My different world is game mode.

Chapter 653: The Long Front

Chapter 653: The Long Front
"Kill another one!"

"Let's go to the Fourteenth Legion's jurisdiction in the west!"

"Aigner just led the aberrants over there. Once the Zerg swarm cuts off their team, we will go to the back and take out another one!"

【Secret Tunnel】

Research Cost: 1000 Stone, 10 Sulfur
Function: The maze will not trap its own people. In the dark corners, there are independent and open tunnels hidden.

A corner of the maze.

The legion commanders, who had just ended a siege, were moving through the hidden tunnels of the maze, heading southwest.

And where they had just left, the bodies of the deformed were spread all over the ground.

The three Zergs dragged the corpses on their backs one by one and returned to the center of the city, preparing to turn them into fertilizer for cultivating the [Withered Queen Flower].

At this moment.

It was already the second night of the battle.

After a long period of roundabout fighting, the awakened ones of the [Underground Fortress] were exhausted both physically and mentally.

Just to maintain their morale, they forced themselves to continue fighting.

The number of Aberrants has decreased, but they are still attacking the Labyrinth.

The humans, relying on the huge area of ​​the maze and its automatic recovery effect, also adopted the strategy of dividing the enemy forces and fighting in a roundabout way, thus maintaining the situation.

And until now.

An elite team composed of legion commanders has successfully killed three fifth-stage mutants.

When there is only one stage 5 player on your side.

This record is truly brilliant.


In the dark tunnel, the people who had achieved consecutive victories felt depressed.

After two days of continuous fighting, the people's physical and mental states have reached their limits. Even if there is a poison that can restrain the [Corruption Poison], they cannot maintain such high morale and achieve victories again and again.


The legion commanders moved forward in silence, and no one spoke.

In order to avoid being discovered by the Deformers, there were not even torches lit in these hidden passages, and people relied entirely on their trained blind-fighting skills to navigate through them.

At this moment, in the tunnel where the footsteps were suppressed to the lightest.

The tension and fatigue seemed to merge with the surrounding darkness, pressing down heavily on people's hearts.

"The Fourteenth Legion is ahead."

Along with the voices, a flame flickered in the darkness.

Levi, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

The meteorite sword in his hand shone with flames, and he said to his companions behind him:

"Everyone is not in good condition, you can rest here first."

"Leave this to me."


No one spoke in the tunnel where the fire flickered.

Under normal circumstances, others would definitely not agree with Levi's words.

But after two days of long fighting.

The fact now is that the physical strength and mental state of the fifth-stage awakeners crush those weaklings.

"I'm in pretty good shape, I'll go with you."

Nari, the elemental manipulator, spoke up.

Although he is only in the third stage from the Mercury Mine, with the help of his own skills, he is still in a state where he can fight.

Levi nodded and said nothing more.

The two men arrived at the tunnel exit one after the other and immediately noticed something strange around them.

——Unexpectedly quiet.

Whether it's the Zerg, humans, or those deformed ones.

As long as there is a battle, there will be some noise to a certain extent, but on the side of the Fourteenth Legion which should have been in a fierce battle, the atmosphere was surprisingly quiet.

"I'll go out first."

"Narui, help me cover for a while."

Levi ordered.

He clenched the meteorite sword in his hand and walked out of the hidden passage of the maze.

The scene before me was disturbing.

More than ten torches were lit in the empty cave, and bright red blood was scattered all over the ground.

And the human army that was theoretically stationed here was now empty.

In the middle of the remaining empty space, a lone figure sat there. He looked like a normal human being, but he was holding a corpse in his arms, with his head stuck inside, and no one knew what he was doing.

The Aberrant...

Moreover, it was the kind of enemy that had revived from ancient times reported by the scouts who were attacked at the beginning!

Levi's heart tightened.

The fifth-stage awakeners they dealt with in the past few days were all the new generation who were converted later.

This was the first time he encountered an enemy that had been revived directly from ancient times.

"It's them..."

Levi gritted his teeth as he realized something.

These guys are completely different from the enemies in previous battles.

The underground pastures for raising humans and the means of spreading the [poison of corruption] in the past world are all conspiracies made up by these ancient resurrectors!

Past experiences came flooding back to my mind in an instant.

Strike first to gain the upper hand.


Levi shouted loudly.

This roar should have alerted the enemy.

But under the control of Levi the Awakener's skills, the power of the sound was completely confined around the body, without any leakage, and finally attached to the long sword.


The meteorite sword caused a strong vibration.

The power of sound and vibration was still controlled by Levi around him, pushing his body faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye he was behind the enemy.


The long sword filled with flames and poison slashed at the enemy's defenseless back.

A 'click' sound.

The crimson blade cut through the air, splitting the sitting figure in two.

Then, strange things happened in front of Levi.

The wounds of the body that he had chopped in half were burning with flames and were also being corroded by toxins.

But this Aberrant was different from the previous enemies.

His upper body, which was lying on the ground, seemed fine, and he suddenly turned his head. Although he was looking at Levi from a lower angle, his eyes revealed a feeling of looking down on him:

"Oh, it's finally here."

"Young man, your tactics are good and seem to be well trained, but your actual application is still a little raw."

"Go to hell!" Levi had no intention of talking to the enemy.

The flaming sword that had just been swung was raised again, and with this momentum, it chopped vertically towards the corpse below.


"What a hothead."

In an instant, purple-black tentacles grew from the body that was split into two halves on the ground.

The Deformer did not meet Levi's attack.

Instead, he quickly retreated several dozen meters, and then his purple-black tentacles came into contact with each other and twisted together.

Flesh and blood merge under the control of skill.

In just a moment, the enemy who had just been split in half was transformed into a complete human being and stood in front of Levi again!

An unprecedentedly dangerous enemy.

Levi realized that it was impossible to win a quick victory, so he whispered to the Deformer:

"Monster, where are the others here!"

"Others?" The Aberrant thought for a second before reacting, "Ah, you're talking about those people!"

"They are all high-quality bodies, so they should naturally be sent back to be assimilated by our power."

(End of this chapter)

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