Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 51 The Ghost Gate of the Acupuncture Point

Chapter 51 The Ghost Gate of the Acupuncture Point
The direction represented by "Gen Gua" is the northeast, and the corresponding hour is Chou hour, which is the direction with the heaviest Yin energy in people's mouth.In Feng Shui, the northeast represents children, especially young men in the family. Therefore, it is not surprising that young men in Suopan Village often die prematurely.

Moreover, the location of the gate at the entrance of Suopan Village is even more bizarre. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, it happens to be in the most taboo position of the ghost gate in Feng Shui.Regarding the history of the ghost gate, it has been mentioned in many classics and works throughout the history, and it is also something that people often avoid.

As early as the "Book of Mountains and Seas", the location of a ghost gate was recorded, which was the legendary Dushuo Mountain in the vast sea.The book records that there is a large peach tree on Dushuo Mountain. Its branches can wind for more than 3000 miles, and among the peach branches in the northeast is the ghost gate that people are most afraid of.

In order to prevent these ghosts from entering the human world and harming people, God sent two gods to guard the gate of the ghost. One of these two gods was named Shen Tu and the other was named Yu Lei.The two of them stood guard at the gate of the ghost world and checked all the ghosts. If they found any ghosts that wanted to harm people in the human world, they would capture them and seal them in the underworld.Therefore, people later carved the images of Shen Tu and Yu Lei out of peach wood and hung them on the doors of their homes to ward off evil spirits and ward off misfortunes.

Later, with the continuous establishment and development of Taoism, Taoism added two more entrances to the underworld, the so-called ghost gates.They are Pingdu Mountain, now Luofeng Mountain and Fengdu, in Fengdu County, CQ City, and the other is Mount Tai, a famous mountain in Shandong.

The Luofeng Mountain is located in Gui District in the north. According to the book, starting from the Song Dynasty, people directly regarded Fengdu County in the Shu region as the location of the Luofeng Mountain, and many Taoist temples and ancestral halls were built in the Fengdu area.There are also six palaces and eighteen caves on Luofeng Mountain, which are said to be the residence of Emperor Fengdu, the Lord of the Underworld.He guards the ghost world here. Only on July [-]th every year, the ghost gate will open wide.

In contrast, Mount Tai is located in the east and is the first of the five mountains in China.It is recorded in the book "Book of the Later Han Dynasty": "When Chinese people die, their souls return to the Dai (Tai) Mountains."In other words, the ancients believed that after death, the soul would go to Liangfu Mountain and the soul would go to Haoli Mountain.In order to control convenience and prevent the undead from disturbing the living, Taoists regard Mount Tai as the entrance to the underworld and the location of the ghost gate.

Therefore, the ancients believed that in addition to these three entrances to the underworld, which are often called the ghost gate, there is another saying that the ghost gate is in the northeast.

This is because during the Qin Shihuang period, the northeast was a gathering place for ancient ethnic minorities, which often brought bandit troubles to the ancient Han people.The ancient Han people defined the northeastern part of the country that often brought disasters to them as the "Ghost Gate", such as the Donghua Gate in the Forbidden City.In ancient times, every time the emperor or his concubines passed away, they would exit through this ghost gate.

Therefore, Catwoman left a message saying that Suopan Village is an extremely rare village in Feng Shui theory.The gate of the village is the Ghost Gate. There must be an ulterior reason behind this design. The four people entering the village must be careful at all times.

At the same time, Mao Po also said that the inner ghost gate in Suopan Village is centered on the acupoint center of the village. According to the compass survey, 45 degrees northeast is the outer ghost gate and 45 degrees southwest is the inner ghost gate.In the legend of feudal superstition, the inner ghost gate of Suopan Village is the most sinister place among the ghost gates. It is said that there are ghosts and gods from the underworld who are responsible for guarding this place all day long. It is the entrance or portal to the underworld, which means "ghosts and gods". The door of entry and exit.”

At the same time, it is also a place where ghosts will inevitably pass through, that is, it is not a door for living people to enter and exit.

According to the news from Mao Po, "Ghost Gate" in Feng Shui refers to the "dead spot" of the aura of a certain place, which is a place with heavy negative energy.The reason is that the sun rises in the east every day, reaches midday at noon, and reaches the west at night, and then night falls.

The cycle of the sun is a pattern that does not change every day. Therefore, within this pattern, it is difficult for the sun to shine adequately at 45 degrees northeast and southwest, especially in a humid and rainy area.Without enough sunlight, it is easy for evil spirits to breed, which is very detrimental to the living creatures living here.In Feng Shui, one object is one Tai Chi. It is precisely this principle that Suopan Village goes against the grain.

The Yin evil water in the northeast rushed towards the village, and many evil spirits gathered from the mountains gathered at the acupuncture points. The village entrance opened at the position of the inner ghost gate, which can be said to be all evils adding to the evils.

Therefore, Suopan Village has become a deserted village many years ago, and it is also the most evil ghost village among the people of Xiangdao.There are countless horrific legends about this village. Some people say that a man from a foreign land originally planned to enter "Suopan Village" to participate in the clan's god worship ceremony.

However, his walk into the village was not smooth, and he did not see the village gate until the sun was almost setting.When he walked into the village where he lived as a child, he discovered that the village was completely silent, and nearly hundreds of villagers had disappeared.What's even more weird is that the pots and pans of every household in the village are all neatly arranged, including the ingredients, supplies and livestock prepared for the celebration.

Moreover, the poultry are still alive and kicking, but all the villagers in the village have disappeared.The man from a foreign land suddenly felt shuddering all over his body. He hurriedly ran out of Suopan Village before it was completely dark.After coming down the mountain, he went to the nearby police station to report the crime, and the result was also a bizarre answer.

Others said that a group of climbers once passed by the "Suopan" village. One of the men was anxious to go to the toilet, so he asked other teammates to go first.But after a long time, the teammates who had gone ahead could not catch up with the man who was going to the toilet, so everyone turned back to the "Suopan" village to look for him.As a result, everyone was lost in the mountains and couldn't find the gate of the village.

Later, the hikers also called the police for help, and the police sent a large number of personnel into the village to search.

The body of the missing team member was soon found. Everyone found the man's body half standing in a kneeling position in the center of the village.The corpse's eyes were wide open, its facial features were distorted, and its expression was quite frightened.In this regard, the result of the forensic autopsy was that he suffered a heart attack, but it is unknown whether the sudden death was caused by seeing something horrific.

However, everything in the world must be reversed, and even dangerous places can be cracked with poison.Especially for a character like Mao Po, a dangerous place like "Suopan Village" might be an excellent place to go.

This small three-story foreign-style building built in the center of the cave was the place that Mao Po had deliberately renovated in the past, and was used as a secret room for her daily practice and retreat.The mechanisms and furnishings inside all reveal Cat Lady's cultivation. Without her guidance, it would be difficult for others to get out safely.

(End of this chapter)

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