I turned out to be top-notch!

Chapter 20 Acting Assessment

Chapter 20 Acting Assessment
Seeing how drunk Chu Xiaoxiao was, Han Lin and Xu Ni finally woke up and helped Chu Xiaoxiao back to school.

"I thought Chu Xiaoxiao had such a good drinking capacity that she drank three bottles of beer. That's it? That's it?"

Tao Chunsheng's face was full of disdain. To be honest, when Chu Xiaoxiao just decided to bring a dozen beers, he was shocked. He thought he had met a master. However, after one bottle of beer, Chu Xiaoxiao was already dizzy. Three bottles were still available. Before he finished drinking, everyone was already talking nonsense.

He and Wang Ke felt itchy in their hearts when they saw Chu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Dingran chatting in whispers, but who said Zhou Dingran was their idol?

Can't be envious.

If they had met their own goddess, they would have been so excited that they couldn't contain themselves.

But Lao Zhou is such a fucking saint. With Chu Xiaoxiao’s appearance, he is almost fucking hooked on you. If you go directly to the hotel to rock the bed, they will definitely not refuse you. What a good thing for you, he actually sends it back!
What a light of righteousness!
Spit out all the fat in your mouth...

Qingqinggao!You are amazing!

You are the only one among the brothers who fucking believes in the light?

"Teacher Chen Daozhou's class is tomorrow. Lao Zhou, will you go?"

After returning to the dormitory, Tao Chunsheng threw the packed roast chicken legs to Zheng Jianqiang, then looked at Zhou Dingran, with a teasing expression on his face: "You can fail one of the four basic courses of voice, stage, performance, and watch. Tsk tsk, we are in the performance department. You, Lao Zhou, are the only one who can fail the freshman professional courses, right?"


Zheng Qiangqiang laughed out loud, and when he saw Zhou Dingran looking at him with murderous eyes, he immediately blocked his mouth with a chicken leg.

Wang Ke smiled and said: "Old Zhou has not been to a few classes during the semester, so it is natural that he failed. But in the future, he will have time to study. Don't worry, with Lao Zhou's cleverness, he can make up for the subjects he failed."

Tao Chunsheng shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Chen Daozhou hates these little fresh meats on the market now, and Lao Zhou is the representative figure among them. As a professional acting teacher, there is nothing anyone can do if Chen Daozhou doesn't let Lao Zhou live. .”

Zhou Dingran smiled disdainfully.

It’s hard to say anything else. Just for the performance class alone, he is qualified to be a teacher at Nortel. Even if he still doesn’t come to class this year, he can still pass the promotion exam in one go.

Not taking this matter to heart, Zhou Dingran washed up and went to bed. Zhou Dingran opened the system panel and began to study the love points he had just obtained.

In just a short while, Zhou Dingran obtained 134 points of admiration, which was faster than the acquisition of admiration points. This surprised Zhou Dingran.

"The speed of getting points on Liang Xiaobo and the others is too slow! We have to find another way to get worship points!"

"And the love points that I originally thought were difficult to obtain, I didn't expect to get more than 100 points in one night. It's really not that exciting. From this point of view, the favorability points should be the easiest to obtain, followed by the admiration points, which are the most difficult to obtain. It’s worth worshiping..."

"Next, if you have more contact with Chu Xiaoxiao, your admiration points will definitely increase explosively!"

Thinking of the charming time he spent with Chu Xiaoxiao at the food stall at night, Zhou Dingran's heart trembled. She had a childlike face and a 36D. He was really afraid that he couldn't stand it. Apart from her somewhat perverted hobbies, Chu Xiaoxiao completely fit the goddess in the eyes of college students. image.

"No wonder Chen Panzhi and Gao Lang are willing to be licking dogs!"

"Who the hell wouldn't be confused after this change?"

To be honest, Zhou Dingran felt secretly happy to be admired by such a top-notch girl. However, after learning that he could gain favor points from her, Zhou Dingran suddenly became sober.

Although he is lustful, he is actually a gentleman and would never take advantage of others.

"Getting a woman is not as important as getting points!"

"There are many women, but this is the only woman who can be favored by me!"

"Appointment! We must make a few more appointments!"

When Zhou Dingran thought about the admiration he could get at his fingertips, he couldn't help but want to spend more time with Chu Xiaoxiao.

After all, in Zhou Dingran's view, it is relatively difficult to obtain admiration points.

Then the prizes offered by the admiration prize pool will definitely not be songs like "Three Worships of the Red Dust" and "Under the Moon", or at least works of the level of "Borrow from Heaven for Another 500 Years"!

"Xiaoxiao, call me back when you wake up."

After sending a text message to Chu Xiaoxiao, Zhou Dingran opened the system panel again and took a look at the fluctuating favorability value.

