I turned out to be top-notch!

Chapter 24 I admit defeat

Chapter 24 I admit defeat

The 5 minutes of preparation time made Zhu Qian suddenly nervous, and she immediately went back to discuss it with her familiar classmates.

"This is how you should act, yes, just act like this! Overwhelm him in terms of momentum!"

"Teacher Chen didn't give you a personality. He allowed you to act casually because he had expectations of you. You are the mother. When you go to the prison, you directly preach to him and let him understand the core values ​​of socialism!"

"Only the weak need a character. It's best to act ruthless and ruthless. Just keep a paralyzed expression on your face. That's how the young actors in bad movies act."

"Your professional ability ranks in the top ten in the class, and Zhou Dingran is almost at the bottom of the class. Are you afraid of him? Just go up and throw a combination of punches to let him know what crushing and shock are!"

This duel was very interesting. Almost all the students in the class were making suggestions for Zhu Qian behind the scenes, which made Zhu Qian, who was still a little flustered, instantly feel confident.

"Yes, my acting skills are ranked in the top ten, or even the top five, in the whole class. Who does Zhou Dingran mean to me!"

Zhu Qian gritted her teeth and made up her mind to reveal Zhou Dingran's true face.

Compared with the excitement on Zhu Qian's side, Zhou Dingran looked calm and relaxed. He just leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets, closed his eyes and rested, looking like a mess.

"Can Zhou Dingran do it? If not, can we admit defeat?"

"Yes, we are all classmates, there is no shame in admitting defeat!"

"This dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. It's amazing!"

"So thick-skinned!"


After a flurry of discussion, five minutes finally passed.

"Teacher Chen, I'm ready!"

Zhu Qian said confidently.

Chen Daozhou nodded and glanced at Zhou Dingran: "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Zhou Dingran nodded.

Chen Daozhou looked at the two of them, and after making sure that they were all ready, he pulled out two tables from the class, docked them together, and then turned on the camera: "Think of these as the seats in the prison interview room! Now, listen to my commands. "

"Three, two, one!"


When the word "start" was spoken, Zhou Dingran sat down on the stool without any reaction. He just stared at Zhu Qian with a pleasant smile, looking nonchalant.

This made everyone a little confused. Why are you doing a real performance here?
You're really good at acting!

Even his opponent Zhu Qian was a little stunned. Just when she was about to ask, "Why don't you start?" Zhou Dingran suddenly picked up the mobile phone that was already on the table and was ready to be used as a walkie-talkie. He looked at Zhu Qian and said with a smile: " Mom, I’m quite at ease now and don’t have to worry about anything anymore.”

Zhu Qian was a little stunned when she looked at Zhou Dingran's relaxed and contented face.

Are you a death row prisoner?
Why are you still smiling on your face?

Are you ruthless and ruthless?

The whole class was silent, everyone felt that Zhou Dingran's acting skills were so damn bad!

Completely wrong!
I can’t act at all!

But the eyes of some of the students suddenly lit up.

"I didn't expect that he would play the role of a death row prisoner in such a way..."

Cruelty and ruthlessness are just external disguises.

When facing your biological mother, of course you have to smile.

Such a performance...

It's unclear whether he is optimistic or stubborn, or is he just trying to comfort his mother?
"Lao Zhou's opening... is a bit advanced!"

Tao Chunsheng became energetic.

"Absolutely, absolutely!" Wang Ke cried out excitedly.

Zheng Jianqiang watched attentively, clenching his hands into fists, "Is this Ran Guo's acting skills? Completely relaxed and engaged, it's amazing!"

After all, Zhu Qian was an outstanding student in the acting department. Although she was a little surprised, she reacted immediately.

Even though her eyes widened, countless acting plans that she had just thought of flashed through her mind.

But when facing Zhou Dingran's relaxed and comfortable gaze, for some reason, I suddenly wanted to cry.

The next moment, she couldn't help but choked up. At the same time, she picked up her mobile phone and cried out of instinct: "Son... I regret it!"

"Mom didn't educate you well!"

"Mom is guilty!"

Poor parents in the world, if their children do something wrong, they will immediately take the responsibility on themselves.Such a performance made everyone feel numb and goosebumps.

