Chapter 692 Gamers
Before coming to this step.

Lindsay also thought seriously about it. Since the [Sky Stone Steps] are so hard, can the [Purple Leaf Vine Branches] be inserted into it smoothly?

But it turns out.

When he took out the [Purple-Leafed Vine Branch], he immediately felt an inexplicable breath of life coming from the branch in his hand.

This branch seemed to be actively longing for something.

It was taken away from the cave by Lindsay, and it wanted to take root here and reconnect the two separated worlds.


Alice noticed the change and stared at Lindsay in silence.

Lindsay didn't say anything either.

He simply inserted the [Purple Leaf Vine Branch] towards the [Sky Stone Steps] under his feet with a serious and solemn movement.


A magical scene happened before their eyes.

The inorganic rock without any life actually cracked open on its own.

The broken [Sky Stone Stairs] was also actively accepting the entry of this branch, allowing the end of the [Purple Leaf Vine Branch] to be smoothly accommodated.


The next second, the ground beneath their feet began to shake.

The solid black color of [Sky Stone Steps] began to slowly fade, and this power gathered on the [Purple Leaf Vine Branches], helping it to grow rapidly, and eventually turned into a vine more than 10 meters long.

The end of the vine extends into the void.

It did break through the chaotic and empty space around it, opening up a safe path.

But because the [Sky Stone Stairs] were broken, it was impossible to provide the power for it to grow completely.

So this road is just a beginning.

Just seeing this scene, Alice beside Lindsay couldn't help but express shock:
“It’s really restoring the connection between the two worlds!”

"Lindsay! Where did you get this strange thing?"

"It was an adventure a long time ago." Lindsay smiled modestly, "And it's not over yet. Next, we have to make it grow quickly."

Lindsay extended her right hand.

The Moon Teardrop that once lay on the explorer's chest was placed by him on the root system of the Purple Leaf Vine Branch. The power from the origin of the world immediately surged outward and was transmitted in the form of life force.


The vines, more than 10 meters long, immediately began to grow forward.

This time, it not only moved forward, but also expanded its width to the left and right, turning a narrow path into a broad road!

There is no doubt that the roads where the world connects are being repaired.

But Lindsay, who bent down, fell silent.

He found that he couldn't move!
The surface of [Teardrop of the Moon] was now firmly attached to his right hand.

This magical item not only provides enormous vitality to the [Purple-Leafed Vine Branch], but also infuses Lindsay's body with strength!
"Lindsay, are you okay?"

Alice, who is extremely sensitive, discovered the problem.

An awe-inspiring aura emanated from the girl, and she gripped the sword tightly in her hand.

No need to say a word.

Now, with just a glance from Lindsay, she could swing her sword without hesitation and cut off Lindsay's hand.

Lindsay shook her head quickly:

"No, no, no!"

"It's okay, it's helping me!"

Alice was stunned for a moment, then realized the truth before her:

"This is... the feedback from the world's power!"

"Because you saved it and repaired the connection between the worlds, this power was bestowed upon you?"

Lindsay smiled back:
"That's probably it."

At this moment, a huge amount of life force is continuously pouring into Lindsay's body.

His life essence, which is the foundation and even surpassed by the will essence, is rapidly improving under the nourishment of this power.

The owners of the life essence often have extremely long lifespans, and need to rely on the accumulation of a long period of time to improve it. But today, in an unexpected form.

During Lindsay's growth stage, the essence of life broke through the limit, and even stronger power burst out from the essence of life, filling his body.

[Advanced Life Essence]

【Life spectrum (growth) → (maturity)】

The text on the panel changed.

The concept of vitality has also entered the mature stage from the growth stage.

As the owner of this power, the first thing Lindsay felt was that his body was extremely strong!

Different from the strengthening of the essence of will.

The vast majority of the power of the life essence is inclined towards the physical body itself.

Lindsay's physical attribute increased by 50 points.

Agility and strength also increased by 40 points each.

Attributes that do not directly belong to the body, such as Will and Charisma, each increased by 10 points, while Intelligence only increased by a pitiful 5 points.


The moment she completed the promotion, Lindsay felt her hands lighten.

The connection between him and the Moon Teardrop was severed, and his body leaned back, and was directly held in Alice's arms:
"Lindsay, have you successfully advanced?"

Lindsay nodded, the joy in her voice undisguised:

Alice also praised in an approving tone:

“This is giving back to the heroes.”

Lindsay was still catching her breath, adjusting to the new power in her body.

The enhancement of attributes is naturally not all of the life essence.

Like the [Stairway to Heaven] of the source of will, human rights and divine authority are divided at this stage.

The [Life Spectrum] of the life essence also has unique effects.

Lindsay's physical recovery ability has been greatly improved, and his lifespan has also increased to an extremely exaggerated level.

Now he no longer needs to hurt himself to check the situation.

Just by slightly sensing the change in her vitality, Lindsay was certain of one thing.

He is now directly immune to most of the world's diseases.

The poison also had little effect on his body.

Moreover, as long as the limbs are not directly severed, such as serious injuries such as fractures and muscle ruptures, he will recover automatically after a week of rest.

What’s even more exaggerated is the lifespan.

The burst of life essence greatly increased Lindsay's lifespan limit!
Even if he doesn't use any external means to prolong his life, he can still live for about 1500 years!

For other awakeners, the maximum lifespan at this stage should be between 200 and 300 years, and for holders of life essence it should be within 1000 years.

The extra 500 years that Lindsay has are still a gift from the power of the world!
Remember, he is only 23 years old now.

Compared to this age at the end of life, Lindsay said that she was still a baby, so it probably wasn't a problem.


Lindsay was a little dazed for a moment.

But some things will not stop just because of slow thinking.

When both the life essence and the will essence meet the requirements.

He had been stuck at the 4th stage of [Gamer] skills for several years, and the words on it had changed accordingly.

[Game player upgrade]

[Hardcore players (stage 4) → gamers (stage 5)]

[Module slot: 3→4]

[Activate ability: Remote play]

[Remote Fun: Players can spend essence to temporarily rent the module to others for use. ]

(End of this chapter)

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