Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 395 is finally closed! Finally got you!

(Dong Xuan'er's spiritual journey, feel free to skip if you don't like it)
In the main hall, the spiritual fragrance curls up, making people feel shocked when they smell it.

Looking at the various rare spiritual fruits and cultivation-enhancing spiritual wines on the jade table in front of her, Dong Xuan'er seemed to have no interest at all.

She was sitting quietly on her knees at this moment, looking like a lady, and her every move was covered with the shadow of Hong Fu.

After a brief exchange of greetings with Lu Tian, ​​she quietly pricked up her ears and listened attentively to the chat between Lu Tiandu and Hong Fu.

Occasionally, she quietly raised her head, and looked at Lu Tiandu. Except for the uneasiness that had not changed since she entered the door, the admiration and obsession in her beautiful eyes, as well as the strong resentment that could not be resolved, almost seemed to escape from those charming eyes. flowed out of his eyes.

"Aunt, you must help Xuan'er this time!"

Listening to Hong Fu not mentioning what he had promised her in the Hidden Ice Valley cave during the chat with Lu Tiandu, Dong Xuan'er lowered her head, bit her lip, and clenched her jade hands hidden in her sleeves tightly. , my heart became more and more anxious.

The scene when she first met Lu Tiandu in Huang Maple Valley had long been engraved in her mind.

The wonderful attraction that Lu Tiandu brought to her made her fall in love with Lu Tiandu almost from the first time they met.

It was a pity that before the two met more, she was finally banned by Hong Fu because of the rumors she caused in Huang Maple Valley, and was not released until after the foundation was established.

After establishing the foundation, she sent many transmission notes to Lu Tiandu, but unfortunately she never saw Lu Tiandu.

Finally, with careful preparation, she created a chance encounter. In desperation, she endured her shyness and directly proposed that the two become a monk couple.

It's a pity that Lu Tiandu had a reason for making a double cultivation agreement with Chen Qiaoqian at that time and rejected her directly.

Back then, she was jealous of Chen Qiaoqian, one of the three beauties of Huang Maple Valley who was just like her.

And in order to have further interactions with Lu Tian, ​​she deliberately played a trick when trading the Dingyan Pill and left the two top-level magic weapons in her hands with Lu Tiandu as collateral.

After she prepared, she quietly released the news that she and Lu Tiandu had been privately engaged for life. When the time came, Chen Qiaoqian would have a gap in her heart, and then she would take advantage of the situation to gain Lu Tiandu's favor.

As a result, the news had not yet spread widely, but somehow it reached Hong Fu's ears, and she was grounded again.

At that time, she thought that Master Hongfu would be severely punished for summoning Lu Tiandu to Hidden Ice Valley. At that time, she was still worried about Lu Tiandu.

After all, Hong Fu's temperament could not be called gentle, and she understood that very well.

As a result, her wishful thinking was exposed, Hong Fu had no reason to punish Lu Tiandu, and everything calmed down temporarily.

Although she is grounded, she has many sources of information.

Later, I heard that Nie Ying, who was also ranked as one of the three beauties of Yellow Maple Valley, had a very close relationship with Lu Tiandu, and Chen Qiaoqian didn't seem to mind at all.

This made her secretly scold Lu Tiandu for his efforts, and at the same time, she felt very uncomfortable.

Obviously, she could see from this that what the bastard Lu Tiandu said before about having close relationships with other female cultivators because Chen Qiaoqian's relationship was not good was completely nonsense!
And then she secretly found out that Lu Tiandu, a playboy, had two little lovers (Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei) in the Lu family, which made her even more angry!
Why is this bastard Lu Tiandu willing to accept others but not himself?

She needs to have good looks, a good figure, and a background that is no worse than Nie Ying and Chen Qiaoqian. Why is she, who is also one of the three beauties of Yellow Maple Valley, disliked by Lu Tiandu?

After thinking about it, she seemed to think that apart from the fact that she was of the third spirit root and her qualifications were not as good as those of the two women with the second spirit root, it seemed that her reputation in the eyes of outsiders was not very good before!

After all, there are very few female cultivators in Yellow Maple Valley who practice the art of charm, and she was young and vain. She enjoyed being the center of attention, and seeing other men competing for her and being jealous of her gave her a different kind of satisfaction.

Is this the main reason why she was disliked?

And she slowly concluded this reason from the conversations of other female disciples in Hidden Ice Valley.

After all, she didn't have much self-awareness back then.

When she recalled the scene where her face turned green and red when she heard this conclusion, the strange and uncomfortable emotion seemed to still be clearly audible.

But what everyone didn't know was that although she loved to play back then, she also cherished herself very much and never did anything that crossed the line.

And ever since she fell in love with Lu Tiandu at first sight, her eyes have long been unable to tolerate other men, and she has long unconsciously distanced herself from other men of the opposite sex!

It's a pity that these rumors and public opinion made her suffer the consequences in the end.

