Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 389 Law Yuanling, the path to true spirit? Goodbye Peacock Fairy!

"Is this the small half of Kunpeng's wings you are talking about?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the length of the ruler in his hand. Although it had been sealed by Youluo, he could still feel the slightest trace of the wind's spiritual power on the tip of half of the wing. He looked surprised and said, "So this is one of Kunpeng's feathers." The wings are actually five or six thousand feet long?"

Lu Tiandu was also shocked when he heard that the half of the sealed Kunpeng's wing was over a thousand feet long. After all, according to Youluo, the small half of the wing she cut off was only one-fifth of one of Kunpeng's wings.


Youluo nodded with a smile, "This adult Kunpeng is tens of thousands of meters tall, much larger than my body. Its wings are even longer than the body when it is spread out. If it hadn't been for the previous sneak attack that seriously injured him, he would have been there." I can’t take advantage of an outside battle.”

"With this half of Kunpeng's wings, you may be able to refine the wind and thunder wings of other sisters into heaven-reaching spiritual treasures in the future!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Youluo!"

Unexpectedly, Youluo still had such thoughts in chasing out of bounds. Lu Tiandu was also a little more moved. He smiled slightly and hugged the beauty in front of him into his arms.

As a natural enemy, Youluo actually didn't like Kunpeng's aura. But she knew that this Kunpeng's Feather would be of great use to Lu Tiandu and his confidante.

She and Lu Tian share weal and woe, and she will naturally pay more attention to things that are beneficial to Lu Tian.

"Brother Tiandu, look at this thing!"

After a moment, Youluo left Lu Tiandu's arms, smiled slightly, flipped it over, and found a white jade bottle with a narrow mouth about a foot long in her hand, and handed it to Lu Tiandu, "Actually, the biggest gain this time is besides this. The claws of Kunpeng are not these Kunpeng feathers and true blood, but the contents of this bottle."

"What is this?"

Lu Tiandu took the white jade bottle and looked at it carefully.

Through the white bottle body, there was some kind of sticky substance that exuded cyan light. Under the eyes of Lu Tiandu Mingqing, these sticky substances turned into small cyan Kunpeng with fish body and bird wings. .

These little Kunpengs are covered with cyan mysterious runes, making people addicted to them as soon as they see them. This unique charm gave Lu Tiandu a strange sense of familiarity.

"The breath of the wind attribute!"

In an instant, Lu Tian reacted, "Is this the true essence of Kunpeng?"

This time, Lu Tiandu blurted out with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's the essence of Kunpeng! I extracted it from the half of Kunpeng's wings."

Youluo nodded with a smile, "Brother Tiandu, you should know how precious this thing is. With these essences, your physical body will definitely become much stronger after you refine it in the future! And it is estimated that a lot of it can be extracted from Kunpeng's claws. essence……"

"It's really a waste to use this thing for me to refine my body!"

Lu Tiandu played with the white bottle and shook his head.

After spending a long time with You Luo, Lu Tiandu's understanding of true spirits has changed from the past.

This Kunpeng True Essence is countless times rarer than Kunpeng Lingyu and Kunpeng True Blood. It can be used to refine elixirs that enhance cultivation or, as You Luo said, it can be used to refine the body after refining. The unforgettable elixir.

In addition, after taking it directly, it can also be used to allow Mahayana monks to understand the power of laws contained in it.

However, the most important use of the true spirit's essence is not that, but to inherit the true spirit's bloodline.

If there is a corresponding secret method, after the true spirit marrow is refined into one's own bone marrow by a monk, one's ordinary blood can be slowly transformed into true spirit blood.

For example, the true spirit family of the human race in the spirit world originally originated from the human monks who accidentally obtained the essence of a certain true spirit, and then slowly gave birth to the thin bloodline of the corresponding true spirit in their own bodies, which was passed down from generation to generation, and finally established. Found the True Spirit Family, which is far more powerful than ordinary monk families.

The group of monster beasts with true spirit blood among the monster clan are much stronger than other monster clans, and they are also inseparable from the true spirit essence.

The Feiling Tribe, which is famous for its True Spirit bloodline, except for some races left over from the mating of True Spirits and other birds, the rest became a branch of the Feiling Tribe after acquiring the True Spirit's essence.

The rarity of the True Spirit Essence lies in its ability to directly transform the bloodline of the person being fused.

Although refining true spirit and true blood can also allow monks to possess part of true spirit blood, this blood can only be used by themselves and cannot be passed on to future generations.

Of course, if there is enough true spirit and true blood to replace the whole body's blood, retrogradely assimilate the bone marrow, and finally complete the transformation of the bone marrow, the source of hematopoiesis, so that one's true spirit bloodline can be passed on to future generations, it is not impossible.

However, this kind of operation requires so much real spirit and blood that it is basically impossible for ordinary monks to achieve it.

Those who can achieve it may be more willing to use the blood of the true spirit to refine some elixirs to improve their own cultivation rather than obtain this bloodline.

