Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 131 Unreal and Real

Chapter 131 Unreal and Real

After leaving the camp, Lind found a relatively narrow place on the moat and jumped up. While he was in the air, he activated the storm dragon rune in the sword of the Homeless Knight, and a powerful hurricane appeared out of thin air, knocking Lind out. The whole person pushed forward several meters and landed firmly on the grass on the other side of the moat.

Ever since King Robert inspired the storm dragon rune in the sword of the Homeless Knight, Lind has been experimenting with the use of the storm dragon rune.

In the memory of the Homeless Knight, the complete power of the Storm Dragon rune is extremely powerful. It can generate huge storms that destroy cities, and can also directly create binding storms to drag dragons flying in the air to the ground.

However, just like the other two dragon runes, this storm dragon rune is also unable to exert its full power. Let alone create a storm that can destroy a city, such as the tornado generated on the day when the rune is activated. The Storm Dragon Rune can now exert its maximum power. Perhaps after accumulating power for a period of time, the tornado generated will be larger.

Directly using the power generated by the Storm Dragon Rune to fight is obviously not the way to use this dragon rune. It cannot cause direct damage like the Thunder Dragon Rune and the Frozen Dragon Rune, so Linde can only find another way without using the Storm Dragon. The runes are used against the enemy, but used on oneself.

The result was just as he thought. When he applied the power of the Storm Dragon Rune to himself, his movement speed increased a lot. When he used it with all his strength, he even had the illusion that time had slowed down.

In addition, he can also use the power of the Storm Dragon Rune to stay in the air for a short time or fly short distances.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he jumped from the top of a tower like the Towering Tower now, he would not only die, but even be injured. This is like the Feather Falling Technique and the Feather Falling Technique in some games in previous lives. Same as flying.

He suspected that if he could accumulate the Storm Dragon Runes to a certain level, he might actually be able to fly in the air.

In addition, this reminded him of the flash ability of Sol City's top master. Perhaps that flash was the result of utilizing the Storm Dragon Rune to the extreme.

It is precisely because of the assistance of the Storm Dragon Rune that Linde is not worried about encountering any accidents in the weird ruins of Summer Hall in front of him, because even if an accident occurs, he can escape from here with the speed blessed by the Storm Dragon Rune. .

After tidying up his clothes, he looked at the phantom of Summer Hall in front of him and stepped in.

In a secluded open space outside the camp, Asha was competing with Brienne in swordsmanship. Although after a few days of training and her own foundation, Asha's swordsmanship had improved a lot, she was still inferior to Brienne. A little bit.

Under Brienne's provocation, Asha's wrist was stabbed, her palm loosened, and the practice sword fell to the ground. Brienne quickly retreated quickly, keeping a distance from Asha, and suffered several losses. She has learned well.

Asha looked at Brienne who was running away, curled her lips, and picked up the practice sword listlessly from the ground. At this time, she inadvertently saw Lind leaping up on the river bank not far away, flying over like a big bird. It crossed the nearly ten-meter-wide moat and landed on the grassland opposite.

"Look, Lord Linde has gone to the ruins of Summer Hall!" Asha couldn't help but raise her finger and pointed at Linde and said.

Brienne looked at Asha warily at first, and did not look in the direction of Asha's finger, because Asha had used this trick to deceive her before, but soon she discovered that Asha was not playing tricks, so she Looking in the direction of Asha's finger, he happened to see Lind walking towards the ruins ahead.

Then a surprising scene appeared, Linde suddenly disappeared from their eyes.

"Ghost? The ghost of Summerhall!" Brienne couldn't help but think of the legends about Summerhall that Jon had told on the way, and said in a panic.

On the other hand, Asha said excitedly: "Is Lord Linde going to get rid of the ghosts in Summer Hall?"

Neither of them suspected that they were dazzled, because the open space they were in was on a small hill, overlooking the front lawn.

Although it was already dark at night, everything on the lawn was still so clear because of the moonlight. There was no obstruction around the place where Lind disappeared. He just disappeared out of thin air, except for the legendary Midsummer Hall. Apart from ghosts, they couldn't think of anything mysterious here that could create such a surprising scene.

"We should tell everyone immediately that something happened to the Earl!" Brienne quickly calmed down and said as she prepared to run to the camp.

But Asha grabbed her and said, "What's the use of telling everyone? Who in the camp can compare with the Earl? If something happens to the Earl, what can they do?"

Brienne was stunned for a moment, then said with a worried look on her face: "We can't just do nothing, right?"

