Chapter 21
I originally thought that Zhou Dingran would smile awkwardly and shyly like before.

But what Chen Daozhou didn't expect was that Zhou Dingran went out of his way and shouted directly: "Yes! Teacher, you are so right!"

"Survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest has always been an eternal law in this world. If you don't work hard and make progress, you deserve to be eliminated!"

There was no sound in the whole class.

Everyone looked at Zhou Dingran with a surprised and strange look.

"Admiration from Zheng Qiangqiang +2!"

Zheng Qiangqiang looked at Zhou Dingran with an expression like a fanboy.

Among all the students in the four classes of the Performance Department combined, who the hell dares to talk to Teacher Chen Daozhou like this?

Tao Chunsheng and Wang Ke looked at each other and silently extended their thumbs.

Not to mention the others, it was as if they met Zhou Dingran on the first day.

Just what Zhou Dingran said just now changed everyone's impression of him.

There was a moment of silence in the classroom.

Chen Daozhou narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Dingran, only to find that the other person actually raised his head and looked at him confidently.

He suddenly felt interesting: "How about you come up and be the first to perform?"

"As much as you wish!"

Zhou Dingran was not timid at all, let alone polite, he stood up and walked to the podium.

He is an experienced actor, and acting is a daily routine for him. Other students may be shy and shy, but who is Zhou Dingran?

Fucking Hundred Flowers Award winner!

Best Actor!

A man who stands at the top of the film industry!
For an actor of Zhou Dingran's level, he shoots sex scenes with a sense of faith and mission. How can he feel embarrassed and shy?

So in full view of everyone, Zhou Dingran strode to the podium, glanced at the table, picked up a box of cigarettes from a black plastic bag, opened it skillfully, poured out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth.

This set of movements was so smooth that all the students present were stunned.

Is this a show?
Definitely a true performance!
His movements were so familiar that even Chen Daozhou couldn't help but turn pale when he saw it.

A chain smoker, definitely a chain smoker!
It is impossible to be so skilled without 20 years of smoking experience.

But the key is, this guy is so talented!
I'm really confused, you started smoking right from your mother's womb?
"Borrow a fire?" Zhou Dingran held a cigarette in his mouth and tilted his head to look at Chen Daozhou.

Chen Daozhou said with a dark face: "I asked you to perform, but I didn't ask you to get really angry!"

Zhou Dingran said in surprise: "But I just want to perform!"

Chen Daozhou stared at Zhou Dingran closely and silently took out a lighter from his pocket: "It's really a performance."

"thanks, thanks!"

Zhou Dingran took the lighter, but did not light it immediately. Instead, he held the cigarette in his hand again and asked, "Teacher Chen, how do you need me to act?"

To be honest, he looked at the notes handed over by Tao Chunsheng a little hastily.

He really wasn't sure what the specific requirements were for this acting assessment.

"You don't know how to act, so you just come up?"

"I will act however you want me to act. An excellent actor can easily handle any scene and any role without fear." Zhou Dingran said righteously.

Fit, keep fitting!
I'll see how I deal with you later!
Chen Daozhou laughed angrily, and his eyes gradually became stern: "Well, let me tell you now, your name is Niu San, you are 32 years old this year, you are born with abnormal development, one leg is long and the other is short, you have been laughed at in the village since you were a child... …”

"That year, you went to the hair salon to find a young lady. After one night, it was reported that you had a physical defect and could not be humane. Since then, you have been ridiculed and disliked by people. Over time, you have suffered from mental problems. You often see your dead father. And my brother..."

This description made many students in the classroom widen their eyes.

Wang Ke was also stunned. He scratched his head and looked through his notebook: "Isn't it right? The last time I lectured on the topic, I wasn't so detailed. This is too complicated. Let alone us. Even for a professional actor who has been famous for a long time, I'm afraid it's too complicated. Alright?"

"Don't you understand?"

Tao Chunsheng whispered: "Teacher Chen is angry and is trying to put on Lao Zhou's shoes."

Wang Ke suddenly realized and looked at Zhou Dingran with pitiful eyes.

But Zhou Dingran listened with relish, and in his mind he continued to model the character "Niu San" and write a biography of the character based on Chen Daozhou's description.

"I'm done, you can perform now."

Chen Daozhou looked serious and said harshly, "If your performance is not up to my expectations, Zhou Dingran, you will not take my courses in the future."

Zhou Dingran raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

Then he took two steps back and forth, and finally stood alone on the podium, with his hands folded, his eyes slightly blurred, and the three fingers of his right hand kept gently rubbing the cigarette.

