Chapter 72
"Xie Rouxi, you, don't be arrogant. This is called businessmen knowing themselves and their enemies. Do you know how scary the profits of WY website have been in recent years? I am an entrepreneur!" Li Nan shouted at the top of his lungs.

Xie Rouxi nodded and said: "Okay, okay, entrepreneur! You are an entrepreneur, a great entrepreneur, but it doesn't affect being a friend of women!"

"I'm really an entrepreneur! I'm really an entrepreneur!" Li Nan struggled.

Xie Rouxi said reluctantly: "Yeah, really, he is an entrepreneur of Friends of Women..."

Unexpectedly, the two people's unintentional quarrel turned out to be a completely different story in the eyes of others.After all, there were rumors circulating in the West City that Li Nan and Xie Rouxi were about to get married.Team Zhang, the single man standing aside, really had no face to stand such flirting. He endured it for a long time and finally spoke.

Team Zhang said: "Miss Xie, let's close the team. We will investigate the clues you mentioned!"

"By the way, Captain Zhang, do you know about the dog market in West City? Is there any place for betting on dogs? Or are there any large-scale dog racing events recently?" Xie Rouxi smiled and asked seriously.

"We need to investigate specifically. As far as I know, there is a dog racing venue in Nancheng, West City, which is very famous in the country."

"The team can check carefully. The bite marks on the small wooden sticks in the garbage pile are dog teeth. The Li family has never kept a dog on the top of Wenshan Mountain. Maybe they should check if there are paths around the ancestral graves. One is difficult for people to follow. The path found outside!" Xie Rouxi said.

Captain Zhang glanced at her in surprise and said, "Okay, but how did you come up with this?"

The clues Xie Rouxi told were all fragments she had experienced in her dreams, but she could not tell others this fact.Therefore, Xie Rouxi made an excuse, saying that when she was in Xiangdao, she was interested in studying criminal investigation, so she thought of so many things.

This excuse was quite reasonable, so Captain Zhang and others stopped asking questions, and everyone dispersed...

A few days later, news came from the police that the case on Li Jiawen Mountain was finally solved.

What happened was this. After Wenshan said goodbye that day, Team Zhang applied for assistance from the bureau and contacted a famous domestic hypnosis master and some other departments for assistance.After analyzing the relevant evidence, many details and investigating many people, we finally successfully captured the two suspects and successfully recovered the lost Pomegranate Kao from the Li family.

The entire case process was similar to what Xie Rouxi had inferred and guessed in many aspects. One of the main culprits was the missing tombkeeper Gao Yun.They hypnotized another injured tombkeeper by using the unique witchcraft incense of the Dani people near the Li family's ancestral grave on the top of Wenshan Mountain.The suspected male Xie Size was implanted in his mind, allowing the injured tombkeeper to cling to Xie Size's existence and suspicion.

Gao Yun is a native of Yancun, Wu'er Township, Huaixian City, Southwest China. He was born in an ordinary peasant family. He was smart and studious since he was a child, and later successfully entered South China East University.When he was in college, he worked part-time as a waiter at a high-end bar in the Embassy District of Dongshi because his family was in a poor financial situation and had no money to pay for tuition and living expenses.

Dongshi, located in South China, is very close to Indonesia. The local economy is prosperous, commerce is developed, and the people are open. Therefore, many Indonesian businessmen travel to Dongshi.The bar where Gao Yun works part-time is a high-end foreign-related bar in Dongshi. The owner is an Indonesian, so there are many Indonesian businessmen in the store.In this way, Gao Yun, who was working in a bar, soon met Shiva, a young Indonesian businessman.

When Gao Yun was very young, his father went out to work and never came back. Only his grandmother, mother and sister were left in the family. There was almost no male participation in his growth process.As an adult, Gao Yun's personality was very feminine, and coupled with his good looks, he looked particularly feminine.

Under such circumstances, Gao Yun couldn't get enough of being among boys, and the classmates around him also ostracized him. He often couldn't stay in school and dormitories.He was in urgent need of an outlet for his emotions, and he also longed for the favor and approval of his peers. In the end, he chose to work as a bartender in a special bar.

Before meeting Shiva, Gao Yun often took advantage of his work to hang out with various types of men, and he was already a relatively famous male waiter in Dongcheng.He originally thought that he would live like this for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that everything would change after he came into contact with the male businessman Shiva.

Shiva's family background is very prosperous. Both his parents are very successful businessmen. His two brothers and three sisters are also outstanding young talents.However, his youngest son was born with a slight disability in his left leg and always walked a little funny.

This fatal flaw has become a huge shadow in a perfect home, and Shiva's heart is extremely fragile and sensitive.He always felt that no one understood his pain and loneliness, and refused to have in-depth communication with anyone. He always tried to anesthetize himself with a luxurious life.

However, he lowered his guard in front of Gao Yun, and the two similar souls actually fell in love with each other.

Unfortunately, Hill's superior family background does not allow him to have such an outrageous love affair, let alone have a gay lover like that.His mother committed suicide twice and asked her son to break up with Gao Yun. His proud father did not hesitate to kneel down to Hill and beg him to leave Gao Yun.

In the end, after being coerced and induced by his parents many times, Hill could only leave Dongshi heartbroken and chose to break up with Gao Yun.Moreover, under the arrangement of his parents, he soon married and had a child with the only daughter of a wealthy Indonesian businessman.After Gao Yun learned the news, he completely gave up his studies at Dongshi University, left Dongshi without saying goodbye to his family, and began to wander around.

After a period of confusion, the heartbroken Gao Yun came to the West Market and happened to meet Wenshan from the Li family looking for the tomb keeper.This profession just suited his mood and could provide him with food and clothing, so Gao Yun relied on his own qualities to successfully apply for the job as Wenshan's tombkeeper.

However, the world is full of wonders, and the so-called bad fate lies in the word fate. Maybe the debt from the previous life has not been paid off, and Gao Yun and Hill are destined to meet again in this life.

About half a year ago, the Global Chinese Chamber of Commerce was held in West Market. Hill’s wife is Chinese, so he also participated in this event.At this chamber of commerce, Hill successfully negotiated a cooperation with a big businessman in Xishi, which was to promote the popular brick sculptures in Xishi to Indonesia.

Maybe people who are destined will meet each other. The largest brick carving factory in the West City is built at the foot of the mountain not far from Wenshan.As the brick carvings from this brick carving factory became more and more popular in the Indonesian market, Hill, as a partner, began to come to the West Market frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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