My different world is game mode.

Chapter 691 Traveler on the Back of a Bug

Chapter 691 Traveler on the Back of a Bug


In a house under the banyan tree forest, Vivian was holding a simple piece of paper.


When you receive this letter, the morning light will probably have already shone on the treetops of the banyan forest.

And I have already embarked on the road to leave here.

Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, but some roads can only be walked alone.

Some stories can only be witnessed by wind and time.

When I first came to this world, I thought I was just a passer-by, but now I have become a ruler; the once barren and lost world is now gradually recovering its vitality and has become a place that can create smiles and happiness; and you have now become a qualified heir.

Now, I will leave.

It's your turn to write your own story.

Finally, please remember.

As you once said, strength is a tool; what is important is the kindness in your heart and your respect for life.

The three cities I left behind are a gift to the world and everyone.

Believe you... (a smear of black)

No more nonsense.

If I remember correctly, this year is the harvest day.

No one can guarantee that they will become an awakened person.

So I left a gift for you. If you failed to awaken, use it.

Be sure not to tell anyone else.

Your teacher and friend——Lindsay. 】


Vivian stood still.

She was trained by Lindsay and took over a lot of work.

He and Alice led the army to launch a campaign in the West.

These deeds have earned Vivian a great deal of reputation. In today's [Forest City], no one uses age as a factor to view her identity.

Vivian held the paper in her hand and said nothing.

On the wooden table in front of her, there was a thin imprint.

[Emblem/Material: Source Emblem]

[After equipping, the user can actively activate the emblem during the source tide. At the cost of consuming the emblem, the user can be forced to become an awakener; it can also be used as material to make other items. ]

[Special emblem, higher value. ]

Vivian had never seen this emblem before.

But from the farewell letter Lindsay left, we can guess what this thing is used for.

Then, the girl's shoulders twitched slightly.

Silent crying spread throughout the house little by little.

Outside the house, the daily life of the [Forest City] continued, and no one knew that their lord had disappeared.

After the Green Swamp showdown a few months ago.

Lindsay extracted the 'absolute destiny' of the resurrected gods and transferred it to himself.

Everything that happened later confirmed his guess.

The decline of the world's vitality came to an abrupt halt, and the explorers and invaders who had narrowly escaped death also completely saved their lives. However, the injuries accumulated over decades were too severe, and they are now recuperating in the [Forest City].

Hildurde lost all her skills and should have died there.

The writer girl also truly lost all her source memory and became a teacher at the Forest City University.


at the same time.

In the further east of the wasteland world.

Lindsay was riding a huge bug, with a group of them following behind him, and was heading towards the end of the world.

Completely defeat Green Swamp.

His [Real-time Strategy] module was naturally upgraded, and a new skill was naturally added to the panel.

Strategic Command:
Players can give orders to their subordinates from a distance based on the display of the strategic map.

Note: The sacred F2 connects us! 】


“It’s just like the operation on a computer.”

Lindsay sat on the back of the bug and happily operated it. He didn't need to speak, move, or use any language or facial expressions to issue commands.

On the [Strategic Map] that only he could see, a selection box appeared with a light swipe, and all nearby bugs were selected.

Then you can command your troops in this way by simply issuing commands on the map.

This skill has absolutely no distance limit.

Even if he was far away in the west of the world, taking care of the soldiers on the battlefield, Lindsay could still perform real-time operations by dragging the perspective of the [Strategic Map] over there.


“If it were a world with a sci-fi background.”

"My skill... is completely faster-than-light communication!?"

at this time.

Lindsay, who was playing with her new skills, saw a green dot for a quick shortcut on the [Strategic Map].

He turned around and looked.

A figure dressed in linen clothes came closer and closer.

The other party's speed was far beyond that of an ordinary person. Within a few minutes, he also jumped onto the back of a bug.

——Alice, the righteous one.

The two had known each other for several months. Seeing this, Lindsay just smiled and waved:

"Why, let's go to the Capital of Law together?"

Alice nodded seriously:

"We have the same goal."

Lindsay didn't say much.

The main reason why he did not take anyone else with him was that the outcome of this journey was unpredictable and there would inevitably be huge crises.

Now there is someone with the same goal as us on this journey.

Lindsay, who had experienced traveling alone, knew that this was a great thing.

At least there's someone to keep me company!
So he tilted his head back and checked his new title and items.

Because it directly took away the miracle of reviving a god.

In his list of titles, there was a new title with the same effect as the others, but a very special name - [God Slayer].

Below are the corresponding achievement rewards.

[Special: Mythical Arrow]

[When a divine creature is hit by this arrow, its own myths and legends will be forcibly modified, causing serious injuries or even death.]

【False God! 】

[Dangerous arrows targeting gods, with higher value]

Lindsay continued to pack her bags.

After the battle, he sorted and collected the shells of the [Dead Core].

But because of the fusion of the internal life and the will of God, the spoils obtained from it are somewhat strange.

[Strange Item/Material: Twisted Dead Fetus]

[A languid dead fetus mixed with twisted vitality and God's will, filled with an ominous aura that will bring misfortune to anyone who comes into contact with it; it can also be used as material to make other props.]

[Special item, value unknown.]

Because of the description on the item, Lindsay didn't want to touch this thing, so he just transferred it into his bag.


The crafting list is empty.

"This thing... is it a hidden synthesis formula?"

Lindsay raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

In this way, he and the righteous girl set out on the journey together.

Until a few days later.

The dark sky of the dark abyss appeared in the sight of the two.

Lindsay and Alice slowed down unconsciously.

When they got closer, the damaged stone steps were still lying there, without any change from when Lindsay left.

“It was actually… destroyed by someone.”

Alice sighed.

Lindsay smiled and took out [Purple Leaf Vine Branch] and [Moon Teardrop]:
"Can I still lie to you?"

"I have stayed in this world for so long just to repair it."

(End of this chapter)

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