Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 394 The deal with Han Li Dayan God Lord! Dong Xuan'er is here!

"I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to get to the spirit world now!"

After asking about Lu Tiandu's various experiences after he advanced to become a god, and learned about the current dilemma of becoming a god, as well as the difficulty of sneaking across space nodes, Linghu couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, the moment he received the Yang Shui as a gift from Lu Tiandu, Linghu also secretly had the idea of ​​​​reaching the realm of gods in the future and trying to ascend to the spirit world.

After all, according to his lifespan of 1,700 to 800 years, it is very likely that if he continues to practice slowly, he will advance to become a god. By then, his lifespan will be nearly 3,000 years.

Maybe you can cultivate to the point where you can ascend to the spiritual world.

As a result, the limitations of the vitality of heaven and earth mentioned by Lu Tiandu suddenly made him realize that what he thought was too simple.

"Since Tiandu you have decided to explore the space nodes with fellow Taoist Nangong and others in the future, I can only bless you here as a teacher!"

From the conversation between the two, Linghu also understood that Lu Tiandu held this high-profile god transformation ceremony, which could be regarded as officially confirming Huang Maple Valley's transcendent status in the world of immortal cultivation in Tiannan.

From now on, he will probably rarely appear in front of people. No one knows whether you will live or die if you enter the space crack in the future.

"Well, Master, take care of yourself. This jade slip contains a body-refining technique called 'Vajra Technique', several techniques that can be practiced to the late stage of divine transformation, two spiritual treasure refining methods and the disciple's progress." Let’s regard the experience of becoming a god as the inheritance in the valley!”

Lu Tiandu finally took out a jade slip and said.

The inheritance in Huang Maple Valley is relatively complicated, and the highest skills can only be practiced to the early stage of divine transformation. These things left by Lu Tiandu are crucial to the inheritance of a sect.

As for some golden elixirs and Nascent Soul stage elixir recipes, Lu Tiandu had already left a copy for Huang Maple Valley.

In this way, the foundation of Yellow Maple Valley has been greatly enhanced. As long as there is no disaster of annihilation, as Lu Tiandu deals with the demonic energy in this world, it is very likely that Yellow Maple Valley will grow into a super sect in thousands of years.

This is all Lu Tian can do for Yellow Maple Valley!

After bidding farewell to Linghu and returning to the cave where he had been away for many years at Xiaoyaoya in Izumo Peak, Han Li and the Lord Dayan came to see him soon after.

After the three of them drank spiritual wine and chatted for a while, Han Li said:

"With the help of my senior brother over the years, all of my life magic weapons have been tempered by Geng Jing. I have collected some of the eight million spiritual stones I owe my senior brother over the years. This time I just want to repay part of it to my senior brother... …”

Han Li said as he took out a storage bag and handed it to Lu Tiandu.

The Geng essence he used to smelt the natal magic weapon over the years alone is worth tens of millions of spiritual stones, which is comparable to the value of an imitation spiritual treasure. Except for some of the Geng essence he got by chance, most of it was traded here in Lu Tiandu.

The God Lord Dayan on the side also owed Lu Tiandu two million spiritual stones for refining imitation spiritual treasures and Yuanhou puppets, and this time he also settled the debt.

Now that Lu Tiandu has advanced to become a god, except for people like Lei Wanhe, who can still be called senior brothers, other Nascent Soul monks in the valley can only be called uncle.

God Lord Dayan and Han Li are naturally no exception, but at Lu Tiandu's level of cultivation, they don't care about false names. The two of them are likely to sneak into the spirit world in the future, so Lu Tiandu asked them to call him senior brother.

"It seems that you two have gained a lot over the years!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the contents of the two storage bags with his consciousness and smiled.

After the two advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, they joined forces and could easily defeat two or three late Nascent Soul monks. They jointly explored some ancient ruins and expected to gain a lot.

In addition to some various materials, Han Li's most important thing is a batch of elixirs that are two to three thousand years old. After all, this is Han Li's specialty.

As for the elixirs God Lord Dayan gave to repay his debts, they were only a few that he could not use, mainly various materials and spiritual stones.

Golden elixir monks usually use elixirs of five to seven hundred years to make elixirs, and elixirs of eight hundred to one thousand years are usually enough for Nascent Soul monks.

And two to three thousand years of elixir is enough for the god-transforming monks to refine elixirs and increase their cultivation.

On the one hand, the batch of high-aged elixirs that Han Li repaid this time was secretly sold to Lu Tiandu. After all, Lu Tiandu, who had advanced to become a god, was in great demand for high-aged elixirs.

On the other hand, for Han Li, the cost of the thousand-year-old elixir was the same as that of other high-year elixirs, but the price difference between the two in the market was huge.

An ordinary thousand-year-old elixir only costs several thousand spirit stones, but when the medicine is two thousand years old, it starts at 20,000 spirit stones. When it reaches three thousand years, the price will double.

