My different world is game mode.

Chapter 652 The Ancient One

Chapter 652 The Ancient One


"It's an awakener! The fifth stage!"

The companions who were attacking together just a second ago and were preparing to move together died in front of them in the blink of an eye.

The cruel scene is enough to shock people.

But the warriors in the maze had already tempered their character. They reacted quickly, flew into the surrounding darkness, and then quickly dispersed.


On the wall where human corpses were hung, the pale finger bones that had just pierced the wall of the maze turned slightly.

Immediately, the power of the source material flowed through the bones.


The explosion occurred instantly.

White bone powder filled the air, and a more aggressive corruption poison spread rapidly.

From the gap in the maze to the crack in the wall, a dead white route opened up, and the last few Zergs that were still holding on quickly fell down.


The Aberrants continued to pour in.

Mindless and controlled, they continued to move without losing momentum, just like zombies in a movie.

But this time, there was one more figure among the deformed ones.

Unlike those low-stage deformed people whose bodies were obviously distorted, whose skin was dark green and covered with swellings and lumps, this man was wearing a linen gown and had a calm expression.

Even if you observe carefully.

There was no deformity of his flesh or blood, and he looked like a normal living person, except that his left arm was limp at his side in an abnormal way.

It was as if the bones had been completely pulled out.

"That's the guy!"

"He is different from other aberrations. We cannot fight him. Retreat first!"


The human warriors naturally saw the other party's extraordinaryness.

The long battle allowed them to react correctly. They simply gave up observing and continued to retreat along the dark maze, keeping a distance from the enemy.


"Oh? This arrow..."

A man with a calm expression walked in.

He looked at the corpse at his feet, pulled out an arrow, and immediately recognized the poison on the arrowhead. His calm expression became solemn:

"Toxins can restrain the power of corruption."

"But it doesn't have the power of life essence, it's just a drug effect?"

As he spoke, the man's soft right arm straightened up again, and the sound of bones growing rapidly could be faintly heard:

"Use the pure effect of the drug to restrain the power of corruption."

"The awakened ones nowadays are really not simple."

Hear the emotion.

Among the deformed ones in the back, a normal-looking human figure emerged:

“Times are always moving forward.”

"Unless we fight until the world collapses and the inheritance is cut off, like we did in our time, people will just get stronger and stronger."

Beside the two 'normal humans', more deformed beings poured into the maze, but they stopped here and ceased their progress.

The next Aberrant to appear spoke:

"Our strength has only recovered to the fifth stage. We may not be able to deal with the talents who can create these scenes."

The Aberrant standing at the gap in the maze took a few steps forward.

He ignored the maze walls that were recovering around him and came to the warrior he had just killed with his finger bones.

Slender fingers dug into the corpse's head.

Accompanied by the sound of "puffing", in just a few seconds, the soldier's head was empty and the eye sockets on the corpse were sunken.

The Deformer obtained the other party's memory through the brain:

"City construction, city buildings with strange functions - is this a city built by craftsmen? No! The skills of their lords are not of this kind, and their expressions are more diverse."

The aberration behind him also stepped forward:

"I'm still waiting here, please explain clearly."

The former withdrew his finger, stood up straight and explained:

"I discovered a whole new technique that I had never heard of."

"This city was created by his ability, but he is not in this city at the moment."

The Deformed in the back laughed out loud:
"That's really good news, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with."

The Distorted One in front made a judgment:
"Anyway, let those who have just been promoted to the fifth stage go. One person's memory is not enough for me to understand the whole picture. Now that Master Phil is heading to the Capital of Law, those of us who stay behind must act with caution."

The Aberrant in the back shook his head:
"Look at what you said, it seems that this desolate world may still be repaired."

The former retorted:

"The powerful vitality of the East is still growing."

"Put aside the arrogance of the ancients and face this era. We are now apprentices."


On the other hand, the news of the appearance of the special deformer was quickly spread to the depths of the maze.

The legion commanders are ready to go at the entrance of the maze.

They got the news from their nervous subordinates, and they looked at each other in confusion, and a subtle atmosphere spread.

As the commander of the Fourth Legion, Hongshi stretched out his hand and said:

"If it's as expected, then they are the kind of mutants that Master Lindsay mentioned, revived from ancient times. Their true strength may be more than the fifth stage, but they haven't recovered yet."

The elemental manipulator Nari next to him also spoke:

"Then we plan to use the old method. Can we deal with this kind of enemy?"

Hongshi smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"It all depends on your courage."

After fighting underground for a long time, people were already filled with anger.

After Hongshi and Nari spoke like this, the legion commanders became furious and began to respond:
"Then just do as before and fight them!"

"Use the maze to divide their forces and create a situation where we have more people against fewer, and then we will gather together and act!"

"We have done this so many times, there is no way we will fail!"

At this moment, Vivian spoke:

"Killing the enemy is, of course, our ultimate goal. But we cannot be careless because of this. We must take the safest approach!"

After the life-and-death chase in the mine, Hongshi had special trust in this little girl.

He immediately followed Vivian's words and said:
"In that case, you must have some specific ideas, right?"

The girl nodded affirmatively:
"In the early stages, just like before, we will use the maze to divide the enemy's forces and annihilate them in batches. But in launching the final assault, we must extend the time."

Someone among the legion commanders spoke up:
"The long-term battle has already caused fatigue among the soldiers. They have been holding out for several months and their condition is not very good. Now the battle time is extended..."

Vivian turned to look at the legion commander who had spoken.

She said in a mature and serious tone:

"Those ancient aberrations must have mastered abilities that ordinary fifth-stage awakeners do not possess. If we are not careful, our entire army may be wiped out."

"So in order to protect everyone's lives as much as possible."

"We must prolong the battle, use the swarm to consume their energy, and save the battle against the strong ones for last!"

(End of this chapter)

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