Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 132 Site Selection

Chapter 132 Site Selection
"Is this the dragon egg?" Nymeria looked at the dragon egg in front of her in surprise. She stretched out her hand to touch it from time to time, and then asked, "Is it one of the seven dragon eggs in the Summer Hall?"

"Yeah!" Linde nodded.

After Lind returned to the camp, he avoided the others, got directly into the tent, and then ordered all the maids in the tent to get out, and then took out the dragon egg.

There is no fixed estimate of how much a dragon egg is worth. Some say it is worth a fortune, while others say it is only worth a large ship, so there are many people who take risks for it.

Linde was not worried about the dragon egg being stolen, but he also had no intention of spreading the news that he owned one. After all, the tree was big and attracted the wind, and he could not explain the origin of the dragon egg.

"You just found it in Summer Hall? How is this possible?" Nymeria's reaction now is the reaction that other ordinary people would have after hearing the news.

Decades have passed since the Great Fire of Summer Hall. The Targaryens have searched the ruins of Summer Hall countless times, and others have also searched here many times. It has been confirmed that the dragon eggs of Aegon V are not in Summer Hall. Hall.

But now Linde has found a dragon egg in the Midsummer Hall. How can anyone believe this? Maybe someone will spread rumors that he is an evil descendant of the Long family. Who made him have a flying dragon head on his helmet? Guan, who made him find an impossible dragon egg.

By then, no matter how much King Robert loves him, he will probably be suspicious, and Jon Arryn also knows that he and Varys are secretly having an affair, so he may not be able to explain it even if he has a hundred more mouths. .

However, in the face of Nymeria's doubts and worries, Lind still told her about his experience in the ruins of Summer Hall.

Nymeria felt as if she had returned to her childhood, when her nurse told her scary stories before going to bed. She stared at Lind in a daze, speechless for a long time.

"Are you telling the truth? Are you kidding me?" After listening, Nymeria was silent for a while and asked in a deep voice.

"It's true." Linde nodded.

Nymeria thought for a moment and said, "Does this mean that this dragon egg was given to you by the ghost of Aegon V?"

Lind's mind flashed to the way Aegon V pointed to the dragon egg when he was carried away by Sir Duncan, and he said uncertainly: "It may not be a ghost, it could also be..."

Linde couldn't give an explanation for a while. If he had traveled through time, then everyone in Summer Hall would have been able to see him. It was impossible that only a female dwarf and the blind Aegon V could have seen him. .

If the female dwarf and Aegon V had special powers, then Sparks, the son of the forest who rescued the female dwarf at that time, must have been much more powerful than them, but Sparks did not see him, otherwise he would have been there at the time. When I was in the forest, when I saw him for the first time, I didn't look like I didn't recognize him at all.

But if it wasn't for time travel, how could he have felt the heat of the flames during the Great Summer Hall fire? Even when he checked afterwards, he found that the corners of his clothes were a little burnt, and it would be even more impossible to get the decades-old The dragon egg that had disappeared before.

Everything was a little weird, and Linde couldn't find a reasonable explanation for the time being.

He looked at the dragon egg again. Even without borrowing Glory's eyes, with his extraordinary vision, he could see that the magic power emitted by the dragon egg was so dazzling and eye-catching. It looked like a fire burning in the center. Like a glass ball.

He was certain that this dragon egg was definitely not a dead egg. It was unknown whether it could hatch into a dragon, and even if a dragon hatched, who could control it was another question.

In the memory of the homeless knight, there are dragon worship rituals, dragon slaying methods, and dragon feasting rituals, but there is no method of riding a dragon.

"Can it hatch a dragon?" Nymeria asked when she saw that Lind was also confused.

"Maybe?" Linde wasn't very sure either.

Because according to the explanation of the old man in the previous life, the reason why Dragon Mother's three dragons were hatched ten years later was just an accident, not inevitable. But now the world he lives in is real, and many things have already been compared with that. The content written by the old man is different, maybe this dragon egg can also become an accident.

"Then how to hatch it?" Nymeria looked at the dragon egg very excitedly and asked.

