Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 390 The Peacock Fairy is paralyzed!

“I haven’t seen you for more than a hundred years, but Taoist friend Peacock is still as charming as ever!”

In front of Mulan Temple, the sky flickered, and Lu Tiandu's figure suddenly appeared.

He was dressed in white and had a smile on his face. He looked at the peacock fairy waiting at the entrance of the hall with a smile.

"Everything is fine with me, but my Taoist friend's rapid improvement in cultivation is really beyond my expectation!"

Fairy Peacock had already suppressed the shock in her heart at this moment, and her pair of red and phoenix eyes shone brightly, full of curiosity and exploration.

Since the last time the two of them had a discussion, Lu Tiandu went south to the Jin Dynasty, and now it's almost two years.

And she, who was already at the eighth level of monster beast cultivation back then, is now at the ninth level of peak cultivation.

What is even more incredible is that Lu Tiandu, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul back then, has now transformed into a god.

Doesn't this mean that in the two years after Lu Tiandu went to the Great Jin Dynasty, he advanced twice in a row, and the other time he advanced across a great realm?
How on earth does this person practice under the current energy of heaven and earth?
Her physical body is that of a spiritual peacock, and she later refined some of the five-color peacock true blood brought down from the upper world. Her bloodline is so powerful and her cultivation aptitude is so high that she should be unique in this human world. .

Moreover, she has the knowledge of a fusion cultivator. As a result, she has only improved a small level in two decades. Compared with Lu Tiandu's rapid improvement in cultivation, it is really not impressive.

After she was frustrated in the last competition between the two, she was planning to have a discussion with Lu Tiandu again after she advanced to the tenth level. By the way, she would also explore the origins of Lu Tiandu's several great magical powers and how he managed to master several great powers in the past two hundred years. The secret to achieving great success in cultivating supernatural powers.

As a result, facing Lu Tiandu, who had advanced to become a god in a short period of time, Fairy Peacock was hit repeatedly, and suddenly she felt complicated and unbalanced.

"Lu is just a bit lucky."

Lu Tiandu laughed, seemingly not seeing the complexity in Fairy Peacock's eyes, "Fellow Taoist is also a big figure in the human and demon clans of the spiritual world. Naturally, we know that there are many people who have advanced to become gods after three to four hundred years, and Lu is just one of them." It’s just a human appearance!”


Fairy Peacock glanced at Lu Tiandu with a half-smile and snorted coldly. Hearing Lu Tiandu's modesty, she felt very dissatisfied for some reason.

According to her estimation, if he could advance to become a god for more than three hundred years with such a lack of heaven and earth vitality, and if he were to be placed in the spiritual world and follow the advancement speed of major forces cultivating top-level geniuses, Lu Tiandu would probably be the same as those who have been able to become gods for hundreds of years. A comparison with other monks.

And this kind of spiritual monk who has been transformed into a god for hundreds of years is a genius that is rare in the entire human and demon clans.

Sure enough, as she guessed last time, this Lu Tiandu must have a big secret.

In addition to this astonishing supernatural power and terrifying cultivation speed, there is also the mysterious physique that disturbs the human Taoist mind that she has not been able to figure out for all these years.

Last time, she felt that Lu Tiandu's eyes were a little hot when he looked at her. Then she recalled the incident when Lu Tiandu had just transformed and threw himself into his arms, as well as Lu Tiandu's colorful intestines. Before level ten, she didn't want to deal with Lu Tiandu.

As a result, Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness all the way out of the confinement of her hall, causing the Peacock Fairy to come out to meet her.

Listening to Lu Tiandu's Versailles words at this moment, how could the Peacock Fairy not be secretly angry?
Hearing the Peacock Fairy's dissatisfied snort, Lu Tian laughed, naturally he would not confess his secret.

