Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 393 Tiannan’s daily routine! God Transformation Ceremony!

"Yinyue is gone?"

Lu Tiandu had just flown back hundreds of miles away from the Holy City of Mulan when the figure of the Peacock Fairy suddenly appeared in front of him.

The three of them went out of the city together before. Later, when they saw that Yinyue seemed to have something to say to Lu Tian, ​​she did not follow them and kept waiting here.

Ever since she knew that Lu Tiandu and Linglong were now called Yin Yue, Fairy Peacock also called her by the name Yin Yue.

"Well, let's send her away."

Lu Tiandu nodded and put his arm around Fairy Peacock's waist with an unusually familiar attitude.

Over the past few days, after understanding more and more about Lu Tiandu's mystery and potential, Fairy Peacock also unknowingly accepted Lu Tiandu's flirtatiousness.

If before, if she knew that there were thirty or forty women in Lu Tiandu, she would probably have to stay far away from Lu Tiandu even if they were beaten to death.

"Yin Yue can meet you, it is a blessing after all the hardships!"

Fairy Peacock couldn't help but sigh when she thought of Lu Tiandu's farewell gift to Yinyue.

There are so many rare things, even the monks who are her body are very greedy when they see them.

"What? Are you afraid that I will treat you poorly?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and kissed the corner of the Peacock Fairy's mouth.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid! Let's wait and see when you can cultivate to the point where you can convince me of your true form!"

The pretty face of the Peacock Fairy was slightly red, and she said coquettishly.

This clone of hers can be regarded as a different kind of 'cheating'. With the mysterious space in Lu Tiandu's body, she doesn't have to stay in the human world all the time. However, she really doesn't know how to face her true self in the spiritual world in the future. .

"Haha, what's so difficult about this? With Yin Yue helping me, as long as I improve my cultivation, it won't be difficult to capture your body."

Lu Tiandu chuckled, seemingly confident that he would win the Silver Light Fairy in the future.

"Let's go back to Mulan Holy City first. You can practice at Yaochi Pagoda later. Maybe your true self will be surprised when he sees your cultivation in the future! After I finish handling Tiannan's trivial matters, I will I’ll go back to the pagoda to practice with you.”

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, the Peacock Fairy, who was holding in her arms and seemed to be full of hope for the future, turned into a golden and purple rainbow and shot toward the Holy City of Mulan.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed again.

After two months, he returned to Tiannan again. Looking at the familiar scenery and thinking of Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu who were waiting for him, Lu Tiandu couldn't help but miss him more and more.

Not far away was the territory of the Nine Nations Alliance. Lu Tiandu called Qi Zhenzhen out. After leaving Qi Zhenzhen back to the Nine Nations Alliance to handle some matters, he went straight north to the Yue Kingdom.

This time when I come back, I have to go to Tianlan Grassland, Tiannan, and Luanxinghailutian, so that the girls who have made great progress in cultivation can deal with some trivial matters related to themselves.

After that, he will return to Xiaoji Palace of Dajin to practice until he ascends.

Of course, it is inevitable to accompany the girls alone on their journey to the world of immortality. But then they won't show their true colors.

Once again, he came to the stone tower that was the Bloody Forbidden Land and was later renamed Ling Kong Mansion. Looking at everything familiar, Lu Tiandu scanned the cave with his consciousness. After finding no one from the Lu family, he waved his hand and released Wen Qing.

"Sister Qing!"

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said, "We have returned to Tiannan. After Sister Qing returned to Luan Xing Sea and settled everything in the Xing Palace, Yu Ling and I will come to Luan Xing Sea to meet you later. you!"

After speaking, Lu Tiandu seemed to have remembered something. He reached out and took out a flying shuttle and a feather fan. They were the flying sea shuttle and the Qingluan fan. "You should hold these two imitation spiritual treasures first to protect yourself, in case just in case."


Wen Qing nodded, took the treasure, and did not refuse.

She also understood what Lu Tiandu meant. According to time calculation, Ling Xiaofeng was already dead.

However, this is calculated based on common sense. If there was any accident, Ling Xiaofeng relied on secret skills to hold on for dear life and insisted on dragging Wen Qing to be buried with him before he died. Although it would not kill Wen Qing, it was still a small accident.

And with two imitation spiritual treasures at his side, for Wen Qing, who is a god-like person, even the self-destruction of Nascent Soul in the later stage can be easily eliminated, and at most the two imitation spiritual treasures will be damaged.

After sending Wen Qing away, Lu Tian did not release the other girls of Huang Maple Valley, nor did he return to the Moon Covering Sect through the teleportation array. Instead, he still flew to the Covering Moon Sect.

Lingyin Peak, Taihua Palace.

"Tiandu, you are back!"

When Nangong Ping looked at Lu Tiandu who suddenly appeared in front of her with a smile on his lips, he was suddenly surprised.

"Sister Ping!"

Lu Tiandu raised his steps and appeared in front of Nangong Ping in an instant, skillfully embracing the enchanting and beautiful woman in front of him.