Therefore, comparing the two, a few drops of true spirit essence can build a true spirit family. Needless to say, this thing is precious to big forces and ethnic groups.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu would not use these spiritual objects like Kunpeng's essence to inherit Kunpeng's bloodline.

After all, even if he wanted to change his own bloodline, his first choice should be the Luohu bloodline of his true spirit Youluo, not Kunpeng, his natural enemy.

In addition to using these essences to refine certain elixirs or swallow them to refine and strengthen his physical body, he will also come to the spiritual world and exchange rare items of the same type with other monks, giving him the confidence to trade.

As for why the essence of the true spirit is so precious, this has to do with the origin of the natural laws of the true spirit.

What is the origin? The origin is the beginning of the law and the source that breeds the law!

The gathering of many origins gives birth to spirituality, which is called the law spirit!

With the Law Yuanling, it is very easy to create laws from it. The true spirit of heaven and earth can understand the law innately, which is related to the law spirit in its body.

When the true spirit of heaven and earth is born, there will be a lump of law essence in the body. However, after the birth of the true spirit, this lump of law essence will merge into its bone marrow and slowly transform its bones, blood vessels, muscles, etc. Let it have a perfect true spirit body.

The body of the true spirit transformed by the law spirit comes from the same source as the laws of heaven and earth. It is naturally close to the law and can understand this law on its own. This is the fundamental reason why the true spirit is powerful.

Therefore, compared to the true spirit, true blood, or other bodies of the true spirit, the true essence of the true spirit, as a divine object that contains its principles and principles, is needless to say rare.

In addition to obtaining the true spirit bloodline, which plays an important role in strengthening the group and being used to understand the power of laws and improve cultivation, this item is also extremely valuable to Mahayana monks if it is used to transform the body or refine some special elixirs. There are not many people who can use the essence of the true spirit to do this.

Therefore, Youluo directly asked Lu Tiandu to use these essences to refine his body in the future, you will know how luxurious it is!
Lu Tiandu remembers that in the original plot, a small bottle of golden thunder lion bone marrow appeared in an auction of the Helian Merchant Alliance in the spiritual world, a spiritual object that provoked many Mahayana monks to take action.

The golden thunder lion bone marrow can be used to refine a spiritual elixir called 'Thunder Marrow Pill'. Taking this elixir can temporarily give the user's physical body the ability to withstand thunder catastrophes. It will not help the combined monks to survive the great catastrophe. Say more. As one of the three holy beast races in the Thunder Continent, the Golden Thunder Lion has strength comparable to that of a Mahayana monk when it reaches adulthood, but it is naturally inferior to a real true spirit.

Even so, a small bottle of golden thunder lion bone marrow caused many Mahayana monks to bid for their descendants, so we know the value of this holy animal bone marrow.

If a small bottle of true spirit essence really appeared at the auction, I don’t know how many Mahayana monks would break their heads and compete to bid for it.

Of course, in reality, few people would exchange such a divine item for other things. After all, this divine item is too few for any monk.

After Lu Tiandu learned from You Luo about the relationship between the original thing in the body of the true spirit, the spirit of law and the power of law, he suddenly thought of the special physique that is very rare among monks in all worlds.

This special physique is obviously a manifestation of something of origin condensed in the monk's body.

Of course, the unique spiritual roots of human monks, which allow monks to sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, are naturally some embodiment of the origin of heaven and earth's vitality. The situation is similar for other major races.

And he had refined the bodies of countless monsters and ancient beasts through the stone furnace, and obtained various five elements, wind, thunder, ice and other original things. After sharing them with the girls, he gave them the special physiques mentioned by the monks.

Later, in the observation, they were much better at sensing the vitality of heaven and earth and improving their cultivation speed than before. It can be seen that the physique transformed from this original thing is indeed useful.

In this way, in his and You Luo's speculation, perhaps as long as he and the women have more and more original things in their bodies, so much that law spirits are born and perfectly merged with their bodies, it seems that they are a family. It is also equivalent to embarking on a path to heaven similar to that of a true spirit.

Of course, because it is acquired that gathers the original things in the body, which is different from the true spirit's innate self-fusion law Yuan Ling, if they want to carry more original things in the body, the prerequisite is to have a strong physical body.

As for whether they need special refining as the original content in their bodies increases, this is not difficult.

After all, refining the source of things is similar to a monk refining true spirit essence or true blood. In Youluo's inheritance, there are secret techniques for refining true marrow or true blood. You can refer to them if necessary in the future.

However, Lu Tiandu Mingming felt that maybe there was no need to go to such trouble.

After all, the original things they obtained were all born from the stone furnace and passed through the body of Lu Tiandu. They also had the shadow of the furnace in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and they themselves were contaminated with the breath of the stone furnace. They were from the same source as Lu Tian.

Of course, these are all things in the future, and you will naturally understand it at that moment. After all, the laws involved are all things after the integration of Mahayana.