After all, the relationship between the two is not that close yet!
He was able to accumulate his cultivation from the early stage of the late Yuanying stage to the Great Perfection in less than a hundred years. In addition to a large number of elixirs to enhance his cultivation, he also had the Yuan Yin of the two saints from the prairie, the three women of Xiaoji Palace and five late Yuanying monks. He also made a great contribution.

In the end, his smooth breakthrough without bottlenecks was also related to the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, Dayan Jue, Dragon Roar Body, Yin and Yang Fruit, etc. In addition to a large number of pills that enhance cultivation, he can tell others about them, and other non-close people can't. There is no way to tell.

"Fellow Taoist, are you passing through Tianlan Grassland and heading back to Tiannan?"

Fairy Peacock didn't seem to have any intention of inviting Lu Tiandu to come in and sit down, and looked like she was asking questions knowingly.

"Yes. I have visited the whole of Dajin several times in the past few years. This time I came back and stopped by the Tuwu tribe. Fellow Taoist, you should know the news about the transformation of the sacred beast of the Tuwu tribe, right? This guy seems to be the same as fellow Taoist. What’s the origin of!”

Lu Tiandu smiled and said.

"The Holy Beast Tianlan has transformed?"

The Peacock Fairy seemed very surprised when she heard the news.

"It seems that Taoist fellows don't know about this!"

Having said that, there didn't seem to be much surprise in Lu Tiandu's tone.

The Cave Sky Rat King has always been famous for being mysterious among the seven demon kings. Now that a back-up team has been deployed in this human world, I am afraid that he will not take the initiative to meet some existences similar to him before he grows up.

Lu Tiandu was able to see Tianlan Holy Beast this time, not only because he, the god-transforming monk, came directly to the door, but also because of the drop of cold marrow he left for Tianlan Holy Beast when he went south. related.

So when he came to his door this time, the Tianlan Holy Beast, which had transformed into an eighth-level monster, had no reason to avoid him.

This time, Lu Tiandu not only made a deal with the Tuwu tribe using the unused cultivation resources in the Yaochi Tower, but also made a small deal with the Tianlan Holy Beast.

Of course, there are a lot of gains.

For example, he has already obtained the wind and thunder wings he needs, the refining method of the fire armor Red Fusion Armor, and the secret technique of refining the fire spirit silk.

Moreover, the methods for refining these two spiritual treasures were not the same as for ordinary spiritual treasures. There were also instructions on how to upgrade them to Tongtian spiritual treasures. Lu Tiandu had to sigh that this transaction was very worthwhile.

After all, what he paid was only some top-level materials and some elixirs. In the spiritual world, the method of refining spiritual treasures is not easily accessible to ordinary god-transformation and void-refining monks, not to mention the refining of Tongtian spiritual treasures. Law!

As for the divine consciousness and secret techniques that can be practiced by the human race's deity transformation and void refining monks, they still have nothing to gain.

However, a piece of spiritual knowledge and secret art that can be practiced by the demon clan was traded from him, which is better than nothing. Later, I can train Ao Shan, Bingfeng and other spiritual beasts in my family.

Of course, this secret technique will definitely not be the secret technique of spiritual consciousness practiced by the Cave Sky Rat King himself. After all, except for those very close to him, few monks would trade the skills he majored in.

During this visit to the Tianlan Temple, Lu Tiandu also asked Lin Yinping and Sun Qingfeng, who had advanced to become a god more than ten years ago, whether they wanted to return to the Tianlan clan to have a look.

After all, no one else knew about Sun Qingfeng's close relationship with Lu Tiandu, and she was afraid that her advanced divine cultivation would be seen through by the Tianlan Holy Beast, so she did not leave the tower.

Only Lin Yinping returned to the Tuwu tribe as a great monk and stayed for a long time.

Nowadays, the Tuwu Tribe, the Mulan Tribe, and the Tiannan Fang are working together to open up the sea areas beyond the Chaos Stars. Their cultivation resources have increased accordingly in recent years, and the overall strength of the three parties has been quietly improving.