"I didn't expect you to break through to the gods so quickly. You are worthy of being my man, Nangong Ping!"

The moment Lu Tiandu used his magical power to reveal his spiritual power, Nangong Ping had already noticed Lu Tiandu's cultivation.

At this moment, smelling the familiar and intoxicating scent of his man, Nangong Ping's beautiful eyes shone with admiration on his face.

"In order to catch up with you, Sister Ping, I have been practicing very hard these years!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, stroking the familiar and heart-warming beautiful curves of the beautiful woman in his arms with his big hands.

"Really? Are you trying to regain your position?"

Nangong Ping seemed to have thought of something, a hint of amusement flashed in her eyes, and there were many ripples in her eyes for a moment. She smiled charmingly and said:
"You said you practiced very hard, but I don't really believe it! Qiu'er and I made a bet back then that you would bring us some sisters when you come back. Hehe, who do you think will win between us?"


Upon hearing Nangong Ping's words, Lu Tiandu suddenly started to cough.

He had naturally heard the bet between Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu back then. Now, not to mention Sun Qingfeng, a female cultivator who had also advanced to become a god, the other three girls from Xiaoji Palace, Bingfeng and Peacock Fairy, had already exceeded three people.

"It seems I know you best!"

When he saw Lu Tiandu's expression, Nangong Ping naturally knew the result.

Looking at the proud Sister Ping, Lu Tiandu smiled evilly, hugged the exclaimed Nangong Ping by the waist, and walked towards the inner hall.

"Sister Ping, today I want to give my husband a good shake!!"


Time flies by for a few days, in the Taihua Palace.

On the jade couch, Lu Tiandu hugged him from left to right, and beside him were Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu, who had rosy faces. And he was talking in detail about his experiences of more than a hundred years with the two women.

Listening to the opportunities that Lu Tiandu experienced in Dajin and his experience of eventually becoming the feared Lu Laomo in Dajin, the two women were in awe, with expressions of admiration on their faces.

In the past, Lu Tiandu was able to kill the cultivators of the gods in the late stage of his Yuan Ying. Now, no one knows how strong Lu Tiandu is after he has advanced to the form of gods.

As for the true identities of Yinyue and Peacock Fairy, as well as the scene of the battle between Youluo and the true spirit Kunpeng, the two women were secretly speechless.

Having informed the other girls about the internal space and other matters before, they naturally would not ignore the two girls this time.

Nowadays, the girls are naturally more and more determined about Lu Tiandu's identity as the reincarnation of the true immortal.

"Now the news that my husband has advanced to become a god has spread in Mulan Grassland and Tianlan Grassland. Will my husband hold a god transformation hall in the near future?"

Leng Qingqiu leaned gently on Lu Tiandu's arms, raised her head and asked.

"Well, let's hold it in the near future!"

Lu Tiandu nodded.

When he was in the late Nascent Soul stage of the Great Advancement, the Great Monk Ceremony was naturally not held. Now that it is suddenly reported that he is going to hold the God Transformation Hall, the whole Tiannan may be shocked.

After all, he is too young.

Most monks of his age group are still worrying about how to condense babies, but he is already standing at the pinnacle of the human world.

A few days later, when the three girls Nangong Wan, Nishang, and Yan Ruyan also appeared in the Biyue Sect, and the news came from the Biyue Sect that Lu Tiandu had advanced to become a god, in just over a month, the entire Tiannan... The four major forces and the world of immortal cultivation in various countries are all shocked by the shocking news that Lu Tiandu has advanced to become a god.

When Lu Tiandu returned to Yellow Maple Valley, Ancestor Linghu, Lei Wanhe, Han Li, Shenjun Dayan and others who had just returned to Tiannan a few years ago were also stunned for a moment.

"Congratulations, disciple! After thousands of years, our Yellow Maple Valley has finally produced a legendary god-transformation monk! The most commendable thing I have done in this life is to accept you as my disciple..."

Seeing Lu Tiandu's face which had not changed at all, excitement flashed across Linghu's old face.

Thinking back to the little Foundation-Building monk back then, and then looking at Lu Tiandu with its divine cultivation level in front of me now, it seems that Lu Tiandu has changed a lot over the past hundreds of years, but at the same time it seems that it has not changed at all.

"Yes, my junior brother's talent and opportunity, I'm afraid no one will be able to surpass him in the future!"

After Lei Wanhe was surprised, he looked at Lu Tiandu like a monster.

The cultivator of Transformation God is really too far away from the cultivator of Tiannan.

As a result, more than a hundred years ago, Nangong Ping, who was the last of the four late Nascent Soul monks to advance, suddenly advanced to become a god. Now, in the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu has also advanced to the legendary realm of god transformation.

If there is no connection between them, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Needless to say, Han Li and God Lord Dayan were surprised.

After the two of them broke through the middle stage of Yuanying in Kunwu Mountain, they did not leave seclusion immediately. Because of the rich spiritual energy of Kunwu Mountain, they stayed in seclusion together for decades. Only then did they use the jade talisman left by Lu Tiandu. Left Kunwu Mountain.