It goes without saying which elixir is more cost-effective to use to pay off debts.

The elixirs taken by monks in the Nascent Soul stage rarely contain elixirs that are more than three thousand years old.

For example, in the original work, in the early stage of establishing Yuanying, Han directly took Jiangyundan, which was refined from a large amount of tens of thousands of years of elixir in Lingmiao Garden, and this powerful elixir was taken until the early stage of becoming a god. It can only be called an anomaly and too extravagant. .

Lu Tiandu's own family has a large business and many women. Now there are four members of the family who have advanced to become gods. On a daily basis, they only use two to three thousand years of elixirs to refine elixirs to improve their cultivation.

After chatting for a few more words, the two of them talked about the main purpose of this visit, which was nothing more than advancing to become a god and smuggling into the space rift.

Lu Tiandu didn't feel anything strange after hearing this. He said:
"To be honest, I do have a surplus of pills that can break through the bottleneck of transforming into gods, and there are quite a lot of them. There are four of them. Calculating, it can increase the chance of advancement by about 50%. As long as the two of them can come up with something of equal value. Things can be exchanged..."

He originally only collected three prescriptions for breaking through the bottleneck of transforming into a god, but later he obtained the prescription for the 'Mo Yuan Dan' and some special elixirs from Hu Laomo, and now he can refine four kinds of elixirs. The elixir that breaks through bottlenecks.


Upon hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Han Li and Shenjun Dayan took a deep breath, and immediately felt pleasantly surprised after taking a breath.

After all, they have not yet advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul, nor have they had the opportunity to come into contact with the God Transformation monks. They do not even know how to break through the bottleneck of Soul Transformation, let alone obtain the relevant elixirs.

As a result, Lu Tiandu actually had four ready-made elixirs in his hands!

It was beyond their expectations.

After all, after returning from their travels to the Jin Dynasty, they had some understanding of the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods.

In addition to the two people who were killed by Lu Tiandu, among the gods of the Great Jin Xiu Immortal Realm, the other Taiyi Sect, Bai Laogui, heard that there was no one in seclusion, so he haunted Lao Gui and Feng Laogui, hoping to make friends with these people. There are really few opportunities.

As for Nangong Ping of the Hidden Moon Sect, since his appearance in the God Transformation Ceremony, no other monks have been seen at all since then.

The speed with which Lu Tiandu advanced to become a god this time was beyond their expectations, which also made them value the support Lu Tiandu had given them in his words on the way to Jin Dynasty.

As a result, the value of the things Lu Tiandu brought out was far beyond their expectations, and both of them were ecstatic for a moment.

Without thinking, the two decided to trade these four elixirs even if they were trying to sell iron. This is almost half a ticket to advance to become a god!

"We will keep our great kindness in mind, and if we succeed in the future, we will never forget your help today!"

The two of them bowed deeply and said solemnly.

Lu Tiandu nodded, gently flicked his sleeves, lifted the two of them up, and said with a smile:
"Let's talk about the kindness, but of course we can't have less spiritual stones. In this way, each of you can repay me with something worth 20 million spiritual stones in the future."

After speaking, Lu Tiandu gently flicked his sleeves, and there were eight more jade vases and two jade slips on the jade table.

The jade slip contains the experience of becoming a god that Lu Tiandu left in Yellow Maple Valley.

These words of experience are summed up by Lu Tiandu based on Feng Xian's experience and the breakthrough experiences of the girls. They are unique in the entire human world.

"Thank you so much, senior brother!"

Although the two of them felt a lot of pressure when they heard the 20 million spirit stones, they were still confident enough to get it together and didn't say a word.

After all, let alone 20 million spirit stones, even if you have 100 million spirit stones in today's human world, it would be difficult to get four pills to break through the bottleneck of becoming a god.

Seeing the two people's reactions, Lu Tiandu also nodded secretly.

These elixirs would probably be worth millions of spirit stones at an auction in the spirit world, but in today's human world they are priceless things and cannot be bought with spirit stones.

The two of them have good magical powers and are capable of earning spiritual stones, so they won't have much of a problem repaying them in the future.

As for him not trading these elixirs with Linghu, on the one hand, Linghu's kindness has been repaid, and it would be too shameful to directly propose the transaction nakedly. It is also impossible to directly give them away. After all, his elixirs did not come from the strong wind.

On the other hand, even after he advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage, Linghu's combat power was still average, and he might not be able to collect this amount of spiritual stones before he ascended.

Moreover, these four kinds of elixirs, which have a high probability of helping monks advance to become gods, are also involved in Lu Tiandu's subsequent investment transactions, and are likely to be wasted on Linghu.

This is naturally a matter of sneaking across space nodes.

"As for the space node matter..."

