Pictures of pomegranates

Chapter 73 Greyhound Racing

Chapter 73 Greyhound Racing
There are no coincidences in this world. Just when Hill went to the largest brick carving factory to inspect the latest brick carvings, it suddenly started pouring rain in the West City.The mountain road near the brick carving factory has always had many twists and turns. This was the first time for the driver to drive on this road. The sudden heavy rain further frustrated his vision. As a result, in a trance, the car Hill was sitting in It hit the big tree on the side of the mountain.

In an instant, the car rolled over into the middle of the mountain road. Fortunately, except for the driver himself, Hill and the other two accompanying people were all fine, but they were more or less injured.Seeing that the driver was seriously injured, and the heavy rain caused poor signal quality in the mountains, Hill, who was almost uninjured, left the damaged car with an escort and walked to the nearest person for help.

As for the nearest inhabited place, it is no surprise that it is the Lijia Shou Mountain Checkpoint at the foot of Wenshan Mountain. There are people stationed there all year round.The person accompanying Hill knew this situation very well, so they immediately rushed to the checkpoint at the foot of Wenshan Mountain in the heavy rain.

As luck would have it, just when Hill was in the most embarrassing situation and in need of help, he met the tombkeeper Gao Yun who came down from the mountain to pick up something.Looking into each other's eyes, a helpless couple who had been forced to break up reunited again. Suddenly, the two people were like what was described in the ancient poem: once the golden wind and jade dew met, they defeated countless people in the world.

As a result, the twists and turns of love seem to have greater magic power, and the two people who have experienced sadomasochism become even more in love.In order to see his lover Gao Yun often, Hill spent a lot of money and found someone to secretly build a secret passage from the foot of Wenshan Mountain to the dormitory of Gao Yun, the tombkeeper.

At first, the two people fell in love vigorously in the silent Wenshan Mountain, and they wanted to continue living like this.However, there is no airtight wall in the world, especially the other tombkeeper who lives with Gao Yun.One day, the tombkeeper accidentally discovered Hill, a stranger, near his dormitory, and his roommate Gao Yun's reaction to the stranger made him even more confused.

He secretly followed Hill, who claimed to have gone the wrong way, until he saw his roommate Gao Yun at the foot of Wenshan Mountain. When the two men hugged each other, the tombkeeper smelled different emotions.He hid in the dark and eavesdropped, and then he learned that Hill planned to let Gao Yun resign and take him somewhere else, so that the two of them could continue to live together.

Faced with such a transcendent love, the gravekeeper was shocked and suddenly enlightened, because he guessed from Hill's dress and conversation that this person was either rich or noble.Afterwards, the tombkeeper immediately did some research. He successfully found out Hill's true background and the relationship between his roommate Gao Yun and him.

The tombkeeper was immediately overjoyed, and thought of using this as a blackmail, and kept asking Gao Yun and Hill for money.

Because a long time ago, the tombkeeper had become obsessed with the illegal dog racing underground in the West City, and now he invested all his savings in these races.But he didn't expect that he lost a lot of money as a result of illegal underground dog racing, and he owed a large sum of money to the dog dealers because of it.

Therefore, every time it was the tombkeeper's turn to go out for a break, he would help the dog dealers steal dogs everywhere in the West Market.

However, the dogs that he and the dog dealers could steal in the West Market were not very good in appearance or body shape. There were very few dogs that could be selected to participate in underground illegal competitions, let alone one that would win the competition. good dog.

It is precisely because of this that he, who was always working in vain, was almost beaten to death by a dog dealer who owed him money.Finally, the tombkeeper had no choice but to focus on the big black back guard at the foot of Wenshan Mountain, those good dogs that the Li family spent a lot of money to find.In order to successfully steal the big black dog out, the tombkeeper also spent a lot of effort. Not only did he get close to the gatekeeper at the foot of the mountain, but he also bought a lot of predators and toys to lure the dog.After a series of experiments, he found Heibei's favorite small wooden stick, applied the dog predator on the stick, and successfully stole a big Heibei.

This small wooden stick was exactly the one Xie Rouxi found. The police detected dog predators on it.Through this clue, the police found the Li family's lost guard Da Heibei at the largest underground illegal dog racing track in West City.Moreover, through the testimony of the dog dealer, evidence was found that the tombkeeper was involved in illegal dog racing and stealing dogs.

Of course, this is a later story. Let me first say that the tombkeeper was overwhelmed by the debt he owed while he was luring the dog.Unexpectedly, God helped him, allowing him to accidentally discover the adultery between Gao Yun and Hill, and successfully find the secret passage.He was in debt, so he blackmailed Hill and extorted a lot of money from him.

However, people's hearts are not as strong as snakes swallowing elephants. What's more, this tombkeeper is still a red-eyed gambler. How could he let Hill, the god of wealth, go.From the initial threat of [-] in cash to the continued threat of [-] in three days, Gravekeeper became Gao Yun and Hill's nightmare. Both Hill and Gao Yun couldn't bear the bottomless pit.

So, they decided to get rid of the tomb keeper, block the secret passage, and then fly away together.

Due to the continuous hype in the media and the operation of capital, Xishi's brick carving products are very popular in Indonesia, and the prices have also risen.Especially among the brick carvings, those vivid pomegranate flower carvings are crazy loved by many wealthy people in Indonesia.

Coupled with the media's promotion of traditional Chinese culture, many local people will recite ancient poems describing pomegranate flowers, such as the pomegranate membrane is light and bright, the pomegranate seeds are fresh, the green peach tree in Yaochi is enviable, and the peach blossoms have red cheeks for 1000 years.Moreover, many people also believe that brick carvings of pomegranate flowers imply wealth, peace and descendants, so brick carvings of this type of flower are becoming more and more popular.

However, the regrettable thing is that if you want to carve a lifelike pomegranate brick sculpture, you not only need the extremely skilled skills of the brick carving factory masters, but also need many lifelike patterns.Unfortunately, these two things have become less and less rare in recent years, especially the very rare and beautiful Pomegranate Flower King. Most old masters have never seen it with their own eyes, let alone other young masters who have just started brick carving.

Without excellent objects to observe and imitate, the master craftsmen also lacked the inspiration to make colorful objects. Therefore, the brick carving factory's orders were dissatisfied by the local wealthy people.The largest brick carving factory in the West City could not produce particularly outstanding pomegranate brick carvings. This incident also gave Hill a great headache.

The gravekeeper's repeated attacks also aggravated Hill's anxiety and gave him a desperate idea.He knew that there was a pomegranate flower king on the top of Wenshan Mountain, and he also knew the tombkeeper's plan to steal the dog to pay off the debt. After combining the two, Hill planned to do one thing to solve all the problems.

(End of this chapter)

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