After one night, the favorability value seemed to increase rapidly, but it only exceeded [-] favorability points.

Zhou Dingran thought for a while, and finally took out [-] favor points before going to bed.

【Thank you for your patronage! 】

【Thank you for your patronage! 】

【Thank you for your patronage! 】

"What kind of system is this?"

Zhou Dingran couldn't help but curse.

He was really angry and helpless. It was relatively easy to obtain favorability points, but the probability of drawing was really low. It took an average of 20 to 30 draws to get one.

"go to bed!"


The next day, Zhou Dingran was woken up by Wang Ke: "Old Zhou, Old Zhou, don't sleep, you're going to be late."

"Ah? Oh!"

On the third day after time travel, Zhou Dingran opened his eyes and was confused for only a few seconds before he woke up and immediately started dressing and washing up: "Is Chen Daozhou's class today?"

"Yes, Chen Daozhou likes to take roll calls. You have missed too many of his classes, so Chen Daozhou has a very bad impression of you. It's good that he didn't take the initiative to find trouble with you. You must not be late. Last year, he was late once when you were late. I kicked you out, don’t you remember?”

Wang Ke looked at Zhou Dingran strangely: "After that, you will either go to class early or just stop going... You really don't remember?"

"Of course I remember."

Zhou Dingran was somewhat impressed, but he didn't care too much. He looked at the time and said, "It's not too late."

"You're in such a hurry. Chen Daozhou likes to come to work 10 minutes early and block people at the door. If you're late for even a second, he'll scold you."

When Zhou Dingran heard this, he quickly speeded up the action of getting dressed and washing. He looked at the slight stubble on his chin. Zhou Dingran thought about it and did not shave. It was already too late. He quickly put on his shoes, picked up his clothes and followed Wang. Ke is ready to leave.

Before leaving, he looked back at the dormitory and suddenly felt something was wrong: "Damn it, where are those two animals Zheng Jianqiang and Tao Chunsheng?"

"Old Zheng got up early and went to the cafeteria for dinner. Chunsheng and Han Lin brought breakfast...the two of them are probably playing bobo on the playground now!"

Wang Ke said without looking back: "Lao Zhou, how come your memory has become so bad? Don't you know the habits of these two grandsons? When did I not call you in the morning?"


Zhou Dingran hugged Wang Ke's shoulders.

"Go, stop being so stupid! If you really miss me, please give me Xu Ni's WeChat account."

"Xu Ni's WeChat? I don't know, you didn't add it last night?" "No, she said she doesn't use WeChat, only a ghost can believe it!"

"Okay, I'll contact Chu Xiaoxiao to help you get it later, hurry up, hurry up, I'm late."

After leaving the dormitory building, the two quickly walked towards Class [-] of the Performance Department.

Not far behind and behind the two of them, there were also some anxious college students panting and running fast. It was obvious that they, like Zhou Dingran, were in the second class of the acting department.

Everyone is well aware of the strictness of Teacher Chen Daozhou. Chen Daozhou, who is a national first-class actor, sometimes even loses the honor of the dean. Being able to come to school on time is his greatest care for these young actors.

When Zhou Dingran and others came to the class almost running like crazy, they did not find Teacher Chen Daozhou.

This also made many people relax and straighten their backs one after another and take their seats.

The appearance of Zhou Dingran also surprised many people in the class.

But few people came forward to talk to him.

One is unfamiliarity, and the other is avoidance of suspicion.

After all, they think they are superstars who will dominate the film industry in the future. How can they get involved with a gangster like Zhou Dingran?
Too cheap!

However, Tao Chunsheng and Zheng Jianqiang did not shy away. When they saw Zhou Dingran and Wang Ke, they quickly waved.

After sitting down, Zheng Qiangqiang handed Zhou Dingran and Wang Ke a bag of things from the desk: "Ranguo, Keguo, here is breakfast and a little cushion for the stomach."

Zhou Dingran glanced at the bag of xiaolongbao handed over by Zheng Jianqiang, and said with a smile: "Thank you, you are the only one in our dormitory who can get up so early."

"Hey, thank you. Brother Ran, you can eat it while it's hot!" Zheng Jianqiang said with a naive smile.

Wang Ke was not so polite as Zheng Jianqiang. He picked up the steamed dumplings and wolfed them down: "Eat quickly, Old Zhou. Chen Daozhou will come later and if you want to eat under his nose, he will scold the shit out of you!"

When Zhou Dingran heard this, he immediately picked up the steamed dumplings and started eating them.

Next to him, Tao Chunsheng patted the inside of the desk contentedly: "Don't choke. I still have the porridge that Han Lin just made. If you want to drink it, say something..."

Zhou Dingran was a little envious this time. Who the hell could he talk to someone so cool and cool?
After a while, Zhou Dingran looked around while eating breakfast.