Just when she was living in seclusion and practicing hard in Hidden Ice Valley, hoping to slowly change Lu Tiandu's concept of her, news came that Lu Tiandu had been accepted as a disciple by Patriarch Linghu.

This time, the regret in her heart was even more overwhelming.

In addition to being very enamored of Lu Tiandu, Lu Tiandu's excellent qualifications are also a bonus.

In her opinion, if the two of them were combined, with the training of Hongfu, the 'aunt' and master, it would not be difficult for Lu Tiandu to form an elixir. And with Lu Tiandu and Hongfu helping her, it would be easy for her to become an elixir-forming monk in the future. possible.

But now that Lu Tiandu has become the disciple of Ancestor Linghu, her advantage is almost gone.

Later, she vaguely learned from Hong Fu that Lu Tiandu seemed to have a close relationship with a female Jindan cultivator from the Biyue Sect, which made her feel extremely complicated.

In the secret competition between the three beauties in Yellow Maple Valley, she has fallen far behind.

Now that she heard that Lu Tiandu seemed to have a much better chance of advancing to the Nascent Soul than Hong Fudu, and that the female cultivator of the Golden Pill of the Hidden Moon Sect fell in love with her, she was secretly proud of her extraordinary vision back then, but at the same time, she felt increasingly uncomfortable. stand up.

Later, Lu Tiandu became known to everyone in Huaxin Valley.

However, because of Lu Tiandu's seniority, no one would gossip about anything. Instead, they would talk about the talent of the man and the beauty of the woman, and how they were a perfect match.

With the start of the demonic invasion, she will naturally have to go to the battlefield.

She was very envious of Lu Tiandu's upright deeds of teaming up with Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying to fight against the enemy. Unfortunately, every time she found an excuse to get involved, the bad guy Lu Tiandu would behave like a master and treat her. Refuse in every possible way.

It wasn't until she was captured by the monks of the Hehuan Sect during a certain battle that she learned her true identity as a descendant of the old devil Yunlu of the Hehuan Sect.

In order to be able to form elixirs before Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying, she finally stayed in the Hehuan Sect to practice.

Later, Lu Tiandu's encounter at the Liushahe battlefield and his sudden disappearance made her secretly worried.

A hundred years passed in a flash, and she also advanced to the early stage of pill formation.

She originally thought that Lu Tiandu's figure in her heart had become much duller, but when she heard the news about Lu Tiandu, she still wanted to see Lu Tiandu inexplicably.

And after seeing Lu Tiandu showing off his power on the battlefield of Jinguyuan, the feelings that were once hidden deep in his heart could no longer be suppressed and burst out! Unfortunately, because Lu Tiandu had killed Old Demon Yunlu, her biological grandfather who helped her form the elixir, she felt extremely complicated.

Although Lu Tiandu did not kill off Yunlu's family, it was natural that she could no longer stay in the Hehuan Sect as she had been born in the Yellow Maple Valley.

Later, when she returned to the Dong family in Huang Maple Valley, she naturally met Hong Fu, the master she should call her aunt, who had already advanced to the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Unfortunately, Lu Tiandu still treated her with courtesy, which made her extremely resentful.

After all, from the battle of Jinguyuan, none of the cultivators in Tiannan knew that Lu Tiandu had many confidantes.

As a result, Lu Tiandu was still not interested in her!

She didn't know why, but she felt that Hong Fu seemed to have some apologies for her at that time, and the training resources in the Golden Core Stage provided her with a lot.

It wasn't until she later discovered that Hong Fu had become Lu Tiandu's woman that her grief, anger and difficulty in accepting it turned out to be so unforgettable!

"You didn't let me like Tiandu back then. In the end I missed him, but in the end you fell in love with him!"

She still clearly remembered her hysteria when facing Hong Fu.

It was also at that moment that she thought deeply and explained her feelings for Lu Tiandu to Hong Fu. She hoped that Hong Fu could help her blow her pillow!
At this moment, Lu Tiandu has long been famous in Tiannan and has a bright future. He is called the number one cultivator in Tiannan by many people. He is extremely dazzling and has an unlimited future!
The more dazzling Lu Tiandu became, the more regretful and unwilling she felt!

In particular, women such as Chen Qiaoqian and Nie Ying of the same age group were much more advanced than her, which made her even more unbalanced.

Later, when Hongfu came back, she silently shook her head, which was still hard for her to accept!

She thought it was because her strength was too low to attract the attention of Lu Tiandu. However, when Lu Tiandu brought back two low-level female cultivators, Song Yu and Mu Peiling, from Luoyue Sect, she seemed to understand that even now Lu Tiandu could Ignore her early frivolity and her feud with Yunlu.

There is still Hongfu standing between them!
It was obvious that Lu Tiandu seemed to have unusual feelings for Hong Fu, and he didn't want Hong Fu to have a grudge in his heart.

After coming to this conclusion, she deeply lamented the injustice of fate to her!
As Lu Tiandu and others suddenly disappeared and reappeared every few years, Dong Xuan'er seemed to have finally suppressed the resentment in her heart and immersed herself in cultivation.