Lin Yinping took care of her close clan members and took care of other close clan members in the name of Sun Qingfeng, but she didn't feel too nostalgic.

They have now embarked on a completely different road from others. The spiritual world hundreds of years from now will be their new beginning, and the human world will gradually become farther and farther away from them.

"This is normal, but the news that I have transformed probably only came out a few years ago."

Fairy Peacock shook her head, "So Taoist Fellow Daoist, I'm afraid I've learned a lot about the spiritual world from that fellow Daoist, right?"

"I did make a deal with fellow Taoist Tianlan, and I gained quite a bit."

After hearing what the Peacock Fairy said, Lu Tiandu realized that he seemed to have committed the problem of darkness under the lamp.

The true identity of the Peacock Fairy after she transformed was probably only the three outsiders, Lu Tiandu, Dayan Shenjun, and Han Li, who had seen Zunrong with their own eyes.

And they didn't seem to have mentioned the news of Mulan's holy bird transformation to anyone else. He naturally thought that the news of the Peacock Fairy's true identity had already spread, which was indeed biased.

"What? Fellow Taoist, why don't you invite me in to sit down? This time I brought a lot of good wine for Fellow Taoist, and I want to invite Fellow Taoist to have a try!"

Seeing that the Peacock Fairy didn't seem to have any intention of inviting him in for a chat, Lu Tiandu smiled.

"Hmph, you think you can impress me with some spiritual wine?"

I remembered that Lu Tiandu once presented me with a lot of spiritual wine, which was not only beneficial to my practice, but also could satisfy my cravings. Although I was very greedy for Lu Tiandu’s new spiritual wine, Fairy Peacock still held her head high and looked disdainful. appearance.

"Forget it, I won't treat you to a drink. But we are so familiar with each other. If Lu goes in to rest for a while, fellow Taoists must be very welcoming, right?"

After saying this, Lu Tiandu laughed, raised his steps, and disappeared in an instant before the Peacock Fairy's eyes.


Seeing Lu Tiandu's shameless behavior, Fairy Peacock snorted coldly. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly seemed to remember something. Her figure flickered, and while catching up with Lu Tiandu, she said in shock:

"Shrink to the ground? Have you actually mastered this great magical power?" "Yes, I mastered it a hundred years ago. It's quite useful!"

Lu Tiandu, who was already sitting on a jade platform in the center of the hall, smiled slightly. He suddenly disappeared and appeared next to the Peacock Fairy, and then returned to the jade platform in an instant.

This teleportation speed even stunned the Peacock Fairy. His expression changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What? You haven't mastered this magical power yet, have you?"

Upon seeing the Peacock Fairy's appearance, Lu Tiandu suddenly spoke out.

"Hmph, if I hadn't been dedicated to improving my cultivation these years in order to advance to the tenth level as soon as possible, what's so great about this magical power? With my qualifications and bloodline, I can't just cultivate it casually?"

Fairy Peacock's beautiful eyes flashed, and she snorted coldly, "But you, a human monk can actually cultivate the great magical power of the Five Lights clan, it is really beyond my expectation!"

She had only traded these Five Light Clan magical powers with that ancient demon back then. Now that Lu Tiandu, a human monk, has mastered them, the relationship between the two is really too close!

"Oh, really? So how many levels of Five Elements Escape Technique have you mastered now, fellow Taoist?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Fairy Peacock up and down, and said with a smile, "As for me, a Taoist friend with great talent should know that I can't control the Five Elements Escape Technique, Wind and Thunder Escape Technique, etc.? How can an inch of supernatural power stump me?"

"Fellow Taoist, it's better not to care too much about my affairs!"

The Peacock Fairy met Lu Tiandu's half-smiling look, which seemed a little angry. Her pretty face under the white gauze turned slightly red, and she snorted coldly:
"It is true that fellow Taoist's talent is unmatched by others, but being able to cultivate the magical power of the Five Lights Clan is probably not only a matter of great aptitude for fellow Taoist, right?"

