My different world is game mode.

Chapter 703 [Multifunctional Survival Equipment]

Chapter 703 [Multifunctional Survival Equipment]

The arrow was not shot out yet.

Because in addition to hostility and resistance, Lindsay also saw fear in the other person's eyes.

He and Alice completely defeated the attacking forces, and the defenders on the city wall naturally saw it.

He also understood the disparity in strength between the two sides, so he did not dare to let go of the arrow in his hand.

On the other side, Alice heard Lindsay's shouting and didn't say much.

The girl knocked down the enemy in front of her, and like Lindsay, she picked two people as prisoners.

Lindsay followed with his own captive.

Behind them, the towering city walls gradually receded into the distance.

Alice and Lindsay walked all the way to the edge of the empty island, and only then did they understand where these believers came from.

On the opposite empty island.

The black matter condensed into a bridge, one end of which extended to the rocks of the sky island, becoming their bridge to cross the sky.


“This is also the skill of believers.”

Alice nodded slightly.

She didn't care much about the skills of her followers, but she felt a little sorry for those who joined the battle:
"Or get dragged into war and into madness."

"Or stay in the city and become numb people who regard war as normal."

"Whether it's the [Dust Path World], [Moon Crying Mountains], or [The City of Law], it all has to end."

Lindsay patted Alice on the shoulder:

"You are doing this right now, so go for it."

Then Alice asked for a rope and began to deal with the captured believers.

Lindsay was on the side, tinkering with his synthesis system.

First, use [Strong Pressure Sea Stone] to make an isolation suit, then use iron ingots to make other odds and ends. Finally, all the materials are gathered together to create a [Multi-functional Survival Equipment].

Lindsay had a wad of black fabric in her hands.

He unfolded the cloth. It was an airtight jumpsuit covered with neatly arranged gray lines, which looked like both a decoration and the skeleton supporting the whole equipment.

Check the properties again.

[Equipment/Material: Multifunctional Survival Equipment]

[A special armor with complete functions suitable for various environments. After the user equips it, all attributes are improved by 3, and multiple survival effects are obtained; it can also be used as a material to make other props.

Oxygen supply - half an hour of independent oxygen supply, automatically replenished after contact with oxygenated air.

Isolation - Excellent environmental isolation effect, immune to environmental damage such as poison gas.

Lighting - Undifferentiated lighting in a 5m radius.

Speed ​​Swim - Swim faster underwater.

Lightning Avoidance - No lightning will hit the wearer on rainy days, or the wearer will be actively protected against a total of 3 lightning attacks. The number of defenses will slowly recover over time.

Dig – Increases digging speed and distance.

Slow descent - reduce the speed when falling from a height and control the direction to a certain extent.

Waste disposal – treatment of excreta.

Adrenaline - Automatically provides 5 powerful adrenaline injections in critical moments. This effect cannot be restored actively and requires consumption of [Adrenaline] potions to replenish. 】

[Armor with many functions and capable of adapting to various extreme conditions, it is of high value. ]


"This 'multi-function' is really no joke!"

After looking at the long list of effects, Lindsay was even a little dazzled.

Not to mention the dazzling effects that follow, just increasing all attributes by 3 is already a pretty good ability.

If you have to find a disadvantage.

That is the [Multi-functional Survival Equipment], which needs to occupy all the armor slots. After equipping it, you can no longer wear pants, shoes, or clothes.

Lindsay conveniently checked the next level synthesis formula.

[1 multi-functional survival equipment + 1 multi-functional detector + 1 high-performance battery + 3 solar panels = special agent action armor]


Many of the items looked familiar, so Lindsay immediately searched through her bag.

He counted them carefully and found that the only thing he needed to complete the next level of synthesis was a [Multi-function Detector]. [1 Plant Expert's Backpack + 1 Professional Prospector's Pointer + 1 Wilderness Hunter's Hunting Guide + 1 Thief's Trap Installation Guide = Multi-function Detector]


"Hunter's Handbook and Trap Installation Guide."

Lindsay studies her equipment.

At the same time, Alice next to her also finished her task.

There were three captives in total, all of whom were tied up with ropes by the upright girl, who then used special skills to suppress their abilities.

These three awakened ones could only crawl on the spot.

Alice patted one of them on the cheek.

"Wake up."


The believer shouted and immediately began to struggle.

Alice didn't tolerate the other party and punched him directly in the abdomen.


The next second, the believer huddled up, hesitating, his tone almost groaning:

" are a righteous person!"

Alice asked calmly:

"How did you become believers? What is the object of your faith?"

The first half of the sentence, asking how to become a believer, received no response from the other party.

But when Alice asked about the object of his faith, the pale man immediately became excited:
"Arrogant! Great..."

The crazy voices of the believers came to an abrupt halt.

In front of him, the righteous girl stared at him with gray pupils.

It was as if the gaze that penetrated his soul had completely calmed his heart, to the point that even his faith was temporarily suppressed.

Alice's calm tone revealed seriousness:

"I am not your enemy, and no one wants the [Dust World] to continue like this."

"So, tell me."

"What on earth is happening in this world?"


Artists can convey their emotions to others.

At this moment, Alice also clearly conveyed her will to the believer in front of her.

After looking into the girl's pupils.

In just a few seconds, tears began to flow down the man's face unconsciously:
"I, I don't want this either."

"But Red Earth City was breached and my home was burned down. I had nowhere to go..."

Believers began to complain.

[Dust Road World] is currently divided into three areas.

The center of the world is called the core area, where there are the most resources, the most powerful people, and the most intense fighting. It is also the area where it is almost impossible to build cities.

It is impossible for ordinary people to survive there.

The circle with the center of the world as the center is called the central ring world.

There are fewer resources here, and ordinary people and awakened people live together. Various city-states have been established here, making it a truly habitable area.

This believer also came from there before his family broke up.

He used to live in the city, enjoying a barely stable life.

Until the war came.

“I was homeless, having fled the battlefield and was wandering around.”

"At that time, I really didn't know what to do. It was the Bishop of the One and Only God who took me in and gave me everything I have now."

"I...I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want to fight..."

"But there is no other way! Only in this way can I survive until now!"

(End of this chapter)

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