Hongfu had prepared almost all the resources for her to advance to Yuanying. She knew that Hongfu wanted to make up for her more.

Time flies, two hundred years have passed.

In the past few years, when she tried to condense the Nascent Soul, the memory that she had sealed long ago reappeared. When she was almost immersed in the inner demon fantasy of sleeping and flying together with Lu Tiandu, Hongfu finally prepared to suppress it. The inner demon's elixir and the soul-nurturing wood pendant that warmed the soul finally saved her life!
She understood at that time that she had long been deeply in love. If she couldn't solve this problem in this life, let alone get recognition from Lu Tiandu, her path to immortality would probably stop at the elixir-forming stage.

Fortunately, Hong Fu left behind many pills, and it took her more than ten years to recover after her vitality was severely damaged.

At this time, Lu Tiandu, Hong Fu and the others had been away from the Jin Dynasty for more than a hundred years, and there was no definite date when they would return. Just when she was lamenting the suffering of her fate, it was suddenly reported that Lu Tiandu had advanced to become a god and returned to the Yellow Maple Valley. Time of news.

For some reason, she shed tears silently!
It seemed that fate finally took pity on her at this moment!
This time, she has made up her mind. After letting Hongfu, a great monk in the late Yuan Ying stage, help her forcefully pass through the inner demon gate Ning Ying, she will put down her pride and go to Lu Tiandu in person. She will live for herself. !
As a result, before she could advance to Nascent Soul, the outside world suddenly disrupted her plan due to the wave of giving away daughters caused by the great changes in Lu Tiandu's confidante's cultivation over the years.

Lu Tiandu actually made it clear that he would not take any more concubines in the future!

How does this work? !

She panicked all of a sudden!

Over the years, she has finally understood that what has been supporting her forward is her love for Lu Tiandu!

If she knew that she would never have this kind of emotional sustenance in this life, even with Hongfu's help, it would be impossible for her to advance to Nascent Soul.

After thinking deeply for a long time, she came to Hongfu's cave again.

After her pleading and listening to her thoughts about condensing the Nascent Soul and her thoughts about death, Hong Fu, with complicated emotions, finally agreed to accompany her to see Lu Tiandu in person...

"If you don't get what you want this time, I will let you remember me deeply for the rest of your life..."

The conversation between Hong Fu and Lu Tiandu, who did not mention her at all, came to her ears again. Dong Xuan'er lowered her head and smiled miserably, with a trace of determination flashing in her eyes!
At this moment, the hall suddenly fell silent.

Dong Xuan'er seemed to feel that she was about to be judged. Her heart was full of expectation, hesitation, and helplessness, and she seemed to be unable to muster any strength at once.

At this moment, she heard Lu Tiandu seem to say, "Senior sister, let me see you off..."

Soon, the footsteps of the two people disappeared. She did not notice Hong Fu's inexplicably relaxed footsteps, but she seemed to understand that fate might have taken pity on her again...

When Lu Tiandu returned to the hall again, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

Hong Fu's face was very thin, so how could she openly talk about her purpose this time.

In the message transmission, after Lu Tiandu agreed to fulfill her promise, Hongfu talked about Dong Xuan'er and asked Lu Tiandu to agree to accept Dong Xuan'er.

After understanding the great opportunity Lu Tiandu had, Hong Fu sometimes thought of Dong Xuan'er.

The beating of mandarin ducks back then may have directly changed Dong Xuan'er's fate.

Compared with them, the confidante of Lu Tiandu, Dong Xuan'er has her help. Although she is much stronger than other Jindan monks, how could she not know what Dong Xuan'er missed!
But Lu Tiandu had made it clear before that he didn't care about Dong Xuan'er, so it was hard for her to pull any red strings.

Originally, she planned to leave enough training resources for Dong Xuan'er this time to make up for it.

But when Dong Xuan'er knelt in her arms, crying bitterly and speaking decisively, she was finally moved.

She understood that as long as she spoke, Lu Tiandu would agree to everything given her position in Lu Tiandu's heart.

But she had never taken the initiative to say anything forcefully before. She knew that she had some selfish motives in it.

And when she finally fulfilled her promise to her niece, for some reason, she felt relaxed.

At this moment, the fiery red figure of eighteen or nineteen years old on the couch looked limp and seemed to fall at any moment.

Lu Tiandu walked over and hugged Dong Xuan'er gently with both hands, and his princess picked her up.

When she came back to her senses, her eyes flashed with surprise, fascination, and disbelief for a moment. She stared straight at him, wrapped her two jade arms tightly around his neck, and sucked him in with an intoxicated look. Dong Xuan'er's aura surrounds her. At this moment, for some reason, Lu Tiandu's mind flashes back to Dong Xuan'er's bold courtship!
The next moment, he carried Dong Xuan'er into the inner hall!
"I finally got you!"

Dong Xuan'er's face turned red and she hid in Lu Tiandu's arms. Looking at Lu Tiandu's face, this thought flashed through her mind! (End of chapter)

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