As she spoke, the peacock fairy fixed her eyes on Lu Tiandu, as if she wanted to get to know Lu Tiandu again.

The monks can fly in the air for a long time after advancing to the golden elixir. However, this flying escape technique is just a conventional flight method. It is nothing more than using the treasure light in the body to break the airflow, or using magic power to cast it. The art of turning a rainbow into a rainbow, or condensing clouds to soar into the mist.

Demonic cultivators who have wings use their wings, and those who don't have wings fly in a similar way to human cultivators.

The reason why the Five Elements Escape Methods are famous is because these escape methods are different from conventional flight methods.

Once a monk has mastered the Five Elements Escape Technique, he can temporarily turn himself into the Five Elements material, and can easily escape quickly in unconventional environments such as land, water, fire, etc. Not only is his speed amazing, but he can also make it impossible for the opponent to escape or escape.

As for the three mutated escape techniques of Wind, Thunder and Blood, they are not only amazingly fast, but also the process of escape is extremely weird, which is why they are so famous.

Ordinary monks who practice a single attribute technique for hundreds of years may not be able to fully understand the Five Elements Escape Technique to which their own technique belongs. Lu Tiandu is not only proficient in the Wind and Thunder Escape Technique, but he even looks like he is proficient in the Five Elements Escape Technique. It really surprised the Peacock Fairy.

This person's qualifications are really too high.

After all, even her body-integrated monk is only proficient in two Five Elements Escape Techniques.

Of course, it is not that the combined monk only knows two escape methods of the Five Elements, but with these two escape methods, it is enough to increase his escape methods.

Generally speaking, the Five Elements Escape Technique is easier to comprehend. After all, after the monks advance to Lianxu Five Elements Unification, their ability to perceive the five elements' vitality has improved a lot. It is much easier to comprehend the Five Elements Escape Technique than monks below Lianxu.

As for the three great escape techniques of Wind, Thunder and Blood, not everyone can understand them.

In addition to possessing the relevant spiritual roots or physical constitution, it is extremely difficult for monks who practice the Five Elements Kung Fu to understand these escape techniques.

Lu Tiandu has long been famous for his wind and thunder skills in Tiannan and Tianlan Grasslands. The Peacock Fairy had learned about Lu Tiandu's wind and thunder skills last time. She could only secretly envy Lu Tiandu's proficiency in the two profound escape skills of wind and thunder. share.

After not seeing each other for more than a hundred years, Lu Tiandu became proficient in the Five Elements Escape Technique, and even mastered the magical power of shrinking into an inch, which even her five-color peacock bloodline had not mastered. Needless to say, the peacock fairy was complicated!
The most important thing is how old is Lu Tiandu? As far as cultivation is concerned, he has just advanced to become a god. He had already mastered the magical power of Shrinking the Ground a Hundred Years ago. Wasn't it true that at that time, he was only in the late stage of Nascent Soul?

Thinking of this, Fairy Peacock felt her breathing quicken. She really wanted to search the soul of Lu Tiandu to see how he practiced!

Unfortunately, it was obvious that her rebellious idea would definitely not be realized.

"It seems that fellow Taoist also guessed something?"

Facing Fairy Peacock's inquiring eyes, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and with a movement of his figure, he appeared next to Fairy Peacock in an instant. He gently sniffed Fairy Peacock's alluring scent, and Lu Tiandu smiled and said:
"Do you think I have the innate five-element spiritual root or the innate five-element spirit body, or do I have the five-color peacock bloodline like you?"

"Huh, you're a bastard!"

Lu Tiandu's warm and strange breath hit Fairy Peacock's snow-white and delicate neck. Immediately, Fairy Peacock, who had endured the attraction of Lu Tiandu's mysterious physique, felt her heart skip a beat. Her expression changed, and she looked angry. The plumpness under the white gauze Unknowingly, there were teeth marks on his lips, and a pair of phoenix eyes flashed with anger, and he glanced at Lu Tiandu.

