Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 391 The true identity of the Peacock Fairy!

Chapter 391 The true identity of the Peacock Fairy!
"I was forcibly kissed?!"

It seemed that she was a bit of an afterthought, and the thought came to her mind only after the Peacock Fairy took a breath.

Between her nose was the man's intoxicating and charming scent. Her slender waist was already wrapped around the man, and her soft and delicate body unconsciously leaned on the man in front of her. In addition, the two soft lips were skillfully guided by Lu Tiandu, and the breath was The Peacock Fairy, whose heart was pounding in a hurry, didn't know how to react for some reason.

But soon, the shock and disbelief in the Peacock Fairy's phoenix eyes gradually faded away. Her phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed, and a few red clouds rose up on her beautiful face. At the same time, her breath gradually relaxed, and her two smooth jade arms He also quietly wrapped his arms around Lu Tiandu's waist, seeming to respond jerkily according to Lu Tiandu's rhythm...

I don't know how long it took, but the rosy-faced Peacock Fairy's beautiful eyes were full of water, and she looked extremely shy. She lay softly in Lu Tiandu's arms, breathing heavily.

“It’ll be nice to get familiar with it in the future!”

Caressing the perfect curves of the beauty in his arms, Lu Tiandu kissed the peacock fairy's crystal ear beads that were stained with a little pink, and said with a smile.

"Do you know what you are doing? You are so bold!"

At this moment, the peacock fairy in her arms suddenly raised her head and scolded her with an angry look.

At this moment, she was breathing like blue, her cheeks were rosy, and she had an alluring attitude as charming as silk. Her scolding words really had no power, but Lu Tiandu seemed to have noticed something different.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu, whose eyes lit up, lowered his head slightly, held the Peacock Fairy's head with one hand, and returned to a familiar place again.

The initial look of blame soon disappeared in those phoenix eyes. This time, the Peacock Fairy, who had become much more skilled, wrapped her arms around Lu Tiandu's neck, gradually becoming more proactive and demanding.

A moment later, the Peacock Fairy, whose five-color palace attire was somewhat messy, leaned gently on Lu Tiandu's arms, her expression changing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Look, if I wasn't bold, how could I have kissed her!"

Gently stroking the Peacock Fairy's smooth black hair, Lu Tiandu pressed his cheek against the beauty in his arms and smiled.

"Hmph, you are so bold!"

Fairy Peacock bit her lip, raised her head, glanced at Lu Tiandu and said:

"Did you forget that my true body is a combined monk? You are a little god-transforming monk, and you don't know how many people will be killed with one slap? Could it be that you don't want to go to the spirit world?"

"Of course I'm going to the spirit world! But I can't lie about my feelings for you, Peacock. You said that if we two become a good thing, will you still pass on the things between you and me to your true self? Can’t do it?”

Lu Tiandu gently kissed the Peacock Fairy's forehead and said with a half-smile.

"You're such a bastard!"

The Peacock Fairy's eyes flashed with anger, and she was angry.

She is different from ordinary incarnations. She is a clone with independent consciousness. Now she is separated from the main body. She will not report this matter. Maybe she will only let the main body know when she comes to the spirit world in the future.

It was obvious that Lu Tian knew the difference between clones and incarnations.

"Besides, you and I have accomplished good things, and your true self can be considered half of my woman. When I come to the spirit world in the future, when I cultivate to the realm of integration, I will adopt your true self, which is also a good thing!"

Lu Tiandu rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Bah! Who promised to be with you..."

When Fairy Peacock heard what Lu Tiandu said, her pretty face turned red and she glared at Lu Tiandu angrily, "Not only are you incredibly brave, but sometimes you don't even know how high the sky is! You don't even know how high the sky is! I don’t know if the cultivator of the Divine Transformation can arrive safely, but he still wants to advance to the fusion stage? And he even boasts that he wants to recruit a female fusion cultivator? "

"What? You don't have any confidence in me?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and held the beauty in his arms tightly, "Do you think that my young Dharma practitioner can reach such a state and possess various physical and magical powers? How can I be an ordinary person? Hundreds of years later, I will naturally If you can break through to the late stage of divine transformation, sense the ascension platform, and ascend independently, you will know when the time comes... When you get to the spirit world, let alone the female fusion cultivators, I will also have to find a few Mahayana female cultivators for you to be your sisters in the future... "

"What? Are you kidding?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's shameless and serious words, Fairy Peacock, who had the knowledge of a fused monk, felt a bit of strange shock in her heart, and there was still a lot of suspicion on her pretty face.

