Chapter 23
"I do not believe."

After the applause died down, a slightly excited voice came from the class: "The growth of acting skills is not achieved in a day. It's just a summer vacation. His acting skills can be comparable to those of professional actors who have been in the industry for many years? I don't believe it!"

"This is so hilarious!"

"If Zhou Dingran's acting skills are really as good as Teacher Chen said, why can he still fail? He can even fail the most basic acting major in our department. How can such a person have professional acting skills!"

What resentment what?
Zhou Dingran looked at the female classmate who stood up in confusion. It was Zhu Qian who had just been named.

When Zhou Dingran was performing, Zhu Qian's laughter almost lifted the roof. Now that Zhou Dingran's acting skills are recognized, she feels quite unbearable.

Those laughs were like a slap in the face, slapping her face at this moment.

Other students also felt the same way.

It's just that none of them dared to speak out due to Chen Daozhou's sternness.

For Zhu Qian, during the final exam of her freshman year, although she was not No. 1 in her professional class, she was still the best among the four classes, while Zhou Dingran was just a bastard who didn't come to a few classes a month. He was able to fail even the most basic stage form, and was laughed out of all the 22nd grade performance students at one time.

But now, Teacher Chen Daozhou actually said that his acting skills are comparable to those of professional actors, and that he is even thousands of miles ahead of professional actors. One smoking gesture is enough for them to learn for ten years?

Who can bear this!

Faced with doubts, Zhou Dingran did not panic at all. He just put his hands in his pockets and smiled at everyone.

This calmness and calm demeanor made Chen Daozhou very satisfied.

"I set the bar low before."

Chen Daozhou thought to himself: "It seems that not everyone can be called a genius."

Before today, Zhu Qian and other students had always been regarded by him as talented preparatory actors. He believed that after their debut, as long as the script of their first play was not bad and the director was good enough, they would definitely shine and become a star in the film industry. A new generation of stars.

But now it seems that it was totally wrong!

What is genius?

Actors like Zhou Dingran are the real geniuses with acting talent!

"Tianmang is really tireless in destroying people! How can such a good seedling be transformed by all this capital!"

Chen Daozhou felt heartbroken and regretful.

If Zhou Dingran learns acting step by step, he will definitely be able to make a career in the film industry in the future. Isn't this better than being an idol?
Idols can only feed themselves when they are young. Although their ability to attract money is indeed strong, they are at the bottom of the contempt chain in the entertainment industry.

Acting, on the other hand, is a lifelong job and is more respected. If it reaches its extreme, the influence of a play can even promote the development of the country and change relevant laws and regulations.

There is precedent for this!
"You probably all know that Zhou Dingran was an idol singer before this, and his popularity is not low."

Chen Daozhou said seriously: "As far as I know, when I was a freshman, Zhou Dingran didn't come to class very often, especially my acting class. He came even less, so much so that every time my name was called, I would skip it. His name, I remember the school leaders had a special meeting to discuss whether Zhou Dingran should be expelled."

"But after many discussions and discussions, Zhou Dingran's grades were not bad. Even though he didn't come to class many times, his grades in the final exam were not bad. Although he failed in the professional courses, he failed in the cultural courses. He excelled, and finally decided to keep him on probation."

"You should know that Zhou Dingran has an artist contract. This is not uncommon at Nortel. Many junior and senior students basically have contracts, but Zhou Dingran's contract is different. His contract stipulates that he You must participate in business activities organized by the company on time, otherwise it will be considered a breach of contract."

"And Zhou Dingran has already missed many activities due to class, which has also caused great losses to the interests of his group. The brokerage company has exercised its kindness by not suing him for breach of contract at the time."

"But even so, Zhou Dingran still has to squeeze out all his time to play around outside. Is that called an idol? Is that called a singer? In my opinion, he is just a puppet in the puppet class. Anyone can join. , Zhou Dingran is just more suitable, and in order to gain greater profits from him, the agency keeps letting him appear in commercial activities, which greatly reduces Zhou Dingran's class time."

"Under the pressure of such capital, Zhou Dingran only failed one subject. I think it is excusable."

"After leaving the shackles of the agency, Zhou Dingran had time to study and supplement his acting knowledge. Now, with his amazing observation and learning ability, it is only natural that he has made rapid progress in one summer." Zhou Dingran was stunned when he heard this. Stunned for a moment.

Does Brother Chen care about himself so much?

He himself didn't know many details, but Brother Chen actually knew them in such detail and so clearly!

A true mentor!
The students in the audience, including Zhu Qian, also listened with rapt attention, and their impression of Zhou Dingran also changed slightly.

"Is my analysis accurate?"

As Chen Daozhou was talking, he suddenly turned his head and asked seriously.

Zhou Dingran immediately said sincerely: "That's right, Teacher Chen is very insightful. I have never mentioned these behind-the-scenes things to anyone..."

"I've been in this industry for too long, and I've seen too many dirty tricks like this."

Chen Daozhou sighed with emotion and continued to ask: "And the incident you had in the cafeteria was very likely to be manipulated in secret. The incident developed too fast, and the direction of public opinion was obviously fueled by someone. Before the school could react, , the national media are reporting on this matter. Today, three months have passed. The police and the school have conducted multiple visits. Although the progress is slow, they have been conducting detailed investigations and evidence collection on this matter. I believe The final results will be announced soon..."

He paused and patted Zhou Dingran on the shoulder: "No matter what, you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, and keep it in your heart. The teacher is optimistic about you."

Zhou Dingran nodded and thanked him.

Afterwards, Chen Daozhou looked at the whole class: "I believe you won't be able to hear what I said. We actors should ultimately show our true qualities through our acting skills. Now, I will improvise the topic and let Zhou Dingran perform it live."

"Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know if you pull it out. If Zhou Dingran's performance conquers you, then I hope you will re-accept him with a new look and eliminate the grudges. The friendship between classmates is crucial in the entertainment industry. "

After Chen Daozhou finished speaking, he glanced at Zhu Qian and said, "Zhu Qian, come up and play with Zhou Dingran."

Zhu Qian was actually a little shaken in her heart, but she was still a little unconvinced. When she heard this, she immediately walked onto the stage and said, "I still don't believe it!"

The whole class stared wide-eyed at this moment, for fear of missing a scene.

Even Tao Chunsheng and others were extremely curious.

"If Lao Zhou is really so worried... I will hug him when he comes back!" Wang Ke murmured.

Wait until Zhu Qian and Zhou Dingran stand on the podium at the same time.

Under everyone's gaze, Chen Daozhou began to tell a play, and the first sentence he spoke made the whole class stunned.

"You are a mother and son."

After Chen Daozhou finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Dingran: "You are a ruthless and ruthless killer. Now you are sentenced to death. Before you die, you saw your mother, who has turned gray-haired, in prison for the last time."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhu Qian: "You are a mother."

Zhu Qian was stunned: "It's over? Is there no character?"

Chen Daozhou said: "There is no need to set up a character, which is also more convenient for you to play."

Zhu Qian's face turned red, Teacher Chen, you look down on me, you look down on me!

Chen Daozhou turned on the camera, looked at his watch, and said, "The performance time is 2 minutes."

"I'll give you 5 minutes to think. After 5 minutes, the show will officially begin."

 Chapter 2 is here, please vote!Please read it! !

(End of this chapter)

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