Swallowing the starry sky and killing enemies will lead to enlightenment

Chapter 124 The training plan of the Queen Mother’s clone

Chapter 124 The training plan of the Queen Mother’s clone

After buying the resources needed for plant life, Wang Yi took another look at the price of "Space Evolution". The price of the first six levels was 1 million points, while the first five levels were 1000 million points.

"Well... let's stop saving. Anyway, I'm still studying the third picture, so it's useless to buy the rest so early."

Talking to himself like this, Wang Yi closed the cheats page and reopened other categories.

"Night Owl, list the breeding materials that the Zerg mother nest needs at the cosmic level and buy them all."


Wang Yike is still thinking about the mysterious ice skeleton secret pattern integrated into the Queen Mother's clone. He is very curious about what the result will be if he uses what he has learned to create a brand new Zerg warrior!

And since the knowledge of this secret pattern is indeed related to life genes, it is also a practical method to use the mother nest to conduct research like this.

"Let me rest for a while and let me study it carefully to see what kind of magical power there is in this mysterious ice skeleton pattern..."


Inside the world ring.

The Queen Mother clone stayed in the core chamber of the mother's nest as always, teasing her pet bugs to rest and play, but her soul never stopped functioning.

As an important companion to the birth of the Mother Queen, the Zerg Brood itself has the ability to breed life. Although it cannot be called a secret secret method, the Brood itself has the ability to use the randomness of mutation to create new species.

It's just that this method is extremely uncontrollable, and even the Queen Mother herself is not sure what kind of breed can be produced.

Wang Yi wanted to create a brand new Zerg warrior, so naturally he couldn't get around the ability of the Brood.

At this time, Wang Yi was constantly studying the ability of the mother nest to breed new species.

The information learned from the secret patterns cannot be stuffed into the mother nest at will. The secret patterns are different from the real genetic map. Wang Yi must personally perform the translation work and convert these The genetic sequence is compiled bit by bit.

"This part of the sequence gives me the feeling that it is very similar to some fragments of this ice mantis. This part represents aggression? But what is the extra thing? Give it a try..."

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Therefore, after preliminary learning, Wang Yi manually took over an empty chamber of the mother nest, began to select the target insect species, transformed the illusion of the chamber, and began to compile the genes of the ice mantis insect species.

The first attempt failed at the initial stage. The compiled genes exerted too strong an effect, causing the cultivated individuals to become extremely distorted and ugly. Their limbs lost their joints like ice cubes and were motionless. ability.

Not only that, as soon as this insect was born, it released a cold air that was somewhat similar to the realm, and was even frozen to death by the cold air it released.

The entire life lasted less than 1 minute.

Although it was a pity, under Wang Yi's full monitoring, he discovered some interesting things.

That large section of gene sequence that Wang Yi could not identify seemed to represent a strange life posture similar to that of the Ice Skeleton Beast, that is, the body resembled an ice cube, and the body was born with some secret patterns of the law of water, causing it to be born with diarrhea. Able to display these tiny furs of the water realm.

This performance is obviously better than that of the Ice Skeleton Beast, but it is also more unstable.

In particular, it may not be a perfect fit for the body of a Zerg warrior. Wang Yi is a little unsure about whether it counts as energy life or something like the Ice Skeleton Beast, a ferocious beast made of pure ice and snow.It is self-evidently difficult to graft similar properties directly onto flesh-and-blood creatures like Zerg warriors.

"...This breed is not strong enough, and it seems that Ice Mantis is not a suitable carrier. You have to spend money to buy better Zerg genes. Night Owl, help me search for the gene map of Zerg warriors below the immortal level and with higher strength. Finally, It’s good to have someone who is compatible with the law of water.”

"Good host!"

Wang Yi temporarily stopped studying the secret pattern. Now Wang Yi is planning to use stupid methods to analyze complex problems. The secret pattern in the soul of the Queen Mother cannot be understood, but Wang Yi is full of curiosity about it.

The secret pattern is only a little bit understood now, but it involves the law of water and the creation of life. It is difficult to imagine what complicated things the complete secret pattern represents.

"Oh~ It would be great if it could be turned directly into a secret talent method. Then at least I can know what these secret patterns represent."

"Master, these are the types of Zerg warriors that have been selected and recognized as powerful. I have divided them into large categories, and those with law affinity have also been specially marked."

Ye Xiao's efficiency was very fast. In a short time, he searched for what Wang Yi needed from the system of Virtual Universe Company.

"How many points are needed in total?"

"There are a total of 61 types of Zerg warrior genetic maps. Purchasing them all requires about 200 million points."

"Buy them all."

Wang Yi nodded. The price of purchasing the genetic map of the Zerg warriors alone is not expensive, ranging from a few points to hundreds of points. Although the breeding direction has been determined once before and suitable Zerg warriors have been selected, it is obviously necessary to Void.

If this sudden opportunity was to be utilized and studied, the warriors Wang Yi would train in the future would all have to be designed by himself.

Of course, the premise is that Wang Yi can study it clearly.

Virtual universe——

The genetic map that Wang Yi needed was quickly sent to the secret realm of the apocalypse. After Wang Yi signed for it, the clone of the Queen Mother couldn't wait to invest in the research.

Of course, there is no reference at all. Regarding the cultivation of the Zerg brood and the cultivation of the Zerg army, Wang Yi can also buy a lot of knowledge specifically used to analyze the genes of Zerg warriors. With the ability of the Queen Mother's clone and the talent of the brood, these Complex knowledge is learned quickly.

While the Queen Mother's avatar was engaged in research.

Wang Yi looked at the dangerous task list again.

The number of dangerous-level characters in the apocalyptic secret realm is only three in 100 years. For Wang Yi, the Xueluo Continent is a must-go. However, Wang Yi plans to go to the Xueluo Continent for his last mission, and waits until he understands the laws of the fusion of metal and space there. , then went to challenge Tongtian Mountain.

The original Tongtian Mountain requires twelve floors of Tongtian Bridge, which is not yet expected, but the requirements of Taichu Tongtian Mountain are not that high, and it can be passed with about seven or eight floors.

Although Wang Yi has gained strength in the past ten years, the progress of the law has not been fast. The unexpected secret pattern of ice bones can be seen but cannot be eaten. Now it is clear that the world that can allow Wang Yi to understand the law is the world of Blood Luo.

Before going to Xueluo World, there was still one mission quota left, so naturally it fell on the Nine Star Sea mission.


(End of this chapter)

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