There are only two Mahayana monks from the human and demon clans. This Mahayana female cultivator may only be found in other big clans!

What's more, for female cultivators of this level to practice dual cultivation together, I'm afraid even Mahayana monks may not be able to do it, right?
As for the fused cultivators, there are more than 200 human-male cultivators combined, of which only about a quarter are fused female cultivators. Lu Tiandu should have some understanding of the spiritual world. Now that he is saying this, with his mystery, is it still possible? Are you really sure about advanced integration?

If Lu Tian can advance to merge, it might also be helpful to the body of the spirit world.

However, the catastrophe that the spirit world body has to face is within ten thousand years. It is extremely rare to be promoted to the body within ten thousand years. Fairy Peacock quickly suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and fixed her gaze on Lu Tiandu.

"Are you kidding? How is this possible! I never exaggerate about my women. You will know in the future. Maybe within a thousand years I will be able to advance to the fusion state!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, seeming to be very confident, "With the close relationship between us, it will be easier for your body to accept me in the future!"

"Thousand years? I really can't understand you anymore! What confidence do you have to say this?"

Fairy Peacock took a breath, really shocked by Lu Tiandu's words.

Generally, it only takes thousands of years for a cultivator in the spirit world to practice from the early stage to the later stage. Those with good luck who can advance to the early stage of void refining are already rare, let alone the advanced integration?

"Hmph, you bastard, you can't even succeed at me now, but you actually covet my body? Do you know what kind of existence my body is in the spiritual world?"

Thinking of Lu Tiandu's ambition in front of her, the Peacock Fairy snorted, stretched out her hand to Lu Tiandu's waist, and pinched him.

Although she also had a crush on Lu Tiandu, they were not in love yet.

As a result, Lu Tiandu's sudden attack seemed to break open her heart. Coupled with the natural affection and closeness brought by Lu Tiandu's dragon roar body, Lu Tiandu's figure unconsciously stayed in her heart. in her heart.

This is also the main reason why she didn't fall out after being flirted with.

For some reason, the mysterious aura and inexplicable attraction that Lu Tiandu brought about deeply attracted her after the two had physical contact.

"Confidence? Aren't you always curious about my trump cards? How about I show you now?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and kissed the beauty in his arms again.

The kiss this time was very brief, but the two separated within a breath. "What is this? It can actually enter my sea of ​​consciousness?"

Silently sensing the illusory furnace shadow floating above the little peacock spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness, the Peacock Fairy was shocked again.

Since meeting Lu Tiandu this time, she didn't know how many times she was shocked. She was even numb with shock!

As a result, he was still shocked when he sensed the sudden appearance of the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After all, based on her experience, she has never heard that such an important place in the sea of ​​​​consciousness can be easily broken through by others!
"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. This thing can slowly warm your soul, and it can also protect your soul. Even the soul attacks of Mahayana monks can't hurt you. And in the future, even if you suddenly fall, this thing can also protect you. The soul and demon elixir..."

Lu Tiandu gave a brief introduction to the functions of the furnace shadow.

Before he advanced to become a god, he could only share the furnace shadow with others through dual cultivation or the blending of souls. However, after he advanced to become a god and further mastered the world of stone beads, he could now share the furnace shadow with others just by contacting others. man of.

"This thing is really mysterious and abnormal. I have never heard of such a thing in the spiritual world. Perhaps only the legendary true fairy world has such treasures or secret techniques..."

Fairy Peacock looked at Lu Tiandu with burning eyes, the shock in her eyes was still very strong.

After all, unlike Nangong Wan and other monks who were born in the human world, she has far more knowledge than other women. Once she sensed the hidden benefits of the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness to herself, she immediately determined that the mystery of the man in front of her was probably beyond her. unexpected.

After all, in her previous guesses about Lu Tiandu, she only thought that in addition to his extraordinary talent, Lu Tiandu might have been blessed with deep blessings and inherited the legacy of many ancient monks, which was why he was able to make such rapid progress.

Looking at it now, it was obviously beyond her expectation.

"Furthermore, Tiandu, you have multiple physiques and can share your physiques with others. I'm afraid it is also related to this thing, right? Tiandu, who are you?"

Peacock Fairy recalled Lu Tiandu's previous words and asked curiously.

"Do you believe me when I say that I am the reincarnation of a true immortal?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "So the human world and the spiritual world are just small ponds, and they are just a short journey in my life. It is not impossible for me to take you to the fairy world in the future!"

"So, your body will serve me with you when the time comes, so you won't treat her unfairly, right?"