Lu Tiandu's path as a Dharma practitioner has not changed over the years. The girls also made slower progress under Lu Tiandu's suggestion, but they are still Dharma practitioners. In this way, it seems that they fit in with this situation. Imagine.

On the other hand, when Youluo first saw Lu Tiandu's closeness in the Netherspace (the land of the underworld) inside Youluo's body, Lu Tiandu roughly guessed the eight origins fused with him through Youluo's mouth. The thing is related to the physical origin of the Dragon Roaring Body and the Phoenix Crying Body.

Later, after understanding the relationship between the original thing and the law spirit, it can be said that from the moment Youluo saw him, he might have regarded him as half the same kind.

Of course, the beginning of all this has to do with the fact that the origin of fire bead entered Nangong Wan's body uncontrollably when he and Nangong Wan were practicing the Yin-Yang Fruit during the blood ban trial.

Maybe everything had some foreshadowing at the beginning!

These thoughts passed away in a flash, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, put away the large bottle of Kunpeng Essence, and said with a smile:
"Let's go, let's collect the Kunpeng's Claw first, and then go to the world inside my body. You can recover first!"

The reason why the two of them were not in a hurry to collect Kunpeng's Claw before was because when Youluo arrived before, Lu Tiandu had noticed that the huge claw in the sky seemed to be faintly imprisoned, motionless, and the aura no longer leaked out.

It was obvious that Youluo secretly used magical powers to seal the object as soon as he came back to prevent its origin from leaking out.

Youluo nodded, gently pulled Lu Tiandu's hand, and with one step, the two of them arrived near the giant cyan claw. As Youluo opened the five fingers of his left hand, a black hole suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

The black hole roared, becoming thousands of feet in size in an instant, and fell gently. The Kunpeng's claws, which Lu Tian had not been able to shake before, did not react at all, and disappeared instantly without a trace.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures disappeared without a trace in the sky.

Half a day later, when a monk came from a distance, looking for the huge demon spirit that had frightened everyone here, there was no trace of it.

After a long time, the news that the ancient demon spirit was reborn in the South China Sea of ​​the Jin Dynasty spread a lot among the South China Sea monks and the demon monks...

Time flies, more than ten years later.

Over the years, Lu Tiandu has accompanied Youluo, Yinyue and Wen Qing throughout the entire Great Jin Xiuxian world, leaving their presence in beautiful areas.

As for the other five forbidden places and other ruins besides Yin Yang Cave and Hell of Fire, Lu Tiandu also explored them one by one. In addition to obtaining a large number of various top-level materials and some elixirs with strange properties, Lu Tiandu also Several imitation spiritual treasures were also obtained.

As for ancient treasures, they are too numerous to mention.

On this day, after more than a hundred years, Lu Tiandu appeared again in Tianlan Holy City.

Half a day later, Lu Tiandu, with a smile on his face, flashed his light, left Tianlan Holy City, and flew north in an instant.

At this moment, in the Tianlan Holy City, the three great immortal masters, the newly promoted Tianlan Saint, and an eighth-level monster with the head of a bull and the body of a dragon looked at Lu Tiandu going away with complicated expressions on their faces.

"He advanced to the state of becoming a god before he was three hundred and eighty years old. This person is really extraordinary!"

The Great Elder, the Great Immortal Master Gu, said with a sigh and envy on his face.

Over the years, Lu Tiandu has been gathering information from various intelligence systems in the Jin Dynasty. Everyone sighed and felt grateful for the power and ferocity of Lu Tiandu and the god-forming monks behind him.

In total, their relationship with Lu Tiandu was pretty good. After all, the former saint had an extremely close relationship with Lu Tiandu.

In the end, no one expected that Lu Tiandu would appear in Tianlan Holy City this time and he would actually be a veritable old monster who transformed into a god!
Such shocking news naturally shocked everyone, especially the avatar of the Holy Beast Tianlan, the Sky Rat King of the Cave in the Spirit Realm!

"This person can cultivate to the realm of divine transformation at such an age in such an environment, and he is also a practitioner of the legal body that is rare among human monks in the spiritual world. His combat power and talent are really unbelievable! If this person can sneak across in the future In the spirit world, I’m afraid he will also be the overlord!”

The clone of the Cave Sky Rat King with the body of an ox-headed dragon thought of some of the transactions between Lu Tiandu and him. This thought flashed across his mind as he looked at the escaping light in the distance.


A few days later, in the huge temple in the center of Mulan Holy City.

A stunningly beautiful woman who was practicing suddenly raised her head, and her consciousness swept across the golden-purple light that shot from the distance. A look of shock flashed across her pretty face:
"He actually reached the state of becoming a god so quickly?"

This stunning beauty was wearing a slim-fitting five-color palace skirt that covered her graceful curves. Her beautiful face under the white veil was instantly taken over by shock.

This woman is the Peacock Fairy, the sacred bird of Mulan! (End of chapter)

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