My different world is game mode.

Chapter 729 [Thief's Trap Installation Guide]

Chapter 729 [Thief's Trap Installation Guide]

"Now I have nothing to lose."

"But Lindsay, you are different. You still have a future full of possibilities."

Ye Haiya’s emotion is meaningful.

As an awakened person who has sublimated seven skills and began to come into contact with and influence the laws of the world.

No matter what world it is, even a core city like the City of Thousand Sails.

Ye Haiya is also a strong man in the absolute sense.

But even such an existence couldn't help but show bitterness on his face at this moment.

Afterwards, Ye Haiya introduced Lindsay to several paths of awakeners and also mentioned the advancement methods of these paths.

Wait until the bell rings outside in the morning.

Ye Haiya took the initiative to leave the backyard of the castle and walked out of the castle with his servants.

The city was being built and there were many things she needed to deal with.

No matter how much Ye Haiya values ​​Lindsay, he can't put aside the construction of his own city.

"I only bring servants with me when I go out, no guards."


"That's right. A seventh-stage awakener still needs guards? This is not a feudal dynasty built by mortals."

Lindsay shrugged slightly. With this free time, he collected the task reward on the panel.

[Accessories/Materials: Thief's Trap Installation Guide]

[After equipping, the user consumes the source material, and the installation guide will display nearby traps and provide guidance on removal or installation; it can also be used as material to make other props. ]

[Rare reconnaissance props with moderate value. 】

All equipment with map functionality is equally simple to use.

As soon as Lindsay put the [Thief's Trap Installation Guide] into the accessories column, a bunch of new icons immediately appeared on the map.

Among them, the most eye-catching is naturally the castle.

An arch or a square trapdoor sign represented a nearby secret passage. Lindsay counted them one by one:

"Basements—eleven, secret rooms hidden in the walls—sixteen; besides these, there are seven secret passages."


"If this place is used to play hide-and-seek, it would be unbeatable."

Lindsay studied the new findings carefully.

There were several rooms that he had not even noticed before. But now with the help of the [Thief's Trap Installation Guide], not only did he save all the hidden spaces, but even the methods of entering or dismantling them were marked one by one by this equipment.

Among the many secret rooms and tunnels, the most eye-catching are the two secret passages in the castle.

One of them leads directly to the city area outside the castle.

The other one was even more exaggerated - it led directly to the cliff under the sky island outside the Silver City. It was obviously an emergency passage for escape after defeat.

Lindsay memorized these terrains that might be useful.

At this time, look at the synthesis formula in front of you.

[1 Plant Expert’s Backpack + 1 Professional Prospector’s Pointer + 1 Revenant Hunter’s Hunting Book + 1 Thief’s Trap Installation Guide = Multifunctional Detector]

"All I'm missing is the Wilderness Hunter's Hunting Manual."

"And refer to the equipment synthesis rules - once this thing is successfully made, as long as the [Multi-function Detector] is equipped, the effects of four pieces of equipment can be activated at once, saving a lot of space for accessories and equipment."

Lindsay sat by the window, thinking.

After a few minutes, Li Zi, who had left earlier, came back.

The maid's hands were not empty either. She held a beautiful long-necked porcelain bottle filled with a berry drink that exuded a strong sweet aroma.


Lindsay's eyebrows jumped.

Before Li Zi could speak, he started to take over the topic, and also tried to test it:

"Li Zi, what kind of person is Sister Ye Haiya?" If it was a day ago.

As a maid loyal to the organizer, Lizi would definitely refuse to answer without hesitation.

But her control has changed.

The maid didn't even have the slightest doubt on her face, and answered directly:
"Lord Yahya is a man with very contradictory behavior."

"As an organizer, she is extremely driven by a desire for power, but is naturally resentful of being in a position of domination over others."

Li Zi's attitude in answering questions.

This allowed Lindsay to confirm her control over the maid.

However, he did not ask directly, but referred to his current child's personality and asked the question in a tactful way:
“But…Sister Ye Haiya’s opinion of me seems a little special?”

Lizi nodded as expected:

"Lord Yahya has always valued awakeners."

"But this is indeed the first time in history that she values ​​you so much."

Isn't that right?

A newly awakened child can possess fifth-stage source power.

No matter in which world this incident takes place, it is a shocking miracle.

Any awakened person who wants to pass on his skills will never miss such an opportunity.

Then Lindsay asked a few more questions.

Seeing that the maid in front of him could no longer provide much information, he changed the subject:
"Pear, can I walk around the castle?"

The maid replied immediately:

"Lord Yahya has instructed that you can walk around the castle or the city as you like, but it's best not to go outside the city walls. There are too many people there and it's not safe at all."

The city or castle is under the control of the organizer.


"I'll just walk around the castle today."

Lindsay's lips curled up into a barely perceptible smile.

After this conversation, he threw away the jam drink that Pear brought him and wandered around the castle.

On the surface, Lindsay really walked around the castle like a child, memorizing unfamiliar roads.

But secretly, he replaced it with the [Puzzle Game] module.

Every time you pass a secret room or secret passage.

You don't even have to slow down, just combine the nearby clues in front of you and come to the corresponding conclusion.

[Secret room - a space hidden between the cracks in the wall. The food residue on the ground indicates that this is a place to store emergency food.]

[Secret Room - A secret room hidden between two rooms. There is nothing inside and it seems that it has not been used yet.]

[Secret basement - a warehouse filled with a large amount of gold and jewelry. ]

[Secret Tunnel - An underground secret passage connecting the left corridor and the right corridor. You need to remove the stones decorating the wall to open this road.]

[Puzzle Game] and [Thief's Trap Installation Guide] are used together.

Lindsay walked around the castle, searching for secret rooms like this with almost no success, and the maid who was traveling with him didn't find any trace of him.

Look around as you go.

After viewing most of the castle, Lindsay paused when passing by a sculpture display area that was under construction.

At the end of the road, there was only one craftsman working hard.

Lindsay pointed at the other party from a distance and asked:

"Li Zi, the thing in his hand suddenly became smaller?"

The maid immediately began to explain:
"That is the skill of the master craftsman."

"It's amazing how they can make some amazing things and change the size of objects at the same time."

(End of this chapter)

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