Later, Lu Tiandu briefly mentioned the space node that he had discussed with Xiang Zhili and Feng Laoguai, "... other treasures, secret techniques, etc. can be prepared by yourself after you advance to become gods. Diamond Jue and You just need to continue practicing the Mingwang Jue. The only things I can help you with for the time being are the World Transformation Pearl, the Spirit Transformation Talisman and the Six-Ding Tianjia Talisman..."

"Within four hundred years, after you have repaid your previous debts, if you want these three treasures that can increase the probability of passing through space nodes, even if you each have 20 million spiritual stones...this spiritual stone will be used in the future. You can repay it again when you get to the spirit world. If you die halfway, then don’t mention anything..."

Dayan Shenjun has amazing talents and good combat power. Han Li has the Sky Vase, and his opportunities and combat power are extraordinary. The probability of the two of them joining forces to advance to become gods and pass the space node is not small.

That's why Lu Tiandu used these three treasures to help the two of them and earn some spiritual stones in addition to trading pills.

In fact, since taking the Peacock Fairy into the Yaochi Tower, Lu Tiandu has become more confident that he can create a simplified version of the reverse spirit channel within three to four hundred years.

After all, although Fairy Peacock is not as talented as Xin Ruyin in formations, as a fusion monk who has lived for tens of thousands of years and has a large amount of knowledge of formations and talismans in the spiritual world, her experience and knowledge are undoubtedly the first among everyone. .

With Fairy Peacock's guidance, many of the problems that Xin Ruyin encountered that took a lot of time to solve could be quickly solved. Only then did Lu Tiandu see the hope of making a fortune in spiritual stones again.

But now everything is still in the beginning stage, so Lu Tiandu will naturally not mention it to the two of them.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

After listening to Lu Tiandu's introduction to the functions of these three treasures, Han Li and the others were pleasantly surprised again.

And as Lu Tiandu said, this is basically an investment. If the two of them died midway, Lu Tiandu's investment would be in vain.

And in the spirit world, there will always be a day when the spirit stones are paid off.

Therefore, the two agreed to the deal almost without thinking.

The next time, before the God Transformation Ceremony, Lu Tiandu and the Ancient Demon clone went to the Falling Demon Valley. After spending some time, Lu Tiandu took away all the Arctic Yuanshi in that mountain range.

In this way, the materials for refining Arctic Yuanshan in the future have been obtained.

As for the Yuanci Mountain in the Star Palace Sacred Mountain, they can just take it away when they meet Wen Qing in the Chaotic Star Sea.

These days, in addition to Lu Tiandu's God Transformation Ceremony spreading throughout Tiannan, with Nangong Wan, Ni Chang, and Yan Ruyan of the Hidden Moon Sect, Hong Fu, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, and Lu Tianxuan of the Yellow Maple Valley, Luo Yun Sect Song Yu, Mu Peiling, Liu Yu, Han Yunzhi and other women from the Yuling Sect appeared one by one. Everyone who knew that these female cultivators were close to Lu Tiandu, after learning about the current cultivation level of the women, Everyone took a breath.

It is true that the cultivation base of the girls has changed too much.

This also caused many people who wanted to have a relationship with Lu Tiandu to search hard for all kinds of beauties.

And many female cultivators with good cultivation and good looks in Tiannan Cultivation World seem to be tempted one by one...

When Lu Tiandu heard the news, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Just when he released the news through Lei Wanhe that he would no longer take concubines, on this day, Hong Fu, who had been staying in Huang Maple Valley for two months, suddenly appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

What surprised Lu Tian was that Hong Fu was accompanied by another woman of eighteen or nineteen years old.

This woman has a beautiful appearance and a graceful figure. She is also dressed in a red palace dress and has graceful curves. Especially her charming eyes are unforgettable at first sight.

However, at this moment, this woman had a worried and nervous look on her face. She followed Hong Fu into the hall and without saying a word, she secretly glanced at Lu Tiandu.

"Senior Sister is here! Junior Sister Dong is here too!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, with a somewhat complicated look on his face. Hong Fu, who had an oval face with a hint of red clouds, and Dong Xuan'er, who was anxious but hopeful, sat down.

If an outsider were to call him this name, it would definitely be weird.

After all, the relationship between Hongfu and Dong Xuan'er is externally that of aunt and niece (Dong Xuan'er has been fostered under the name of Hongfu's brother in the Dong family since childhood), but the real relationship is that of aunt and niece (this book is set to be the daughter of Hongfu's sister).

"I didn't expect that Junior Sister Dong has perfected the Golden Elixir. Now that Senior Sister is in the valley, it must not be difficult for Junior Sister Dong to advance to Nascent Soul..."

Lu Tiandu secretly smiled bitterly, as if he had guessed Dong Xuan'er's intention. Seeing Hong Fu's expression changing and not knowing how to speak, he took the initiative. (End of chapter)

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