Asha said with a sullen face, pretending to be serious: "Of course we have to do it, at least we have to make sure that something has really happened to the Earl."

Brienne, who already knew something about this fellow squire, sensed that something was wrong with Asha, and asked alertly: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course I want to go and take a look at the ruins." Asha could no longer maintain a serious expression, and said with excitement on her face again.

Brienne was of course opposed to Asha's proposal, but Asha obviously had good eloquence and quickly convinced Brienne. The two found an abandoned boat nearby that had been left behind by a previous thief. Although it was somewhat damaged, it was It's still usable, and carrying two little girls across the river shouldn't be a problem.

Soon the two crossed the moat and got into the ruins of Summer Hall.

At this moment, Linde did not know that his whereabouts had been accidentally seen by his attendants, nor did he know that the two of them ran to the ruins so boldly. His attention at the moment was completely focused on the illusion in front of him.

As he walked into the ruins of Summer Hall, the scene in front of him changed, and Summer Hall appeared in front of him in its complete form.

This is an exquisite palace. Its style is different from that of Westeros. Instead, it incorporates a lot of styles from the Essos continent. Among the things that Lind can recognize are the courtyard of Pentos and the palace of Lys. Reliefs as well as Mill style glass panes, etc.

But the most eye-catching thing is the library tower with a strong Valyrian style. There are a large number of long-winged dragon statues on the top of this tall tower, which looks a little out of place with the entire palace.

At this moment, all the servants in the palace were driven outside, and some people dressed as nobles were also looking at the palace with concern in the square outside the palace. They gathered in groups and talked quietly. Unfortunately, this It's just an illusion created by the energy of the resentful soul, and their voices cannot be heard.

There was a group of palace guards guarding the place tightly around the palace, preventing anyone from approaching. Linde walked past them, penetrated directly through the closed door, and entered the palace.

In the corridor of the palace, some monks from the Church of the Seven Gods sat on chairs and chatted quietly, and some monks were walking back and forth silently praying. It was easy to see from their looks that they were very concerned about what was happening in the palace hall. dissatisfied.

Linde ignored these monks and went directly along the corridor to the palace hall. At the entrance of the hall, two unknown Kingsguards led a team of people to guard here. The door of the hall was not closed, so you could walk in directly.I saw hundreds of people gathered in the spacious hall. These people included monks from the Church of the Seven Gods, bachelors from the city, and some pyromancers in robes.

These people all gathered around a temporary altar in the hall. There was a copper round basin placed on the altar. Seven dragon eggs were placed in the round basin. These dragon eggs were of different colors and the shapes of the scales on the surface were also different. There are different.

On both sides of the altar, seven pyromancers each held a small glass jar. Some green liquid could be seen in the glass jar.

In front of the altar, the white-haired King Aegon V and the tall Duncan stood next to a copper basin filled with dragon eggs. Behind them, a pregnant woman was lying on a chair. She felt that she was about to give birth at any time. There are several maids taking care of her, and this pregnant woman should be Rhaegar's mother, Rhaela Targaryen.

Next to the pregnant woman, there was a middle-aged couple standing anxiously looking at Aegon V in front of them. It was not difficult to guess that the middle-aged couple had similar looks to Aegon V. He should be the short Prince Duncan, and the beautiful woman on the side The Yanyan woman should be his wife Jenny from Huangshi City.

Behind Prince Duncan and his wife stood several bachelors with a large number of chains hanging on their bodies. They quickly wrote something on some special parchment with pens.

In addition, there was a short female dwarf standing next to the couple, and this dwarf also caught Lind's attention, because although the dwarf tried his best to hide his expression, he could still notice that the dwarf seemed to be able to see him. .

However, Lind's attention soon shifted from the female dwarf to the altar.

I saw that Aegon V, who was already a little impatient, said a few words to a pyromancer next to him who was obviously more luxuriously dressed.

The pyromancer took out what looked like an instrument for calculating time, played with it a few times, and then chatted with several other pyromancers for a few words before nodding towards Aegon V.

At this time, Aegon V also had a smile on his face, and then ordered the fire warlocks holding glass jars on both sides of the altar.

The pyromancers immediately uncorked the jars, poured the green liquid inside into the copper basin, and completely soaked the seven dragon eggs in it.

Then they retreated to a place they thought was safe, and one of the pyromancers picked up a wooden pole with a burning front end and pointed it at the green fire liquid in the copper basin.

A ball of fire shot up into the sky, rushed to the roof in an instant, and then spread from the stone roof to the surroundings, igniting the surrounding curtains.