The next moment, under everyone's gaze, he picked up a lighter and lit a cigarette.

In full view of everyone, Zhou Dingran held the cigarette between his fingers, turned his head and pulled it out vigorously, then put the cigarette into his mouth, and finally started smoking slowly.

He maintained this posture... After only a few seconds, the whole class couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter.

"Fuck, fuck!"

"It's obviously a piece of garlic, why is it pretending to be a narcissus!"

"That's right, just now he was so skillful in opening the cigarette box, and his movements were so smooth that it was dazzling. It turns out that he doesn't know how to smoke at all!"

"Silly, you have to inhale the cigarette into your lungs. You don't understand how you can imitate other people's smoking?"

"People who smoke are very handsome, and their eyes usually look melancholy, because many people's brains are actually in a state of relaxation when they smoke."

The people in the audience burst into laughter because Zhou Dingran's acting skills were so poor.

It's not a gesture made by someone who can smoke at all.

"Oh, Lao Zhou is in trouble now. Chen Daozhou has been unhappy with him for a long time, but now he is directly in the crosshairs. He is probably going to fail the exam again this year."

Wang Ke sympathized.

Tao Chunsheng also sighed: "It's not Lao Zhou's fault. I used to be in charge of the company and didn't have the opportunity to attend classes, but it will be better in the future. If I attend classes on time, I will definitely make up for all the subjects I failed. It's easy to improve your acting skills. Just listen to more lectures and practice more.”

Only Zheng Qiangqiang said strangely: "I think Ran Guo did a good job, he looks very much like my Uncle Gen."

"Who is Uncle Gen?" Tao Chunsheng asked.Zheng Jianqiang said: "There is a man in our village, I call him Uncle Gen, who is 50 or [-] years old. In our village, because he has no job and no income, he often relies on people for charity, but he is also often bullied... "

Tao Chunsheng was stunned. Following Zheng Jianqiang's description, Uncle Gen's appearance gradually formed in his mind.

Then he unconsciously looked at Zhou Dingran on the stage.

The next moment, his face changed slightly.

Even Tao Chunsheng had to admit that Lao Zhou's smoking performance just now looked very stiff, as if he was deliberately trying to be cool. But anyone who can smoke can tell at a glance that Zhou Dingran did not inhale the cigarette. , just passed through the mouth for a moment and spit it out.

And dozens of seconds passed, and Zhou Dingran continued to maintain such a smoking posture...

If it had been anyone else, Tao Chunsheng would have complained long ago. This is so fucking deceptive!

But just now, he noticed the seriousness and solemnity on Chen Daozhou's face.

It was different from the laughter of other students in the class.

From the moment Chen Daozhou finished talking about the play and saw Zhou Dingran start performing, surprise and surprise appeared on his face.

Until one minute later, the surprise on Chen Daozhou's face could no longer be concealed. He looked at Zhou Dingran who was smoking slightly absentmindedly. When he came back to his senses, the cigarette in Zhou Dingran's hand had almost burned two-thirds!
Looking back, I saw almost all the students in the class laughing at Zhou Dingran's acting skills.

Somehow, an unknown fire ignited in Chen Daozhou's heart. He raised his hand and slapped the table with a fierce voice: "Laughing? How can you laugh?"

Silence returned to the classroom again.

All the students' faces were full of surprise and confusion.

If you don’t take advantage of Zhou Dingran’s poor acting skills, why don’t you turn around and take advantage of us?


Zhou Dingran actually couldn't hold it anymore. He finally made up his mind to quit smoking. If he kept smoking like this, he would soon become addicted to cigarettes, so he said, "Teacher Chen? Can my performance be over?"

Hearing these words, Chen Daozhou's face brightened slightly, and he turned around and said, "Well, it's over. You go back and sit down first."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

This is not right!

Just now, he looked like he wanted to fire Zhou Dingran immediately. Why did his attitude change so much in just one or two minutes?

When did Teacher Chen become so gentle?

Zhou Dingran felt as if he had received an amnesty at this moment, and then skillfully flicked the cigarette butt into the trash can before striding back to his seat.

This scene also made many people's eyes jump. With this gesture of flicking the butt of a cigarette, do you think he doesn't know how to smoke?

Ghost letter!

How did Zhou Dingran perform just now?
He is completely a non-smoker!

Now everyone was confused.

"Zhou Dingran's performance was very good and exceeded my expectations. To be honest, I am impressed by Zhou Dingran today. He surprised me. His acting skills have grown to this extent in just one summer vacation. It is really unbelievable."