Looking around, there are a total of 27 students in the second class of the acting department. There are more males than females. All of them are handsome men and beautiful women. In the past, they were like big stars who were praised by the stars. There are many arrogant and domineering people. You name it. He definitely dared to tell the truth, but today was surprisingly different. Everyone was like a good baby, and no one dared to be late.

Many people, like Zhou Dingran and others, also got up late. They bought breakfast in the cafeteria and rushed over. At this time, everyone was devouring their food. While eating, they looked outside the class from time to time, as if they were afraid that someone was outside the window. Give a death stare.

This shows the image of Chen Daozhou in the minds of these students.

Absolute devil level.

Soon, Teacher Chen Daozhou arrived late.

He has a good appearance. Although he is 50 years old, he is still handsome and well-maintained. He wears a white shirt like a veteran cadre on the upper body and black jeans on the lower body. When he walked into the class, he had a document bag under his arm and a hand in his hand. Black plastic bag.

Everyone quieted down.

After Chen Daozhou walked onto the podium, he took a general look at the seating situation of the students, especially Zhou Dingran's position, and nodded slightly before starting class.

"Damn it, why didn't you name me today?"

"Just a quick guess, there are only about twenty people, who can't be seen clearly at first glance?"

All the students whispered.

"Have you practiced the assessment tasks assigned at the beginning of school a few days ago?"

Chen Daozhou's voice was low but full of energy. When he looked at the students, he seemed to never smile.

Seeing no one spoke, he paused and picked up the black handbag in his hand: "No more nonsense, I specially applied for a micro camera from the school. Your performance today will be recorded, and other props are also ready. Now, who comes first?"

Still no one spoke.

Chen Daozhou was not surprised. This was always the case in his class, because all the students were in awe of him, not only because he had gained honors in the film industry in the first half of his life, but also because he was full of celebrities and was a real big shot in the film industry.

"What assessment tasks did Teacher Chen assign?"

At this time, Zhou Dingran asked in a low voice.

"Acting assessment." Tao Chunsheng picked up the notes in his hand and handed them over: "You didn't come during the first two days of school. Take a look now. Don't wait until I draw you. It would be too embarrassing to be on stage and not know anything."

Zhou Dingran picked up the note and read it for a while, and slowly understood.

The most conspicuous words in the entire note are those two words: Smoking!
Chen Daozhou has a friend who is a director. He is planning to shoot a movie recently. The script has been written, the funds have been secured, and casting is in progress. In this movie, a young man who can smoke is needed.

The young man has some physical defects, his legs and feet are a bit sloping, and he is not very fluent in speech. He seems to have some mental problems, so he has been laughed at in the village since he was a child.

Now in his thirties, he has always been treated as a joke because of his physical and mental problems.

My only hobby is smoking and nicotine.

A moment of relief seemed to numb his nerves.

Chen Daozhou wants to give his students a chance to compete for this challenging role.

So at the beginning of the school year, students were given a question about smoking.

Imitate a heavy smoker who has been smoking for more than ten years.

"I fought for this role for you. Theoretically, the other party only needs one male actor, but if you perform well today, I can make an exception and get you more opportunities to perform in film and television works."

This sentence made all the students extremely excited.

"When you were a freshman, I restricted you and didn't let you go out to take roles because your basic skills were not solid and you would embarrass Nortel's face if you went out."

"As usual, in your sophomore year, the school will arrange suitable role internships for you, but these suitable roles need to be fought for by yourself. Students who have not obtained suitable roles do not need to be discouraged. The school will arrange for you to I’m going to play a small role in Hengdian to get familiar with the environment and accumulate shooting experience.”

"Knowing the lens language on the set is also a knowledge worth studying. If you are strong enough, even if you are just playing a supporting role, it will be enough for the director to discover you on the monitor, reuse you, and even add scenes for you. Changing the script for you has precedent and is not nonsense.”

Seeing the excitement in the eyes of many classmates, Chen Daozhou said calmly: "But there is only one such person in a million. There are so many people on the market who can't even play bit parts. It will be a matter of time for them to leave this industry. There is a high probability that they will leave this industry." That will include some of you.”

When some students heard this, they also showed expressions of emotion and disappointment, and some even subconsciously turned their heads to look at Zhou Dingran.

Zhou Dingran was furious: What are you watching your father do?A bunch of dogs and a lot of stuff!

"This world has always been like this. Survival of the fittest. There are only a few people who can stand at the top of the pyramid. If they don't know how to study and don't know how to work hard, they will leave this industry sooner or later to avoid hurting others and themselves."

As Chen Daozhou spoke, he looked at Zhou Dingran in the corner and stared at him: "Am I right? Zhou Dingran?"

(End of this chapter)

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