"You are just born with the Five Elements Spirit Body. What does it have to do with me?"

After rolling her beautiful eyes, the Peacock Fairy snorted coldly.

At this moment, she naturally guessed that there were legendary five-element spirits in Lu Tiandu, which was really shocking!

"Who said I only have the Five Elements Spirit Body? I also have the Wind, Thunder and Ice Spirit Body. If you want me to have some kind of secret technique, I can share my physique with others!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, seemingly not seeing the anger in Fairy Peacock's eyes, "And besides the Five Elements Escape Technique, I can also teach you the Wind and Thunder Escape Technique and other wind and thunder magical powers that I know!"

"How is this possible? One person possesses eight spiritual bodies? Can he actually share his spiritual body with others?"

Upon hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Fairy Peacock was immediately shocked.

Eight great spirits!

This moment instantly broke the Peacock Fairy’s tens of thousands of years of knowledge!
She has lived for tens of thousands of years and has never heard such secrets!
And this cultivation physique can actually be shared?
As for Lu Tiandu's move of easily sharing these wind and thunder powers with others, Peacock Fairy was also surprised.

What kind of monster is this guy Lu Tiandu?

Could it be that he lied to her?
“What’s not okay for others doesn’t mean it’s not okay for me.”

Lu Tiandu chuckled, looking at the extremely young beauty with piercing eyes, "How could I deceive fellow Taoist about this matter? When I saw the scene when fellow daoist transformed, I knew that fellow daoist and I were destined to be together in the future. If you and I can be friends forever, what physiques cannot be shared and what magical powers cannot be imparted!"


Upon hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the Peacock Fairy suppressed the shock in her heart, and instantly remembered the scene where she once transformed into a naked person and threw herself into his arms, and her pretty face suddenly became hot.

And she didn't expect that this guy Lu Tiandu would pay her attention from then on!

"This disciple is so audacious! Didn't he say he wanted to ascend to the spirit world, but he dared to provoke me, the clone of a combined monk! Isn't he afraid of being slapped to death by my true body after ascending?"

In fact, if she hadn't been a self-aware clone with some kind of mission, she would still be a little tempted when faced with Lu Tiandu, a talented and mysterious monk who she secretly admired and who was very attractive to her. of.

And the secret method that Lu Tiandu said just now that can share the spirit body with others seems to reveal the mystery and extraordinaryness of Lu Tiandu.

This naturally makes sense why Lu Tiandu was able to master so many escape techniques and magical powers at such a young age.

"Hmph, I possess the magical power of the Five Lights Clan and all kinds of other secret arts. I am not interested in your magical power!"

The peacock fairy snorted, her eyes moved, and she raised her chin, "Aren't you still planning to go to the spirit world? What? Or do you mean to accompany me to death?"

"If you are willing, there is nothing wrong with me accompanying you to old age and death!"

Lu Tiandu had a smile on his lips and looked affectionate. He raised his hands gently and landed on the graceful waist wrapped in five-color palace clothes in front of him. At the same time, he got close to the Peacock Fairy's jade ears and listened to her. Ambiguously:

"I guess the fairy will always be with me!"

"How dare he? How dare he? This... is so audacious!"

Just when Lu Tiandu put his hands on Fairy Peacock's slender waist, Fairy Peacock suddenly shook her delicate body and stiffened all of a sudden. Her lips under the white gauze were slightly opened, and an incredible look flashed in her eyes. .


At this moment, the peacock fairy suddenly felt that the round ear beads that were fumigated by the warm breath seemed to be held by two soft warm things. For a moment, she made a sound in surprise and disbelief, and at the same time, her delicate body became soft and soft. stand up.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a stream of hot air blowing across her cheeks, and the white gauze she used to cover her face suddenly disappeared. Just when she was confused, her slightly opened lips were instantly pursed... …

In an instant, the Peacock Fairy's beautiful eyes opened wide, her expression full of disbelief! (End of chapter)

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