Chen Daozhou had a sigh on his face. As he spoke, he turned on the camera and began to carefully consider the one-minute clip of Zhou Dingran's performance. The more he watched, the more amazing he became.

The hands with no place to rest, and the slightly stiff smoking posture. Even without looking at the facial expressions, one can see from this body language that "Niu San" has an inner inferiority and cowardice, and that after being oppressed by the surrounding environment, he has already been riddled with wounds. A mind full of holes.

"Did you see anything?"

He raised his head, took a deep breath, and looked at the class: "Who can stand up and say something?"

No one speaks.

Although there were many people who were just ready to speak out and criticize Zhou Dingran for wasting the word "acting skills", but after Chen Daozhou opened his mouth and made the final decision, whoever stands up now will be a fool!Big idiot!
Is Zhou Dingran's acting skills really that strong?
Is it so strong that we can no longer understand it?
Seeing that no one spoke, Chen Daozhou took a deep breath and started playing the clips of Zhou Dingran's performance through the projector in the class.

After playing it three times in a row, Chen Daozhou said seriously: "What did you see in this performance?"

No one speaks.

Chen Daozhou didn't get angry anymore and pointed at a girl casually: "Zhu Qian, tell me."

The girl named Zhu Qian stood up hurriedly, her heart pounding, because she had just laughed the loudest and said bluntly that Zhou Dingran didn't smoke. At this time, the teacher called on her, and her whole face turned red from holding back, "Teacher." ...Well, I'm a bit stupid, I just saw that he doesn't know how to smoke!"

Chen Daozhou nodded: "Can you smoke?"

"Of course I... can't, but my family members do. I often observe them smoking, so I know that smoking must be inhaled into the lungs before it is considered smoking..." Zhu Qian spoke softer and quieter because she suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhou Dingran, who was sitting in the corner, had a mocking look on his face.

Her heart skipped a beat, knowing that she most likely said the wrong thing.

But Chen Daozhou did not criticize her, but encouraged her: "You are right, please sit down."

Then he looked at the class: "I personally want to believe that Zhou Dingran really doesn't know how to smoke. If he can smoke and he still wants to perform this performance in the same state as just now, then I can draw a conclusion now. Zhou Dingran will not smoke in the near future." , may be the most outstanding actor among you here."

"Even in the future, Zhou Dingran has a high probability of becoming a mainstay in the film industry, provided that he abides by the law."

The classroom, which was originally noisy, was completely silent at this moment.

Everyone was stunned.

This evaluation is too high!
Just this wretched man who secretly touched the butt of a junior high school student?Can he become a mainstay in the film industry?
It’s not necessarily a good idea whether he can still film or not?
Zhou Dingran put his hands on the desk behind him, nodding constantly as he listened to Chen Daozhou's comments. As expected of Chen Daozhou, a world-class actor, at least he still has this discernment.

Chen Daozhou continued: "Zhou Dingran's smoking is most likely due to performance, not that he doesn't know how to smoke as you think."

"I don't know if you have noticed that he is holding his cigarette in a holding position. He is holding a cigarette!"

"This is different from the normal smoking posture we are familiar with, but in fact many old men and women in rural areas used to smoke like this, and people in Niu San's village naturally smoked like this. Also, when I was filming in the countryside, I’ve seen people smoking two cigarettes connected into one, removing the filter tip of one cigarette and then connecting them together, which looks very domineering.”

"What does this mean? It shows that Zhou Dingran has rich life experience and has gone deep into the countryside to conduct observations. Moreover, his observations are meticulous and he is good at learning and applying them."

"Just this smoking posture, let me tell you the truth, it will take you ten years to learn it. Even if you put it in the entire film industry, you will be thousands of miles away from professional actors."

"The shortcoming of professional actors is that they are too good at acting and want to act too much. They wish they could smoke a cigarette in eighteen different ways. They smoke this way and that way, but none of them meet the director's requirements. In the end, they don't even know. How to smoke it?"

"But what about Zhou Dingran's smoking? If he keeps this state all the time, doesn't that throw you people away a million miles away?"

"How lively do you think he is? But in your eyes, what does he mean? Hey, why doesn't he move? Why is he always in this state? Does he not know how to smoke? He doesn't know how to act at all?"

"Are there many people who have this idea? Many!"

"But it is precisely because of the many that Zhou Dingran's extraordinaryness can be reflected, and the gap between people can be reflected."

 Please help me read it. I recommended it online. I only added a hundred collections in one day. The results are at the bottom of the crane. It’s bitter. It’s a matter of life and death. Please, please.

(End of this chapter)

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