My different world is game mode.

Chapter 728 The Secret of Silver

Chapter 728 The Secret of Silver

Lindsay didn't sleep all night.

It wasn't just a matter of him having a mouthful of sugar cookies in his throat.

At the same time, he also had considerable concerns about the Silver Witch's skills.

Just as merchants' skills come from money, so when the currency is spent, they will be in trouble.

The Organizer's power comes from the humans she rules.

If they have no subordinates or lose a lot of territory, they will easily be defeated by other awakened people and fall from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley.

But as long as there are people under your command.

This kind of awakener can also continuously burst out powerful power, not to mention that Ye Haiya is a seventh-level awakener.

At this moment, Lindsay is in the city of the Silver Witch.

If the other party puts the organizer's ability on himself.

If anyone had any ability to read minds or study behavioral structures, Lindsay's previous disguise would probably have been torn to pieces immediately.

So, why didn't Yahya do this?

Lindsay had no doubt about the other party's strength.

So this specialness is out of caution towards rare talents, and she doesn't want to limit her future development because of the control of skills; or does she not want Lindsay to be forced to submit, but rather hopes that Lindsay will take the initiative to surrender?
Anyway, no matter how you think about it.

It can’t be because I called her sister, right?

As Lindsay pondered, he opened the [Strategic Map] and scanned the castle.

Except for the secret room for storing supplies discovered earlier.

After half a day, he discovered other similar secret rooms one after another.

There are quite a few such places, and there are also basements hidden beneath the floors.

Lindsay used his knowledge of architecture to analyze the structure.

He even found a place that might be a secret room built privately by craftsmen. He didn't know how this behavior would be viewed by the organizers.

"This spaceship must not be too small."

"And if it was made by a craftsman, it would have the magical ability to fly - this would inevitably involve the existence of the source."

"The search process can be limited to two directions."

"The first is that the space is large enough, and the second is that there must be a source of energy. Both are indispensable..."

The morning light shone into the house through the castle windows.

Under Li Zi's care, Lindsay got up, dressed, and had another 'terrible' breakfast.

At this moment, he was sitting in the house, thinking about his next move.

But after just a few minutes, the expression on his face instantly returned to that of a child.

Because it took less than a moment.

There were footsteps approaching quickly from the next room, and then Ye Haiya pushed open Lindsay's door and walked in quickly:

"Lindsay, are you awake?"

Ye Haiya walked up and sat directly beside Lindsay's bed, holding her in her arms.

Lindsay looked up.

Ye Haiya's eyes when looking at him were still as gentle and full of expectations.

He had no choice but to nod and reply:
"Sister, I'm awake."

Ye Haiya then asked:
"What do you think about the path of the awakeners I talked about yesterday?"

Lindsay naturally said:

“I think those who do the right thing…”

Before Lindsay finished speaking, Ye Haiya in front of him suddenly interrupted:
"Don't worry, I have training methods for the strongest awakeners. But to reselect your skills, the first step is to abolish your old skills."



Lindsay changed her tone instantly: "Sister, this...isn't this too sudden? I still want to know more details about the awakener!"

Ye Haiya also thought it was just a child's fear.

She reached out and touched Lindsay's head, but did not continue to urge him:
"Of course, there is no need to rush into this kind of thing. It is also important and correct to understand the future direction of the art in advance. Lindsay, since you are interested in those who practice the right way, let me tell you about this kind of people first."

Afterwards, Ye Haiya gave Lindsay a detailed introduction to the abilities of those who practice righteousness.

Lindsay already knew all this from Alice.

No need to elaborate at this moment.

As the topic came to an end, Lindsay began to think about the real purpose of his trip - the spaceship.

If you have to find the answer.

Who else could know this city, this castle, and her wealth better than Ye Haiya in front of him?

Lindsay immediately began to guide the topic:
"Sister, I heard that the world next door is called [City of Law]?"

Ye Haiya continued to answer:

"Yes, there are truly powerful people there, and it's not a place that people like us can reach."

Lindsay continued to speak:
"If you want to go there."

Ye Haiya smiled and ruffled Lindsay's hair:

"Silly boy, you think too much."

"The sky islands in the east of the world have been destroyed on a large scale. It will probably take thousands of years for them to repair themselves. If you want to get there now, you'll have to use wings to fly over."

Lindsay lowered her head and pretended to be deeply troubled.

Seeing this, Ye Haiya comforted him:

"Of course, there is a way to do this."

"As long as you become a truly strong person like me, crossing the sky will not be a problem."


Lindsay really wanted to ask directly whether the other party had a spaceship.

But he knew he didn't want to ruin his image, so he had to continue the topic:
"Sister's skill, is it being an organizer?"

Ye Haiya nodded and said:

"My ability is organizer, a very special ability."

"The strength of this skill mainly depends on how many people you control. Advancement and development also come from this. For an existence like me to advance to the next stage, the prerequisite is to completely rule a world with a thriving civilization, but this does not necessarily guarantee success. Things for awakeners become more and more difficult as time goes by."

At this point, Ye Haiya also lamented his current situation:
"And in the midst of war, I can unify my forces, conquer the world, and finally form my own country. This is relatively more suitable for me and a more promising path."

The Silver Witch murmured in a low voice:
"Phase 8."

"Yes, stage 8."

This sentiment brought back Ye Haiya's memories.

If you are facing an adult, a stranger.

Of course, the Silver Witch couldn't open her heart and tell her past. But next to her at this moment was a child who called her sister.

"Lindsay, before I became an awakener, I was just an ordinary person."

"The lord who raised me has great power and has done many unforgivable things. My parents, my hometown, my motherland... In order to avenge him, I must do this."


Lindsay's expression froze.

It's often that simple.

By disguising her identity, the Silver Witch spoke out the secret in her heart.

Lindsay looked at her property panel.

as predicted.

The task [Secret of Silver] has been shown as completed.

(End of this chapter)

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