Chapter 702 Believers

Lindsay and Alice burst into the fray.

Neither side in the battle expected that a third party would intervene at this time.

Especially under the strong will of a sixth-stage awakener, and a righteous person, the entire battlefield trembled.

Then Alice rushed into the crowd.

The skills displayed by the upright girl at this moment are completely different from those when she led the army. Her strong will has not leaked out at all, but instead condensed around her body into her own territory.

All miracles belong to oneself.

There was no golden light of law on Alice, nor any grand scene with amazing sound effects.

She was just walking through the battlefield.

With every horizontal blow, an enemy would be knocked to the ground by the incredible force, and then lose consciousness under the pressure of the righteous will.

The original attacker and defender.

The most powerful awakener among them is only at the fifth stage.

Alice's direct attack was like a war hammer that smashed a dent in the ground, and the scene under the city wall soon became a chaotic one.

Lindsay followed closely behind.

He had no intention of being in the limelight.

He just held an iron rod in his hand and knocked down the attackers that Alice had missed one by one.

"Heretic! Fanatic!"

Most people see six stages of righteousness.

Losing the courage to fight, or even actively escaping, is the norm.

So, these people naturally shifted their target of siege to Lindsay, who seemed ordinary on the surface.

It only took a few seconds to join the battlefield.

Lindsay saw a beam of black light coming quickly and stabbing towards his face, and there were similar objects following closely around him.


Lindsay held the iron rod in his hand forward.

The weapon in his equipment bar is [Blade of Extinction], mainly for its indestructible quality.


Black Light is a straight knife made of peculiar material.

The weapons of both sides collided, and the latter shattered instantly, dissipating in the air and turning into pure source matter.

But it wasn't this kind of weapon that Lindsay cared about.

He was checking the information provided by the reconnaissance skill.

[Blade of Faith——After a believer advances, a miracle is triggered by his inner will. This type of weapon often has unique personal characteristics depending on the user.]

"The power of believers..."

"It is true that their personalities were controlled, but because of their faith, they truly gained the power of the awakened ones?"


While sighing, Lindsay swung out with a stick.

All other weapons of faith around were shattered, and Lindsay raised his left leg and kicked the charging enemy in the chest.

Lindsay moved as fast as lightning.

The opponent couldn't even react, let alone dodge.

Lindsay deliberately conserved his strength for this attack, but the awakened person who had just tried to attack him was still sent flying backwards and fell to the ground unconscious without any ability to resist.


Then, Lindsay, who had just lifted her left leg, felt that her right foot on the ground was unable to move.

It's not that he is merciful and doesn't want to take action.

The air around him inexplicably solidified, forming iron-like shackles that locked his ankles firmly to the ground.

"He has been controlled by the Agent!"

"Kill him!"

The crazy believers around them approached instantly.

They continued to use their faith to condense the black weapon and attacked Lindsay almost at the same time.


Head, throat, heart.

Lindsay took a quick look and made an immediate judgment.

The attacks launched by these fanatics are all directed at the most deadly parts of the human body!

"Then I won't be polite."

The next second, the fanatics who besieged Lindsay didn't even have time to utter a wail before they all flew into the air and flew backwards in their respective directions.

Lindsay simply swung the iron rod in a circle. From high above, the trajectory of the fanatics' fall was like a blooming gerbera.

Now Lindsay's attributes are far superior to those of ordinary people.

Even if he did not activate the [Concentrated State] and simply swept the iron rod in his hand around, these third and fourth level awakeners would be unable to resist and fly backwards, following in the footsteps of their companions.

At this time, Lindsay's eyes were fixed on the left front of him.

There is a fifth-level awakener there.

The opponent was staring at his ankles closely, and the skill of freezing the air should also be his method.


Lindsay stepped down with her left foot.

The force of hundreds of magnitudes instantly crushed the solidified air into pieces, and even left a cracked footprint on the ground.



The fanatic on the opposite side gasped.

He activated his skill, and the air between the two of them immediately condensed into solid air walls.

But all this was in vain.

Lindsay simply swung the iron rod without even using any skills, and the walls that were strong enough to block the impact of the car were broken into pieces.

This is a fifth-stage believer.

But it was almost impossible to stop Lindsay even for a second!
With steady and terrifying steps, Lindsay walked towards the other person step by step.

"You... Ugh!!!"

The fanatic's eyes were red and his body was shaking.

The obsession in his heart made him want to attack, but his body's instinct was so frightened that it began to tremble.

The next second, Lindsay stretched out her hand at a speed that was difficult for the other party to react to.

The fanatic was strangled by the throat, his legs were pulled down weakly, and his upper body was struggling.

At this moment Lindsay looked around again.

After his and Alice's surprise attack, the siege force of hundreds of people was now completely defeated.


Lindsay raised an eyebrow and looked at her taskbar.

[Battle for Sky Island] was indeed displayed as completed.

He stood there, holding the fifth-stage awakener captive in his hand and checking the rewards.

[Equipment/Material: Live Wing Parachute]

[A freely foldable parachute can be opened at a high enough height when the wearer falls from a high place to avoid falling injuries; because of the movable wing design, the wearer can control the falling direction to a greater extent in the air; it can also be used as a material to make other props. ]

[Specially designed parachutes, lower value. ]

Lindsay naturally dug up an old synthesis formula.


Most of those miscellaneous things can be made with iron ingots.

All that's missing are the isolation suits and parachutes.

Lindsay raised her eyebrows:
"Now that we have the parachute, the isolation suit... I remember that we can make it with [Pressurized Sea Stone]."

Lindsay pondered her composition list.


But before he could start synthesizing, the prisoner in his hands struggled violently.

——The breath of fear.

The man stared at the direction of the city wall, as if he would die on the spot in the next second if he didn't break free from Lindsay's restraints.


Lindsay turned her head.

On the city walls, he saw hostile guards.

The other party had already drawn his bow and the arrow was aimed at himself and the prisoner in his hand.


"Even though we were clearly here to provide support, they still adopted a hostile attitude."

Seeing the situation on the city wall, Lindsay sighed. This was expected.

He called out to the upright girl next to him:


"We've captured the prisoners, let's retreat first!"

(End of this chapter)

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