This is not the most unexpected thing. The most unexpected thing is that the entire hall, or the entire Shengxia Hall Palace, all the things that can burn are burned at this moment, even if these things are not touched by the tongue of fire rising into the sky. It was as if some invisible force ignited them instantly.

Even Linde felt a scorching heat, as if he was being burned by flames. This allowed him to instinctively activate the frozen dragon rune in the sword of the Lost Knight, and a cool power instantly spread throughout his body, making him He shook off the burning sensation.

At this time, not only the items that could be ignited in the Summer Hall, but also some of the people in the room spontaneously ignited. Among these people who spontaneously combusted were Aegon V and the short Prince Duncan. Janey of Wild Stone City wanted to put it out. The flames on the husband's body were also ignited, and the couple were instantly completely enveloped in flames.

The tall Duncan also made the same move as Janey of Wildstone City. He quickly took off the white cloak behind his back and swatted the flames coming out of Aegon V's body with all his strength.

The female dwarf also tried to rush forward to extinguish the flames for Jane in Deserted Rock City, but she was pulled by a black shadow that suddenly appeared behind her, and she instantly sank into the ground.

When Lind saw the black figure, he couldn't help but be startled, because he recognized that the black figure was the Spark, the son of the forest, whom he was familiar with.

At this time, the people in the hall who had not been ignited by the flames fled frantically. Layla Targaryen's maids were also completely controlled by fear. They did not care about their master and fled with the others, leaving only Layla, who was pregnant and unable to move, lay on the chair in despair.

I don’t know if Sir Duncan’s slapping had an effect or because of other reasons. The flames on Aegon V seemed to have weakened a bit, and Aegon V also seemed to have regained some of his sanity.

I saw Aegon V raising his flaming arm with difficulty and pointing at Layla Targaryen on the chair. His eyes, whose eyeballs were completely burned off and leaving only a pair of empty sockets, turned to Sir Duncan.

The gray-haired Sir Duncan seemed to understand something. After hesitating for a moment, he turned around and ran towards Layla Targaryen with tears in his eyes. Then he picked up the pregnant woman and rushed outside quickly.

Lind calmly looked at everything that happened in front of him, looked at the Summer Hall that had been completely surrounded by fire, looked at Aegon V who had been burned to charcoal, and his eyes finally fell on the still burning flames. On the copper basin, he was curious about what happened to those dragon eggs.

So, he walked to the altar, and he suddenly discovered that Aegon V, who had been burned to char and had no eyes, seemed to be able to see himself. When he moved, his head would also move with him. His empty eyes were always pointed at himself.

Ser Duncan, who had run out of Summer Hall to save Rella Targaryen, ran back again with a few more cloaks in his hand. It seemed that he had handed Rella Targaryen to other Kingsguards. Or the guard, who himself came back to save Aegon V.

He quickly rushed to Aegon V and quickly wrapped his cloak around Aegon V. He ignored the flames spurting out from the gaps in the cloak and burned himself, and hugged the charred Aegon V with all his strength. Run outside.

While running, Aegon V raised his exposed arm slightly and pointed at the copper basin filled with dragon eggs. This gesture was obviously not for Sir Duncan, who had his back to the copper basin, but for Lind. Yes, he did see Linde.

A huge stone roof fell from the sky because its supports were burned, and fell on Sir Duncan's head, burying Sir Duncan and Aegon V under the stone.

As the flames burned, the roofs of the hall fell one after another, and the entire palace was collapsing.

At this moment, Linde had come to the edge of the copper basin and saw that there was only one dragon egg left in the copper basin, and the other dragon eggs were all burned by wildfire.

I saw that this dragon egg was blood red, and there were some blue lines mixed in the blood red. The scales of the dragon egg shell were like a whirlpool, and there was an extremely fine pattern in the center of the whirlpool, because it was too subtle. I can't see exactly what the pattern looks like.

Although Linde knew that the illusion before him was caused by the energy of the resentful soul, he still had a feeling that the dragon egg was very real, so he couldn't help but reach out and hug the dragon egg.

However, the real touch in his hand made him realize that he had really grasped a dragon egg, and then the surrounding illusions disappeared instantly. Lind returned to the ruins of Summer Hall, but compared with when he first entered the ruins. , there is an extra dragon egg in his hand.

However, next to the stone pillar base not far away, Asha and Brienne stared dumbly at Lind who appeared out of thin air, as if they had seen the ghost of Summer Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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