

Even though this object has been sealed, the leakage of such pure wind spiritual power still surprised Lu Tian.

"This true spirit is worthy of being the darling of heaven and earth. It is born with the ability to understand the laws. With just this one feather, if there are monks who practice wind attribute skills and have been studying them for many years, their understanding of the skills and magical powers will definitely be far beyond ordinary people!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the mysterious runes on Kunpeng's Feather carefully and sighed secretly.

"Back in the trade, we obtained the refining method of the Wind and Thunder Winged Spirit Treasure. These feathers are enough to refine Wan'er and the others' Wind and Thunder Winged Magic Treasure into the Wind and Thunder Winged Spirit Treasure. If we can find the feathers of Lei Peng and other thunder-attribute true spirits in the future, It’s not difficult to refine a real Wind and Thunder Winged Spiritual Treasure!”

After flashing this thought, Lu Tiandu casually put away the Kunpeng's Feather, and joined forces with the ancient demon clone to gather up the cyan light clusters scattered around randomly.

A moment later, more than thirty green feathers within a hundred miles radius were all taken into the stone bead world and sealed by Lu Tiandu.

Until then, Lu Tiandu approached the giant cyan claw that exuded astonishing spiritual power in the void with a fiery look on his face.

This giant claw is over a thousand feet in size, like a small mountain.

The claws are also connected to a small half of the tibia that is covered with dense feathers. The five claws are spread out, giving people a fierce and sharp feeling from a distance, as if they are alive.

If you look closely, you can see that the five cyan claw bones are extremely vigorous, and the skin covered with mysterious cyan patterns shines with a strange luster.

The thing that makes people dare not look directly is the sharp nails that are tens of feet long at the front of the five claws, giving people an inexplicable cold and stinging feeling.

"Tsk, tsk, if these five nails are refined into flying swords, I'm afraid even ordinary spiritual treasures can be easily destroyed!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the breath and sighed secretly.

Now that I have this Kunpeng giant claw, not to mention the countless Kunpeng feathers on it, I will no longer be short of top-level wind attribute spiritual materials. It is this claw. If I can completely refine a claw-type heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, I am afraid that all Can he be ranked at the forefront of the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure on the Chaos Spiritual List!

After all, this Youtian Kunpeng is a true spirit on the same level as the true dragon, Tianfeng, etc. It goes without saying that its true spirit body is powerful.

Although he probably knew that he and the ancient demon clone might not be able to capture this giant claw with their current cultivation level, Lu Tiandu still gave it a try.

As a result, when he was about to get close to the giant cyan claw with the big hand condensed by the evil-proofing divine thunder, there was a "crack" sound, a green light flashed, and the big golden thunder hand condensed by Lu Tiandu was instantly annihilated without a trace.

This moment shocked Lu Tian!

"Sure enough! The parts of the limbs that an adult true spirit in the Mahayana stage just dropped are full of spirituality. It seems that they are beyond the reach of a little god-transformation monk like me! In the original plot, Nangong Wan, who is also in the early stage of god-transformation, can actually emerge from the void. He survived the aftermath of the battle between two true spirits, and also obtained the core of the true spirit, so he was really lucky!"

Lu Tiandou didn't know why this thought flashed through his mind.

In the true spirit battle just now, Lu Tian was far enough away, and there was also the space spirit treasure Black Wind Flag to protect him, so he could feel the shocking aftermath of the battle from a long distance away.

If two true spirits fight to the death in the void, the resulting space turbulence, space cracks, and supernatural power reverberations would be unbearable even to a combined monk, let alone a god-transforming monk?
Lu Tiandu looked at the Black Wind Flag in his hand again. Theoretically, it shouldn't be difficult for this space spirit treasure to capture this giant claw under its full power.

However, Lu Tiandu is only in the early stage of becoming a god after all. Although he has practiced the Black Wind Flag's three-level Tongbao Jue, he is still unable to exert all the power of this spiritual treasure.

In the hands of the Ancient Demon's clone, the several magic treasures were no less powerful than the imitation spiritual treasures, but without the real spiritual treasures, they were still powerless against this claw.

Therefore, he didn't bother to test it and quietly waited for You Luo to come back.

The message Youluo conveyed when she left before was that she would come back soon if there was any danger.

Now that more than ten breaths have passed, Youluo will probably return soon.

In fact, judging from the previous two or three breaths before and after the battle, it was obvious that at their level, the battle started quickly and ended quickly.

At this moment, the space around Lu Tiandu fluctuated, and Youluo, who was breathing a little quickly, appeared in front of Lu Tiandu with a smile.

"Are you okay?"

Looking at Youluo who looked a little pale, Lu Tiandu expressed concern.

"It's okay, it's just excessive mana loss."

Youluo looked a little excited, her pale and pretty face seemed to be a little flushed, she glanced at the giant claws like hills in the sky, and hummed:

"Thanks to the treasure you gave me, brother Tiandu, this time I not only cut off one of the Kunpeng's claws, but also used this sword to cut off a small half of the Kunpeng's wings during the battle outside the boundary. , it’s a small gain!”

"This is no small gain!"

Hearing that Youluo had gained something, Lu Tiandu chuckled and shook his head.

If it hadn't been for the sneak attack with disguised cultivation, it wouldn't have been so easy to cut off one of Kunpeng's claws!
Moreover, when Xuantian's Spirit-Slaying Sword clashed with other treasures in the space crack before, even Lu Tian could sense that the shining treasure must also be Xuantian's treasure!
In this way, when the Kunpeng was seriously injured, the pursuing Youluo finally cut off a small half of its wings. This is enough to show how powerful this Kunpeng is!

Overall, the harvest this time is really huge!
 PS: I will make up the two thousand words I owe tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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