Even Chen Daozhou was a little surprised. He knew Zhu Qian's acting ability, and today's performance was absolutely superb.

He couldn't help but glance at Zhou Dingran, who was smiling calmly, and then at Zhu Qian, who was about to cry, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Okay, pay more attention to your body when I'm not around."

Zhou Dingran still pretended to be relaxed and optimistic.

Who said cold-blooded characters have to have a straight face?

The real killer always looks gentle and respectful, with a smile on his face.

Zhu Qian's mind was extremely confused at this time. She didn't know why. Looking at the smile in Zhou Dingran's eyes and thinking of the scene at this moment, her whole body felt trembling and she couldn't help but want to cry. Voice.

Especially when her son asked her to pay attention to her body, she subconsciously couldn't help but trembled and warned: "Don't do such a thing again in the next life..."

Even if your child makes a huge mistake, he is still your child after all.

She couldn't even bear to scold her son.

So I can only say to my son, "Don't do such things again."

It's like when you got into trouble outside when you were a child, and your mother really can't do anything to you. In the end, she can only tell you earnestly that you can't do this anymore. If you correct yourself, your mother will still love you and love you...

Zhou Dingran was still smiling and seemed a little stubborn.

But his eyes were always looking at his mother, listening to her earnest teachings. Finally, he nodded, sniffed, tried to control his emotions, and smiled with moist eyes: "Forget it in this life, in the next life, I will I will be filial to you again."

The words just fell, tick tock.

A large tear dripped down the bridge of his nose from the tip of his nose.

Under everyone's shocked gazes, Zhou Dingran put down the phone, rubbed his eyes and nose with both hands, but still couldn't hold back his tears.

"Son..." Zhu Qian couldn't help crying.

Zhou Dingran tried hard to suppress his emotions and cried hoarsely, "I'll just kowtow to you!"

After saying that, he knocked his head heavily on the table three times.

Zhu Qian couldn't help but cover her face with her hands and burst into tears.

Until this moment, all the students in the class couldn't help feeling sore at the tips of their noses, and some students with strong empathy even began to secretly wipe away tears.

Chen Daozhou looked at Zhou Dingran and Zhu Qian, his eyes full of relief.

Even at the last moment, he couldn't tell whether Zhou Dingran was crying or laughing.

Obviously, Zhou Dingran vividly displayed the characteristics of a character who, although he could not control his emotions, still had to be stubborn and pretend to be relaxed at this moment.

clap clap clap-

The students in the whole class couldn't bear it any longer, and they burst into continuous applause.

"Too strong! Too strong!"

"Zhou Dingran is so strong! I'm dumbfounded!"

"I'm convinced, I'm totally convinced, Teacher Chen still has a good eye!"

"Actually, Zhu Qian is not bad either. How did you come up with the phrase 'Mom can't educate, she is guilty'? I couldn't help but burst into tears!"

"Zhou Dingran has changed so much, his acting skills are amazing, and suddenly I feel like he is no longer so annoying!"

"With this acting skill, even if it is shown in major film festivals, it will definitely be a god!"

"Brilliant, 666!"

As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire. When Zhou Dingran unleashed his true acting skills, the whole class, including Chen Daozhou, was shocked.

"Good, very good."

Chen Daozhou clapped his hands with satisfaction.

When the applause stopped, he said: "Zhou Dingran's acting skills are layered. His laughter and crying are inherently contradictory, but the performance is very real, such as self-mockery about his past; dissatisfaction with his mother. Letting go and apologizing; the free and easy way to deal with it indifferently after knowing the result, and the inability to let go of the world, are all handled very well."

He then looked at Zhu Qian who was still crying: "Zhu Qian is not bad either. She almost perfectly took over Zhou Dingran's explosive acting skills. This is very rare. You are all very outstanding students, and you will definitely be good students in the future." He is a very good actor..."

"I-I'm not as good as him."

Zhu Qian suddenly raised her head, her eyes red: "I know my situation myself. My acting skills just now were beyond my level. In the scene just now, I was completely carried away by Zhou Dingran's acting skills. Without him, , I couldn’t finish the performance just now.”

Everyone was stunned.

Zhu Qi, are you giving in?

(End of this chapter)

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