"Bah! You bad guy, even if you are really the reincarnation of a true immortal, you are still just a monk in the early stages of becoming a god. Let's wait and see when you reach the Mahayana!"

The more Lu Tiandu talked, the more nonsense he said. Fairy Peacock, who was deeply aware of the difficulties of cultivating top-level monks in the spiritual world, rudely interrupted Lu Tiandu's good expectations.

But for some reason, after the furnace shadow appeared in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, she felt that she seemed to have some close connection with Lu Tian, ​​which surprised her.

"Haha, you will know in the future."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "Oh, you haven't said what your identity is in the spirit world just now?"

During his earliest contacts with the Peacock Fairy, he had been pondering the identity of the Peacock Fairy in the spiritual world. Apart from roughly confirming that she was from the demon clan, it has been difficult to determine the rest.

On the one hand, the fusion monks of the human and demon races who appeared in the original plot were only part of them. For example, the elite outsiders of the human and demon races on the Holy Island knew very little about them. On the other hand, he had never been able to match up with who among the fusion monks of the demon race could do it. The magical power of the Light Clan.

At this moment, his relationship with the Peacock Fairy had made great progress, so he naturally didn't bother to speculate.

"You should know Tianyuan City. As one of the major forces of the human and demon tribes in the spiritual world, and a gateway for the human and demon tribes to enter and exit the wilderness, this city gathers some monks from the human and demon tribes as well as a large number of ascended monks and their descendants, and controls this place. The one in the city is the Tianyuan City Presbyterian Church."

"This Presbyterian Council is usually composed of ten combined elders. In addition to the ten elders, there are one or two alternate elders. My true self is an alternate elder from Tianyuan City... She lives in seclusion among the human and demon clans in the spiritual world, but to the outside world Being called the 'Silver Light Fairy', you will naturally know it when you reach a certain level in the spiritual world..."

"Silver Fairy? That's a pretty name."

Lu Tiandu flashed some information about the Silver Fairy in his memory and said with a smile, "But I heard from a friend before that your demon clan seems to have extremely rare blood of the five-color peacock. Why did you actually refine the five-color peacock?" True blood?”

"As expected, you have known for a long time that I possess true spirit and true blood. It seems that your friend also knows a lot about the demon clan."

Fairy Peacock glanced at Lu Tiandu, sighed, hesitated, and said:

"This matter involves some secrets of my origin. I am afraid that except for those close to me in the spirit world, few others know the secrets..."

As she spoke, she briefly told the secret of her origins.

"I really didn't expect that you actually have the blood of both the Silver Moon Wolf Clan and the Five Light Clan. Silver Light, Silver Light, so taking this as your nickname is very appropriate."

Lu Tiandu also sighed.

To put it simply, Fairy Silver's mother was from the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, and her father was from the Five Lights Clan. She has inherited both bloodlines, and is no longer a pure Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

As for how she obtained the five-color peacock true blood and used it in the lower realm to cultivate a clone to avoid future catastrophes, this is probably another secret of Yin Guang.

And Lu Tiandu knew from the moment he heard about Silver Fairy that the two of them were really destined.

After all, Yin Yue, who is also from the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, seems to have a very close relationship with Fairy Yin Guang. And Fairy Yin Guang can practice with Ao Xiao for thousands of years. I am afraid that she is not only treated as an ordinary clan member, but also has other close relationships.

This Silver Light Fairy is also another fusion member who was born in the wolf clan besides Tiankui Wolf King. It didn’t take long for her to advance to the fusion state. As for not staying in the wolf clan, but instead becoming a candidate elder in Tianyuan City, apart from her impure blood, I’m afraid There are other secrets as well.

"I also know a lot about true spirits, and I have a lot of Kunpeng's true blood on hand. I'll tell you why later."

Lu Tiandu saw that Fairy Peacock seemed to be very interested in him knowing that she had true blood. He simply replied and continued to ask:

"I heard that your Silver Moon Wolf Clan had a princess named 'Linglong' tens of thousands of years ago. If you don't know Peacock, do you know her?"

"What? Linglong? You actually know Linglong's cousin?"

Upon hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Fairy Peacock suddenly stood up from Lu Tiandu's arms, with a look of shock on her face, "How could you know Linglong? Linglong's cousin was left behind in an accident in an interface tens of thousands of years ago. Already..."

"Could it be...that the friend you mentioned before was Linglong?"

As she talked about it, her eyes were filled with anticipation.

 Thanks to the book friend "Uncle Goldman Sachs" for the 500 book coins!
  Thanks to the book friend "Bai Bo Shui ZC" for the 200 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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