Not long after leaving Kunwu Mountain, the two of them inquired about the recent news in the world of immortality.

Only then was he surprised to learn that Lu Tiandu, who had left seclusion decades ago, had defeated Hu Lao Mo in one battle, and then fought against the coalition of demons. Che Lao Yao, the most mysterious god-forming monk in the Jin Dynasty, had died, and Bing Feng, the Lord of the Ice Sea, had died. He was also captured by Lu Tiandu, and the former Valley of Ten Thousand Demons became a separate courtyard of Xiaoji Palace.

After hearing the news, the Taiyi Sect was closed for a hundred years, and the entire Dajin righteousness and evil path was vaguely headed by Xiaoji Palace.

These changes immediately shocked Han Li and God Lord Dayan who had just left seclusion!
This is even more terrifying than when Lu Tiandu occupied Kunwu Mountain!

It is truly remarkable that a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul kills a monk who transforms into a god!

After that, they went to Xiaoji Palace to find Lu Tiandu, but it turned out that Lu Tiandu was already in seclusion at that time and no one could contact him.

After staying in Xiaoji Palace for a while, the two of them somehow got some opportunities in Beihai and traveled all the way. More than ten years later, they actually appeared in a certain area of ​​Chaos Star Sea.

A few years ago, they returned to Tiannan through the outer star sea and Tiannan's teleportation array. When they saw Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared and had already advanced to become a god, the impact on them was really violent!
"Brother Lu is indeed the reincarnation of a true immortal!"

Recalling Lu Tiandu's casual joke back then, at this moment, God Lord Dayan became extremely convinced for some reason.

When he saw the look in the eyes of God Lord Dayan, Han Li seemed to understand, and nodded secretly, as if he agreed.

Lu Tiandu was naturally unaware of the two people's thoughts amidst the flattery of everyone at this moment, especially Han Li.

If he knew Old Mo Han's mood, he would probably sneer at him.

After all, as a Taoist cultivator, if you hadn't been robbed of certain opportunities, how many people in the human world and spiritual world could match your cultivation speed?

In recent years, with the blessing land of cultivation in the boundless sea and the various resources left in the Yellow Maple Valley on land and sky, as well as the profits from the development of the outer star sea, the strength of the Yellow Maple Valley has grown tremendously.

Now there are seven or eight more Nascent Soul cultivators, and dozens more Golden Core cultivators. The atmosphere is so full of vitality that Lu Tiandu also sighed. It can be said that one person has achieved enlightenment and blessed the sect.

When they heard that Lu Tiandu's God Transformation Ceremony would be officially held half a year later, the tens of thousands of monks in the entire Yellow Maple Valley were all beaming with joy, and the entire Taiyue Mountains was decorated with lights in the blink of an eye.

At the same time that the time for Lu Tiandu's God Transformation Ceremony was announced, the news that Tianyue City's first auction event in Tiannan would also be held after the God Transformation Ceremony also spread throughout Tiannan and Tianlan Grassland.

It is said that in this auction, the two god-transforming monks, Lu Tiandu and Nangong Ping, will put out a large amount of resources of astonishing value for the auction, which will suddenly push the auction to a climax.

"Master, this is a portion of the Yang Shui that the disciple received a few years ago. It can increase a monk's life by a quarter, so I gave it to the master."

At this moment, in the Changqing Hall of Taixuan Peak where Linghu practiced daily, after the master and apprentice chatted for a few words, Lu Tiandu took out a copy of Huiyang Water Dao.

"It's such a divine thing!"

Linghu seemed to be surprised when he heard the name Huiyangshui.

This can almost add more than 300 years to the life of late-stage Nascent Soul monks, and it can add more than 500 years to the life of Transformation monks. The value is astonishing as you can imagine.

Seeing that Linghu was about to refuse, Lu Tiandu shook his head slightly and said:

"This disciple is determined to ascend to the spiritual world, so there is no need for this thing. Master should keep it!"

Back then, Linghu had given him a lot of help in the early stages of his cultivation. He had helped Linghu advance to the late stage of Nascent Soul, and had even allowed him to take several life-enhancing elixirs, which was a way of repaying Linghu's kindness.

This bottle of Yang Shui can be regarded as the final bond between the two of them.

Now that Linghu has been given more than 300 years of life, whether he can break through to become a god in the future depends on his chance.

Of course, even if he couldn't break through, Linghu's lifespan was still only over a hundred years short of the two thousand years of the cultivator's lifespan, so it was considered a life well spent.

In Lu Tiandu's mind, it would be better if Linghu couldn't break through.

After all, after the breakthrough, I am afraid that it is very likely that I can't help but embark on the road of smuggling. If Linghu takes the road of smuggling through the space rift, Lu Tiandu really has no confidence in whether Linghu can reach the spirit world!
Regardless of whether it's magical powers, treasures or the like, Linghu has nothing special about him, and is almost in a state of death and no life. (End of chapter)

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