No wonder Nymeria is so excited. They have all heard stories about dragons since they were young. Every child in Westeros has dreamed of being able to ride a dragon one day when they were young. But when they grow up, they know that this is possible. , gradually gave up hope and returned to reality.

But now that there was a dragon egg in front of her, whether it could hatch or not, Nymeria regained her childhood hope.

Lind looked at Nymeria who looked excited and said, "Maybe I can give it a try."

"You really have a way to hatch dragon eggs?" Nymeria looked at Linde doubtfully.

Linde said solemnly: "You can give it a try, but there is no absolute certainty."

Linde's words were not without purpose. The Homeless Knights remembered that they worshiped dragons not only during religious ceremonies. They would also search for abandoned dragon eggs everywhere and hatch them using their own methods, and this hatching method was successful. The rate is very high, most of the viable dragon eggs have been successfully hatched, and even some semi-petrified dragon eggs have been hatched.

However, there are also disadvantages, that is, most of the dragons hatched through this method are alien dragons. However, according to the standards of the lost knights, the dragons in this world are also alien dragons, so this disadvantage may not be there. Then there are the shortcomings.

Although Lind still doesn't know what kind of impact this dragon egg will have on him in the future, he now knows that this thing will bring trouble to his rest, because Nymeria has no interest in this dragon egg. I couldn't put it down, and even asked to sleep with the dragon egg in my arms at night, as if I was afraid of losing it.

Although the dragon egg is very delicate and beautiful, it does not mean that it is comfortable to touch. In fact, the scale-like patterns on the surface of the dragon egg are very uncomfortable to hold on the body.

Early the next morning, Lind asked Nymeria to put the dragon egg in the box, otherwise he would find another tent to sleep in at night.

Nymeria also knew that her behavior was a bit excessive, and did not object to Lind's request. She vacated the box she used to store her armor, and put a soft quilt inside to make sure that the dragon eggs would not hit the box when it shook. , and then carefully put the dragon egg into the box.However, as soon as Nymeria put the dragon egg in, Asha eagerly pulled Brienne to Linde's tent to look at the dragon egg.

Nymeria already knew from Lind last night that Asha and Brienne were also in the ruins last night. Although they did not encounter what Lind had experienced, she still saw Lind get the dragon egg.

She didn't care about this. After knowing that Lind had asked the two of them not to tell anyone, she didn't say anything more. After telling the maid to leave, she asked her guards to guard outside the tent, and then took the dragon egg. Come out and show it to the two of you.

While Nymeria and the others were admiring the dragon eggs, Lind also set off for the ruins of Summer Hall again. His original purpose of coming here was not to figure out the mystery of the ghost curse here, but to see if it was suitable for building a castle. This is the purpose of his trip.

But this time he brought along the master mason who built the Blackwater River Fortress. Although the master mason was not a professional architect, it was not a problem to judge whether a place was suitable for building a castle.

The ruins of the Summer Hall Palace during the day were much calmer than last night, as if the resentful souls here also needed to rest, and no abnormalities could be felt.

Glory, who had been outside all night, also came to Linde's side, but his spirit seemed a little weak. The reason for this was not because he was tired from being outside all night, but because he had to hold back all night not to come and devour this place. The energy of the resentful soul makes the spirit extremely exhausted.

Linde rubbed Glory's head apologetically, and then told it to endure it for a few more days, waiting for him to finish studying the illusion produced by the resentful soul energy here, and then let it devour it.

"Your Majesty, I have surveyed it!" The master mason took his apprentice and his master around the Summer Hall and took out some complicated-looking measuring devices to measure the surrounding hilly terrain. Some measurements before getting back to Lind.

"Judging from your appearance, it shouldn't be good news." Linde looked at the mason's frown and said.

"Yes, it is indeed not good news." The stonemason nodded, pointed to the surrounding hills, and said: "The terrain here is completely unsuitable for building castles or fortresses. The surrounding terrain will make any defense of the castle useless. In addition, there are several mountain streams here. Although the water in each stream is not very big, when they are gathered together, the amount of water is not small. If a castle is built here, someone will collect all the water sources upstream. If we block the exit of the valley, the entire castle will be completely flooded."

The person who knows the most about a castle's weaknesses is always its builder, and Lind considers himself inferior.

