Swallowing the starry sky and killing enemies will lead to enlightenment

Chapter 123 Huge harvest, nearly [-] million points

Chapter 123 Huge harvest, nearly [-] million points


As if he noticed the difference in Wang Yi's activation of the secret pattern, the electronic prompt beeped twice before saying again:
"The secret pattern of the Flame Ice Envoy has been detected, confirmed! Wang Yi, congratulations on over completing the second task and becoming the Flame Ice Envoy. According to regulations, it is equivalent to obtaining the titles of Yan War Envoy and Ice Beast Envoy at the same time. You will receive 10 points. award."


Wang Yi raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen. He was also worried for a moment whether his Flame Ice Envoy could complete the task. It seemed that he looked down on the Virtual Universe Company too much.

After finishing the task, a completely different female voice suddenly sounded:

"Wang Yi, the next message I will tell you through the Virtual Universe network system will involve Virtual Universe company secrets, please do not spread it outside."


Wang Yi was stunned. Although his eyes lit up, was it really true?It is understandable that the Blood Luo Crystal is precious because it involves gene multiples, but the low-level amplitude secret method is not that mysterious after all, and I did not expect to actually acquire it.

"You look excited?"

The woman who spoke probably thought that Wang Yi knew something in advance, but considering that Wang Yi's teacher was the Blood Formation King, she didn't say much.

"But it doesn't matter. We will routinely ask everyone who enters Yanbing Continent. If you can exceed the two tasks, then you must have extra ice bones and soul fire in your body. They are only found in Yanbing Continent. It is an extremely precious and mysterious resource of our human race. In our human race, ice skeleton soul fire is designated as a 'restricted item'."

"Restricted level?"

This new term he suddenly heard made Wang Yi blink his eyes. It must be that its importance level is much lower than that of the Blood Luo Crystal.

"The so-called 'restricted items' means that private sales are prohibited. Once verified, Virtual Universe Company will directly seize the items and impose penalties. The ice skeleton and soul fire you obtained are legal, but... private sales for profit are prohibited, and If you want to give it to others for use, you must also go through detailed review and registration.”

What this female voice said is similar to what Wang Yi remembered, but at least it seems that the confidentiality level is much lower than that of the Blood Crystal. After all, the gift of the Blood Crystal requires application and approval, and the Ice Skeleton Soul Fire , only need to review and register.

The levels are obviously completely different.

While Wang Yi was thinking, the female voice continued:

"Our Virtual Universe Company provides two different services for ice skeleton soul fire. If you need to process the unprocessed ice skeleton soul fire to make it easier to fuse, the processing price of each unit is five pieces per unit. 1 point; if you want to sell it, our Virtual Universe Company will be responsible for purchasing it, and you will be given a price of 50 points for an ice skeleton or soul fire."

Fifty points?

Wang Yi's heart skipped a few beats. The price was certainly far inferior to that of the Blood Luo Crystal, but the quantity in Wang Yi's hands was too large...

Since the clone of the Mother Queen independently evolved that complex secret pattern, it can no longer fuse with new ice bones or soul fire, and the secret pattern has been completely integrated with the soul of the Mother Emperor. Even if the clone dies in the future, it will not need to be re-fused with ice again. skeleton.

There are now more than 500 Mist Fantasy Flower clones fused, and the Earthling clones have only fused five groups, a total of ten.Even if Wang Yi reserves 20 yuan and sets aside 82.5 sets, there are still [-] other sets that can be sold!
Converted into points...that's 8250 million points, which is close to [-] million points!
"Are you willing to sell the Ice Skeleton Soul Fire?"

The cold female voice sounded again.

Wang Yi suddenly woke up, and he took two deep breaths to calm down.

"Sell! I want to sell 82.5 sets, totaling 165 million Ice Skeleton Soul Fire pieces. Thirty thousand of them are unprocessed."


The female voice opposite seemed to be choked by this number. After a second's pause, she spoke again: "Okay, Wang Yi, please place all the ice bones and soul fire you want to sell on the open space in front of you. .”

As the sound rang out, the walls of the testing cabin began to move slowly, becoming more spacious. Wang Yi saw this and raised his hand, and large boxes were piled one after another in the testing cabin.


There was a slight detection sound in the cabin. After Mo Yue waited for a minute, the female voice sounded again:
"After testing, there are 165 million Ice Skeleton Soul Fires in total. Wang Yi, if you sell Ice Skeleton Soul Fires, you will get a total of 8250 million points!"

"...Thank you."

A bright smile appeared on Wang Yi's face.

That’s more than 8000 million points!
"Well, our conversation ends here. Today's conversation is confidential, please do not leak it."


Wang Yi nodded in response.

"Wang Yi, the test is over, you can leave."


Standing in the square, watching the spacecraft leave, Wang Yi took a deep breath, and then hurriedly returned to his residence.Opened his own background page.

The balance shows more than 8000 million points...

With this amount of points, basically before the world lord level, there is probably no shortage of points to spend.

Of course, it is enough for the moment. For example, like Snow Golden Willow and Feather Silver Grass, it only costs hundreds of thousands of points to be perfectly cultivated to the peak of the Realm Lord. But if you want to break through immortality with a perfectly cultivated posture, it will cost tens of billions. Points, what I have now is just a fraction.

But that's all for the future.

"Night Owl, help me list all the materials needed to accompany Snow Golden Willow and Yu Silver Grass to meet the World Lord level."


Wang Yi's two plant life were cultivated according to the best breeding plan, which cost a lot of resources, and most of the treasures are also very precious. And as the realm becomes higher and higher, the treasures needed become more and more precious, and money is spent outside. When purchasing treasures, sometimes the price/performance ratio is not as good as exchanging them in the internal system of the virtual universe.

In the past, points were scarce, but now that they are enough, Wang Yi just buys them directly in the redemption system.

Wang Yi has always used the most expensive plan to cultivate, which brings tyrannical strength and size. Especially after breaking through the realm master, Snow Golden Willow can reach 300 branches, and Feather Silver Grass can reach [-] leaves.In the future, if you break through immortality, you will be able to become a king in one fell swoop!
"Master, Snow Golden Willow requires 21 points, Feather Silver Grass requires 20 points, a total of about 41 points, this is a detailed list."

It didn't take long for Ye Xiao to compile a list of the required materials and give it to Wang Yi.

The most difficult part of cultivating plant life is the breakthrough. After the plant life breaks through the realm master, it will be easier to accompany it to reach the peak of the realm master.

"Buy it! I bought it all!"

Wang Yi spent money like water and spent 41 points in a very grand manner.After all, for someone who already has more than 8000 million points, 40 points is really not much.

(End of this chapter)

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