"However, this place is indeed very suitable for building palaces and villas. The surrounding environment is very beautiful, and the terrain also makes the summer climate here pleasant. I think the royal architect of the Targaryen royal family must have taken a fancy to the environment here, so he built it. The summer palace was built here." The mason added: "I still recommend building a villa here. The foundation of the original summer palace can still be used, and a lot of materials and costs can be reduced during construction."

Linde shook his head. He didn't want anything like a villa at all.

Linde asked in a deep voice: "What if we want to choose a suitable place to build a castle in this area?"

"If you insist on building a castle here..." The stonemason thought for a while, glanced around, and suddenly pointed in a direction and said, "That place is very suitable for building a castle."

Lind looked towards where the mason was pointing. At first glance, Lind felt that it was a smaller version of the huge rock in Casterly Rock. The rock in Casterly Rock was at least several hundred meters tall, and the rock the mason was pointing to was The rock is only about 200 meters at most, and this rock is also steeper. There are basically no gentle slopes around to reach the top of the mountain. From a distance, it looks like a straight stone pillar. Unlike Casterly Rock City, there is a slightly gentler side of the mountain. .

"Where can a castle be built?" Linde pointed at the pillar-shaped rock mountain and asked.

"I know that there is a bachelor named Thorne in Old Town who knows how to carve a castle into the mountain wall. Duke Tywin dug a new stone castle next to the old castle in Casterly Rock ten years ago, and he was responsible for it." He said in a deep voice: "However, before the stone castle was completely built, he offended Duke Tywin for something, so his tongue was pulled out and he was rushed back to the academy."

Linde frowned and said in a deep voice: "Go to him now. Will he still agree to help me build a stone castle?"

"Others may have some difficulties, but it shouldn't be a problem for you. He is an extremely devout believer of the Seven Gods. You are the Chosen One of the Seven Gods. He will not refuse to serve the Chosen One." The stonemason explained: "In addition, The reason why he was not beheaded by Lord Tywin, but only had his tongue pulled out, was because the Bishop of the Seven Holy Cathedrals of Lannisport interceded. You have a good relationship with the Bishop of the Seven Holy Cathedrals of Lannisport and asked him to write a letter. Send a letter to Maester Thorne and things will go more smoothly."

Linde nodded, then looked at the mason with some doubts, and asked, "How can you, a mason, know so many things?"

The mason answered honestly: "I was also helping to build a new stone castle in Casterly Rock City. Maester Thorne taught me a lot of knowledge. He can be said to be my teacher. With his talent, he shouldn't just stay in a ghost city like this with nothing to do. place, he should be like Brandon the Builder, building great buildings so that everyone will remember him."

Linde could see that the stonemason admired Bachelor Thorne very much, so he recommended him so highly.

Lind looked at the stonemason and asked: "You just said that this place is not suitable for building a castle. Is it really not suitable, or is it just to draw my attention to that Bachelor Thorne?"

The stonemason quickly replied: "My lord, I dare not deceive you in this regard. If you find any stonemason who knows how to build cities, he will tell you that this is not suitable for building a castle."

Linde could see that the mason was not lying, so he nodded and said that he would consider the mason's proposal.

Later, he took people to the bottom of the columnar rock mountain pointed by the stonemason, and carefully inspected the terrain here.

As the stonemason said, this is indeed a suitable place to build a castle, but not on the top of this huge 200-meter-high rock mountain, but at the bottom.

He could completely build on the mountain, build a ring-shaped city around the rocky mountain, and the main castle of the city could be built on the top of the mountain.

Afterwards, Linde asked Glory to climb to the top of the rocky mountain and check the topography of the top. He found that there was a living water spring on the top of the mountain. This undoubtedly gave Linde, who had already planned to build a city here, another suitable reason. .

After surveying the terrain, Lind marked the location on the map. After returning to the camp, he wrote an application letter directly to the school city, straightforwardly applying for Bachelor Thorne to become his consulting bachelor. At the same time, he also Maester Thorne wrote a brief invitation letter, and then asked Jon to send these two letters to Oldtown Citadel.

In the afternoon, Lind was planning to take Nymeria for a walk around, but a group of uninvited guests came outside the camp, disrupting Lind's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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